Ganesha Pancharathnam
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोक रक्षकम् |
अनायकैक नायकं विनाशितेभ दैत्यकं |
नताशुभाशु नाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ‖ 1 ‖
kalādharāvataṃsakaṃ vilāsiloka rakṣakam |
anāyakaika nāyakaṃ vināśitebha daityakaṃ |
natāśubhāśu nāśakaṃ namāmi taṃ vināyakam ‖ 1 ‖
Who Holds the digit of the moon as his ornament and with a joyful spirit protects the world,
Who is without any master but is himself the only master for his devotees, and protects them by destroying the (inner) demons,
To those who surrender to him, he destroys the inauspicious tendencies quickly; I salute Sri Vinayaka and surrender to him.
नमत्सुरारि निर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्ढरम् |
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं |
महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ‖ 2 ‖
namatsurāri nirjaraṃ natādhikāpadudḍharam |
sureśvaraṃ nidhīśvaraṃ gajeśvaraṃ gaṇeśvaraṃ |
maheśvaraṃ tamāśraye parātparaṃ nirantaram ‖ 2 ‖
Who is always fresh without any decay, and is saluted reverentially by the devas and the devoted persons; who extricates those who surrender to him from difficult calamities,
Who is the god of the devas (Sureshvara), who is the god of prosperity (nidhishvara), who is the god with an elephant face (gajeshvara) and who is the god of the ganas (celestial attendants) (Ganeshvara),
Who is the great god (Maheshvara); to his refuge, who is superior than the best, i continually place myself in devotional surrender.
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभ वक्त्रमक्षरम् |
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं |
मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ‖ 3 ‖
daretarodaraṃ varaṃ varebha vaktramakṣaram |
kṛpākaraṃ kṣamākaraṃ mudākaraṃ yaśaskaraṃ |
manaskaraṃ namaskṛtāṃ namaskaromi bhāsvaram ‖ 3 ‖
Whose huge body signifies prosperity and boon-giving and whose most excellent face reflects his imperishable nature.
Who showers grace (kripakara), who showers forgiveness (kshamakara), who showers joy (mudakara) and who showers glory (yashaskara) to his devotees,
Who bestows intelligence and wisdom (manaskara) to those who salute him with reverence; I salute his shining form.
पुरारि पूर्व नन्दनं सुरारि गर्व चर्वणम् |
प्रपञ्च नाश भीषणं धनञ्जयादि भूषणं |
कपोल दानवारणं भजे पुराण वारणम् ‖ 4 ‖
purāri pūrva nandanaṃ surāri garva carvaṇam |
prapañca nāśa bhīṣaṇaṃ dhanañjayādi bhūṣaṇaṃ |
kapola dānavāraṇaṃ bhaje purāṇa vāraṇam ‖ 4 ‖
Who is the former son (the latter being kartikeya) of the enemy of tripurasuras (i.e. lord Shiva), and who chews down the pride and arrogance of the enemies of the devas,
Who wields terrible power to destroy the delusion of the five elements constituting the world (from the mind of his devotees); who himself is adorned with the powers (behind the five elements) like fire etc,
From whose cheeks flow down the juice of grace; salutations to him whose praise similarly flows down like juice from the puranas.
अचिन्त्य रूपमन्त हीन मन्तराय कृन्तनम् |
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां |
तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम् ‖ 5 ‖
acintya rūpamanta hīna mantarāya kṛntanam |
hṛdantare nirantaraṃ vasantameva yogināṃ |
tamekadantameva taṃ vicintayāmi santatam ‖ 5 ‖
Whose essential form is inconceivable and without any limit, and which cuts through the obstacles of his devotees,
Who continually abides in the cave of the heart of the yogis.
I continually reflect upon him, the ekadanta (another name of Sri Vinayaka).
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् |
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां |
समाहितायु रष्टभूति मभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात् ‖
prajalpati prabhātake hṛdi smaran gaṇeśvaram |
arogatāmadoṣatāṃ susāhitīṃ suputratāṃ |
samāhitāyu raṣṭabhūti mabhyupaiti so’cirāt ‖
And utter this at dawn contemplating on Sri Ganeshvara in their hearts
Will be free of diseases and vices, will get good spouses and good sons,
And with it he will get long life and the eight powers soon.

The composer, Guru Sri Adi Shankaracharya had praised the God Ganesha by presenting these five stanzas as five jewels, hence the name Maha Ganesha Pancharatnam.
Other Ganesha Shlokams
Agajanana Padmakam
We meditate day and night on the one-tusked one who is the sun for the lotus in the form of the face of Pārvatī, the one with the elephant face and the one who is the giver of all desired ends to his
Gajananam Bhuta
I bow to you, the Lord with the face of an elephant (Gajanana), one who is served by the celestial attendants (Bhoota ganas) and other beings. The one who consumes the extract of Kapitha (wood apple)
Gananamtva Ganapatim
Among the celestial attendants (Ganas), you are the Lord (Ganapathi), We offer sacrificial oblations to you You are the wisest among the scholars. Your wisdom is known to be highest quality and uncomp
Ganapathi Atharvashirsha
The Ganapati Atharvasirsha Upanishad is a Sanskrit text and a minor Upanishad of Hinduism. It is a late Upanishadic text dedicated to Ganesha, the deity representing intellect.
Ganapati Stotram
As the rays from the lotus-face of Gauri (Devi Parvati) is always on her beloved son Gajanana (Who has the face of an Elephant), Similarly, the grace of Sri Ganesha is always on his devotees; Granting
Ganesh Chathurthi
Significance of Ganesh Puja, Vinayaka Chavithi or Chathurthi. See how to prepare for Ganesha Pooja, How to perform the Puja with Video instructions and enjoy Audio devotional songs, uninterrupted and without ads.
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra
We pray to the one-tusked; we meditate on the one having a twisted trunk. May that Ganapati (one-tusked) inspire us (to meditate).
Ganesha Stavah
Ganesha Stavah or Ganapati Stavah is a set of 13 verses that describe the glory of Lord Ganesha. Gaṇapati stavaḥ is said to be from Ganesh Purana - upāsanā khaṇḍa adhyāya 13.
Mooshika Vahana
Salutations to Sri Vighna Vinayaka, whose vehicle is the mouse and who has the modaka in his hand, whose large ears are like fans and who wears a long sacred thread, who is short in stature and is th
Sankata Nashana Ganesha Stotram
This stotram is from Narada Purana. Sankata means problems, difficulties and Nashanam means to destroy. So, by chanting this stotram one is praying to Lord Ganesha to remove his difficulties. In Sanskrit, English Translation, Meaning, Significance…
I meditate upon (Lord Ganesa), the one who wears a white garment, who is all-pervasive, who has a (bright) complexion like the moon, who has four hands, who has a cheerful face, for the removal of all
Vakratunda Mahakaya
O god with the twisted trunk, broad-bodied, brilliant as thousand suns, bless me with freedom from obstructions and hindrances in all my works and for all times.
Ganesha Pancharathnam – Ganesha – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.