Bhoomi Suktam
सा नो भूतस्य भव्यस्य पत्न्युरुं लोकं पृथिवी नः कृणोतु ॥१॥
Sā ṇo Bhūtasya Bhavayasya Patny[i]-ūrum l̤okam Prthivī ṇah k͟hrnnotu ||||
नानावीर्या ओषधीर्या बिभर्ति पृथिवी नः प्रथतां राध्यतां नः ॥२॥
ṇānā-Vīryā ŏssadhīryā Bibharti Prthivī ṇah Prathatām ṟādhyatām ṇah ||||
यस्यामिदं जिन्वति प्राणदेजत्सा नो भूमिः पूर्वपेये दधातु ॥३॥
ẏasyām-īdam Jinvati Prānnad-ĕjat-Sā ṇo Bhūmih Pūrva-Peye ḍadhātu ||||
या बिभर्ति बहुधा प्राणदेजत्सा नो भूमिर्गोष्वप्यन्ने दधातु ॥४॥
ẏā Bibharti Bahudhā Prānnad-ĕjat-Sā ṇo Bhūmir-ġossv[u]-āpy[i]-ānne ḍadhātu ||||
गवामश्वानां वयसश्च विष्ठा भगं वर्चः पृथिवी नो दधातु ॥५॥
ġavām-āśvānām Vayasaś-Ca Visstthā Bhagam Varcah Prthivī ṇo ḍadhātu ||||
वैश्वानरं बिभ्रती भूमिरग्निमिन्द्रऋषभा द्रविणे नो दधातु ॥६॥
Vaiśvānaram Bibhratī Bhūmir-āgnim-īndra-ṟssabhā ḍravinne ṇo ḍadhātu ||||
she holds the Vaishvanara (the universal fire) within her, the fire which empowers Indra and Rishabha; may the mother earth bestow on us (the splendour of that fire and make us strong).
सा नो मधु प्रियं दुहामथो उक्षतु वर्चसा ॥७॥
Sā ṇo ṃadhu Priyam ḍuhām-ātho ūkssa-ṭu Varcasā ||||
यस्या हृदयं परमे व्योमन्त्सत्येनावृतममृतं पृथिव्याः ।
सा नो भूमिस्त्विषिं बलं राष्ट्रे दधातूत्तमे ॥८॥
ẏasyā ḥrdayam Parame Vyomant-Satyena-[ā]avrtam-āmrtam Prthivyāh |
Sā ṇo Bhūmis-ṭvissim Balam ṟāssttre ḍadhātu-ūttame ||||
सा नो भूमिर्भूरिधारा पयो दुहामथो उक्षतु वर्चसा ॥९॥
Sā ṇo Bhūmir-Bhūri-ḍhārā Payo ḍuhām-ātho ūkssatu Varcasā ||||
इन्द्रो यां चक्र आत्मनेऽनमित्रां शचीपतिः ।
सा नो भूमिर्वि सृजतां माता पुत्राय मे पयः ॥१०॥
īndro ẏām Cakra āatmane-[ā]namitrām ṣacī-Patih |
Sā ṇo Bhūmirvi Srjatām ṃātā Putrāya ṃe Payah ||||
बभ्रुं कृष्णां रोहिणीं विश्वरूपां ध्रुवां भूमिं पृथिवीमिन्द्रगुप्ताम् ।
अजीतेऽहतो अक्षतोऽध्यष्ठां पृथिवीमहम् ॥११॥
Babhrum k͟hrssnnām ṟohinnīm Viśvarūpām ḍhruvām Bhūmim Prthivīm-īndra-ġuptām |
ājīte-[ā]hato ākssato-[ā]dhyasstthām Prthivīm-āham ||||
तासु नो धेह्यभि नः पवस्व माता भूमिः पुत्रो अहं पृथिव्याः ।
पर्जन्यः पिता स उ नः पिपर्तु ॥१२॥
ṭāsu ṇo ḍhehy[i]-ābhi ṇah Pavasva ṃātā Bhūmih Putro āham Prthivyāh |
Parjanyah Pitā Sa ū ṇah Pipartu ||||
यस्यां मीयन्ते स्वरवः पृथिव्यामूर्ध्वाः शुक्रा आहुत्याः पुरस्तात् ।
सा नो भूमिर्वर्धयद्वर्धमाना ॥१३॥
ẏasyām ṃīyante Svaravah Prthivyām-ūurdhvāh ṣukrā āahutyāh Purastāt |
Sā ṇo Bhūmir-Vardhayad-Vardhamānā ||||
तं नो भूमे रन्धय पूर्वकृत्वरि ॥१४॥
ṭam ṇo Bhūme ṟandhaya Pūrvakrtvari ||||
तवेमे पृथिवि पञ्च मानवा येभ्यो ज्योतिरमृतं मर्त्येभ्य उद्यन्त्सूर्यो रश्मिभिरातनोति ॥१५॥
ṭave[a-ī]me Prthivi ṃānavā ẏebhyo Jyotir-āmrtam ṃartyebhya ūdyant-Sūryo ṟaśmibhir-āatanoti ||||
शिवां स्योनामनु चरेम विश्वहा ॥१७॥
ṣivām Syonām-ānu Carema Viśvahā ||||
महांस्त्वेन्द्रो रक्षत्यप्रमादम् ।
सा नो भूमे प्र रोचय हिरण्यस्येव संदृशि मा नो द्विक्षत कश्चन ॥१८॥
ṃahān-s-ṭve[a-ī]ndro ṟakssatya[i-ā]pramādam |
Sā ṇo Bhūme Pra ṟocaya ḥirannyasye[a-ī]va Samdrśi ṃā ṇo ḍvikssata k͟haścana ||||

Bhoomi Suktam or Hymn to Mother Earth is one of the most beautiful hymns that describes the beauty of Mother Earth and imparts lessons regarding the attitude a person must cultivate towards the environment.
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Prthvi Tvaya Dhrita Loka
Om, O Prithivi devi, by you are borne the entire loka (world); and devi, you in turn are borne by Sri Vishnu, please hold me (on your lap), and make this asana (seat of the worshipper) pure.
Samudravasane Devi
O! Mother Earth, who has the ocean as her clothes, mountains and forests as her body, who is the wife of Lord Krishna (Vishnu) I bow to you. Please, forgive me as my feet are going to touch you.
Saranagata Dinarta
My salutations to you O Narayani Devi, you are immersed in the protection of the feeble and the distressed who have taken refuge in you; you are the remover of the distress of all.
Sri Suktam
This hymn is found in the Rig Vedic khilanis, which are appendices to the Rigveda that date to pre-Buddhist times. The Śrī Sūkta is one of the Pañca-Sūktam (5 Suktams) recited during the 3-hour long T
Bhoomi Suktam – Lakshmi – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.