Bhavani Ashtakam
न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भृत्यो न भर्ता ।
न जाया न विद्या न वृत्तिर्ममैव
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥१॥
ṇa Putro ṇa Putrii ṇa Bhrtyo ṇa Bhartaa |
ṇa ñaayaa ṇa Vidyaa ṇa Vrttir-ṃama-īva
ṅatis-ṭvam ṅatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkaa Bhavaani
Neither the relation nor the friend,
Neither the son nor the daughter,
Neither the servant nor the husband,
Neither the wife nor the knowledge,
And neither my sole occupation,
Are my refuges that I can depend, Oh, Bhavani.
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
पपात प्रकामी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः ।
कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥२॥
Papaata Prakaamii Pralobhii Pramattah |
ḵu-ṣamsaara-Paasha-Prabaddhah ṣada-[ā]ham
ṅatis-ṭvam ṅatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkaa Bhavaani
I am a coward, who dare not face sorrow,
I am filled with lust and sin,
I am filled with greed and desire,
And tied I am, by the this useless life that I lead,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
न जानामि तन्त्रं न च स्तोत्रमन्त्रम् ।
न जानामि पूजां न च न्यासयोगं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥३॥
ṇa Jānāmi ṭantram ṇa Ca Stotra-ṃantram |
ṇa Jānāmi Pūjām ṇa Ca ṇyāsa-ẏogam
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
Nor do I know how to meditate,
Neither do I know thanthra,
Nor do I know stanzas of prayer,
Neither do I know how to worship,
Nor do I know the art of yoga,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
न जानामि मुक्तिं लयं वा कदाचित् ।
न जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं वापि मात
र्गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥४॥
ṇa Jānāmi ṃuktim l̤ayam Vā k͟hadācit |
ṇa Jānāmi Bhaktim Vratam Vāpi ṃātar-ġatis-ṭvam
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
Know I not the way to the places sacred,
Know I not methods of salvation,
Know I not how to merge my mind with God,
Know I not the art of devotion,
Know I not how to practice austerities, Oh, mother,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
कुलाचारहीनः कदाचारलीनः ।
कुदृष्टिः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥५॥
k͟hula-[āa]cāra-ḥīnah k͟hadācāra-l̤īnah |
k͟hu-ḍrssttih k͟hu-Vākya-Prabandhah Sada-[ā]ham
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
Keep I company of bad ones,
Think I bad and sinful thoughts,
Serve I bad masters,
Belong I to a bad family,
Immersed I am in sinful acts,
See I with bad intentions,
Write I collection of bad words,
Always and always,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
दिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वा कदाचित् ।
न जानामि चान्यत् सदाहं शरण्ये
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥६॥
ḍine[a-īs]śam ṇiśīthe[a-ī]śvaram Vā k͟hadācit |
ṇa Jānāmi Cānyat Sada-[ā]ham ṣarannye
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
Nor the lord of Lakshmi,
Neither do I know the lord of all,
Nor do I know the lord of devas,
Neither do I know the god who makes the day,
Nor the god who rules at night,
Neither do I know any other gods,
Oh, goddess to whom I bow always,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
जले चानले पर्वते शत्रुमध्ये ।
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रपाहि
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥७॥
Jale Ca-[ā]nale Parvate ṣatru-ṃadhye |
ārannye ṣarannye Sadā ṃām Prapāhi
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
While I am immersed in sorrow,
While I am suffering an accident,
While I am traveling far off,
While I am in water or fire,
While I am on the top of a mountain,
While I am surrounded by enemies,
And while I am in a deep forest,
Oh goddess, I always bow before thee,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.
महाक्षीणदीनः सदा जाड्यवक्त्रः ।
विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रनष्टः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥८॥
ṃahā-k͟hssīnna-ḍīnah Sadā Jāddya-Vaktrah |
Vipattau Pravissttah Pranassttah Sadāham
ġatis-ṭvam ġatis-ṭvam ṭvam-ĕkā Bhavāni
While being extremely poor,
While affected by disease of old age,
While I am terribly tired,
While I am in a pitiable state,
While I am being swallowed by problems,
And while I suffer serious dangers,
I always bow before thee,
So you are my refuge and only refuge, Bhavani.

Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Bhavani Ashtakam is a popular hymn on Goddess Bhavani, who is known for her protection and merciful nature. The Lyrics of this hymn have an in-depth meaning that which explains, I don’t have anyone or anything other than you, the divine mother Bhavani to protect in all difficult situations. Tuljapur is a famous pilgrimage of Devi Bhavani (popularly called as Tulja Bhavani).
Other Parvati Shlokams
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Bhavani Ashtakam – Parvati – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.