abādhita अबाधित
Not subject to negation (a definition of satyam); unimpeded; unobstructed; unrefuted; see bādhaḥ.
ābhāsaḥ आभासः
Appearance; semblance; reflection ('reflection' is typically used figuratively in Vedāntaḥ – see bimbaḥ).
abhāvaḥ अभावः
'Non-existence'; non-manifestation; complete absence; see bhāvaḥ. Since, by its very nature, existence is not an attribute, there is no such thing as non-existence, only non-manifestation: existence itself never ceases to exist, whereas the names and forms of existence are transient (Gītā 2.16). See sattā.
Non-existence cannot be claimed except of an existent entity ('It doesn't exist' negates itself) and so non-existence is impossible. Neither can non-existence have attributes (such as beginnings and endings). Similarly, to say 'there is nothing there' requires the presence of a knower to reveal that 'nothing'.
Perception is creation. There is no creation other than perception. Perception of a thing is its origination. "Things exist because they are known."* The world enjoys the status of being existent only when it becomes known. No object exists independently of its observer confirming its existence. An experiencer is required to prove the existence of an experienced object because the object borrows its existence from the subject. Without the subject perceiving it, it is as good as non-existent. If it existed independently of the subject it would be permanently existent and hence never not present. The existence of the subject is self-proven (self-evident) but the existence of an object is proved only by the subject. Hence, the world is mithyā. See dṛṣṭi-sṛṣṭi-vādaḥ, saṃvṛtiḥ and nimitta-kāraṇam.
The naiyāyikaḥ philosophers (logicians) claim there are four types of non-existence: anyonya-abhāvaḥ, atyanta-abhāvaḥ, pradhvaṃsa-abhāvaḥ and prāg-abhāvaḥ.
abhayam अभयम्
Fearlessness; peace; security.
abhedaḥ अभेदः
Non-difference; non-division; non-breaking; see bhedaḥ.
abhidhānam अभिधानम्
A word; an expression; see abhidheyam.
abhidheyam अभिधेयम्
Object/meaning denoted by its corresponding word/expression, abhidhānam; the meaning conveyed by a word; the person meant by a given name.
Neither the organ of speech (vāg-indriyam), nor the word(s) it produces (abhidhānam), nor the object pointed to or denoted by words (abhidheyam) can directly reveal the vastu, the ātmā. The ātmā, being ever the attributeless, actionless, relationless subject, can never be directly revealed by speech or words (as objects can) but may be revealed only by what remains when words, namely the words of Vedāntaḥ, have been properly used.
The words of Vedāntaḥ tell us what the ātmā is not, leaving it to be revealed by what that negation implies.
This elegantly simple method of implication through negation, even though using words, avoids the limitations of words: it avoids a definition. A definition would make an object out of the self-evident self, ātmā, whereas that which remains (that which is not dismissed) after showing what ātmā is not, makes the hitherto non-obvious immediately obvious.
When the error in the (famous) tenth man's thinking is dismissed, it immediately becomes obvious to him that he is the 'missing' tenth man – and has never not been the so-called missing tenth.
abhimānaḥ अभिमानः
'I'-sense; a term typically used to indicate the erroneous identification with the mind and body – known as deha-abhimānaḥ – and the almost inevitable proud arrogation of their attributes and capacities to oneself; conceited; haughty.
Abhimānaḥ takes two forms: universal or samānya-abhimānaḥ, and individual or particular, viśeṣa-abhimānaḥ. The first, association with a body and mind (due to prārabdha-karma) is universal, naturally found in all creatures, and includes awareness of bodily hunger/satiety, emotional urges, etc. The second (viśeṣa-abhimānaḥ) is the intellectual conviction 'I am this body'; it is this conviction alone, born of avidyā (leading successively to adhyāsaḥ, āropaḥ and adhyāropaḥ) that is called bandhaḥ, bondage.
Having foolishly shackled his identity to the body, the individual weaves himself a so-called protective cocoon of cherished notions and objects, succeeding only in wrapping himself in saṃsāraḥ.
abhiniveśaḥ अभिनिवेशः
Tenacious clinging to (investment in) the ephemeral body and worldly life, believing them to be enduring. See kleśaḥ.
abhinna अभिन्न
Non-separate; non-different.
abhyantara अभ्यन्तर
Internal (opp. of bāhya, external).
abhyāsaḥ अभ्यासः
Repeated practice – primarily in Vedāntaḥ it is repeatedly recognising a fact and so continually avoiding or refraining from error (such recognition requires vivekaḥ, and vairāgyam naturally follows); exercise.
In japaḥ, for example, during repetition of the mantraḥ we repeatedly recognise the fact of the distinction between the mantra and the awareness in which and by which the repeating mantra is known. Gradually, the distinctness of this awareness becomes clearer and clearer, ever more obvious. Gradually we learn to refrain from the error of identifying with the mind and come more and more to recognise our identity with that pure unalloyed awareness.
acala अचल
Unmoving; unagitated. All movements in the mind have ever-unmoving consciousness as their substratum, just as waves have ever-unmoving water as theirs. The agitated mind does not need to be stilled to recognise this fact.
ācāraḥ आचारः
Conduct; principled, scripture-inspired behaviour of noble people handed down as tradition.
ācāryaḥ आचार्यः
A teacher (and exemplar) of ācāraḥ. One well versed in the śāstram and steadfast in knowledge of the truth.
A true teacher's words are rational, never contradicting one's reasoning. A proper teacher makes the student see what he sees, he does not simply make the student believe. Such teaching invokes trust and at the same time helps the student gradually become emotionally independent.
Among teachers of Vedāntaḥ, a traditional Vedānta-ācāryaḥ will regularly point out to his students that one day, when equipped with sufficient purity of mind through karma-yogaḥ, they will have to come to ātma-vicāraḥ, self-enquiry, for liberation. Only self-enquiry, in which ātmā is cognitively distinguished from anātmā, leads to liberation. Those ācāryas who say ātma-vicāraḥ is not required and that bhaktiḥ, or God, or nāma-saṅkirtanam will give liberation, have strayed from tradition.
The teacher always gives credit to the paramparā, the preceding lineage of teachers, giving importance only to the teaching. If importance is given only to the teaching it becomes a tradition. Instead, if a person merely makes one believe what he believes, he is a preacher not a teacher. If he puts himself before the teaching he creates a cult, and with it emotional dependence.
A real teacher is someone who understands and follows, and makes others understand and follow; "not only by words, but by example, do others understand and follow."* See guruḥ, śrotriyaḥ, brahma-niṣṭhā.
ācāryopāsanam आचार्योपासनम्
Meditation upon the teacher; keeping the teacher (who stands for the vision, dṛṣṭiḥ, of the teaching) always in one's heart; willingness to serve the teacher; expressing gratitude to and respect for the teacher and the teaching by serving the teacher as best one may. This does not amount to worship of the person, but reverence for what the teacher represents, namely scriptural knowledge and thus knowledge of Brahman.
Surrender of ego and personal likes and dislikes is implied, providing an opportunity for growth for the student. Avoidance of even a whiff of exploitation, so that only the student gains, is essential.
Whether service occurs or not, willingness to serve is the significant aspect and is where growth at the altar of surrender occurs.
acetana अचेतन
Inanimate; non-living.
acetasaḥ अचेतसः
Indiscriminate people; those who, lacking maturity and the requisite purity of mind, are not prepared mentally for liberation.
acintya अचिन्त्य
Beyond any mental construct; beyond thought; inconceivable.
acyuta अच्युत
Ever present; never slips away.
adambhitvam अदम्भित्वम्
Absence of pretence; free from hypocrisy, posturing and self-glorification.
ādhāraḥ आधारः
Support; base; foundation.
adharmaḥ अधर्मः
Not in line with the inherent, natural order of dharmaḥ; unwise; action leading to an unfavourable outcome.
ādhibhautika-tāpaḥ आधिभौतिक-तापः
Pain (tāpaḥ) caused by an obstacle arising from local circumstances, e.g. heavy traffic, store closure, machine failure, and from problems associated with close acquaintances, family and friends; also see ādhyātmika-tāpaḥ, ādhidaivika-tāpaḥ.
adhi अधि
Centred on; concerning; related to.
adhibhūtam अधिभूतम्
Gross, manifest universe; centred on a (transient) being, element or entity; centred on all that is perishable. Īśvaraḥ, when regarded as the material cause, upādāna-kāraṇam (otherwise known as māyā) is referred to as adhibhūtam, that which pertains to the total – see adhyātmam.
adhidaivam अधिदैवम्
Subtle (non-physical) manifest universe; centred on the devāḥ, on the gods (the myriad natural forces that manifest and operate the world and its interacting and inter-dependent systems – including Nature, all the sciences, etc., – and hence centred on the natural events that arise from them); 'devaḥ' or 'adhidaivam' may alternatively refer to or imply their ruling intelligence, Īśvaraḥ, as the nimitta-kāraṇam, the one puruṣaḥ; also see Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ. The term adhidaiva refers to the universal aspect of a power – the power of sight, for example, is a universal power, common to all. The individual aspect or expression of a power or capacity (such as an individual's capacity to see) is referred to by the term adhyātma. In truth, it is one and the same power.
ādhidaivika-tāpaḥ आधिदैविक-तापः
Pain (tāpaḥ) caused by an obstacle arising from natural events such as weather, earthquakes, floods, bushfires, etc. (produced through the devāḥ, see adhidaivam, above); also see ādhyātmika-tāpaḥ, ādhibhautika-tāpaḥ.
adhikaraṇam अधिकरणम्
Substratum; location; source of action; location or place of action.
adhikārī अधिकारी
Qualified aspirant (especially for self-knowledge); see sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
ādhikyam आधिक्यम्
Abundance; excess.
adhiṣṭhānam अधिष्ठानम्
Basis; support; seat; absolute existence; the source of the existence of everything; (synonym of Brahman). Adhiṣṭhitam, that which is supported. See āśrayaḥ.
adhiyajñaḥ अधियज्ञः
Cause and truth of all; centred on ritual; the one on whom the ritual is centred, i.e. antaryāmīśvaraḥ (Īśvaraḥ, the unmanifest cause of all, the subject of ritual).
adhyāhāraḥ अध्याहारः
Insertion of extra words into a sentence to make clear its intended meaning.
adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā अध्यारोप-अपवाद-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
Method (prakriyā) of analysis (vivekaḥ) for arriving at the true self (ātmā) by bringing to light and then negating (apavādaḥ) the false identities and attributes mistakenly superimposed (adhyāropaḥ) upon oneself. This is the primary method Vedāntaḥ uses for uncovering freedom. All other prakriyās are developments of it. See prakriyā.
It begins by showing that, as Brahman is all that is here, it alone can be the cause of the jagat, the universe. Since there is nothing here but Brahman, the jagat must be only a name, form and function (nāma-rūpa-karma) of Brahman, i.e. a superimposition, adhyāropaḥ, upon Brahman. Hence, the jagat can have no independent reality of its own.
A clay pot is similarly a name, form and function of its causal substance, clay, and has no reality of its own – remove the clay and the superimposed name, form and function, pot, disappears. Having only a dependent reality, like the pot, the jagat cannot properly be considered to be real. If it is not really real, it cannot be regarded as an effect, and, if there is no effect, Brahman cannot be a cause (hence the negation, apavādaḥ, of its causal status).
The purpose here is also to show that the actionless Brahman 'acts' by lending existence to the world. Without existence, the world could not exist. Existence is lent, not by an action, but by mere presence (in which there is no change whatsoever in Brahman). Thus, the world is revealed to be not a product of Brahman but an effortless, ever-recurring, mithyā appearance in Brahman, somewhat like a recurring dream for a sleeping waker.
adhyāropaḥ अध्यारोपः
Superimposition. Due to erroneous conception, adhyāsaḥ, the characteristic(s) of one thing are seemingly or falsely attributed, āropaḥ, to another. That results in their superimpostion, adhyāropaḥ, upon that other. Such invalid superimposition leads, for example, to a mistaken notion of the self, ahaṅkāraḥ.
adhyāropa-vākyam अध्यारोप-वाक्यम्
A statement of (deliberate) superimposition. A teaching device used by the śāstram to show that all that is here is Brahman. For example, by referring to the Lord as the cause of all that is here, the śāstram superimposes the status of 'cause' on Brahman in order to show that all that is here arises from Brahman. See apavāda-vākyam and adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā.
adhyāsaḥ अध्यासः
Erroneous cognition; misconception: taking something to be what it is not; confusing this with that. Without upādhiḥ, adhyāsaḥ is not possible. Upādhiḥ is instrumental and avidyā (ignorance) is the cause for adhyāsaḥ (self-misconception).
Adhyāsaḥ (not the world) is responsible for individual unhappiness as misconceptions lead successively to āropaḥ, adhyāropaḥ, ahaṅkāraḥ, kāmaḥ, karma and then saṃsāraḥ. See nirupādhikādhyāsaḥ, sopādhikādhyāsaḥ and anyonya-adhyāsaḥ.
adhyasta अध्यस्त
Wrongly ascribed; mistakenly attributed.
adhyātma-cetas अध्यात्म-चेतस्
Of discriminating mind; knowledge of the right thing to do; one who is completely committed to self-knowledge.
adhyātma-jñānam अध्यात्म-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge centred on the self; knowledge whose object is the self; knowledge of the absolute self as one's own self.
adhyātma-jñāna-nityatvam अध्यात्म-ज्ञान-नित्यत्वम्
Constancy in knowledge centred on the self; a value for constancy in study of the scriptures centred on the self (the Upaniṣads, etc.) in order to ensure that that knowledge is clear and free from doubt.
adhyātmam अध्यात्मम्
Centred on, concerning, belonging to the self, the individual – namely whatever is taken to be or belong to the self, be it the body (dehaḥ), jīvaḥ, or ātmā. See adhidaivam and adhibhūtam.
ādhyātmika-tāpaḥ आध्यात्मिक-तापः
Pain (tāpaḥ) caused by an obstacle pertaining to oneself, e.g. worry, agitation, illness, physical impairment, etc.; also see ādhidaivika-tāpaḥ, ādhibhautika-tāpaḥ.
adhyāyaḥ अध्यायः
A chapter; a lesson; a reading.
adhyayana अध्ययन
Focused, reverential attention on a mantraḥ throughout its recitation.
ādi आदि
Beginning (with); etcetera; indicates others of the same group, e.g. śamādi, the group beginning with śamaḥ (śamaḥ, damaḥ, uparamaḥ, titikṣā, śraddhā, samādhānam).
adṛṣṭa अदृष्ट
Unseen; unknown (the cause of suffering or pleasure is unseen/unknown since ordinary so-called causes are themselves symptoms); invisible; not experienced; unobserved – especially in relation to the accumulation of puṇya-pāpam.
adṛṣṭa-phalam अदृष्ट-फलम्
An unseen result (of an action), a result that manifests later. An unseen result accrues only when an action is done rightly or wrongly – not when an action is not done.
When an action is not done, a seen result, a dṛṣṭa-phalam (even though not directly produced) can certainly occur: an unmade bed will remain unmade, uncut hair will grow, etc. An adṛṣṭa-phalam is the as-yet-unseen result produced by actual mental or physical action, not a result that might arise from inaction. See dṛṣṭa-phalam and naimittika-karma.
advaita अद्वैत
Non-dual (advaitam, non-duality). The term Advaita Vedānta is a tautology as proper, traditional Vedāntaḥ is ever non-dual in its vision.
advaya अद्वय
Not two.
advitīya अद्वितीय
Without a second; second to none; matchless.
āgāmi-karma आगामि-कर्म
New karma (formed solely by human beings) due to action here in this present life – action in which there is free-will and kartṛtvam. Āgāmi-karma or future karma (also known as kriyamāṇa-karma, karma that is 'being formed') is stored in sañcita as unmanifest puṇya-pāpam to await fructification and manifestation as prārabdha either in this life or a future one.
Note that there is no āgāmi-karma for the jñānī since all sancita up to the rise of knowledge is destroyed and no āgāmi-karma forms afterwards as the wise have no personal motives and no doership. See prārabdha-karma, sañcita-karma.
agniḥ अग्निः
Deity of fire; the element Fire; subtle aspect of form, shape and colour; it is appreciable through sound, touch and sight; the very word agniḥ also implies 'fire ritual'; also see pāñcabhautikam, the five-element model of the universe – ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth.
agnihotram अग्निहोत्रम्
A very simple, twice-daily Vedic fire ritual, with oblations and mantras, to be performed only by married people; generates puṇyam; smallest of the fire rituals prescribed in the Karma-Kāṇḍaḥ of the Vedaḥ; to be performed with relevant oblations and mantras by a man from the day of his marriage (now there is a substitute pūjā for this ritual).
agocara अगोचर
Inaccessible (indriya agocara, imperceptible, not accessible through the senses; vācām agocara, inexplicable).
agotra अगोत्र
Having no lineage.
aham अहम्
'I' (the first-person-singular pronoun); the 'I'-sense. In common with the word ātmā, the word aham can be and is used to mean oneself, although not always accurately.
ahaṃ brahmāsmi अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
'I am Brahman' (Bṛhadāraṇyaka 1.4.10). The term 'I' refers here to that which is the very source and essence of the 'I am' thought – namely, pure consciousness (Brahman) – not to what is commonly regarded as 'I' or 'me', the individual mind. See mahāvākyam and also see tattvamasi, ayamātmā brahma, prajñānaṃ brahma.
ahaṅgraha upāsanam अहङ्ग्रह उपासनम्
A meditation in which I see myself as Brahman. My hand is seen as Brahman, my body, my mind, all that I call 'I' is seen by me as Brahman. Like this, ahaṅkāraḥ and Brahman are equated. However, it is a sādhanam in which ahaṅkāraḥ has yet to be properly negated and so it is not nididhyāsanam. It becomes nididhyāsanam when I really do see that I am Brahman, which is not at all the same as seeing myself as Brahman. See sampat upāsanam and upāsanam.
ahaṅkāraḥ अहङ्कारः
Sense of 'I', 'me' and 'mine'; mistaken notion of the self; upādhiḥ of ātmā; the misplacement of the sense of 'I' in the body-mind-sense complex (and especially in the sense of doership) due to the superimposition, adhyāropaḥ, upon the self (pure consciousness) of false and limiting attributes.
Ahaṅkāraḥ, the mistaken notion of 'I', arises because of identification, tādātmyam, of the self with these non-intrinsic attributes that include things like thinking, remembering, feeling, perceiving, acting, etc. It is the nature of ahaṅkāraḥ to continually adopt and claim such limitations and identify with them. The suffix 'kāra' expresses the qualifying or limiting of 'aham', this limiting is the mistaken attribution or appropriation of ever-changing characteristics to changeless being.
When ahaṅkāraḥ is manifest, the mind is then objectified as ‘this’, creating a duality (this is my mind, my thoughts and feelings) and so too with the world. Such limiting, dualistic notions create an irrational but compelling sense of lack or inadequacy in oneself and the world, leading to desire, kāmaḥ, to either mitigate or overcome that seeming lack. See mamakāraḥ.
(Note: ahaṅkāraḥ is also known as ahaṅkṛtiḥ and the meaning is the same.)
ahiṃsā अहिंसा
Abstaining from hurting, harming or killing anyone or anything in thought, word or deed; harmlessness; the primary virtue, following which all others become followed; the most exalted of the universal values; one of the five prohibitions of yamaḥ and sāmānya-dharmaḥ.
āhutiḥ आहुतिः
Any solemn rite accompanied with oblations – punāhutiḥ is an oblation that is the culmination of all worship in which the offerer is offered through cognitively resolving the 'I'-sense, aham, in the Lord, in Īśvaraḥ.
aikyam ऐक्यम्
Oneness; the fact of being ever one and the same; non-difference.
aiśvaryam ऐश्वर्यम्
Lordship; overlordship; see bhagaḥ.
ajaḥ अजः
ajahal-lakṣaṇā अजहल्-लक्षणा
A type of implication in which one or more words are added to an unclear or incomplete statement to bring out the intended or implied meaning. For example, in "Red won" we retain the literal and primary meanings of the words 'red' and 'won' and add another word, 'horse', to complete the meaning of the sentence, namely, 'the red horse won'. Since this type of implication (also known as ajahatī-lakṣaṇā) retains the literal meaning of words, and additional words merely clarify that literal meaning, it is unsuitable for elucidating the subtlety of tattvamasi. See jahallakṣaṇā, jahadajahallakṣaṇā and also lakṣaṇam.
ajāti-vādaḥ अजाति-वादः
The view (vādaḥ) that nothing has been born (lit. 'is not born') nothing has originated (ajāti). The view that there is no creation. Here, it is being said that the creation is an appearance, a manifestation of what was previously unmanifest, like a pot that, until its manifestation, was unmanifest in clay.
Vivarta-vādaḥ and ajāti-vādaḥ are two different ways of looking at the mithyātvam of the world. Vivarta-vādaḥ declares that something is seemingly existent. Ajāti-vādaḥ is saying that something is unborn, factually non-existent. 'Seemingly existent' refers to a seeming or apparent existence such as that of a pot – the pot seems to exist (but only because of the presence of clay). 'Factually non-existent' refers to an object that literally, factually, does not exist – being clay, a pot cannot be said to exist (only the clay exists) and yet the pot is experienced. See vivarta-upādāna-kāraṇam, vādaḥ and mithyā.
ajñānam अज्ञानम्
Ignorance; incorrect or incomplete knowledge; synonym of māyā.
ājyam आज्यम्
Ghee – butter, melted in sunlight.
akāmahata अकामहत
Unaffected by desire; free from the hold of desire; calm.
ākāraḥ आकारः
Form; appearance.
akartā अकर्ता
Non-doer. One who knows that ātmā is ever actionless, ever a non-doer – even in the midst of activity – also knows the fullness that cannot ever be augmented or improved by action.
ākāśaḥ आकाशः
The element Space; all-pervading; ākāśaḥ itself is manifestation; its distinguishing quality is that it is connected to sound; also see pāñcabhautikam the five-element model of the universe – ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth.
akhaṇḍa अखण्ड
Undivided; partless; indivisible; whole; nature.
akhaṇḍa-ākāra-vṛtti-jñānam अखण्ड-आकार-वृत्ति-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge (jñānam) in the form of (ākāra) a unique thought (vṛttiḥ) pertaining to the nature of reality being indivisible (akhaṇḍa).
"Consciousness is recognised through a vṛttiḥ as the truth of the subject, the object and the connection between the two. In fact, consciousness itself is called akhaṇḍākāra-vṛttiḥ, a thought free from divisions. All the words used to reveal this identity disappear. The vṛttiḥ that removes the ignorance goes away. That vṛttiḥ does not objectify the ātmā and does not have to because the ātmā is self-revealing. The self-revealing, divisionless consciousness is you and it is everything. This recognition is the result of the operation of the words of Vedāntaḥ. The result of the operation (phala-vyāptiḥ) that belongs to the knower is not relevant here because the knower is resolved in the wake of knowledge."*
The recognition takes place in a mind (buddhiḥ) that is pure, one that is no longer under the hold of rāga-dveṣas, etc. Thereafter, that vision remains.
The leader of ten men who crossed a turbulent river found only nine. All lamented. A passer-by counted and told the leader (who had not counted himself): "You are the tenth!" Relief arose.
The story shows how the akhaṇḍa-ākāra-vṛttiḥ works. It takes the form of the truth: "You are the tenth!" On understanding their meaning, the words drop away. The meaning alone remains. And significantly, the notion of being one of nine sorrowful individuals vanishes!
akhila अखिल
Whole; entire; complete.
akṛtārthaḥ अकृतार्थः
One for whom the aim of human life, liberation from sorrow – a freedom that is in the form of jñānam, knowledge – is not yet accomplished.
akṣara अक्षर
Indestructible; imperishable; immutable;
akṣaram (n.) any vowel or consonant.
akṣata अक्षत
Unbroken; (unbroken, uncooked rice, coloured yellow by mixing it with Turmeric, is used in ritual and worship to carry prayers to the deity).
alam अलम्
Enough; sufficient.
ālambanam आलम्बनम्
Symbol; support.
alātam अलातम्
Firebrand. When the single flame of a firebrand moves continuously in a circle, a ring of fire appears when in fact there is only ever a single flame. The steady flame and the ring of fire are different names given to the same entity. They are not separate, independent entities. This famously illustrates the convincing (but mithyā) appearance or manifestation of the world via the power known as māyā.
Similarly, the world is another name for Brahman. It is not a separate entity. Not being a separate entity from the unmoving, single flame, the ring of fire cannot be said to arise from or return to it, nor arise from or return elsewhere. In spite of appearances, all that is ever present is the single flame. In spite of appearances, all that is here is Brahman. See āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ and vikṣepa-śaktiḥ.
alaukika अलौकिक
Unlike anything one knows.
ālocanam आलोचनम्
Proper thinking; enquiry; analysis; considering; reflecting; perceiving.
alpa अल्प
Small; little.
amānitvam अमानित्वम्
Humility; absence of conceit; not demanding respect, even when respect could be due.
amāvāsyā अमावास्या
New Moon day; day for performing certain monthly rituals; first day of the first quarter of the Moon, in which the Moon is invisible (due to its being fully in the Earth's shadow).
āmnāyaḥ आम्नायः
Sacred texts handed down by tradition; received doctrine; advice.
amṛtam अमृतम्
Immortality (amṛta, immortal); nectar of immortality; ambrosia.
aṃśaḥ अंशः
Portion; aspect; part.
anabhiṣvaṅgaḥ अनभिष्वङ्गः
Absence of intense attachment to possessions, etc. – such attachment being due to emotional dependence on the world for happiness.
anadhigata अनधिगत
Not understood; that which cannot be arrived at or understood by perception or inference, or by any means except Vedānta-śāstra-pramāṇam.
anādi अनादि
anahaṅkāraḥ अनहङ्कारः
Absence of pride and arrogance; understanding that 'what I have accomplished is really nothing'.
analpa अनल्प
Not small; infinite in all respects (alpa, small).
ānandaḥ आनन्दः
Happiness; never created, only ever discovered; limitlessness (synonym of ananta). Ānandaḥ is the svarūpam of the self, ātmā. Every experience of happiness is an experience of an appropriate fraction of that innate ānandaḥ (limitless fullness) which effortlessly and spontaneously manifests when puṇyam is present and the ego resolves briefly. Manifestation of the limitless must necessarily be limited – to manifest is to limit, to come to a stop.
Unhappiness being due to a limit, true happiness is limitlessness – hence, ānandaḥ indicates happiness without limit in quality and extent, and so includes being effortlessly, consciously happy everywhere, with everyone, at all times, in all situations. It therefore does not simply mean bliss, the total absence of duality and hence of pain and pleasure (all of which is a characteristic of suṣuptiḥ and samādhiḥ) and is transitory. Bliss is a form of happiness, but happiness is not bliss, it is more than that.
Since limitlessness, anantam, implies complete absence of any form of lack, ānandaḥ also means fullness, pūrṇam – hence the famous śānti-pāṭhaḥ that begins pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidam. The expression of the fullness, the limitlessness, of pure consciousness is love. "Unqualified love is limitless, ananta, or pūrṇa, full, and is Brahman. Love is only for ānandaḥ."* See sat, cit and saccidāndaḥ.
ānandamaya-kośaḥ आनन्दमय-कोशः
This, the subtlest of the pañca-kośāḥ, pervades all the other four. It is born of beginningless avidyā in the form of the kāraṇa-śarīram, the causal body of impure sattvam (mixed with tamas). This ānandamaya, which is a product of puṇya-karma, is a vṛttiḥ that has an upādhiḥ, the mind. Ānandaḥ reflects in the mind and hence pervades the ānandamaya vṛttiḥ.
The varying degrees of reflected ānandaḥ pervading the ānandamaya are known as priya, modaḥ, pramodaḥ (which are in causal form in the ānandamaya and experienceable in the waking state). Hence there is the possibility of the basic person, the enjoyer, bhoktā (the ahaṅkāraḥ mistakenly identified with the ānandamaya) enjoying degrees of ignorance and happiness, which are at their fullest in suṣupti-avasthā, deep sleep, and are restricted in svapna-avasthā, dream, and in jāgrad-avasthā, waking.
No experiential happiness arises from objects or circumstances. All experienced happiness (which is conditional and temporary) arises when the mind is somewhat resolved, somewhat free from agitation. When agitation subsides, the nature of the self, which is happiness, naturally becomes evident to the degree that it is unhindered by any remaining mental activity: the thinner the clouds, the brighter the sun. All happiness is the innate happiness of the self.
anantam अनन्तम्
Endlessness; limitlessness; infinity (anta, end); that which is ever undivided. The word anantam is a synonym of ānandaḥ, the limitless fullness that is true happiness.
ananya अनन्य
Not other; non-different; non-separate; identical; ananyamanasa – focused, distraction-free, dispassionate mind.
anātmā अनात्मा
All that is 'other' than the self (lit. 'not self'); all that is transient; any and all objects of consciousness (including the body, mind and senses, for they too are objects of consciousness as I am aware of them; being aware of them I am necessarily distinct from them). Whatever I take to be myself amounts to placing a limit upon myself. Limitation brings vulnerability, which gives rise to fear, bhayam.
It is important to understand that, although they are ever distinct from the dreamer, the entire contents of a dream have their origin, being and nature in the dreamer and so (in that sense alone) cannot be other than the dreamer. Similarly, all that seems to be anātmā is ultimately found by the discriminating to be not other than ātmā, while ātmā is ever distinct from anātmā.
anavasthā अनवस्था
Infinite regression; absence of conclusion; without resting place.
andha-paramparā अन्ध-परम्परा
Blind lineage; continuance of confusion through recourse to a flawed, ill-chosen, teaching lineage; the blind being led by the blind, andha-andhena-nīyamānāḥ (āndhyam, blindness, darkness).
aneka अनेक
Many (not one).
aṅgam अङ्गम्
Limb; constituent; component; part.
anirvacanīya अनिर्वचनीय
Not categorically definable (but not inexplicable!); understood by implication only. This adjective, which is often used with reference to māyā, also refers to all that arises from it – in other words, the entire creation is found on careful investigation to be ultimately indefinable as it too is a product of māyā. As a famous verse (109) in Vivekacūḍāmaṇi says, māyā is neither existent nor non-existent, nor a combination of the two; neither is it separate nor non-separate from Brahman (nor a combination of the two); nor does it have parts nor not have parts (and it is, again, not a combination of the two). However, it is explicable via a proper understanding of the guṇas and of the term mithyā.
anīśā अनीशा
Helplessness; powerlessness.
anitya अनित्य
Timebound; limited; impermanent.
annamaya-kośaḥ अन्नमय-कोशः
The physical body, a modified form of food, annam, seemingly covers the non-coverable ātmā because of ignorance. This, the grossest of the pañca-kośāḥ, is pervaded simultaneously and successively by each of the other four. With it occurs the potential to mistakenly identify with the physical body (I am mortal, male, female, tall, short, old, young, etc.). See pañca-kośāḥ, prāṇamaya-kośaḥ, manomaya-kośaḥ, vijñānamaya-kośaḥ, ānandamaya-kośaḥ.
antaḥ-karaṇam अन्तः-करणम्
Mind (antaḥ, inner; karaṇam, instrument); consists of vṛttis, thoughts, of which there are four categories: manaḥ, buddhiḥ, cittam, ahaṅkāraḥ. The antaḥ-karaṇam is the means, the inner instrument, by which the ahaṅkāraḥ encounters and transacts with the world, the jagat. The mind is a product of previous action, karma.
The mind is the only place where knowledge takes place and hence is the only place where liberation can take place. It is also the only place where ignorance is found and removed. There is no self-knowledge 'beyond' the mind.
The mind depends for its existence on the world, and vice-versa. The mind becomes a non-perceiver when (as in deep sleep) objects are no longer perceived. Then, in effect, the mind ceases to be the mind. If no object is perceived, there is no thought; no thought, no mind; no object, no world. The mind and the world are mutually dependent. Both depend on consciousness. The mind and the world arise (and resolve) together.
The totality of all antaḥ-karaṇams is Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ. See sūkṣma-śarīram.
antaḥ-karaṇa-naiścalyam अन्तः-करण-नैश्चल्यम्
Steadiness of mind; essential prerequisite for śravaṇam as only a focused, subtle, steady mind hears fully; attained through meditation (dhyānam and upāsanām).
antaḥ-karaṇa-śuddhiḥ अन्तः-करण-शुद्धिः
Purification of the mind, meaning mastery over one's ways of thinking, including emotions and rāga-dveṣas (likes and dislikes). Accomplishable through a life of karma-yogaḥ, especially through steady adherence to dharmaḥ.
Antaḥ-karaṇa-śuddhiḥ is an essential prerequisite for jñāṇam because only a mind that is free of its prejudices and preconceptions can listen cleanly and thereby hear properly that which is being taught. Otherwise, all that is taught becomes, at best, filtered and interpreted by 'what I think it means' and fitted into or adjusted to my existing collection of ideas and views, and if not, rejected by them – all of which means the teaching is never heard.
antarā अन्तरा
In the middle; between; within; (antaram, interior; contents).
antarātmā अन्तरात्मा
Subtle body; ātmā identified with the subtle body. So called because the subtle body is antarā, in between, the body and ātmā, connecting the two and thereby acting as a manifesting medium for ātmā.
antarikṣam अन्तरिक्षम्
Space between Heaven and Earth; sky.
antaryāmī अन्तर्यामी
Inner controller; Īśvaraḥ (and his māyā) as the unmanifest cause of all, as the totality (samaṣṭiḥ) of all causal bodies may, due to his causal role, be referred to as the antaryāmī, the inner controller of all. The individual (vyaṣṭiḥ) counterpart, is prājñaḥ – see Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, Vaiśvānaraḥ, Virāṭ.
anubandha-catuṣṭayam अनुबन्ध-चतुष्टयम्
Set of four requisites that, combined, make a text worth studying:
adhikārī - a person of appropriate understanding for the text.
prayojanam - the particular benefit to be gained by the adhikārī from studying the text.
viṣayaḥ - the subject matter's suitability for delivering the prayojanam.
sambandhaḥ - the connection of the text to the viṣayaḥ (the pratipādaka-pratipādya-sambandhaḥ) and the viṣayaḥ to the prayojanam (the sādhana-sādhya-sambandhaḥ).
anubandhaḥ अनुबन्धः
Binding or fastening on; connection to.
anubhāti अनुभाति
Shines after (a dependent source of light that shines only by reflecting another light, e.g. the mind, the Moon).
anubhavaḥ (anubhūtiḥ) अनुभवः (अनुभूतिः)
An understanding derived from one's own personal observation of the world.
Anubhavaḥ (anubhūtiḥ) is often translated as 'experience', whereas the better word is vision (seeing, understanding). "Experience can lead to knowledge, but the impression of experience need not be knowledge. Experience has to be assimilated in terms of knowledge. Experience need not include or be knowledge. Experiences can be contradictory. Knowledge includes experience. Knowledge can contradict experience. Knowledge can also resolve the contradictions in experience. Knowledge cannot be contradicted."*
Some falsely believe that an ātma-anubhavaḥ, an experience of the self at some point in time is necessary for mokṣaḥ. However, this would make a limited object out of the limitless reality that is ātmā, which is impossible: draṣṭā hi dṛśyātmatayā na dṛṣṭaḥ - the seer is never to be seen in the form of the seen (Vivekacūḍāmaṇi v183).
Moreover, truth or reality being ever-present, its hoped-for experience can never come – it is already in and through each and every experience as its very reality. Since truth or reality is ever-present, the knowledge that removes the misconceptions covering it is sufficient. Knowledge is the only correction needed because only knowledge, not practices or experiences, removes ignorance.
anudarśanam अनुदर्शनम्
Seeing again and again, very clearly, very intimately, the limitations of the human condition, and hence not wasting time in trivia, but energetically pursuing what matters, mokṣaḥ.
anudāttaḥ अनुदात्तः
The low tone in chanting, shown in the text by a short horizontal line below a vowel; also see svaraḥ, udāttaḥ, svaritaḥ.
anugrahaḥ अनुग्रहः
Grace – grace is earned, not bestowed arbitrarily. It is extremely important to earn the grace of Īśvaraḥ. Earning the Lord's grace – earning puṇyam – through prayer, worship, mantra-japaḥ, living a life of dharmaḥ, etc., can eliminate pāpa-karma by neutralising it. Unless pāpa-karmas are neutralised by puṇya-karmas they will obscure appreciation and understanding of the knowledge given by the teacher and scriptures. When pratibandhas (inhibiting circumstances and misunderstandings) are neutralised, śravanam becomes unobstructed and hence understanding becomes unobstructed. Only when pāpams and their restrictive, blocking effect are rendered ineffective (by being neutralised) can vague understanding become clear and the knowledge from śravanam shine.
The grace of the teacher, ācāryaḥ, which is the grace of the knowledge of the śāstram, is transmitted not in touching the student's head or back, or in a glance of the teacher's eye, but in regular, systematic teaching.
anumānam अनुमानम्
Inference from pratyakṣam, direct sensory perception, e.g. knowledge of fire is inferred from the smell and/or sight of smoke; one of the six pramāṇas. Since it is dependent on sense-perception, a primary means of knowledge, inference is a secondary means. See the other five means: anupalabdhiḥ, arthāpattiḥ, pratyakṣam, śabdaḥ, upamānam.
anupalabdhiḥ अनुपलब्धिः
Knowledge of the non-presence of an object is known from its absence (non-availability) e.g. seeing no food on the table is knowledge of its absence; one of the six pramāṇas – see the others: anumānam, arthāpattiḥ, pratyakṣam, śabdaḥ, upamānam.
anusandhānam अनुसन्धानम्
Synonym of dhyānam, meditation; contemplation; anu-san-dhānam – constantly, continuously, consistently placing the attention of the mind on something for a length of time.
anuṣṭhānam अनुष्ठानम्
Following the religious disciplines, as prescribed in the scriptures, in conformity with the teacher's instructions; carrying out; undertaking; performance; religious practice; acting in conformity to; dharma-anuṣṭhānam, following a way of life that is in keeping with dharmaḥ.
anuṣṭup अनुष्टुप्
Metre with 32 syllables (8 per quarter) – common in the Bhagavad-Gītā, Rāmāyaṇam. See gāyatrī, triṣṭup.
anuvādaḥ अनुवादः
Translation; restatement within a text of what has already been mentioned.
anuvākaḥ अनुवाकः
Section or chapter of a Vedaḥ.
anvayaḥ अन्वयः
Following; succession – implies anuvṛttiḥ, continuance; see vyatirekaḥ.
anvaya-vyatireka-nyāyaḥ अन्वय-व्यतिरेक-न्यायः
Proof by assertion and negation; a logical procedure for determining truth from whatever is and is not always in accord; anvayaḥ focuses on accordance or invariability, vyatirekaḥ on non-accordance or variability. The presence of the effect when the cause is present is anvaya. The absence of the effect when the cause is absent is vyatireka. For a cause-effect relationship to exist, anvaya and vyatireka should match or agree.
If, for example, happiness is to be accepted as arising from an object or event, happiness must be shown to be always present with the object or event (anvaya), and always absent in its absence (vyatireka). If a sweet gives a child happiness at one time and not at another, there is no agreement – the sweet is not the cause of happiness. Further, even in the absence of the sweet, he may be happy. Establishing that which is true from seeing that which is variable and invariable in situations and phenomena is helpful in understanding the real nature of the self. See nyāyaḥ.
anvita अन्वित
Endowed with; possessing; having as an inherent part.
anyonya-abhāvaḥ अन्योन्य-अभावः
Mutual non-existence – for example, 'pot' and 'cloth' are mutually exclusive at the level of name and form because a pot is not a cloth and vice-versa. See abhāvaḥ.
anyonya-adhyāsaḥ अन्योन्य-अध्यासः
Mutual (reciprocal) erroneous conclusion; error involving mutual superimposition of limiting attributes, upādhis. (Also known as itaretarādhyāsaḥ.) For example, a cold, heavy, solid, iron ball, when put in a fire, apparently becomes radiantly hot, whereas it is fire alone that is hot and radiant. Heat and brilliance – properties belonging to fire – are mistakenly seen to belong to the iron ball. Seeing the ball as hot (when it is not) is adhyāsaḥ. When removed from the fire, the ball’s natural attributes seem to slowly reappear. But they were never lost or absent, only overlaid in our perception with those of the fire. Error-caused superimposition, adhyāropaḥ, made heat and radiance seem to belong to the iron ball rather than solely to fire.
Often, adhyāsaḥ works both ways: as well as a cold, iron ball being mistaken for what it is not – hot and radiant – fire too is mistaken here for what it is not: it appears solid, weighty and spherical. Such mutual wrong conception is called anyonyādhyāsaḥ, the most obvious example of which is between the complex of body-mind-senses, kārya-karaṇa-saṅghātaḥ, and ātmā, where the qualities of each are mutually superimposed so that the body, mind and senses seem alive and ātmā seems to have a form.
Since the red-hot iron ball, when present, is present as (and is regarded as) a coherent, convincingly existent, independent reality, it is impossible to say, from its perspective, when it came into being. It is present and it cannot be known (there is no means to know) from its own current perspective, any previous non-presence or beginning. Therefore, from its own perspective, it appears not only beginningless but has ever been as it is now, and must ever remain so. This means its beginning is ever shrouded in ignorance. Like this, the origin of the jīvaḥ is beginningless ignorance, an ignorance in which the jīvaḥ is mistakenly taken to be a coherent, convincingly existent, independent reality.
anyonya-āśrayaḥ अन्योन्य-आश्रयः
Mutual dependence.
āpaḥ आपः
Waters (āpaḥ is nominative plural, āp is nominative singular; the plural, waters, is used when referring to the element Water); the element Water; subtle aspect of taste; an element appreciable through sound, touch, sight and taste; also see pāñcabhautikam the five-element model of the universe – ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth.
apānaḥ अपानः
Name given to the vital air governing the function of excretion; the elimination aspect of prāṇaḥ, seated in the kidneys; also see samānaḥ, digestion; vyānaḥ, circulation; udānaḥ, upward breath.
aparā-prakṛtiḥ अपरा-प्रकृतिः
Lower nature of the self; the immediate cause of all that is perceivable, manifest and conceivable; see parā-prakṛtiḥ.
aparā-vidyā अपरा-विद्या
Knowledge of anything and everything other than the truth obtaining as the self; lower knowledge. Not only all worldly knowledge, but even the entire Vedaḥ and all śāstram is aparā-vidyā – see parā-vidyā.
aparicchinna अपरिच्छिन्न
Unlimited (limitless); not bound by; not subject to.
aparigrahaḥ अपरिग्रहः
Having no claim upon anything; renunciation; minimum of possessions; one of the five prohibitions of yamaḥ.
aparokṣa-jñānam अपरोक्ष-ज्ञानम्
Immediate knowledge, knowledge of the immediate self, knowledge of the knower (whether of the satya or mithyā knower).
Usually, our knowledge is from either direct sensory perception, pratyakṣa-jñānam, or else it is from indirect sensory perception, parokṣa-jñānam. Indirect sensory perception is, for example, from books, or reported speech, or from inference. Both pratyakṣa and parokṣa require an intermediary, meaning they are both mediated through the senses, and both are knowledge of objects. Aparokṣa-jñānam requires no intermediary (it is not mediated through the senses) it is not knowledge of objects, but is direct, unmediated knowledge of the immanent self. When, for example, someone elsewhere in the house shouts, "Are you here?!" your awareness that you are is not sensory, it is direct, immediate knowledge of yourself.
When the words of the śāstram are unfolded by a competent and properly informed teacher (a śrotriya and sampradāyavit) and heard cleanly and clearly by a properly prepared student (whose pratibandhas are gone) they more than just make logical sense in their dismissal of the non-self, they bring immediate (and unmediated) self-knowledge.
That which remains (that which is not dismissed) after showing what ātmā is not, makes the hitherto non-obvious immediately obvious.
This corrected understanding, revealed by the śabda-pramāṇam of the śāstram, is aparokṣa-jñānam. With such an awakening there is no need for further confirmation by special practices or experiences! It is self-evident. One's true nature is clear to oneself, then and there, during śravaṇam.
However, if the student is not yet properly prepared, he or she will, while living a life of karma-yogaḥ, need to think over and enquire into what has been heard until it is fully and accurately understood and all doubts resolved. That process is called mananam.
When the teaching has been fully and correctly understood through śravaṇam and mananam, nididhyāsanam may be used to deal with any residual pratibandhas and complete the teaching's ascertainment and assimilation. See parokṣa-jñānam, pratyakṣa-jñānam, vivaraṇam and bhāmatī. Also see abhidheyam.
apasmāraḥ अपस्मारः
Forgetfulness (of one's true nature).
āpātata-jñānam आपातत-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge (insight) one attains unexpectedly through some means or the other such as a public talk on scriptural literature or by association with older, more experienced people, and so on.
apauruṣeya अपौरुषेय
Of non-human (divine) origin; hallmark of the Vedas.
apavādaḥ अपवादः
Negation; refutation (of a view or assertion); cognitive resolution of, for example, the form, name and function, pot, in clay, as mithyā. See vādaḥ.
apavāda-vākyam अपवाद-वाक्यम्
A statement, vākyam, negating (refuting) an earlier attribution; a teaching device used by the śāstram to correct an inexact impression that might result from an earlier statement. When, for example, Brahman is declared to be the cause of all that is here, that attribution of a causal status to Brahman is later negated by an apavāda-vākyam dismissing all possible categorisation for Brahman (even though there is no other cause than Brahman). See adhyāropa-vākyam, adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā and vādaḥ.
āpekṣika-mokṣaḥ आपेक्षिक-मोक्षः
Relative freedom, the freedom enjoyed by Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ.
apohanam अपोहनम्
Suspension of thought (typically in moments of joy or awe).
aprameya अप्रमेय
Not available for objectification, which means 'cannot be made into or treated as an object', and so cannot be known by any process of objectification (in which something is made, or treated as, experienceable).
āptiḥ आप्तिः
Attainment (āpyam); to gain or reach is one of the four possible results of karma, action, e.g. "She attained motherhood" "He attained top marks" "She attained great wealth."
Mokṣaḥ, being one's true, essential nature is already attained – even if unrecognised at present – and so cannot (and need not) be attained or reached by any form of action, such as meditation or worship. Action to attain the already attained is an unknowing denial of an already existent fact. Mokṣaḥ is instead simply the unhindered recognition of that ever-present fact. That recognition requires only knowledge, which takes the form of the correction of incorrect ideas about oneself.
Also see utpattiḥ (utpādyam), production; vikṛtiḥ (vikāryam), modification; saṃskṛtiḥ (saṃskāryam), refinement.
apūrṇatvam अपूर्णत्वम्
Inadequacy; insufficiency; the status of being inadequate, of lacking this or that (lit. not full, not abundant, imperfect, flawed). See pūrṇa.
Ignorance, avidyā, of his real nature of pūrṇatvam causes the individual to come to the false conclusion that he is limited. Being limited, he sees himself as subject to various forms of lack (not tall enough, not strong enough, not clever enough, not charming enough, not wealthy enough, etc.). Such perceived forms of lack (such feelings of inadequacy, such lack of fulfilment) prompt the rise of desire to overcome or at least mitigate them, and without the corrective guidance of the Vedaḥ, saṃsāraḥ is the inevitable consequence.
apūrvam अपूर्वम्
Not (seen) before; not having existed before; unmatched; novel; recent; unique.
āratiḥ आरतिः
Waving of light performed as part of a pūjā; one of the units of the act of worship (karmāṅga).
aratiḥ janasaṃsadi अरतिः जनसंसदि
No longer craving social interaction; ever comfortable in one's own company.
arcanam अर्चनम्
Worship in the form of praising the Lord.
ārjavam आर्जवम्
Straight-forwardness; honesty; truthfulness; integrity (alignment of thought, word and deed in which a person does not think one thing, say another and then perhaps even do a third). To develop ārjavam I must keep my promises (including those I make only to myself, mentally) and hence, for example, I must only ever speak the truth and must always be punctual. Keeping my promises, I will also develop self-respect, self-confidence and a strong will.
arjunaḥ अर्जुनः
The famous Mahābhāratam warrior whose doubts Lord Kṛṣṇaḥ resolved on the eve of battle, thereby creating the Bhagavad-Gītā.
āropaḥ आरोपः
Attribution of the characteristics of one thing to another. The result of adhyāsaḥ (erroneous conception) is that the characteristics of one thing are wrongly attributed to another. That very mis-attribution is āropaḥ. Its consequence is that the characteristics become superimposed, adhyāropaḥ, on that other. (āropita, superimposed, placed upon.) See adhyāsaḥ, adhyāropaḥ.
arpaṇam अर्पणम्
Entrusting; offering.
ārṣa आर्ष
Relating to, or from ṛṣis.
arthaḥ अर्थः
Pursuit; aim; meaning; wealth; pursuit of security.
arthāpattiḥ अर्थापत्तिः
Knowledge from presumption about whatever is not perceived, derived from that which is perceived, e.g. the man seen each day claims to be fasting but is getting fatter, so it is presumed he must be eating at night; one of the six pramāṇas – see the others: anumānam, anupalabdhiḥ, pratyakṣam, śabdaḥ, upamānam.
arthavādaḥ अर्थवादः
Praise; affirmation; explanation of meaning.
asaktiḥ असक्तिः
Absence of a sense of ownership; recognising that although I possess a few things, I actually own nothing as all that is here is Īśvaraḥ. See saktiḥ.
asambhavaḥ असम्भवः
Impossibility; inapplicability. The teaching is heard in śravanam. Various doubts and questions then emerge, all of which can be summarised by the term asambhavaḥ, which expresses the feeling: "How can it be true that I am Brahman? That cannot apply to me, it seems impossible." Doubts are removed by the clarity that comes from mananam. See the other major pratibandha or hindrance: viparīta-bhāvanā, contrary tendencies.
āsanam आसनम्
Posture; seat; part of aṣṭāṅga-yogaḥ, the eight-fold discipline of yogaḥ.
asat असत्
This word literally means non-existent or unreal, but in Vedāntaḥ it is more closely defined as not independently existent or not self-existent (not non-existent); phenomenal; synonym for mithyā. See sat, satyam, tuccham.
asat-kārya-vādaḥ असत्-कार्य-वादः
A Sāṅkhyam vādaḥ, a Sāṅkhyam view or assertion (vādaḥ) that a non-existent (asat) effect (kārya) arises from an existent cause. If true, this would mean that an unreal or non-existent effect could arise from a real or existent cause, but an existent cause can never bring into being a non-existent effect – a non-existent ornament cannot originate from existent gold. See sat-kārya-vādaḥ and vādaḥ.
āśayaḥ आशयः
Resting-place; abode; seat of thoughts and feelings; heart; mind.
asmitā अस्मिता
Egoism; the knowledge 'I am'; excessive self-concern, with or without exaggerated feelings of self-importance; see kleśaḥ.
aśobhana-adhyāsaḥ अशोभन-अध्यासः
Denigrating or under-valuing someone or something by superimposing a false notion of it having less value, beauty or excellence than it merits, e.g. 'the world gives me sorrow'; see śobhana-adhyāsaḥ and adhyāsaḥ.
asparśa-yogaḥ अस्पर्श-योगः
That knowledge (that union, that yogaḥ) that is untouchable, asparśaḥ. It refers to the fact that since ātmā is satya and the world is mithyā, the world cannot touch ātmā – just as mirage-water can never touch (wet) the ground, or the pot, being merely an appearance of clay, can never touch the clay. The ground and the clay are asparśa, untouched by the mirage and pot.
Self-knowledge is a different order of reality to the dependent reality that is mithyā (just as the waking state is a different order of reality to the dream state). Synonym of brahma-vidyā.
āśramaḥ आश्रमः
Dwelling place of spiritual seekers. See gurukulam.
Āśramaḥ also refers to the four stages of Vedic (vaidika) religious life:
brahmacaryam - studentship
gṛhasthaḥ - householder
vānaprasthaḥ - withdrawal
sannyāsaḥ - renunciation
āśrama-dharmaḥ आश्रम-धर्मः
Duties pertaining to the four orders or stages of life.
āśrayaḥ आश्रयः
Basis; that upon which something depends or rests; that upon which one depends as a means to achieving a desired end; locus; refuge; shelter. See adhiṣṭhānam.
aṣṭāṅga-yogaḥ अष्टाङ्ग-योगः
Patañjali's Aṣṭāṅga Yogaḥ is an important, preparatory, eight-fold discipline, but not an end in itself as, without the teaching of Vedāntaḥ, one does not gain mokṣaḥ. It consists of:
yamaḥ - (five) prohibitions
niyamaḥ - (five) injunctions
āsanam - posture
prāṇāyāmaḥ - breathing exercises
pratyāhāraḥ - sense control
dhāraṇā - concentration
dhyānam - meditation
samādhiḥ - absorption
asteyam अस्तेयम्
Non-stealing in thought, word or deed; one of the five prohibitions of yamaḥ and sāmānya-dharmaḥ.
asti अस्ति
(He, she, it) is, exists.
āstikaḥ आस्तिकः
A person who accepts the Vedaḥ as a pramāṇam – a nāstikaḥ does not.
asuraḥ असुरः
Demon; a materialistic person who deludedly goes against dharmaḥ while lost in an unchecked pursuit of sensory pleasure; one who thinks chiefly of arthaḥ and kāmaḥ, and who takes pleasure in lying and causing hurt; predominant guṇaḥ is tamas; see rākṣasaḥ.
atad-vyāvṛtti-lakṣaṇam अतद्-व्यावृत्ति-लक्षणम्
Definition (lakṣaṇam) of an object being atad, (atat) not the truth, not That. It is arrived at through the distinction, vyāvṛttiḥ, of the subject (ātmā) from it. See lakṣaṇam.
atīndriya अतीन्द्रिय
Beyond the reach of the senses; imperceptible; mind.
atīta अतीत
Beyond; distinct; transcendent; free from.
ātmā आत्मा
Self; the true self; the true I; that which is ever distinct from (and ever the witness of) the gross, subtle and causal bodies (sthūla, sūkṣma, kāraṇa-śarīrāḥ) and the world at large; beyond the five levels of experience (pañca-kośāḥ); self-evident, changeless, ever-pure witness, sākṣī, of the three states of experience (avasthā-trayāḥ); that which ever remains as existence, consciousness, fullness (saccidānandaḥ).
Even though jīvas are many and varied, atma, being changeless, all-pervasive, partless consciousness, is ever one and the same, just as gold is ever the same in all gold items.
The word ātmā, as well as meaning the true, limitless self, is also commonly used to mean 'self', 'I', or 'mind' in the ordinary senses of those words. Its meaning therefore encompasses not only one's true self, but also whatever notion is held of oneself. Such notions are given the technical term ahaṅkāraḥ or jīvātmā. In this way, the very word ātmā highlights the fundamental human problem of adhyāsaḥ, mistakenly taking oneself (ātmā) to be what one is not: limited, mortal, wanting and in various ways inadequate. This is why, in correcting through knowledge, jñānam, the false notions one has about oneself, mokṣaḥ is the gain of the already gained. See anātmā, jīvaḥ and paramātmā.
ātma-anātma-vivekaḥ आत्म-अनात्म-विवेकः
The process of enquiry, vivekaḥ (conducted by systematic study of the Upaniṣads with the help of a guruḥ) having the aim of distinguishing ātmā from anātmā (the self from the not-self). This term summarises the whole of Vedāntaḥ.
ātma-bodhaḥ आत्म-बोधः
Becoming conscious of (awakening to) knowledge of the self; the blossoming of self-knowledge.
ātma-jñānam आत्म-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge of the truth of oneself; self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the correction of an habitual wrong conclusion, an habitual mis-identification of myself with one or more objects of perception. I am distinct from all thoughts, feelings, physical objects, etc. They arise in perception, but I, the final perceiver, am not limited to them or by them. Being variable and fleeting, they cannot be myself as I am invariable and ever-present.
"Self-knowledge can resolve all our emotional problems. Knowledge, especially self-knowledge, leads to emotional strength. Ultimately, absolute strength is attained through knowledge alone. All emotions are based on the way we look at the creation, at people, our children, our subordinates, our boss. Our perspective determines our emotions. That perspective is dependent on our understanding. The way we understand the world will determine the way we look at the world. Knowledge determines the perspective, the perspective determines the emotion, and therefore knowledge determines emotions. Thus, self-knowledge can change one's life." Sw. Paramarthananda
See jñāna-yogaḥ.
ātman आत्मन्
Self; vocative and also uninflected (prātipadikam) form of the word ātmā, self.
ātmanyeva santuṣṭiḥ आत्मन्येव सन्तुष्टिः
A wise person, one who is contented solely in the self, in ātmā.
ātmaratiḥ आत्मरतिः
Wise person; one who revels in the self, in ātmā.
ātma-samarpaṇam आत्म-समर्पणम्
Resolving wrong notions of oneself in the ātmā, the self.
ātma-sambodha-vidhura आत्म-सम्बोध-विधुर
Asleep to the true nature of oneself. This sleep is due to the āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ of māyā.
ātmatṛptiḥ आत्मतृप्तिः
One who is satisfied in one's own self; a wise person.
ātmavān आत्मवान्
A jñānī; one who is the master of oneself; one who has clear vision of oneself being ātmā, meaning one whose doubts about oneself and the world have been resolved through flawless knowledge; one who is no longer bound by action; one who recognises actionlessness in the midst of action (and action in actionlessness).
ātma-vicāraḥ आत्म-विचारः
Enquiry into the nature of the self. Such enquiry alone leads to liberation. It can be conducted only by one who is sufficiently qualified, i.e. one whose mind is sufficiently prepared through karma-yogaḥ. It is an enquiry conducted through study of the Upaniṣads, with the help of a guruḥ.
ātma-vidyā आत्म-विद्या
Self-knowledge; knowledge of one's true nature.
ātma-vinigrahaḥ आत्म-विनिग्रहः
Mastery over the body-mind-sense complex in order to regulate it in preparation for ātma-vicāraḥ. Karma-yogaḥ and aṣṭāṅga-yogaḥ are prescribed for this regulation.
atyanta-abhāvaḥ अत्यन्त-अभावः
Absolute non-existence (also known as tuccham); impossibility of existence, e.g. a square circle, the son of a barren woman. See abhāvaḥ.
avacchedaḥ अवच्छेदः
Limitation; condition; boundary; separation.
avaccheda-vādaḥ अवच्छेद-वादः
Conditioning model. A model or teaching device presenting worldly phenomena as a 'conditioned' (rather than 'reflected') form of consciousness, e.g. pot-space is space 'conditioned' by the pot (not a reflection of the pot). As an alternative, see pratibimba-vādaḥ – both models have their merits and flaws. See vādaḥ.
avacchinna अवच्छिन्न
Limited; separated (from); distinguished (from).
avadhāraṇā अवधारणा
Ascertainment; conviction; commitment.
āvaraṇam आवरणम्
Covering; a cover; an obscuring; a concealing.
āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ आवरण-शक्तिः
Tamas, the power of inertia of māyā, is the source of its concealing or veiling power known as its āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ (or āvṛti-śaktiḥ), a synonym of avidyā. The āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ 'covers' the uncoverable ātmā so well (just as heavy cloud, formed by the sun, obscures our view of the sun) that ātmā is not seen for what it is – distinct from what it is not. This erroneous conception, adhyāsaḥ, marks the arising of the vikṣepa-śaktiḥ of māyā that successively leads to āropaḥ, adhyāropaḥ, ahaṅkāraḥ, kāmaḥ, karma and saṃsāraḥ.
Although commonly translated as ignorance, this covering power may be understood as the power of knowing being unmanifest. Ignorance is just a temporary name given to the unmanifest power of knowledge. When it is unmanifest, as for example in deep sleep, knowledge is not evident, which means knowledge is as good as covered. That in turn amounts to saying ignorance is present, concealing knowledge. However, seemingly concealed or not, all that is ever there is knowledge. Ignorance, in contrast, has no real or independent existence, it is merely a particular perspective on knowledge. There is no independent entity called ignorance other than knowledge.
In common with ātmā, ignorance at the level of mūla-avidyā, or āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ, is featureless and so is free from any kind of division, there being no experience of duality until brought by the emergence of vikṣepa-śaktiḥ.
Note that if māyā completely covered Īśvaraḥ there could be no universe. Instead its āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ covers the limitlessness and non-duality of Īśvaraḥ. What is not veiled is that Īśvaraḥ exists, asti, shines bhāti, and is pleasing, priya. When these take on name and form (nāma-rūpam) Īśvaraḥ 'manifests' as the world in all its variety just as dream manifests from the slumbering waker.
avasthā अवस्था
State; condition.
avasthānam अवस्थानम्
Departure point; residence; situation.
avasthā-trayam अवस्था-त्रयम्
The three states of experience, all of which are mutually exclusive states of the mind, enjoying only conditional, dependent (not absolute) reality. This is confirmed by the fact that each state is regarded as real while in it, but later found to be unreal when in either of the other two. In dream, the dream world alone is real; similarly, in the waking state, only the waking world is regarded as real. Both worlds are dismissed in deep sleep, and deep sleep is dismissed in both waking and dream. Turīya alone is truly, independently real; it fully pervades the other three and is the source of their 'reality' as it lends them their reality.
jāgrad-avasthā, waking state.
svapna-avasthā, dream state.
suṣupti-avasthā, deep-sleep state.
Also see turīya, 'fourth' (not a state).
avasthā-traya-viveka-prakriyā अवस्था-त्रय-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
Method of analysis (used, for example, in the Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad) demonstrating that ātmā is not limited to any of the three states: waking, dream and sleep; see prakriyā.
avatāraḥ अवतारः
Descent; the divine, descended and manifest (by free choice) in bhū-lokaḥ, to protect followers of dharmaḥ, quell adharmaḥ and (primarily) to re-establish dharmaḥ.
avayava अवयव
Limb; member; part; portion; subdivision; component.
avayava-vikāraḥ अवयव-विकारः
Partial change, e.g. gold undergoes a partial change (a change of form, not substance) in becoming an ornament. This appears to make the causal status of Brahman questionable. See adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā.
āveśaḥ आवेशः
Complete absorption (of the mind in consciousness).
avicchinna अविच्छिन्न
Unbroken; uninterrupted; continual; eternal.
avidyā अविद्या
Beginningless ignorance; incorrect or incomplete knowledge; the vyaṣṭiḥ aspect of māyā manifest only in the jāgrad-avasthā (waking state) and the svapna-avasthā (dream state) of the jīvaḥ, while ever unmanifest and undifferentiated in the suṣupti-avasthā (deep-sleep state).
Ātmā with the avidyā-upādhiḥ (the manifesting medium or conditioning adjunct of ignorance) is known as the jīvaḥ, the individual. Ātmā with the māyā-upādhiḥ, the conditioning adjunct of māyā, is Īśvaraḥ.
Ignorance is not merely absence of knowledge, ignorance is opposed to knowledge (just as unmanifest is opposed to manifest, and wrong to right). It conceals that which is true and causes the projection of something else in its place. That incorrect or incomplete knowledge, when taken to be true, stands opposed to that which is true.
That incorrect or false conclusion cannot occur in the mind, for the mind is inert. Neither can it occur for ātmā, for ātmā is flawless, pure knowledge. Ignorance occurs only for the jīvaḥ, but is held in the mind – the jīvaḥ being a seeming conjoining or association of consciousness and mind. When the jīvaḥ is recognised to be no more than an appearance its ignorance goes too. Hence, on ceasing identification with the mind (and body) the wise see no ignorance. Ultimately, there is no ignorance, no mind and no māyā.
To come to a false conclusion because of avidyā is to arrive at adhyāsaḥ. It is adhyāsaḥ, erroneous conception, not seeeing things as they are, that is the immediate cause of saṃsāraḥ, while ignorance is of course the foundational or ultimate or root cause (mūla-avidyā). See āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ, vikṣepa-śaktiḥ and rajju-sarpa-nyāyaḥ.
āviḥ आविः
Self-effulgent; self-revealing; self-evident.
avikārya अविकार्य
Unmodifiable; unchanging.
avināśaḥ अविनाशः
Immortality; absence of death or destruction.
aviruddha अविरुद्ध
āvṛttiḥ आवृत्तिः
Mental repetition (of a mantraḥ).
avyabhicārinī-bhaktiḥ अव्यभिचारिनी-भक्तिः
Unswerving devotion; a mind that, in its moments of leisure, spontaneously returns to dwelling on its highest aspiration, liberation.
avyākṛta अव्याकृत
Undifferentiated; primal; undeveloped; māyā prior to its manifestation of sṛṣṭiḥ.
avyākṛta-ākāśaḥ अव्याकृत-आकाशः
The undifferentiated, sacred space within the seat of 'I' (namely, within the buddhiḥ) in which Brahman is available for recognition – as, indeed, is all else. That same space is also known as parama-vyoman.
avyakta अव्यक्त
Unmanifest; imperceptible via the senses; reality's unmanifest power of knowing; synonym of māyā. The kāraṇa-prapañcaḥ, the seed or cause of the whole (macro) cosmos, and the kāraṇa-śarīram, the seed or cause of each micro or individual manifest being are both incorporated (included) in this universal, undifferentiated avyaktam. To help more easily distinguish these two unmanifest macro and micro causes, Vedāntaḥ gives them the names māyā and avidyā respectively.
avyaya अव्यय
Undecaying; indeclinable; changeless.
ayam अयम्
This; this one.
ayamātmā brahma अयमात्मा ब्रह्म
'This self is Brahman' (Māṇḍūkya 2). This one, this very self here, this pratyagātmā, my innermost, most fundamental self, pure consciousness, is Brahman!
It is being pointed out here by the mahāvākyam that the very subtlest essence of the individual is pure consciousness, Brahman. The ordinary sense of self, 'me', is not being equated with Brahman, it is its unlimited, unobjectifiable substratum that is being equated. See mahāvākyam and also tattvamasi, ahaṃ brahmāsmi, prajñānaṃ brahma.
āyatanam आयतनम्
Abode; sanctuary; resting place; support; altar.
ayathārtha-jñānam अयथार्थ-ज्ञानम्
Erroneous knowledge. We make a mistake about something when it is not clearly or fully evident or available to us. Neither an unknown and absent nor a known and evident object causes a mistake to be made about it. "Erroneous knowledge takes place when an object is recognised, but not as it is."*
This flawed recognition arises (in the buddhiḥ) due to the āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ of māyā and a lack of enquiry.


bādhaḥ बाधः
Negation (by correct knowledge); sublation; objection; contradiction; (bādhita, false, annulled, subject to negation; bādhaka, any factor that negates a previous contention). In Vedāntaḥ, jñānam corrects error not just by negating it but by sublating it (resolving it into a greater perspective). Such sublation is the natural outcome of true knowledge. See abādhita and prabodhaḥ.
bādhāyām sāmāna-adhikaraṇyam बाधायाम् सामान-अधिकरण्यम्
A term describing the correction of an error by negation when words are in apposition. For example, when a stump of a tree is mistaken for a man, 'man' and 'tree' are in apposition and the corrective negation (bādhaḥ) arises from the words: "Don't be alarmed, it's only a tree stump." Similarly, the mistake of thinking "I am this body" ('I' and 'body' are in apposition) is corrected by the sublation, "No, the seer cannot be the seen, even though the seen is the seer." See sāmāna-adhikaraṇyam.
bāhya बाह्य
External (opp. of abhyantara, internal).
bāhyendriyam बाह्येन्द्रियम्
External organ, e.g. the eye (a category term distinguishing external organs from internal ones). There are several such organs. Each is referred to as an organ (indriyam) because each is the 'organ' or instrument via which a subtle power or capacity, such as sight or speech, manifests. See golakam.
bāla बाल
Young; not mature; not fully grown.
balam बलम्
Strength; force. Strength is more than physical. Real strength – inner strength – is the ability to live a purposeful, disciplined life, following true values. It is evident in having the qualifications needed for mokṣaḥ, which in turn come from having puruṣārtha-niścayaḥ, definiteness about one's primary aim in life. See sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
bandhaḥ बन्धः
A fetter; a fastening; a shackle; a binding. In Vedāntaḥ, the shackle is subtle, not physical. It is deha-abhimānaḥ, 'I'-sense in the body.
bandhanam बन्धनम्
Bondage; confining; restraint; imprisonment; dependence. Bondage is being bound or shackled (and made dependent) by the false conclusion in the intellect that I am this limited individual, this aggregate of body, mind and senses. Liberation, mokṣaḥ, is freedom from this intellectual problem of ignorance-caused mis-identification and its consequence, saṃsāraḥ. That freedom is found in the recognition and full ascertainment that I am the limitless ātmā.
Bondage is not real and is because of ignorance. When ignorance is destroyed through knowledge, all bondage ceases. Mokṣaḥ is nothing but abidance in one’s true nature as Brahman. Mokṣaḥ is not something actually attained by the ātmā for the ātmā is never bound, only mistaken to be bound.
"Even while thinking any thought, you are free; just as the actor remains free while playing the role of the beggar. If this is clear, then the world cannot cause a problem for you. Vedānta doesn’t remove any limitations, it only makes you understand that you are already free from all of them."*
bhadra भद्र
Auspicious; that which drives away, or does not cause, pain.
bhagaḥ भगः
The six great virtues, found in equal, absolute and limitless measure only in Bhagavān:
aiśvaryam - overlordship
vīryam - the capacity to create, sustain and resolve
yaśas - absolute fame
śrīḥ - all wealth and resources
jñānam - all knowledge
vairāgyam - total dispassion
bhāga-tyāga-lakṣaṇā भाग-त्याग-लक्षणा
Implication (lakṣaṇā) in which irrelevant and inappropriate aspects/parts (bhāga) of word meanings are left aside (tyāga) and relevant and appropriate aspects retained. Synonym of jahadajahallakṣaṇā.
bhagavad-gītā भगवद्-गीता
Part of the great epic Mahābhāratam, the Bhagavad-Gītā (The Lord's Song) is a smṛtiḥ that teaches the way of life that prepares the mind for knowledge of truth and for knowing the nature of reality. It is one of the three great pieces of scriptural literature that form the prasthāna-trayam.
bhagavān भगवान्
Lord; the one endowed with the six great virtues, bhagaḥ, in abundant and equal measure; personification of absolute supreme reality, absolute peace; synonym of Īśvaraḥ.
bhaktaḥ भक्तः
Devotee; there are four types of devotee:
ārtaḥ - a distressed devotee (ārta, distressed) who thinks of God and seeks his help only when in trouble.
arthārthī - a desirer (arthī) of the object of desire (artha); a simple devotee who seeks God’s help to pursue security, pleasure and the removal of suffering.
jijñāsuḥ - a real devotee, a seeker of knowledge of Īśvaraḥ, the Lord.
jñānī - a wise person, an exalted devotee who sees his or her own self being non-separate from the Lord.
bhaktiḥ भक्तिः
Devotion; love; attachment; trust; homage; worship; piety; faith. Since bhaktiḥ is expressed through action, it comes within karma-yogaḥ and so there is no bhakti-mārgaḥ. Bhaktiḥ is not a separate, distinct path to truth.
The highest form of bhaktiḥ is ātma-vicāraḥ, self-enquiry, the middle form is constantly meditating upon (dwelling upon) the fact that the entire universe is a manifestation of God, and the lowest form is offering all one's actions in service of the Lord in acknowledgement that all that is here is Īśvaraḥ.
bhāmatī भामती
A contention within Vedāntaḥ that śravanam provides only parokṣa-jñānam, indirect knowledge, and that afterwards nididhyāsanam has to be practised, not only for removal of pratibandhas such as viparīta-bhāvanāḥ, but for the full ascertainment of what has been heard and understood through śravanam. In short, the contention is that mokṣaḥ requires a combination of both knowledge and action, jñāna-karma samuccayaḥ. This is not and cannot be true: being limited in both scope and result, action (whether combined with knowledge or not) cannot produce or help produce limitlessness. Knowledge alone removes ignorance. See vivaraṇam.
bhārata-deśaḥ भारत-देशः
The country, deśaḥ, (in which the people) revel, rata, in the light of truth, bhā, (and so live a life of dharmaḥ). The proper name for India.
bhāsaḥ भासः
Light; lustre; brightness; impression made on the mind; see cidābhāsaḥ.
bhāṣā भाषा
Language; speech.
bhāṣyakāraḥ भाष्यकारः
Commentator; author of a bhāṣyam, a commentary; a term often used to refer to the great commentators Śrī Rāmānujaḥ and Śrī Mādhvaḥ, but perhaps most often as a synonym for the incomparable Ādi-Śaṅkara-Bhagavatpādaḥ.
bhāsya भास्य
(Made) visible; brought to light.
bhāṣyam भाष्यम्
Written commentary on a śāstram text. The method is to quote a word and next to it offer one or more words in explanation. A commentary becomes a bhāṣyam when it gives the meaning and also defends the meaning that is given. There are many bhāṣyams, but the well-known ones are written by three ācāryas: Śrī Śaṅkaraḥ, Śrī Rāmānujaḥ, and Śrī Mādhvaḥ. The greatest and most famous are by Śrī Śaṅkaraḥ. See kārikā, ṭīkā and vārtikam.
bhātiḥ भातिः
Splendour; evidence; knowledge; light – all pertaining to the shining of the light of consciousness (as a verb, bhāti means 'to shine, be, exist, show oneself').
bhāvaḥ भावः
Existence; state of being; manner of being; nature; temperament; character; any state of mind or body; way of thinking or feeling; sentiment; opinion; disposition; intention.
bhāvanā भावना
Attitude; conception; understanding; imagination; supposition; fancy; thought; meditation. Without a proper, healthy, positive attitude towards Vedānta it will be of no benefit.
bhavarogaḥ भवरोगः
Disease (rogaḥ) of existence, of becoming; the disease of the beginningless, endless cycle of births and deaths, saṃsāraḥ.
bhaviṣyat भविष्यत्
About to become or be; the future.
bhaviṣyat-kālaḥ भविष्यत्-कालः
Future time; the future; (gram.) future tense; see kālaḥ, bhūta-kālaḥ, vartamāna-kālaḥ.
bhayam भयम्
Fear; alarm; dread. Fear, which is always of a potential loss, is the inevitable consequence of perceived limitation – one who has limits is vulnerable and vulnerability is the harbinger of fear. Desire and action may arise in an attempt to mitigate or eliminate vulnerability and its offspring, fear. All such action, being based on a false premise, perpetuates saṃsāraḥ.
bhedaḥ भेदः
Difference. Every object in the universe is subject to three kinds of difference:
svagata-bhedaḥ - differences between parts of the same object (e.g. between a leaf and a branch of the same tree).
sajātīya-bhedaḥ - differences between objects of the same kind or species (e.g. between two trees).
vijātīya-bhedaḥ - differences between objects of different species (e.g. between a tree and a cow).
Difference, although experienced, is not a perception but an interpretation. It's not perceived but conceived and is solely of the mind. It is a concept and is mithyā.
bhedābheda-vādaḥ भेदाभेद-वादः
Contention of difference with non-difference. A dualist proposition maintaining that irreconcilable differences and non-differences forever exist. For example, the jīvaḥ and Īśvaraḥ are, they claim, forever in some respects similar and in some respects not. Such thinking is flawed, taking no account of the mithyā status of upādhiḥ and having no real understanding of the vastu that is satyam. See vādaḥ.
bhikṣā भिक्षा
Alms; a gift of money, food, clothing, etc., in support of a sādhuḥ.
bhinna भिन्न
Separate; different.
bhoga-āyatanam भोग-आयतनम्
Place of experience (the support, abode or 'counter' across which one has dealings with the world); the body-mind-sense complex.
bhogaḥ भोगः
Experience; enjoyment. Searching in the world for enjoyments or pleasures is the mistake of projecting happiness onto external phenomena and leads to sorrow. The world is not designed to give happiness, peace or love; being our nature, they are already ours. The world is designed to fulfil our basic needs. Hence, it is saner to give (contribute) happiness, peace and love.
bhoga-bhūmiḥ भोग-भूमिः
World of experience or enjoyment; the world in which the person appears with an appropriate physical and subtle body to experience the results of his karma.
bhoga-sādhanam भोग-साधनम्
Instrument or means of experience; synonym for the subtle body.
bhogya भोग्य
An object of enjoyment or experience.
bhoktā भोक्ता
Enjoyer (also known as bhoktṛ); one who believes himself to be an experiencer. Arising in the ānandamayakośaḥ, the kośaḥ closest to the ātmā, this experiencer, this bhoktā, is the basic person (the basic manifestation of the individual) he who is ever in search of sukham, happiness.
Ultimately, ātmā, consciousness, is the only experiencer/enjoyer, providing doership and enjoyership to each means of experience in the body-mind complex by pervading and enlivening each means. Without ātmā, experience is impossible. Similarly, it could be argued that without the body-mind complex, manifestation is impossible for ātmā, but really, the body-mind complex (and the whole jagat) are merely appearances in ātmā.
bhoktṛtvam भोक्तृत्वम्
Enjoyership; the sense of being the enjoyer (i.e. experiencer) of the results of action. See kartṛtvam.
bhramaḥ भ्रमः
Confusion; perplexity; delusion (fem: bhrāntiḥ).
bhūḥ भूः
The Earth; known as bhū-lokaḥ, the world of becoming; it is the only lokaḥ where change can occur, i.e. where new karma may be formed, because it is the only lokaḥ with free-will; world of mortals; lowest of the seven heavens.
Bhūḥ is also the name of the first of the three vyāhṛtis that are the origin and essence of the gāyatrī-mantraḥ. See bhuvaḥ, svaḥ.
bhūmiḥ भूमिः
The element Earth.
bhūta-grāmaḥ भूत-ग्रामः
Group or multitude of beings.
bhūta-kālaḥ भूत-कालः
The past; (gram.) past tense; see kālaḥ, vartamānakālaḥ, bhaviṣyat-kālaḥ.
bhūtam भूतम्
A (transient) element, being or entity; that which has come into being and will later cease to be. See viṣayaḥ.
bhūta-yajñaḥ भूत-यज्ञः
Worship of the Lord in the form of proper care for the living beings that constitute the natural world of plants, animals, etc.; one of the five pañcamahā-yajñas.
bhūta-yoniḥ भूत-योनिः
Cause of all.
bhūtiḥ भूतिः
All forms of wealth; prosperity; being; well-being; power; might.
bhuvaḥ भुवः
The intermediary world between bhū-lokaḥ and suvar-lokaḥ; sixth lowest of the seven heavens.
Name of the second of the three vyāhṛtis that are the origin and essence of the gāyatrī-mantraḥ. See bhuḥ, svaḥ, lokaḥ.
bījam बीजम्
Seed; source; cause.
bimbaḥ बिम्बः
Reflection; manifestation – often used figuratively in the metaphoric sense that an ornament reflects the jeweller's design (makes a concept manifest) or that thought is reflected in action. Nevertheless, 'reflection' conveys the idea that that manifestation is, within its limits, an accurate representation. Further, since ātmā is all-pervading, there is nothing away from ātmā that can serve as a locus for reflection.
bodhaḥ बोधः
Knowledge; awareness.
brahmā ब्रह्मा
Īśvaraḥ in the role of the creator and protector of the universe, and as the revealer of the Vedāḥ. Also known as Brahmājī, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, Prajāpatiḥ. See Viṣṇuḥ, Śivaḥ.
brahma (brahman) ब्रह्म (ब्रह्मन्)
In brief: Brahman is limitless and not subject to change (Gita 8.3)
More fully: Brahman is absolute, non-dual, abstract reality; absolute truth; absolute peace; all-pervading, indivisible, non-transactable, formless being.
Existence (existence itself); knowledge (pure knowledge, knowledge as such); limitlessness; timelessness; free from impurity; beyond māyā; self-evident; happiness not bound by time or degree; non-separate from oneself. When related to, it is regarded as Īśvaraḥ.
The divisionless, ever available, unmanifest reality behind and beyond all manifestation; that pure, unmanifest being worshipped by the highest, most mature devotee – not to be confused with the similarly named Brahmā (Brahmājī) the Creator. See iṣṭa-devatā and viśvarūpaḥ. Also see cit and jñaptiḥ.
brahma-abhyāsaḥ ब्रह्म-अभ्यासः
Gaining clarity of understanding through teaching. Teaching Vedāntaḥ is itself a means to gaining more clarity about something you already know as it highlights unknown weak points or brings further insights.
brahma-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam ब्रह्म-अभ्यास-रूप-निदिध्यासनम्
A practice of nididhyāsanam in which what has been thoroughly understood from śravanam and mananam comes to mind each day in all worldly interactions. The person's responses are then more and more from the truth of oneself: knowing I am Brahman, I live as Brahman. Such assimilation of the teaching does not require samādhi-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam although some practise that too.
brahmacaryam ब्रह्मचर्यम्
A lifestyle wherein a student is given to the discipline of entertaining only the Vedic teaching in the mind. The word brahma also means Vedaḥ, which is why a brahmacārī constantly dwells upon the Vedic teaching, avoiding worldly concerns. And so, for example, during brahmacaryam no sexual relationship is indulged. Part of yamaḥ.
Earliest of the four āśramas or stages of Vedic life – studentship; also see gṛhasthaḥ, householder; vānaprasthaḥ, withdrawal; sannyāsaḥ, renunciation.
brahmaikyam ब्रह्मैक्यम्
Attainment of oneness with Brahman. After death of the physical body, a jñānī is said to 'merge' with Brahman, meaning all vestiges of jīvatvam go for good and liberation from sorrow is complete.
brahma-jñānam ब्रह्म-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge of absolute truth; knowledge of reality; enemy of saṃsāraḥ; synonym of brahma-vidyā. Absolute truth harbours no enmity towards all that is seemingly here – it is knowledge of truth (not truth!) that is opposed to (is the enemy of) the false, the enemy of saṃsāraḥ.
brahma-kārya-vādaḥ ब्रह्म-कार्य-वादः
The proposition, vādaḥ, that the creation is an effect or product, kārya, of Brahman. See vādaḥ.
brahma-lokaḥ ब्रह्म-लोकः
Highest of the seven heavens; also known as satya-lokaḥ.
brāhma-muhūrtaḥ ब्राह्म-मुहूर्तः
A 48 minute period beginning 96 minutes before sunrise; useful for worship and meditation as mental focus is easier.
brāhmaṇaḥ ब्राह्मणः
The mature individual who is totally committed to the pursuit of knowledge and thereby is committed to living a life of values. One who knows the truth is a brāhmanaḥ.
Name of the prose format in which the text of some Upaniṣads is written.
Name of the first varṇaḥ – a priest, teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc.; also see kṣatriyaḥ, soldier; vaiśyaḥ, businessman; śūdraḥ, labourer.
brāhmaṇa-upaniṣad ब्राह्मण-उपनिषद्
An Upaniṣad in prose form (not in verse form, i.e. not in mantraḥ form). Each brāhmaṇa-upaniṣad is looked upon as explaining its corresponding mantra-upaniṣad. For example, the Praśna Upaniṣad is the corresponding brāhmaṇopaniṣad to the Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad.
brahmāṇḍam ब्रह्माण्डम्
Macrocosom; universe; cosmos.
brahma-niṣṭhaḥ ब्रह्म-निष्ठः
One established in knowledge of Brahman, in knowledge of absolute reality, and who reflects its beauty in word and deed; a jñānī – also see śrotriyaḥ.
brahmapuram ब्रह्मपुरम्
Abode of Brahman; the place where Brahman can be found; an epithet for the buddhiḥ, in which alone Brahman can be found or recognised (and having been recognised there is then recognised everywhere).
brahmarandhram ब्रह्मरन्ध्रम्
Aperture (randhram) in the crown of the head, closed soon after birth, through which the soul may exit the body on death.
brahma-sūtrāṇi ब्रह्म-सूत्राणि
A nyāya-prasthānam, an analytical study of the statements found in Vedāntaḥ wherein their meanings are irrefutably established. Written by Vyāsaḥ, it is the third text in the prasthāna-trayam.
brahmātmā ब्रह्मात्मा
The fact of oneself, ātmā, being satyam, jñānam, anantam brahma.
brahmavarcaḥ (brahmavarcas) ब्रह्मवर्चः (ब्रह्मवर्चस्)
Radiance or glow born of dedicated, long-term study of the Vedaḥ and from spiritual practice, especially japaḥ. It includes the brilliance of the capacity to study, recite and remember the Vedaḥ.
brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati ब्रह्म वेद ब्रह्मैव भवति
'The knower of Brahman becomes Brahman'. These famous words (from Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad 3.2.9) are not speaking of a mere intellectual grasp of the purport of the Upaniṣads but of a fully ascertained knowledge of the fact of being Brahman. That ascertainment is an immediate knowledge of intrinsic limitlessness; it is a never-absent lived reality. No longer subject to sorrow, one is free from all puṇya-pāpas and saṃsāraḥ.
The use of the word bhavati, 'becomes', does not mean a transformation or 'becoming' of the jīvaḥ, the individual. Instead it indicates a full recognition of and 'return' to one's never-absent true self. It is a freedom (mokṣaḥ) from being a jīvaḥ, not a freeing of the jīvaḥ. See mahāvākyam.
brahma-vidyā ब्रह्म-विद्या
Knowledge of Brahman, knowledge of ātmā being Brahman, absolute reality. Being the very meaning of the word Upaniṣad, it permanently disintegrates or destroys saṃsāraḥ and is the only means for the attainment of mokṣaḥ. It is the most exalted, most important and most significant among all the forms of knowledge as it is their basis, and it is also known as parāvara-vidyā (knowledge, vidyā, passed in succession, over millennia, from teacher, para, to student, avara).
brahma-yajñaḥ ब्रह्म-यज्ञः
Also known as ṛṣi-yajñaḥ; one of the five forms of worship; studying Veda-śāstram; studying any scriptural literature as a spiritual aspirant; regular, systematic śravaṇam – also see pañcamahā-yajñaḥ.
buddhiḥ बुद्धिः
Intellect – the power to determine, reason, recognise, deliberate, discriminate, decide, will; part of antaḥ-karaṇam (one of its functional names) and hence part of sūkṣma-śarīram. All that happens happens in the buddhiḥ. The buddhiḥ is the place, the only place, where recognition of the self, the ātmā, takes place. It is also the place where its non-recognition takes place. "Enlightenment is only for the buddhiḥ."*
It is the degree of refinement of the buddhiḥ (the degree to which it is able to discern a sense of self) that alone distinguishes a human being from an animal and gives free-will.
Being the means by which knowing manifests, and hence being the locus of judgement and decision, buddhiḥ is the seat of dhṛtiḥ, the will. Resolve, saṅkalpaḥ (often contaminated to varying degrees by rāga-dveṣas) is a judgement as to value or appropriateness – "this is worth having or doing; this must happen (or not happen)" – which runs through every desire, driving it to its fulfilment. Identification with the thought or desire or judgement means ahaṅkāraḥ has risen, making it 'my will', 'my decision', etc. In this way, buddhiḥ and ahaṅkāraḥ become synonymous with will. "Freedom is in spite of free will."*
The inert buddhiḥ, when infused or associated with the reflected light of consciousness is rendered sentient, and the sense of 'I' arises. This limited 'I'-thought (aham-vṛttiḥ) is also known as ahaṅkāraḥ (the variable mistaken 'I'-notion) or jīvaḥ (the individual soul). Limited individuality, (naturally) acting from a limited, incomplete perspective gains limited results and so becomes a saṃsārī, travelling from birth to birth.
buddhimān बुद्धिमान्
One who, being a kṛtsna-karmakṛt, sees actionlessness in action; an intelligent person; a discriminating person; one who thinks clearly and hence is fearless and wise.


caitanyam चैतन्यम्
Consciousness; awareness.
cala चल
Moving; movable; unsteady.
caṇḍālaḥ चण्डालः
Uncivilised, unrefined, uncultured, tāmasika, wild, rough person (lit. dog-eater).
candraḥ चन्द्रः
Moon (cāndra, lunar).
cārvākaḥ चार्वाकः
A materialist and atheist school of Indian philosophy whose adherents often appear in bhāṣyams as debating opponents of Vedāntaḥ. They say, for example, the mind (or senses) is ātmā, which doesn't survive death and so there is no-one to suffer the consequences of puṇya-pāpam. See other dualist opponents of Vedāntaḥ – mīmāṃsā, sāṅkhya and naiyāyika.
caturyugam चतुर्युगम्
The four (catur) ages (yugam) of the world-cycle:
kali-yugam 432,000 yrs
  (began 18 Feb 3,102 BCE)
dvāpara-yugam 864,000 yrs
  (kali-yugam x 2)
tretā-yugam 1,296,000 yrs
  (kali-yugam x 3)
kṛta-yugam 1,728,000 yrs
  (kali-yugam x 4)
A catur-yugam (all four yugas combined) is known as a mahā-yugam (kali-yugam x 10 = 4,320,000 yrs); see kalpaḥ, manvantaram, yugam.
catuṣṭayam चतुष्टयम्
A set or group of four.
cetana चेतन
Conscious; sentient; alive.
cetas चेतस्
Mind; consciousness; awareness.
chandaḥ (chandas) छन्दः (छन्दस्)
Science of prosody, metre (e.g. anuṣṭup, triṣṭup, gāyatrī) the science of proper stress and intonation patterns used in ritual; one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – also see śikṣā, vyākaraṇam, niruktam, jyotiṣaḥ, kalpaḥ.
chāndasa-prayogaḥ छान्दस-प्रयोगः
Vedic usage; Vedic expression; a word-form peculiar to the Vedas that does not conform to conventional Saṃskṛtam grammar rules.
cidābhāsaḥ चिदाभासः
Manifestation or reflection of consciousness from the perspective of the individual. One who identifies the consciousness manifest in the body-mind-sense complex as 'I' is called a jīvaḥ or cidābhāsaḥ. Such a unique, individual reflection of consciousness is the source of individual self-awareness, self-existence and hence is called jīvaḥ. That individual self-awareness is a limited manifestation in the mind of absolute, non-limited, non-individual, pure consciousness. That individual reflection of pure consciousness in the mind is what gives us unique, individual self-awareness and is what we use to know things. This reflection is what causes us to identify with the body and mind, bringing about the individual sentient being, the jīvaḥ or jīvātmā. The famous example of the sun reflected individually in many pots of water illustrates cidābhāsaḥ. Also see pratibimbaḥ. Cidābhāsaḥ and pratibimbaḥ are the same consciousness viewed from different perspectives.
cidākāśaḥ चिदाकाशः
The space, ākāśaḥ, in the buddhiḥ in which consciousness, cit, shines (is manifest) as the 'I'-sense.
cidambaram चिदम्बरम्
That ātmā, that consciousness, that awareness, that cit, upon which the entire fabric (ambaram) of the jagat is woven, as it were.
cidvilāsaḥ चिद्विलासः
(All is) the play (vilāsaḥ) of consciousness, cit.
cidvivartaḥ चिद्विवर्तः
An appearance (vivartaḥ) in cit (pure consciousness); all is an appearance in consciousness.
cinmātrā चिन्मात्रा
All is a mātrā, a measure, of cit, pure consciousness – all consists of, is an expression of, pure consciousness; there is nothing here but awareness, which is my essential nature.
cinmayam चिन्मयम्
(In the form of) pure consciousness; (consisting of) pure thought; nothing but awareness.
cintanam चिन्तनम्
Thinking; reflecting.
cit (citiḥ) चित् (चितिः)
Pure consciousness; pure knowledge; pure intelligence; source of all knowledge (both manifest knowledge and yet-to-be-manifest knowledge); source of all manifestation – the one unchanging presence (also known as sat); synonym of caitanyam. (Note: cit - neuter, citiḥ - feminine of the same word.)
'Pure' consciousness (or pure knowledge) is a term used to distinguish pure, undifferentiated (unmanifest) consciousness from differentiated (manifest) consciousness, i.e. consciousness itself from consciousness of something or in the form of something. It is like distinguishing water from a wave, water is ever water regardless of its present appearance as a wave, and yet the wave undeniably has a distinct existence, but that existence is the existence of pure (meaning ever-unformed) water.
When fully manifest (via māyā), cit is known as (has the status of being) all-powerful, all-knowing Īśvaraḥ. When only partially manifest (as in a jīvaḥ), cit has the status of being avidyā, and knowledge is similarly partial and incomplete. When unmanifest, as in insentient objects, cit is known as the nature, prakṛtiḥ, of such objects and manifests (is appreciable) only as their very existence (due to the absence of a suitable means of manifestation, a sūkṣma-śarīram).
Cit, absolute reality (also known as Brahman) being self-effulgent, non-objectifiable and free from all limitations, can never be experienced directly and can be arrived at only in terms of its nature of knowing. It is the formless substance – the very reality – of the 'I'-thought, aham. See jñāptiḥ and ānandaḥ.
citra-paṭa-nyāyaḥ चित्र-पट-न्यायः
The analogy of embroidered cloth. A beautifully embroidered scene of people, mountains, trees and animals soon disappears when threads are pulled. Just so, this entire world of names and forms is no more substantial than richly coloured images 'embroidered' in the 'fabric' of awareness. (citram, image, picture; paṭaḥ, cloth, fabric; nyāyaḥ, illustration, maxim.) See nyāyaḥ.
cit-svarūpam चित्-स्वरूपम्
Of the very form of (of the very nature of) pure knowledge, pure consciousness.
cittam चित्तम्
Mind-stuff; subconscious mind; memory; power of recollection; part of the antaḥ-karaṇam (one of its functional names) and hence part of the sūkṣma-śarīram.
citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ चित्त-वृत्ति-निरोधः
Proper direction (disciplining) of habitual, unnecessary thoughts that hinder the development of self-knowledge; the discipline of patiently guarding the mind from being dominated and controlled by habitual, troublesome, involuntary thoughts.
Without practising this discipline – with patience and perseverance, in the light of the teaching – such thoughts will hinder the assimilation and enjoyment of the knowledge gained through Vedānta. This discipline is an aspect of śamaḥ and contributes to mental well-being. It is, of course, essentially the same disciplining of the mind that is involved in japa and in all forms of meditation – without it there can be no japa, no meditation.
cūḍā चूडा
Crest; top; summit.


daivam दैवम्
Grace; being blessed by the devas. Any successful undertaking involves three important factors: effort, prayatnaḥ, time, kālaḥ, and the unknown factor, daivam, which, when invoked by prayer, may neutralise unseen obstacles to success.
dakṣiṇa दक्षिण
Able; skilful; expert; right (side); southern.
dakṣiṇā दक्षिणा
An offering, gift or honorarium to brāhmaṇas or to one's guruḥ.
dakṣiṇāmūrtiḥ दक्षिणामूर्तिः
Īśvaraḥ, the Lord, invoked as the bestower of spiritual knowledge, absolute wisdom.
First and foremost in the unbroken lineage of gurus or teachers, Dakṣiṇāmūrtiḥ is the personification of pure knowledge (the source of all manifest knowledge) and so is said to be teaching in silence, which does not mean he did not speak – all teaching requires speech. It means that, due to the subtlety of what had to be communicated, he taught not by direct exposition but by the indirect means of the implication of that which is true, lakṣaṇa-vākyam, and the negation of that which is not true, niṣedha-vākyam.
He is portrayed sitting under a banyan tree with his four disciples (sons of Brahmā) known as Sanakaḥ, Sanātanaḥ, Sanandanaḥ and Sanatkumāraḥ.
damaḥ दमः
Mastery over the organs (powers) of sense and action. When there is a possibility of their inappropriate use, such as in the expression of anger or of excessive indulgence, damaḥ is required to channel the emotion appropriately. Damaḥ requires being alert to one's responses and using one's will, dhṛtiḥ, to modify or redirect them so that one's speech and actions are appropriate. When the mature, objective outlook needed for śamaḥ is unavailable (when anger has risen, for example) damaḥ may be needed to ensure appropriate behaviour. See ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ – also see śamaḥ, uparamaḥ, titikṣā, śraddhā, samādhānam.
dānam दानम्
Giving; gift; charitable activity.
darśanam दर्शनम्
Vision; seeing; vision of truth; school of thought; contention; seeing Bhagavān in the form of a deity in a temple. Vedāntaḥ is not a darśanam, it merely provides corrections to misunderstandings of one's real nature. Those corrections naturally imply one's true nature, which cannot be pointed out directly.
dayā दया
Compassion; empathy.
dehaḥ देहः
Body; subject to heat, to the burning heat of mental and/or physical adversity and eventually to the heat of cremation; also see the synoyms kāyaḥ, śarīram.
dehātma-buddhiḥ देहात्म-बुद्धिः
Identification of the self with the body; the cognition (buddhiḥ) that the self (ātmā) is the body (dehaḥ). The word 'body' in this devastating error includes the senses and mind, not just the physical body. In its most extreme form, identification is with the physical body alone – in which the mind, consciousness and sensory experience are regarded as mere epiphenomena of the brain.
deha-vāsanā देह-वासना
Three types: identification with the body, beautification of the body, and attempts to remove bodily flaws. See vāsanā.
dehī देही
Indweller of the body; synonym for jīvaḥ.
deśaḥ देशः
Place; spot; country.
deśikaḥ देशिकः
Guide (to a place); teacher; guruḥ.
devaḥ देवः
Effulgent; the knowledge principle by which something has its existence; all devas, as one, constitute Īśvaraḥ; general term for any natural phenomenon looked upon as an illumination of consciousness or as a specific manifestation of the Lord (fem: devatā).
devanāgarī देवनागरी
Name of the script used for Saṃskṛtam.
deva-yajñaḥ देव-यज्ञः
One of the five forms of worship; invoking Īśvaraḥ in the form of gods (devatāḥ, natural phenomena) in order to express gratitude for all with which one has been blessed; also see pañcamahā-yajñas.
dhairyam धैर्यम्
Courage; boldness; bravery.
dhāmam धामम्
Abode; destination.
dhanam धनम्
Wealth; property; treasure.
dhāraṇā धारणा
Holding or placing the attention of the mind on a chosen object for meditation, or on one's own svarūpam for contemplation. Meditation (dhyānam) and contemplation (nididhyāsanam) both consist in returning attention to that chosen focus when it moves away. See pratyāhāraḥ.
dharmaḥ धर्मः
There is no equivalent word in European languages; dharmaḥ is that which upholds; universal, natural, moral, law and order; ethics; universal values; disciplines; performance of one's own duties, and secular and sacred activities; social service; acquiring puṇyam through the above factors.
Dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ – Dharmaḥ protected protects: by following dharmaḥ it is protected from falling into disuse, and the follower is in turn protected from falling into adharmaḥ. More than that, the good influence of good action spreads.
Pure consciousness, due to its very purity, is flawless, perfect, limitless and complete. Being so, whatever arises from it will be of essentially the same nature and will reflect that nature within the confines of its form. This means that, in spite of appearances and to the degree that the limits of manifestation allow, the sṛṣṭiḥ is a flawless, orderly and complete reflection of that nature. That flawless, harmonious orderliness (niyatiḥ) that permeates and upholds all manifestation, as its very adhiṣṭhānam, is dharmaḥ. "All that is here is Īśvaraḥ."*
This does not mean that this order cannot be wilfully challenged, neglected or distorted, but then it naturally reasserts itself.
Dharmaḥ is a karma that produces special unseen puṇyam, unlike other karmas. See sāmānya-dharmaḥ and viśeṣa-dharmaḥ.
dharma-aviruddha-karma धर्म-अविरुद्ध-कर्म
Action unopposed to dharmaḥ. In living a life of karma-yogaḥ all one's actions are kept aligned with all that is perceived of the order that is dharmaḥ. As best one may, one's actions (karma) then become unopposed (aviruddha) to dharmaḥ. See karma-yogaḥ.
dhātuḥ धातुः
Element or constituent of the body, e.g. phlegm, blood, marrow; vital force in man; metal; verbal root.
dhīḥ धीः
Intellect; mind; thought in general (subtle body).
dhīraḥ धीरः
A wise person – one whose intellect is protected from fear due to fear having been resolved for good. It is resolved for good only with those who, being liberated, are free from ignorance and so know no second. When the intellect is free from ignorance, the mind is protected from the rise of fear. Only a person with such a mind is a truly brave person who no longer fears the worst of fears... death.
dhṛtiḥ धृतिः
Will; resolution; perseverance; firmness; fortitude; the capacity not to be diverted from a chosen goal; a function of the buddhiḥ as strength of will is directly related to the clarity with which a value is appreciated (values determine purpose). Hence, dhṛtiḥ is the very will with which one holds steadily to a saṅkalpaḥ.
dhruva ध्रुव
Firm; fixed; permanent; unchanging.
dhyānam ध्यानम्
Meditation. Meditation is purely a mental activity. If the object is Saguṇa-Brahma (Īśvaraḥ) and it results in calmness or steadiness of mind it is saguṇa-brahma-upāsanam in which there is a difference between the meditator and the meditated. Dhyānam and upāsanam are synonyms.
"To see everything as Bhagavān is dhyānam or upāsanam. To see everything is Bhagavān is jñānam."*
Meditation is formally defined as vijātīya-vṛtti-rahita-sajātīya-vṛtti-pravāha-rūpa-saguṇa-brahma-viṣaya-mānasa-vyāpāraḥ. This means it is a mental activity (mānasa-vyāpāraḥ) whose subject matter (viṣayaḥ) takes the form (rūpam) of saguṇa-brahma, where all thought (vṛttiḥ), that is devoid of (rahita) or other than the chosen object or topic (vijātīya) is let go and only thought (vṛttiḥ) concerning the chosen object (sajātīya) flows continuously for a time (pravāhaḥ).
For the Vedantin, meditation is not limited to an action done at a given time daily but is a certain commitment that one keeps to many times a day. It is a mental action to which one is committed and it is done the whole day.
"Meditation will not reveal ātmā because the meditator is atma."*
If the object of meditation is the truth of the subject (i.e. the nature of reality, which is one's own svarūpam or intrinsic nature) meditation is contemplation, nididhyāsanam – otherwise known as nirguṇa-brahma-upāsanam. In nididhyāsanam there is no meditator-meditated difference. The four hindrances to all forms of meditation are: kaṣāyam, layaḥ, rasāsvādaḥ and vikṣepaḥ.
dhyāyamānaḥ ध्यायमानः
Carefully thinking over, carefully enquiring into all that is heard from the śāstram. This word encompasses the entire process of śravaṇam, mananam and nididhyāsanam.
dīkṣā दीक्षा
Initiation; consecration; a vow made ceremonially.
dīpaḥ दीपः
Lamp; light; lantern.
dīrgha दीर्घ
Long; two successive hrasva (short) mātrā (measures) of a vowel sound, joined without a gap to make one unbroken sound.
For example, it's the slightly lengthened 'a' sound used when saying 'father' and 'part', or the slightly lengthened 'u' sound used for 'pool' and 'rule'. Note that it's the sound (not the name) of the letter 'a' and 'u' that is meant. See hrasva, short; pluta, lengthened.
divya दिव्य
Divine; heavenly; not worldly.
doṣaḥ दोषः
Limitation (often mistranslated as 'defect'). See pratyavāya-doṣaḥ, vaiṣamya-nairghṛṇya-doṣaḥ, viṣaya-doṣaḥ.
dravyam द्रव्यम्
An object; substance; material ingredient.
dravya-śaktiḥ द्रव्य-शक्तिः
The power of inertia, inherent in māyā. The power of inertia, the potential to remain unchanged, is present in any movement, in any phenomenon. "The creation is a movement."*
When manifest, the power of inertia is known as tamo-guṇaḥ. Tamas in turn manifests as the veiling power known as the āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ. See guṇaḥ, śaktiḥ, jñāna-śaktiḥ and kriyā-śaktiḥ.
dṛḍha दृढ
Firm; steady; resolute; persevering.
dṛg-dṛśya-viveka-prakriyā दृग्-दृश्य-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
Method (prakriyā) of discriminative analysis (vivekaḥ) demonstrating not only the ever-present distinction between the seer (dṛk) and the seen (dṛśyam), but also that the seer can never be the seen; corrects the identification of ātmā with what it is not; see prakriyā.
dṛk दृक्
The seer, draṣṭā (knower); the one who sees.
dṛṣṭāntaḥ दृष्टान्तः
An illustration or example – typically used to help communicate the meaning of a proposition, pratijñā. An example is meant to prove a point, not to be exactly like that which it illustrates, for then it wouldn’t be an example, it would be the thing itself.
dṛṣṭa-phalam दृष्ट-फलम्
A seen result, an immediately manifest result (of an action). See adṛṣṭa-phalam.
dṛṣṭiḥ दृष्टिः
Vision; seeing; perception; view.
dṛṣṭi-sṛṣṭi-vādaḥ दृष्टि-सृष्टि-वादः
The statement or doctrine (vādaḥ) that seeing, perception (dṛṣṭiḥ) is creation (sṛṣṭiḥ) – the world is not only a perception, a vision, but is created by seeing. Perception is creation. There is no creation other than perception. Perception of a thing is its origination. See saṃvṛtiḥ, vādaḥ and nimitta-kāraṇam.
dṛśya-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ दृश्य-अनुविद्ध-सविकल्प-समाधिः
A meditation, dhyānam, in which a dṛśyam, an object of knowledge, a thought seen or experienced in the mind, is used, anuviddha, to shift the attention from nāma-rupam, name and form, to be absorbed, samādhiḥ, in that pure consciousness which alone truly exists (asti), shines (bhāti), is pleasing (priya), and is the source of all manifestation.
On dwelling upon a thought arising in the mind, the fact that it is illumined by consciousness is recognised. When that recognition occurs, the focus shifts from the thought to its substratum, consciousness – like shifting one's attention from an ocean wave to its substratum, water. That shift in focus can lead to samādhiḥ, absorption of the mind in that substratum, which is oneself. See śabda-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ and also samādhiḥ, savikalpa-samādhiḥ and nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ.
dṛśyam दृश्यम्
That which is objectifiable perceptually or inferentially (not merely that which is seen visually); the object of knowledge (distinct from the subject, draṣṭā).
duḥkham दुःखम्
Sorrow; uneasiness; misery; pain; grief; trouble. All sorrow is due to the limitation felt in frustrated or unfulfilled desire. That limitation has its root in ignorance of one's true nature. See śokaḥ.
duḥkha-saṃyoga-viyogam दुःख-संयोग-वियोगम्
(Yogaḥ is) dissociation from association with sorrow. Living a life of karma-yogaḥ and, when ready, a life of jñāna-yogaḥ, eventually leads to the clear ascertainment that 'I am the witness of the mind and hence distinct from its thoughts'. As that recognition becomes clearer and clearer, so does dissociation from association with sorrow. Such dissociation is yogaḥ, union with the self rather than the mind. See Gītā 6.23 and also see karma-yogaḥ.
duritam दुरितम्
Sin; synonym of pāpam; result of wrong action translated into the experience of pain or undesirable situations.
durlabha दुर्लभ
Difficult to attain or accomplish; rare.
duṣkṛtam दुष्कृतम्
Bad or evil act; misdeed; see pāpam; adharmaḥ.
duṣṭa-catuṣṭayam दुष्ट-चतुष्टयम्
The four (primary) malign influences upon and hindrances to liberation: ahaṅkāraḥ, ego; mamakāraḥ, my-ness; rāgaḥ, attachment; dveṣaḥ, aversion.
dvaitam द्वैतम्
Duality. The duality of action and experience is natural and not a problem; taking it to be real (when in fact it is mithyā) is a problem because taking it to be real causes saṃsāraḥ.
dvandvam द्वन्द्वम्
Pair of opposites (of experience) e.g. pleasure and pain, hot and cold, like and dislike, honour and dishonour, comfort and discomfort, success and failure. See titikṣā.
dvāram द्वारम्
Door; entrance; gateway; means (dvārā, by means of).
dvayam द्वयम्
Set of two; a pair; dual; couple.
dveṣaḥ द्वेषः
Aversion; dislike; hatred. Attachment means an aversion to loss, revealing an emotional dependence. see rāgaḥ, vairāgyam, kleśaḥ.
dvijaḥ द्विजः
Twice-born; a mature person; an ethical person; a bird; see upanayanam.


eka एक
One; undivided; continuous.
ekādaśī एकादशी
Eleventh day of the lunar fortnight, i.e. the eleventh day after either the new or full Moon.
ekāgraḥ एकाग्रः
One-pointed – referring to a focused state of attention.
ekāgrata एकाग्रत
One-pointedness (of the mind); concentration; intentness in the pursuit of a given object.
ekameva advitīyam एकमेव अद्वितीयम्
'One alone without a second' – an indicatory term for Īśvaraḥ, the Lord.
ekānta एकान्त
ekarasam एकरसम्
(Being of) one essence (devoid of both substance and attribute); absolute purity; happiness not bound by time or degree. Ekarasam is a term declaring that ātmā (pure existence, pure consciousness, absolute happiness) is not a substance, nor does it have any attributes. All else, all that is manifest or unmanifest, is a duality of a single or complex substance that has one or more attributes. This duality is only in the field of anātmā, all that is not the self. The word ekarasam therefore reveals the uniqueness of the self, pure consciousness, showing that it is not a part or aspect of the creation.
ekātma-pratyaya-sāram एकात्म-प्रत्यय-सारम्
This famous phrase from verse 7 of the Māṇḍūkya-Upaniṣad indicates how to understand turīyam. Pratyayaḥ means thought, cognition, but here it means thought in the sense of 'thinking of, dwelling on'. How long? Eka, continuously. Continuously, solely, on what? On oneself, ātmā (which is turīyam). This continuous self-awareness is the sāram, indicator or pointer to understanding turīyam, one's real nature.
This means that when, for example, I speak of myself as one who knows the states of waking, dream and deep sleep, I am necessarily speaking from the standpoint of turīyam, perhaps unknowingly. I am speaking from the standpoint of being their common, ever-present, single substratum. This understanding or recognition of all the three being one and the same is called pratyabhijñā. To consciously (non-verbally) acknowledge this fact, again and again, is to knowingly take my stand in turīyam. In this way I knowingly emphasise, knowingly remind the mind, that I am ever distinct from the three states of mind. Such a practice (such a nididhyāsanam) is a pointer to understanding and taking ownership of my real nature.
eṣaṇā एषणा
Ardent desire; passion; also see icchā, kāmaḥ.
eṣaṇa-trayam एषण-त्रयम्
The three common, strong, human desires:
putraiṣaṇā - desire for a son
vittaiṣaṇā - desire for wealth
lokaiṣaṇā - desire for higher worlds


gaganam गगनम्
Sky; firmament; heaven.
gagana-ravindam गगन-रविन्दम्
Sky-lotus; a poetic term for a (literally) incredible object to show astonishment at its apparent reality; a synonym for the world.
gaṇapatiḥ गणपतिः
Lord Gaṇeśaḥ (son of Lord Śivaḥ and Pārvatī); lord of multitudes, of groups of beings and of laws; remover of obstacles, therefore always invoked first before beginning any ceremony.
gandhaḥ गन्धः
The sense-object (viṣayaḥ), subtle or gross, perceptible through the nose and mind and known as smell, scent or odour – the exclusive quality of earth.
gandharvaḥ गन्धर्वः
Demigod; celestial musician.
gandha-tanmātram गन्ध-तन्मात्रम्
Subtle principle or root-element of odour.
gaṅgā गङ्गा
Sacred river Ganges; its sacredness is due to its being the symbol of the eternal flow of Vedic (vaidika) wisdom. Three dips (three successive full immersions) in the Gaṅgā stand for śravaṇam, mananam, nididhyāsanam.
gatiḥ गतिः
Means; aim; destination; path (the means, the road, by which one reaches the destination, and the actual destination or end achieved). The recently deceased are typically wished a "good gatiḥ" in the hope that, on their journey, hell is avoided and a propitious future life found.
Śukla gatiḥ, the bright or solar path (also known as the uttara mārgaḥ, northern path) takes those with great puṇyam to brahma-lokaḥ after death, from which there is no return. Kṛṣṇa gatiḥ, the dark or lunar path (also known as the dakṣiṇa mārgaḥ, southern path) takes those with lesser puṇyam to a lokaḥ higher than bhū-lokaḥ after death, from which they eventually return.
gati-samānya-nyāyaḥ गति-समान्य-न्यायः
An axiom referring to the fact that all four Vedas have the same aim, mokṣaḥ'gati' here means end or aim. Ādi-Śaṅkaraḥ is said to have chosen to write commentaries on Upaniṣads selected from all four Vedas to demonstrate this fact. See nyāyaḥ.
gauṇa गौण
Having qualities; metaphorical.
gauṇa-vṛttiḥ गौण-वृत्तिः
Secondary sense or meaning expressing a perceived attribute; a metaphorical sense as in: "She is brilliant, she is on fire"; a secondary power of words. See mukhyārthaḥ and vācyārthaḥ.
gāyatrī गायत्री
Name of a particular metre of 24 syllables, variously arranged, but generally as a triplet of eight syllables each; name of any hymn composed in the Gāyatrī metre. See anuṣṭup, triṣṭup.
gāyatrī-mantraḥ गायत्री-मन्त्रः
A famous Sāvitrī-mantraḥ invoking the Lord in the form of the sun. This sacred mantraḥ is said to be all four Vedas in condensed form. Chanted 108 times, thrice daily, during sandhyāvandanam, it burnishes the buddhiḥ and so it is given to young people to aid intellectual as well as spiritual development.
Three well-known vyāhṛtis (bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ, svaḥ) are said to be its essence, and they respectively have their origin in the sounds 'a', 'u' and 'm' of the sacred syllable Om.
ghaṭaḥ घटः
Pot (a clay pot is an oft-used teaching device). Vedāntaḥ questions the reality of 'pot', 'pot' being merely a name and form whose weight and substance is clay – remove the clay and there is no pot. "'Pot' is that which has pot-ness and pot-ness is only in understanding. That understanding of pot-ness is the only reality about 'pot'."*
ghaṭākāśaḥ घटाकाशः
Space seemingly bounded by (apparently contained within) a pot. Pot-space is merely notional, having no independent existence.
gītā गीता
Song; gīta, sung.
go गो
A cow; earth; knowledge.
golakam गोलकम्
A living, functional, physical organ of perception or action that is a medium of manifestation for its respective subtle sense-power or motor-power, e.g. physical eye, ear, hand, foot; see indriyam.
gotram गोत्रम्
Family name; tribe; lineage; genus; species.
govindaḥ गोविन्दः
He who is attained only through knowledge; a name of Lord Kṛṣṇaḥ.
grahaḥ ग्रहः
Planet; grip; grasp.
grahaṇam ग्रहणम्
Grasping; acquiring; comprehending; recognising; perception; eclipse; that which is grasped or understood – which might be the vivakṣā, the meaning the speaker/writer intended to convey, or it might be quite different; see vivakṣā.
grāhya ग्राह्य
Admissible; fit to be received, picked up, gathered, taken, observed; sense-object.
granthaḥ ग्रन्थः
Book; treatise; text. See mūla-granthaḥ.
gṛhasthaḥ गृहस्थः
Householder; second of the four āśramas of Vedic (vaidika) life – a married householder whose primary purpose is to mature emotionally by living a life of dharmaḥ in preparation for mokṣaḥ, and secondly to help perpetuate dharmaḥ by showing his/her children how to follow it. See brahmacaryam, studentship; vānaprasthaḥ, withdrawal; sannyāsaḥ, renunciation.
guhā गुहा
Cave (of mind); often used in the scriptures as an epithet for buddhiḥ in which is to be discovered the truth of the self and the world. The far end of the cave, the back or dead end of the cave where all further movement comes to an end, symbolises the very root of the mind, the 'I'-thought, aham (the foundation of ahaṅkāraḥ) whose formless, limitless substratum or essence is reality itself.
guhya गुह्य
Secret; mysterious.
guṇaḥ गुणः
A component power of māyā – there are three, namely sattvam (sattva), rajaḥ (rajas), tamaḥ (tamas). They are, respectively, the names for the jñāna-śaktiḥ, the power of knowing, the kriyā-śaktiḥ, the power of activity, and the dravya-śaktiḥ, the power of inertia. Each guṇaḥ seemingly causes dependence and hence appears to bind the individual, the dehī. This is because a person may, due to lack of discrimination, take the manifest effects of the guṇas personally.
No guṇaḥ ever exists independently of the other two. All three are present in different degrees in each of the pañca-bhūtas, five elements, and hence in all that arise from them. The word guṇaḥ is also used to indicate 'property, quality', and also has the meaning 'snake' (a symbol of power).
guṇātīta गुणातीत
Free from, distinct from, all three guṇas.
guruḥ गुरुः
Darkness (gu) dispeller (ru) (dispeller of ignorance of one's true nature by giving the vision of reality); a śrotriyaḥ and a brahma-niṣṭhā; a preceptor; an ācāryaḥ of ātma-vidyā. The guruḥ has to be discovered in the ācāryaḥ, teacher. A guruḥ is an ācāryaḥ, but not every ācāryaḥ is a guruḥ as although an ācāryaḥ may communicate well what the śāstraḥ says, he or she might not communicate its transformative vision well enough to dispel the ignorance of it, either through his/her own inability or through the lack of preparation of the hearer.
The guruḥ, in properly unfolding and interpreting the liberating words of the Upaniṣads, dispels the student's ignorance of himself, the world and God. The Upaniṣads themselves declare that, due to its subtlety, the enquiry into the nature of reality should be done only with the help of a guruḥ who knows the sampradāyaḥ. This is because to understand properly even one verse of the Upaniṣads one needs to understand the whole of the Upaniṣads. Hence, one requires a teacher who has him or herself been taught by a sampradāyavit (a knower of the sampradāyaḥ).
In addition, due to the mind's unquestioned assumptions and misconceptions, and its tendency to interpret whatever it meets only in terms of what it presently knows, it needs to be shown more than it knows, which necessitates a teacher. In particular, the questioner takes for granted the idea that he himself is a limited being. The questioner is never questioned. Additionally, the guruḥ must constantly check and counter the aspirant's strongly habitual orientation that regards the self as an 'object' to be 'realised' rather than as a fact that is misperceived. "The human intellect is good enough to commit a mistake about the self, but it is not good enough to know what the self is."* See śiṣyaḥ, guru-śiṣya-paramparā, sampradāyaḥ, paramparā.
gurukṛpā गुरुकृपा
Guru's grace or blessings. Such grace is the grace of the knowledge enshrined in the śāstram. One may talk of the grace of the śāstram, the grace of the guruḥ, and the grace of the self within the disciple or aspirant. There is really only the grace of the śāstram. When the guruḥ, fully enlightened by the śāstram, teaches it properly to the disciple, resolving misunderstandings, the disciple's understanding becomes not different from that of the guruḥ. The enlightenment of the disciple is thus provided by the śāstram alone. If an aspirant ignores this and attempts to be guided by his own lights, true knowledge or clear vision will be impossible.
gurukulam गुरुकुलम्
A residential school where students stay with the teacher, living as a community, kulam, enjoying both the care and discipline of community life while systematically studying the Vedaḥ and/or traditional Vedāntaḥ in the traditional way. A gurukulam is an āśramaḥ, but not every āśramaḥ is a gurukulam.
guru-śiṣya-paramparā गुरु-शिष्य-परम्परा
Guru-disciple lineage in which knowledge is passed successively over time immemorial. See paramparā, sampradāyaḥ, guruḥ, śiṣyaḥ.
guru-upasādanam गुरु-उपसादनम्
Formal, respectful approach to a guruḥ by an individual sincerely requesting to be accepted as a śiṣyaḥ, disciple, in order to be taught the means to mokṣaḥ.
The teaching can only be given on request (there is no question of proselytising). It is also by no means certain that the guruḥ will accept the person as a disciple: an aspirant needs to be suitably qualified (see sādhana-catuṣṭayam) to deserve such a commitment from the guruḥ. The qualifications are acquired through living a life of karma-yogaḥ. See śiṣya-svīkāraḥ.


hal हल्
A consonant, vyañjanam, without any vowel, svaraḥ. The term derives from the māheśvarāṇi-sūtrāṇi of Pāṇiniḥ wherein hal encompasses and thus becomes the name for any and all consonants.
harṣaḥ हर्षः
Elation; joy; delight; pleasure.
haviḥ हविः
Offering; oblation.
hetuḥ हेतुः
Cause; motive; reason; purpose. Its corresponding effect is referred to by the word phalam, fruit, result.
hīna हीन
Devoid of; deficient in; left out; omitted; incomplete; lost or strayed from; abandoned; faulty.
hiraṇyagarbhaḥ हिरण्यगर्भः
Īśvaraḥ as the entire subtle universe; the sum-total (samaṣṭiḥ) of all subtle phenomena and subtle bodies; cosmic or universal mind; the highest created being through whom Īśvaraḥ manifests the subtle aspect of the universe.
Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ is the totality of all intellects, mind and prāṇaḥ and so is known by three epithets: Mahat-tattvam, the totality of all intellects, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, the totality of all minds, manaḥ, and as Sūtrātmā, the totality of all prāṇaḥ. These are respectively the cause and support for all vyaṣtiḥ (individual) vijñānamaya-kośas, manomaya-kośas and prāṇamaya-kośas just as an ocean is the cause and support for all of its waves.
Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ is also known as Brahmā, the one in whom exists knowledge of the entire cosmos along with the jñāna-śaktiḥ, the capacity to know without limit; the kriyā-śaktiḥ, the capacity to create, sustain and dissolve the world; and the icchā-śaktiḥ, the capacity to desire. Its individual or vyaṣṭiḥ aspect is taijasaḥ in whom these capacities are limited.
Since the mind and other subtle phenomena are manifesting media for consciousness, hiraṇyam (gold) symbolises effulgence (and hence consciousness); garbhaḥ (foetus) symbolises 'inside of'. Hence, hiraṇyagarbhaḥ means 'the one in whom consciousness shines from within' – it does not mean 'golden egg'!
hotram होत्रम्
Sacrifice; oblation with fire.
hrasva ह्रस्व
Short; one short mātrā (measure) of a vowel sound; a short measure of a vowel is the time taken to make the 'i' sound in 'it', or the 'u' sound in 'pull'. See dīrgha, long; pluta, lengthened.
hṛdaya-granthiḥ हृदय-ग्रन्थिः
The knot, granthiḥ, of the heart, hṛdayam. The three-stranded knot of the mind or heart consists of avidyā, kāmaḥ and karma. It leads to a false understanding of oneself and the world, an error that ties the individual jīvaḥ to saṃsāraḥ. The knot is cut for good only on properly ascertaining, during the waking state, that I am the unchanging witness of the body and mind.
hrīm ह्रीम्
A mantraḥ meaning: "I invoke the power in Īśvaraḥ". Since this śakti, this power, can create or destroy, one wants a power that is a blessing, and so śrīm is added to hrīm, thus oṃ hrīṃ śrīm. Śrīm is the Lord's blessing power, Lakṣmī, 'all that is good'.


icchā इच्छा
Desire; wish; inclination; see eṣaṇā, kāmaḥ.
icchā-śaktiḥ इच्छा-शक्तिः
Power to desire; an aspect of vikṣepa-śaktiḥ – also see jñāna-śaktiḥ, kriyā-śaktiḥ, dravya-śaktiḥ and śaktiḥ.
indraḥ इन्द्रः
Lord of the senses; chief of the celestials; ruler of Heaven.
indriya-artheṣu-vairāgyam इन्द्रिय-अर्थेषु-वैराग्यम्
Dispassion towards sense-objects.
Why does there need to be dispassion? The first response of the mind and senses to the world is often emotional: whatever is met is met with a degree of like or dislike (a pleased or displeased form of desire). All desire emerges from emotion and all emotions are positive or negative forms of love. Being expressions of love, such mental and sensory responses need to be handled carefully by the person or they will rule him or her. When ruled by emotion, by passion, I am unavailable for vicāraḥ, meaningful enquiry.
indriya-jñānam इन्द्रिय-ज्ञानम्
Sense perception; sensory knowledge.
indriyam इन्द्रियम्
Subtle power of an organ of perception or action. For example, a jñānendriyam is an inner (subtle) organ of knowledge, namely a sense power such as seeing, hearing; a karmendriyam is an inner (subtle) organ of action, a motor power such as talking, handling. It must be emphasised that the indriyams are the power to see, the power to talk, etc. (dependent on the respective devatā and on prāṇaḥ) and are not to be equated with their seat, the physical organ (golakam) such as the eye, hand, or foot. See jñānendriyāṇi, the five subtle organs of knowledge; karmendriyāṇi, the five subtle organs of action.
indriya-nigrahaḥ इन्द्रिय-निग्रहः
Restraint of the senses from going out to external objects (and especially not living under the dominion of sensory appetite) – an essential aspect of all spiritual discipline and of sāmānya-dharmaḥ.
īśaḥ ईशः
The Lord.
iṣṭam इष्टम्
Desired; beloved; worshipped.
iṣṭa-devatā इष्ट-देवता
Favourite or tutelary (protective) deity; a very personal form of God worshipped by the immaturest form of devotee. See viśvarūpaḥ and brahman.
iṣṭa-karma इष्ट-कर्म
Prayer, worship or religious ritual, all of which produce puṇyam. Iṣṭa-karma includes recitation of various mantras and stotras (vācikam karma) as prayers, and it also includes meditation (mānasam karma).
īśvara-arpaṇa-buddhiḥ ईश्वर-अर्पण-बुद्धिः
A mind that is awakened to Īśvaraḥ surrenders all actions to Īśvaraḥ. The person recognises that he/she is in situations he did not knowingly create (all being created by the law that manifests prārabdha) that nothing really belongs to him and instead belongs to Īśvaraḥ alone. The order governing the situations is dharma, and dharma is the Lord. The order determines whatever is expected of the person in each situation. A karma-yogī acts with an awareness of this fact. See karma-yogaḥ and saṅkalpaḥ.
īśvaraḥ ईश्वरः
Saguṇa-Brahma manifest as the entire universe, sṛṣṭiḥ, in all its causal, subtle and gross/physical aspects. A formal definition for Īśvaraḥ would be: māyā-upahita-caitanya-brahma, the pure consciousness that is Brahman, when recognised (or acknowledged) as having the inherent creative power known as māyā, is given the name Īśvaraḥ (to distinguish it in its role as lord of all).
Similarly, when absolute reality, nirguṇa-brahma (also known as Brahman) is regarded as having the status or attribute of being the creator, sustainer and resolver of the universe it is given the title Īśvaraḥ. Thus, Īśvaraḥ can be regarded as an upādhiḥ for Brahman. See jīvaḥ, antaryāmī, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, Brahmā, Śivaḥ, Viṣṇuḥ, Vaiśvānaraḥ, Virāṭ, devaḥ.
īśvara-praṇidhānam ईश्वर-प्रणिधानम्
Keeping Īśvaraḥ always in one's heart; part of niyamaḥ.
īśvara-prasāda-buddhiḥ ईश्वर-प्रसाद-बुद्धिः
Although an individual has the power to initiate action, the results occur only in line with dharmaḥ, the natural, universal law and order that is Īśvaraḥ. Due to the individual's limited knowledge and power, the results of action are not his to command. On recognising that Īśvaraḥ is the only karma-phala-dātā, the only giver of the fruits of action, results are accepted as prasādaḥ, a gift from Īśvaraḥ. This attitude brings samatvam, equanimity, sameness or evenness of mind towards all results in all situations, softening the impact of adverse emotional responses. See karma-yogaḥ.
īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ ईश्वर-सृष्टिः
The manifest world; the world made manifest by māyā, the Lord's creative power; the world experienced by the jīvaḥ in the waking state, jāgrad-avasthā. See jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ.
iti इति
Thus; so; accordingly; lays stress on what precedes; also marks the end of a quotation, definition, etc.
itihāsaḥ इतिहासः
"So, indeed, it was; this is how it was"; epic; legend; traditional account of former events describing the life and adventures of a hero or heroes, e.g. Lord Rāmaḥ of the Rāmāyaṇam, and the five Pāṇḍavāḥ of the Mahābhāratam. See purāṇam.


jaḍam जडम्
Insentient; inert; lifeless; inanimate; absence of knowledge of the existence of oneself; absence of a sūkṣma-śarīram. All objects and phenomena (including the mind) are inert by nature. Any consciousness they exhibit is borrowed from the ātmā.
jagat जगत्
Universe – which becomes manifest and unmanifest continuously, cyclically. The jagat has only nāma-rūpam (name and form) reality. Its reality is a borrowed, dependent, mithyā reality. It was never born and yet it exists. It is the product of māyā and, being inert, is not responsible for anyone's happiness or unhappiness.
jagat-brahma-aikyam जगत्-ब्रह्म-ऐक्यम्
Oneness of jagat and Brahman. Having understood that the jīvaḥ and Brahman, being essentially one and the same pure consciousness, are not different (jīva-brahma-aikyam) it is then necessary to account for the jagat. That too is also non-different from Brahman, but that fact is less easy to discern as mundane objects (such as pots and utensils, chairs and tables) show no sign of being conscious. However, it is undeniable that such objects exist. Vedāntaḥ points out that their very existence is not an attribute but is the existence of consciousness, which in the absence of a suitable means to manifest more noticeably (a subtle body) does so as their very existence, just as the material objects in a dream exist as manifestations of the waker's dreaming mind. See jīva-brahma-aikyam.
jagat-kāraṇam जगत्-कारणम्
Cause of manifestation of the cosmos. Īśvaraḥ, with his śaktiḥ (known as māyā) is the means of manifestation of the cosmos, but the cause is the ripening prārabdha-karma of (innumerable) jīvas, a ripening that lawfully demands expression and, being lawful, it must happen. The cause is not some capricious whim or desire of Īśvaraḥ but the natural and inevitable consequence of the law of karma.
jāgrad-avasthā जाग्रद्-अवस्था
Jāgrad, waking, avasthā, state (of the mind) characterised by both non-apprehension and misapprehension of reality, and in which the gross world of physical objects, seemingly created by Īśvaraḥ in fulfilment of the karma of the jīvaḥ, is experienced via the senses (also created by the dharmaḥ of Īśvaraḥ).
The waking state is no more real than the dream state (since both are mithyā) even though each state seems real while in it.
Mokṣaḥ is not mokṣaḥ unless known in the waking state. Free-will and doership exist only in the waking state, not in dream or deep sleep. See viśvaḥ, the knower of the waking state; also see svapna-avasthā, dream state; suṣupti-avasthā, deep-sleep state; turīya, 'fourth'; avasthā-trayam, the three states of experience.
jahad-ajahal-lakṣaṇā जहद्-अजहल्-लक्षणा
A type of defining statement in which the non-contradictory part is retained, but the apparently contradictory part is left aside. For example, in "This is that Devadatta" (seen elsewhere, long ago) the contradictory associations regarding time and place are left aside, but the non-contradictory part – the person called Devadatta – is retained. Similarly, in tattvamasi (you are That) the contradictory factors of remoteness and immediacy, omniscience and partial knowledge, etc., respectively associated with That (Īśvaraḥ) and 'you' (a jīvaḥ) are given up and pure consciousness – which, being intrinsic to both, is the direct meaning of the sentence – is retained. Thus, jahadajahallakṣaṇā (also known as bhāga-tyāga-lakṣaṇā) is shown to be suitable for elucidating tattvamasi. See jahallakṣaṇā, ajahallakṣaṇā and also lakṣaṇam.
jahal-lakṣaṇā जहल्-लक्षणा
A type of defining statement in which meaning is conveyed by completely leaving aside the literal meaning in favour of the implied meaning, e.g. 'the village on the river' – the village is on the river bank, not afloat upon the river. Leaving aside the literal meaning and using only the implied meaning renders jahallakṣaṇā unsuitable for elucidating tat-tvam-asi as without the literal meaning, a contrast can no longer be drawn with the implied meaning of identicalness of essential nature. See ajahallakṣaṇā, jahadajahallakṣaṇā and also lakṣaṇam.
jalpa-vādaḥ जल्प-वादः
A discussion in which both sides are convinced they are right and are only interested in being right. Neither gives up his stand in spite of all evidence to the contrary, which means neither fanatic has any regard for the truth and neither can be reasoned with. The purpose in jalpaḥ is only to convert the other party to your beliefs, which is typical of a cult. Also see samvādaḥ, vādaḥ, vitaṇḍa-vādaḥ.
jananam जननम्
Production; manifestation; birth; life; coming into existence.
janma(n) जन्म(न्)
Birth; embodiment; the four sources of 'birth' are:
aṇḍaja - egg-born (birds, reptiles, etc.)
jarāyuja - womb-born (humans, mammals)
svedaja - moisture-born (lice, mosquitos, etc.)
udbhijja - seed-born (plants, vegetation)
On this Earth, there are 8.4 million species of living being and hence 8.4 million types of birth for a jīvaḥ. By that measure (1: 8.4m) birth in human form is rare. The birth each jivaḥ has to take is due to the law of karma and results solely from action done when in human form, leading to long periods in non-human form for some.
jantuḥ जन्तुः
A living being; a creature.
japaḥ जपः
Repeated utterance (of a mantraḥ); chanting. Japaḥ is repetition of a vṛttiḥ, a thought, a mantraḥ. The meaning of the mantraḥ should already be understood prior to japaḥ (japaḥ implies the meaning is already in mind) then, although the meaning is not and cannot be dwelt upon during japaḥ, it is as good as kept in mind by its repetition as a vṛttiḥ in the form of a mantraḥ. Whether japaḥ is oral or mental, it is ever repetition of a vṛttiḥ, a meaningful vṛttiḥ. See abhyāsaḥ.
Even if the meaning is not understood, the mantraḥ has some effect because it stands for what it is, the sounds contain some meaning.
Japaḥ may be loud, barely audible or silent – the latter being the most powerful as, being mental, focus is better. By making the mind deliberately dwell again and again on one thought, japaḥ trains it to focus, breaking the undisciplined mental drift of chain thinking in which a connected thought succeeds the previous one and the mind wanders away. More than that, in japaḥ the mind is refined by dwelling on that which is true, thus neutralising unhelpful tendencies through their neglect (neglected, they fade away). It is this process of refinement and neutralisation that makes japaḥ compulsory for all aspirants.
Daily japaḥ is soon found to be a form of prayer addressed to the Lord – naturally bringing the grace of the Lord in the form of puṇyam – and with it an inner mental space in which one gains an awareness of the ways of the mind and of oneself being distinct from the mind. "Being just myself, I recognise the fact that I can be comfortable just being myself."*
jarā जरा
Old age; infirmity; decay.
jarāyu जरायु
jātiḥ जातिः
Species; family; clan; birth.
jaya जय
jayantiḥ जयन्तिः
Holy birth anniversary.
jihāsā-vairāgyam जिहासा-वैराग्यम्
False, temporary dispassion; a desire to give up resulting from disenchantment, despair, frustration, pain, etc. such as may be felt with bereavement. See vairāgyam.
jijñāsā जिज्ञासा
Desire/thirst for knowledge. The beginner student seeks to know his true self, the ātmā. For the more mature aspirant, the thirst for knowledge becomes a thirst to properly understand and recognise the fact that mokṣaḥ is ever-accomplished, and that pursuit of the already attained is a misplaced effort. The 'gaining' of knowledge is rather the correction of flawed knowledge, meaning the removal of ignorance.
jijñāsuḥ जिज्ञासुः
A person desirous of knowledge.
jitendriyaḥ जितेन्द्रियः
Someone who has conquered or who has mastery over the indriyāṇi, senses.
jīva-brahma-aikyam जीव-ब्रह्म-ऐक्यम्
Oneness of jīvaḥ and Brahman. Cognitively putting aside all that is mithyā about the jīvaḥ and thereby highlighting its essence, pure consciousness, it is relatively easy to acknowledge that that essence is not (and cannot be) different from the pure consciousness that is Brahman, but less easy to have and enjoy that understanding at all times. See jagat-brahma-aikyam.
jīvaḥ जीवः
Individual being whose 'I'-notion (ahaṅkāraḥ) is mistakenly identified with the body-mind-sense complex and hence has kartṛtvam (doership) and bhoktṛtvam (enjoyership). A formal definition is: ajñāna-upahita-caitanyam [a jīvaḥ is] pure consciousness in association with or limited by vyaṣṭi-ajñānam, individual ignorance. The essence and substratum of the jīvaḥ is ātmā, just as water is the substratum of the ocean wave or clay of the clay pot. See īśvaraḥ.
jīvan-muktaḥ जीवन्-मुक्तः
One liberated from apparent individuality (from 'jīva-hood'); free while living. This freedom is known through śravaṇam, clarified through mananam and confirmed through nididhyāsanam.
Knowledge of being free is clear and unshakeable, with happiness and peace that are continuous and that cannot be overshadowed. Although the world continues to be experienced, it causes no disturbance as it is known to be mithyā.
Knowing that ahaṅkāraḥ and mamakāraḥ are ātmā alone, both remain merely notional and are used only for transacting with the world. Having no guilt or regrets about the past, nor anxieties about the future, the present is met with dispassion while ever remaining even-minded. There is complete freedom from 'becoming', and hence from saṃsāraḥ.
jīvan-muktiḥ जीवन्-मुक्तिः
Liberation while living; liberation while alive, here, in this present life – also known as sadya-muktiḥ (sadya - just now). Liberation after death is videha-muktiḥ.
jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ जीव-सृष्टिः
The jīva's creation. The jīvaḥ responds (in the waking state, jāgrad-avasthā) to the world it meets (the Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ). Using his will, the jīvaḥ superimposes his own creation, the jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ, upon the Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ. "This is my response to the world." That response is individually expressed in various mental or physical forms of activity and is collectively expressed in the built environment, in human culture, in societal norms, etc. – all of which perpetuate saṃsāraḥ. See prātibhāsika-satyam.
jīvātmā जीवात्मा
Consciousness reflected (cidābhāsaḥ) in the subtle and causal bodies (respectively, sūkṣma-śarīram and kāraṇa-śarīram) constitutes the jīvātmā. Associated with the gross body, sthūla-śarīram, and seemingly limited by that association, the jīvātmā in a human being becomes a knower, jñātā, doer, kartā, and enjoyer, bhoktā – in other bodies there is only enjoyership, bhoktṛtvam. On association of the jīvātmā with a human physical or gross body, free-will (which is otherwise dormant) becomes activated. (The term paramātmā is used to refer to pure consciousness, which is ever unassociated with individuality.)
jīvatvam जीवत्वम्
Individuality; the state or condition of being a jīvaḥ; 'jīva-hood' or jīva-ness. Jīvatvam is like captaincy: if a person is the captain of a cricket team, he or she has the captaincy of the team, which is to say the person holds the status of being the captain. Here, 'person' is equivalent to ātmā, 'captain' is equivalent to jīvaḥ and 'captaincy' to jīvatvam.
jñānābhyāsaḥ ज्ञानाभ्यासः
Involving oneself in jñāna-yogaḥ, i.e. in śravaṇam, mananam and nididhyāsanam.
jñānādhyāsaḥ ज्ञानाध्यासः
The error of taking to be real an accurate perception that is factually incorrect, e.g., taking the rising and setting of the Sun to be real (the Earth is turning on its axis). See sopādhika-adhyāsaḥ.
jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ ज्ञान-काण्डः
Upaniṣads – that (latter) part of each Vedaḥ (also known as Vedāntaḥ) that deals with spirituality or self-knowledge. See karma-kāṇḍaḥ.
jñāna-karma samuccayaḥ ज्ञान-कर्म समुच्चयः
Combination (samuccaya) of knowledge (jñānam) and action (karma). Some think that knowledge needs to be combined with action to attain liberation, i.e. learn the theory then put it into practice. That is not true. Since ignorance is the cause of bondage, knowledge alone is required to remove ignorance and the bondage it causes. Action, a product of ignorance, need not be, cannot be combined with knowledge to remove ignorance.
Jñānam is opposed to karma because where there is jñānam there cannot be kartṛtvam, the sense that “I am a doer”. To have doership one must have identity with anātma, for which one must be ignorant (yet, in jñānam, action free from identification with doing can still occur).
jñānam ज्ञानम्
Knowledge that is not negatable and is free from doubt; nature of reality; reality, which is of the nature of knowing, is jñānam; synonym of consciousness, awareness; jānāti iti jñānam, that which knows is knowledge (reality is so described to emphasise its attributelessness).
The light of jñānam, of knowledge, has a two-fold function: in removing the darkness of ignorance it reveals the object hitherto covered by that ignorance, and in so doing dismisses any adhyāsaḥ, any misconception about the object. See bhagaḥ.
jñāna-niṣṭhā ज्ञान-निष्ठा
Abiding in the knowledge that is limitless wholeness.
jñāna-śaktiḥ ज्ञान-शक्तिः
The power to know. It is inherent in māyā. When manifest, the power is known as sattva-guṇaḥ. It is also inherent in vikṣepa-śaktiḥ. See śaktiḥ, icchā-śaktiḥ, kriyā-śaktiḥ, dravya-śaktiḥ, and also sattvam and guṇaḥ.
jñāna-yajñaḥ ज्ञान-यज्ञः
Sacred act of dissemination of knowledge via teaching; sādhanam in praise of (and for the attainment of) knowledge, conceived of as an offering or divine sacrifice. Regular, systematic teaching of the student by the teacher or guruḥ is the primary means of transmitting the knowledge that is Vedāntaḥ.
jñāna-yogaḥ ज्ञान-योगः
The discipline for the attainment of knowledge; the path of knowledge; constantly and systematically hearing (śravaṇam), for a length of time, the guruḥ unfold the Upaniṣads, then (with the help of the guruḥ) removing doubts and misunderstandings from that which has been heard (mananam) and, finally, dwelling (nididhyāsanam) upon that which is properly understood of the true nature of the self as taught by the śāstram and unfolded by the guruḥ; a life devoted to knowledge of the self, ātmā-jñānam; a synonym for the sannyāsaḥ life-style.
Although jñāna-yogaḥ is the true solution for sorrow, many are not able to discover that fact due their delusion that the world is a source of happiness. They need to discover for themselves that actions and their results can give at best a fleeting access to happiness. Such a growth in dispassion is essential for the successful pursuit of jñāna-yogaḥ. Thus, karma-yogaḥ is introduced as a means to come to jñāna-yogaḥ. See karma-yogaḥ.
jñānendriyāṇi ज्ञानेन्द्रियाणि
The five subtle sense-powers, evident in:
• hearing - śrotram (ear)
• touch - tvak (skin)
• sight - cakṣuḥ (eye)
• taste - rasanā (tongue)
• smell - ghrāṇam (nose)
Part of sūkṣma-śarīram and vijñāṇamaya-kośaḥ. Jñānendriyam refers to the subtle power of sense perception (such as the power or capacity to see) not to its physical medium or location. The power's physical location (golakam) is shown in the above list, in for example the eyes. Therefore, the word for the respective golakam not only refers to the physical organ, it also implies the conscious power pervading it – this is the same with all powers of perception and action. See indriyam, the subtle power of an organ of perception or action; also see karmendriyāṇi, the five subtle organs of action.
jñānī ज्ञानी
Knower (of Brahman, of absolute reality); one who is free from saṃsāraḥ
"Pot is a word given to a form of clay for transaction. Once I understand this, in my vision the substance called pot does not exist. The word ‘pot’ alone exists. For a Vedānta jñānī, the world is nothing but a word, the substance called world does not exist. The only existing thing is turīyaṃ and everything else is name and form. I am that turīyaṃ. This is the teaching." Swami Paramarthananda.
jñaptiḥ ज्ञप्तिः
Pure, formless, unalloyed awareness (fem. of jñānam); pure objectless consciousness; pure knowledge; knowledge itself, unrestricted by having a form, unrestricted by being 'knowledge of' or by the identification of being a 'knower of'; the intrinsic nature of the knower in which there is knowing without the status of being 'a knower'.
"Consciousness takes up the role of knowing only when the mind joins consciousness. Consciousness by itself [pure consciousness] is not a knower, not an experiencer and cannot do any action. Turīyaṃ is of the nature of pure consciousness. Can consciousness say, ‘I am consciousness'? It cannot do that. Consciousness requires the mind because claiming requires a relevant thought. Claiming, knowing, and experiencing require relevant thoughts and thoughts require a mind. In the presence of mind alone, the process of knowing is possible. Turīyaṃ is the non-knowing consciousness principle ['non-knowing' in the sense that its 'knowing' is not a role or functional state]. Consciousness does not require mind to be consciousness, but a mind is required to claim 'I am consciousness'." Swami Paramarthananda, commentary on Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad Kārikā, p46. See cit and śuddha-caitanyam.
jñātā ज्ञाता
Knower; subject of the verb 'to know'.
jñeya ज्ञेय
Adjective meaning 'knowable, that which has the characteristic of being knowable, that which is capable of being known or understood'; in some contexts it can also mean 'known' or 'to be known, to be learnt or understood'.
jyotiḥ ज्योतिः
Light; the light of consciousness, because of which everything comes to light – a sound comes to light, a form comes to light, a touch comes to light...
jyotiṣam ज्योतिषम्
Science of astronomy and astrology; one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – also see śikṣā, chandas, vyākaraṇam, niruktam, kalpaḥ.


kaivalyam कैवल्यम्
Freedom; oneness; absolute unity; limitless independence; mokṣaḥ; advaitam. The beatitude of limitlessness, fullness and 'aloneness' of being. No 'other' is present – there is no trace of the jagat – and one is fully at home.
kalā कला
Sixteenth part; small part, aspect or portion of a whole (such as a small division of time); digit of the Moon; facet; fine art; feature.
The praśnopaniṣad (6.4) enumerates 16 kalās, aspects, of the embodied puruṣaḥ, all of which are resolved into their respective universal aspects at videha-muktiḥ, like rivers merging with the ocean. The 16 are: prāṇaḥ, śraddhā, khaṃ, vāyuḥ, jyotiḥ, āpaḥ, pṛthivī, indriyaṃ, manaḥ, annaṃ, vīryaṃ, tapaḥ, mantrāḥ, karma, lokāḥ, nāma.
kālaḥ कालः
Time (antakālaḥ – end time, i.e. time of death). See bhūta-kālaḥ, vartamānakālaḥ, bhaviṣyat-kālaḥ.
kalmaṣaḥ कल्मषः
Mental or emotional defects, born of adharmaḥ, which in turn lead to conflicts.
kalpaḥ कल्पः
Day of Brahmā, i.e. 14 manvantaras or 1,000 mahā-yugas (the night is of equal length). A year of Brahmā is 360 days and nights, and his lifespan is 100 years. So the life of Brahmā is 3 x 1014 human years. See caturyugam.
Kalpaḥ also means rule, resolve, procedure, and hence means the methods or know-how of ritual (including which mantras to use for which ritual) and as such kalpaḥ is the name of one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – the other five are śikṣā, chandas, vyākaraṇam, niruktam, jyotiṣaḥ.
kalpanam कल्पनम्
Imagining; forming in the imagination; creating in the mind. Kalpanā, concept, idea.
kalpita कल्पित
Projected; imagined; fabricated; artificial; composed; invented; supposed.
kāmaḥ कामः
Desire; longing; love for; pleasure in; lust. Kāmaḥ, a principal manifest form of ignorance (dispelled only by knowledge) leads to karma, action and its results. See karma.
Frustrated desire leads to krodhaḥ, anger. A desire is a thought, a thought has the status of being a desire only if it has will behind it (impelling it to its fulfilment) and thus is the source of mental or physical action, and of a corresponding mental and/or physical result.
Desire is natural, but desire born of tamas degrades a person and prevents spiritual progress. Gradually converting such desires into rājasika desires (by fulfilling them in line with dharmaḥ) is a step in the right direction. When rājasika desire is fulfilled through puruṣārtha-niścayaḥ it becomes sāttvika desire. Desire formed in sāttva is desire free of narrow, stultifying motives; it is as good as non-desire and helps to clear the way to freedom. "Removal of desires is neither possible nor necessary. That I desire is not a problem. Desire becomes a problem when I come under its spell."* I come under its spell when I identify with it. So, it binds only when contaminated by ahaṅkāraḥ.
At its core, every desire is a wish to be free from being a wanting person, a person bound by limits (from which one seeks freedom). That desire for freedom from limitation is because everyone's true nature is limitlessness, which is true happiness. Being true, that nature cannot change, even if seemingly covered.
See the six malas, impurities; also see eṣaṇā and icchā.
kāmakāmī कामकामी
One who desires pleasure; a pleasure-seeker.
kāmya-karma काम्य-कर्म
Any volitional action, karma, in which choice is (naturally) involved and which aims to fulfil a specific desire, kāmaḥ; a choice-based action, often producing a desired result that is binding. Even if a kāmya-karma is performed in line with dharmaḥ it will produce puṇyam, which has to be exhausted one day, thereby perpetuating saṃsāraḥ.
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
kāṇḍaḥ काण्डः
Section; chapter; part; portion.
kāntiḥ कान्तिः
Beauty; loveliness; female beauty; beauty of character; beauty of personality.
kāraḥ कारः
Letter; syllable; word; act; action. As a verb, kāra – 'making', 'doing', 'activity (of)'.
kārakam कारकम्
Accessory to action; that which is instrumental in bringing about the action denoted by a verb. There are six kārakāṇi (kārakams) present in any and every action, namely:
kartā - agent (performer) of action
karma - object (result or recipient) of action
karaṇam - instrument (means) of action
sampradānam - aim (purpose or beneficiary) of action
apādānam - source (origin or cause) of action
adhikaraṇam - location (place) of action
kāraṇa-kārya-viveka-prakriyā कारण-कार्य-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
A method (prakriyā) of analysis (vivekaḥ) that reveals reality by distinguishing between cause (kāraṇam) and effect (kāryam). It is also known as sṛṣṭi-viveka-prakriyā, a method of analysing the manifest universe (to reveal its source) or adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā, a method of cognitive resolution of superimposition (in order to reveal ātmā); see prakriyā.
karaṇam करणम्
Instrument (means) of action (includes any means from the most physical to the most subtle).
kāraṇam कारणम्
Cause of an action or phenomenon (from the most physical to the most subtle cause) – its corresponding effect is referred to by the term kāryam. That effect is inherent in the cause, which means it is a manifestation of what was present but unmanifest in the cause. (However, causation is one of the creations of avidyā.) Also see sthūla, sūkṣma.
kāraṇa-prapañcaḥ कारण-प्रपञ्चः
Causal world. See sthūla-prapañcaḥ, sūkṣma-prapañcaḥ.
kāraṇa-śarīram कारण-शरीरम्
Causal body of the individual; consisting of beginningless avidyā and impure sattvam; persists even beyond pralayaḥ – except in the case of a jñānī (the end of self-ignorance is the end of the kāraṇa-śarīram). The individual causal body is nothing but māyā operating at an individual level. As such, it is the seed or undifferentiated cause of the subtle and gross bodies of the individual.
Māyā, the causal body at the cosmic or universal level, is the store of all karma, whereas māyā, operating at the individual causal level, being ignorance, is the root of individual tendencies, prejudices, attitudes, etc., but not the store of individual karma. See sthūla-śarīram, sūkṣma-śarīram, and suṣupti-avasthā.
kārikā कारिका
An analytical study, in verse form, of a text. The most famous and revered kārikā is that of Śrī Gauḍapādācāryaḥ who wrote 215 kārikās on the twelve verses of the Māṇḍūkya-Upaniṣad. See bhāṣyam, ṭīkā and vārtikam.
karma कर्म
Action (especially action from free-will); object of an action; duty; that which causes the production of bodies (new births) and hence causes saṃsāraḥ.
The karma, destiny, of each and every being is stored in māyā, the universal causal body. See sañcita-karma, prārabdha-karma, āgāmi-karma.
Action, being limited, its results must always be limited (an effect is always in line with its cause) and so no amount or form of action can produce the limitlessness that is mokṣaḥ. Action may contribute towards the mental preparation needed for jñānam, but jñānam need not, cannot, be combined with karma for mokṣaḥ. And karma is a product of ignorance!
A wealthy person, unaware of his weath, does not need action to become wealthy, he just needs to know he is wealthy, nothing more. No amount or form of action, karma, can make the already wealthy wealthy. It is a matter of knowing, not doing. Just so, since ātmā is ever attained (yet improperly known) no amount of action can attain it. Knowledge alone may do so.
Also see the four possible results of action, all of which are limited and subject to time: utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement; āptiḥ, attainment.
karma-kāṇḍaḥ कर्म-काण्डः
This early or prior part of each Vedaḥ (also known as Veda-pūrva) deals with religious rituals and their results. As meditation is an action, the karma-kāṇḍaḥ includes the upāsana-kāṇḍaḥ.
Although providing the means for the proper fulfilment of legitimate desire, the ultimate purpose of the karma-kāṇḍaḥ is to help the individual see that all action (physical, oral or mental) is limited and limiting – karma, being finite, produces only finite ends. Thus, the karma-kāṇḍaḥ prepares the way for entry into the latter part of the Vedaḥ, the jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ. This movement from Veda-pūrva to Veda-anta is the growth of the religious life into the spiritual life.
"One should start with religious life and graduate into spiritual life. Without religious life, spirituality will not work. Without spirituality, religious life is incomplete. Therefore, the follower of the Vedaḥ should follow a religious life and go to spirituality." (Swami Paramarthananda). See jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ.
karma-kārya-vādaḥ कर्म-कार्य-वादः
The Vedic theory of creation. It states that the creation is the effect, kārya, of the karma of jīvas. The creation is not Īśvara's product. Īśvara, being obliged by the karma of the jīvas to render its result, is necessarily the sāmānya-kāraṇam (general cause) of the world, but the jīva is the viśeṣa-kāraṇam, the specific cause. See vādaḥ and adhyāropa-apavāda-viveka-prakriyā.
karma-phala-dātā कर्म-फल-दाता
Giver (dātā) of the fruit (phalam) of action (karma). The natural, inter-related, flawless laws of dharmaḥ that are Īśvaraḥ give the results of action. These laws govern all aspects of the emergence, full manifestation and resolution of all phenomena, and thus all aspects of all activity. We may bounce a ball, but the result, being always according to natural laws (gravity, kinetics, elasticity, friction, etc.) may, with sufficient experience, be ours to anticipate, but is not ours to command. See īśvara-prasāda-buddhiḥ.
karma-phalam कर्म-फलम्
Result of action; the results manifest as puṇya-pāpams (happiness or sorrow arising from pleasant or unpleasant situations and incidents) which can be exhausted only by being experienced by the bhoktā, experiencer, or else eliminated by fully recognising 'I am not the agent of action'.
Results of action fall into four categories:
utpattiḥ (utpādyam) - production
vikṛtiḥ (vikāryam) - modification
āptiḥ (āpyam) - attainment
saṃskṛtiḥ (saṃskāryam) - refinement.
Action makes, modifies, attains or refines – that's all!
karma-yogaḥ कर्म-योगः
A way of life followed as a discipline to prepare the mind for knowledge of the truth, the Lord. As the Lord becomes the ultimate goal, all actions performed become offered to the Lord. "There is karma-yogaḥ only when Īśvaraḥ is brought into the picture."*
Karma-yogaḥ is a disciplined householder life, lived in line with dharmaḥ, in which all actions are performed in the recognition that all that is here is Īśvaraḥ. Intrinsic to this recognition is a natural attitude of offering or entrusting all one's actions to Īśvaraḥ (īśvara-arpaṇa-buddhiḥ) since all action is, essentially, in and of Īśvaraḥ. Thus, a life of karma-yogaḥ is a life lived attempting to keep all one's actions aligned with that which is perceived of the order that is dharmaḥ, Īśvaraḥ. As best one may, one's actions then become unopposed to whatever is appreciated of dharmaḥ, (dharma-aviruddha-karma).
Natural to this order is the law-ordained result of action, which is accepted as prasādaḥ, a gift from Īśvaraḥ (īśvara-prasāda-buddhiḥ). That acceptance brings evenness and equanimity of mind (samatvam) when results appear.
Additionally, specific forms of upāsanam may be used to help refine the mind (enhance its subtlety) and improve one's capacity to listen.
This way of life purifies the mind in preparation for jñānam since it entails mastering one's emotions and ways of thinking, including foregoing personal bias in the form of rāga-dveṣas, attachments and aversions, when putting dharmaḥ first. This 'putting dharmaḥ first' (following the lead of dharmaḥ) requires discretion in action (yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam) which helps develop subtlety of mind. With all this comes dissociation from association with sorrow, duḥkha-saṃyoga-viyogam. Then, when śravaṇam occurs in such an open, unagitated, self-disciplined, worshipful mind, there is little to impede it – there is jñāna-yogaḥ – and freedom from saṃsāraḥ follows. There is much more to karma-yogaḥ than sevā, service! Karma-yogaḥ is the preparatory means for jñāna-yogaḥ. Jñāna-yogaḥ is the sole means for and fruition of liberation.
karma-yogī कर्म-योगी
"If you follow values and do what is to be done without recognising Īśvaraḥ then you are a clean person but not a karma-yogī. Only when you are a karma-yogī is there a relative resolution of the ego into Īśvaraḥ – there is some kind of settlement between the jīvaḥ and Īśvaraḥ. Only then will Vedāntaḥ work.
"When you do what is to be done there is trust in the order that is Īśvaraḥ. In that trust you relax. This relaxation is called purification of mind. Then your rāga-dveṣas, likes and dislikes, are neutralised, you are no longer under their hold. So, purification of mind is settling account with Īśvaraḥ, otherwise you are like a ninja with reference to the world, fighting with it all the time.
"The order that is Īśvaraḥ is everywhere, inside and out. The world is included in this order. So, if you settle account with Īśvaraḥ [i.e. recognise that the world and all that has happened to you is 'in order'], you need not fight with the world. When you submit to that order, you relax. The more you appreciate the order, the easier submission to it becomes. Until there is submission to the order, the ego does not resolve its problems. When the resolution has more or less taken place, Vedānta-vākyas, the teachings of Vedāntaḥ, will work. The teaching will be all light, not mere words."*
karmendriyāṇi कर्मेन्द्रियाणि
The five subtle powers of action, evident in:
• speaking - vāk (speech)
• handling - pāṇiḥ (hand)
• moving - pādaḥ (foot)
• reproducing - upasthaḥ (genitals)
• eliminating - pāyuḥ (anus)
Part of sūkṣma-śarīram and prāṇamaya-kośaḥ. The word karmendriyam refers to the subtle power of action (such as the power or capacity of handling) not to the physical action itself, but to its means. The power's physical location (golakam) is shown in the above list, in for example the hands. The word for the respective golakam not only refers to the physical organ, it also implies the conscious power pervading it – this is how it is with all powers of perception and action. See indriyam, the subtle power of an organ of perception or action; also see jñānendriyāṇi, the five subtle organs of knowledge.
kartā कर्ता
Doer or performer or author of action (a status applicable solely to human beings); subject of an action.
kartṛtvam कर्तृत्वम्
Doership; the sense of being the doer or author of action. "When one is able to recognise oneself as free from doership, one also becomes free from enjoyership."* See bhoktṛtvam.
karuṇā करुणा
Compassion; empathy.
kārya-kāraṇa-sambhandaḥ कार्य-कारण-सम्भन्दः
Cause-effect relationship.
kārya-karaṇa-saṅghātaḥ कार्य-करण-सङ्घातः
Body-mind-sense complex (close union or combination, saṅghātaḥ, of karaṇams and kāryam); the assemblage, saṅghātaḥ, of the physical body, kāryam, and the instruments of action, karaṇams (the instruments of bodily action are the mind, senses and prāṇaḥ). The karaṇams and kāryam are all modifications of the guṇas of prakṛtiḥ. All actions are performed by these prakṛti-guṇas (the mind, senses and physical limbs) alone.
kāryam कार्यम्
Effect; product; its cause is referred to by the word kāraṇam. Being an expression of its cause, an effect is in essence not different from its cause. An effect is a particular named expression or form of its cause. For example, a gold bangle is a specific name and form (a particular expression) of its cause, gold.
kaṣāyam कषायम्
Dormant, unresolved, emotional problems (from unresolved, subconscious rāga-dveṣas) that, on surfacing, make the mind stagnant, inhibiting its attention to the object of focus. Kaṣāyam is one of the four hindrances to meditation – the others are: layaḥ, rasāsvādaḥ and vikṣepaḥ.
"Vedānta doesn't work unless you love yourself. And unless you clear the kaṣāya, the unconscious inhibitions that deny self-love and make you loathe yourself, you cannot love yourself. Therefore, you start with self-care. Self-care begins with what one considers oneself to be."*
kauśalam कौशलम्
Discretion, good judgement in one's choice of action; capacity to interpret correctly with reference to norms for human interaction.
In the context of karma-yogaḥ (yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam – Gītā 2.50) it does not mean skill, perfection or efficiency, it means the capacity to assess correctly what (and how) action(s) should be done.
kaviḥ कविः
Poet; seer (ṛṣiḥ); one who is able to see beyond surface appearances and see things properly.
kāyaḥ कायः
The body; trunk of a tree; assemblage; collection; capital; habitation; also see dehaḥ, śarīram; (kāyika, relating to the body).
kāyikam karma कायिकम् कर्म
Bodily action. In saguṇa-brahma-upāsanam or īśvara-upāsanam, worship of the Lord is a three-fold activity: kāyikam karma, vācikam karma and mānasam karma. Kāyam means body, so kāyikam karma includes activity involving the physical body, such as waving a light, ringing a bell, offering food, cooking food, decoration of deities, etc. Orally reciting verses or chanting mantras or singing in praise of the Lord (invoking grace) is oral activity, vācikam karma. Vācikam karma can be with or without kāyikam karma. In kāyikam and vācikam karma the mind is involved, having only the thought of the Lord. However, in mānasam karma, purely mental activity, body and speech are not involved. Mānasam karma can be mānasa japaḥ (mentally repeating a mantraḥ) or visualising the form of the Lord as a given deity (as described in jñāna ślokāḥ) with focused attention. See mānasam karma, vācikam karma.
kevalam केवलम्
Only; simply; (kevala – one; alone; entirely).
kiñcit किञ्चित्
Small amount; very little.
kīrtanam कीर्तनम्
Singing (praising) the glory of God.
kleśaḥ क्लेशः
Affliction; due to ignorance, various afflictions impairing recognition of Īśvaraḥ arise for the jīvaḥ, such as:
abhiniveśaḥ - clinging to the body and to earthly life
asmitā - egoism
avidyā - ignorance
dveṣaḥ - aversion
jananam - birth
maraṇam - death
rāgaḥ - attachment
kośaḥ कोशः
One of the five areas of the kārya-karaṇa-saṅghātaḥ, the body-mind-sense complex, providing the potential for self-misidentification; see pañca-kośāḥ.
koṭiḥ कोटिः
View (of reality). No view or opinion or philosophy, being composed of words, ever reaches the truth about anything as truth is more than its articulation. Ātmā is ever-untouched by any view, which is yet another reason why Vedāntaḥ cannot be considered to be a philosophy.
krama-muktiḥ क्रम-मुक्तिः
Gradual (krama) liberation (muktiḥ) by slowly resolving the mind in the self after death while in brahma-lokaḥ being taught by Brahmā. Since reaching brahma-lokaḥ and being taught there by Brahmā is said to be extremely difficult (almost impossible) to attain, krama-muktiḥ is extremely rare.
kriyā क्रिया
kriyā-śaktiḥ क्रिया-शक्तिः
Power to do, make or act that is inherent in māyā. When manifest, the kriyā-śaktiḥ is known as rajoguṇaḥ, and is expressed in vikṣepa-śaktiḥ. Doing also implies the power to know, jñāna-śaktiḥ, and the power to desire, icchā-śaktiḥ. Also see śaktiḥ, dravya-śaktiḥ and guṇaḥ.
kriyāvān क्रियावान्
One endowed with the ability to act; actor.
krodhaḥ क्रोधः
Anger; wrath; passion; also see the six malas, impurities.
kṛpā कृपा
Mercy; grace; blessing; pity; tenderness; compassion – especially a compassion that is easily dismissible in testing situations. The three forms of grace are śāstra-kṛpā, guru-kṛpā, ātma-kṛpā, the grace of the scriptures, the guru and the true self. Although all three graces are necessary for liberation, and all three have to be earned, śāstra-kṛpā is primary and the most important. See guru-kṛpā.
kṛpaṇaḥ कृपणः
Poor; a beggar; miserly; stingy – in the Vedantic context, one who does not spend his or her knowledge of right and wrong (stingily doesn't use or 'spend' his buddhiḥ) and instead unthinkingly abuses the human birthright of free-will is a miser. Only an action in line with dharmaḥ is truly an action born of free-will because only a will in line with dharmaḥ is free (at least temporarily) of its delusions, restrictions and flaws. See saṅkalpaḥ.
Human will may be contaminated with habitual prejudices and various forms of conditioning that limit thinking, but the degree of self-awareness that comes with being human means that there is still some degree of autonomy (and hence responsibility) in human choices.
kṛṣṇaḥ कृष्णः
Lord Viṣṇuḥ, teacher of the Bhagavad-Gītā; personification of all-attractive happiness, fullness, limitlessness.
kṛtsna कृत्स्न
Entire; whole; all. Kṛtsnavit, knower of the whole, one of complete knowledge, a wise person.
kṛtsna-karmakṛt कृत्स्न-कर्मकृत्
(One for whom) the performing of action is entirely over; one who, knowing that ātmā is akartā, has accomplished all that need be done; a jīvan-muktaḥ, a jñānī.
kṣamā क्षमा
Patience; forgiveness; endurance; forbearance; tolerance.
kṣaṇika क्षणिक
Momentary; transient. All notions and experiences, all phenomena, are in constant change and are solely in and of the mind. The self is the unchanging witness of the mind and its changes.
kṣāntiḥ क्षान्तिः
An accommodating, appropriate, non-reactive, non-judgemental response to others' behaviour.
kṣatriyaḥ क्षत्रियः
A holder of kṣatram, authority; one who protects the righteous from being wounded or hurt by the non-righteous; a person born into the second varṇaḥ – a soldier, governor, administrator, landowner, etc.; also see brāhmaṇaḥ, priest; vaiśyaḥ, businessman; śūdraḥ, labourer.
kṣayaḥ क्षयः
Decay; loss; disease.
kṣemaḥ क्षेमः
Protection, preservation or retention of what has been acquired; ease; wellness; security. Its counterpart is yogaḥ, which is the acquiring of the yet to be acquired. These two related worldly pursuits, with the anxiety and stress they involve, can be detrimental to the pursuit of freedom. See Gītā 9.22.
kṣetrajña क्षेत्रज्ञ
Field-knower; knower of the field (kṣetram) of experience; knower of all that is observable; a synonym for ātmā as the sākṣī. See Gītā, chapter 7.
kṣetram क्षेत्रम्
Field (of experience) i.e. the jagat (including one's mind).
kṣiptam क्षिप्तम्
Thrown; scattered (attention); distracted (mind).
kṣudhā क्षुधा
kulam कुलम्
Family; community.
kuṇḍaḥ कुण्डः
Receptacle; pot; pitcher.
kūṭastha कूटस्थ
Immovable; ever the same. Because of its nature of immovability, ātmā is said to be kūṭastha, thereby likening it to the unbending blacksmith's anvil, kūṭam, when hammering red-hot metal. See Gītā 12.3.
kuṭīraḥ कुटीरः
Hut or cottage.


lābhaḥ लाभः
Benefit; wealth; profit; gain; advantage; attainment; conquest.
laghu लघु
Light; easy.
lakṣaṇam लक्षणम्
A word or statement that retains part of its own meaning while negating a supposed meaning, and in so doing implies a further meaning. That implied meaning is the meaning to be used. When a literal meaning of a definition or statement does not fit, an implied or figurative meaning is sought. A definition or statement from which an implied meaning (a lakṣyārthaḥ) is meant to be drawn is called a lakṣaṇam or lakṣaṇā.
lakṣaṇa-viśeṣaḥ लक्षण-विशेषः
A defining adjective. The words satyam, jñānam, anantam are not, as is often thought, ordinary adjectives describing attributes or features of Brahman, they are 'defining' adjectives that reveal Brahman. In doing so, they each use negation to correct mistakes committed from different standpoints. For example, since satyam refers to that which is non-negatable, changeless, independent, causeless, free from the limitations of time, there is nothing in the world that we can refer to as satyam. Hence, the word satyam negates all attempts at worldly comparison or definition and implies an unchanging, immanent reality that is the substratum of all. Similarly, the word jñānam negates the notion that such a reality is inert and implies a conscious being that is all-knowledge, jñaptiḥ, pure unformed knowledge per se. Again, anantam negates any notions of limit for Brahman (such as the possession of qualities or attributes) and thus implies a limitlessness that is beyond all conceptions of limit.
lakṣya-lakṣaṇa-bhāvaḥ लक्ष्य-लक्षण-भावः
This term connotes the relation between two words and an identical thing implied by them. It is one of the three kinds of relation: see the other two sāmānādhikaraṇyam and viśeṣaṇa-viśeṣya-bhāvaḥ.
lakṣya-lakṣaṇa-sambandhaḥ लक्ष्य-लक्षण-सम्बन्धः
The relationship (sambandhaḥ) between a word (lakṣyam, the thing being defined) and its meaning (lakṣaṇam, the definition). See sāmānādhikaraṇyam.
lakṣyam लक्ष्यम्
That whose characteristics are to be defined, revealed or indicated.
lakṣyārthaḥ लक्ष्यार्थः
Indicated or implied meaning of word(s). For example, when someone asks for water, a glass or cup for carrying it is implied in the request. He means a glass of water. See vācyārthaḥ, mukhyārthaḥ, vyaṅgyārthaḥ.
laukika लौकिक
Worldly; pertaining to empirical phenomena.
layaḥ लयः
Layaḥ means dissolution or resolution at the individual or micro level, such as when falling asleep. See the macro level, pralayaḥ.
Layaḥ also means sleepiness; sloth (due to tamas) – one of the four hindrances to meditation – the others are: kaṣāyam, rasāsvādaḥ and vikṣepaḥ.
leśaḥ लेशः
Fraction; small portion; particle.
līlā लीला
Play; sport; diversion; pleasure.
liṅgam लिङ्गम्
Clue; mark; sign; indication; gender.
liṅga-śarīram लिङ्ग-शरीरम्
Alternative name for the subtle body, indicating that evidence of its presence (such as breathing) is a sign (liṅgam) not just of life, but a sign that a functioning mind infused by consciousness is present. See sūkṣma-śarīram.
lobhaḥ लोभः
Greed; also see the six malas, impurities.
lokaḥ लोकः
Place; region; result. Of the 14 temporary abodes, lokas, the seven lower ones are forms of hell, narakaḥ, and are only for the exhaustion of pāpam. The seven higher are forms of heaven, svargaḥ, and are only for the exhaustion of puṇyam (with the exception of the turning point, bhū-lokaḥ, this Earth, in which change takes place, and in which puṇyam and pāpam are both acquired and exhausted).
Bhū-lokaḥ is the only place with free-will and so is the only lokaḥ where change or development or becoming is possible, hence the term bhū, to become.
The seven higher lokas begin with this Earth, bhūḥ, and in ascending order are bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ, suvaḥ, mahaḥ, janaḥ, tapaḥ, with satyam (also known as brahma-lokaḥ) the highest. In descending order, the seven lower are: atalam, vitalam, sutalam, talātalam, rasātalam, mahātalam, with pātālam lowest of all.
loka-saṅgrahaḥ लोक-सङ्ग्रहः
Welfare of the world.
loka-vāsanā लोक-वासना
The futile aim of always avoiding censure and winning praise. See vāsanā.


madaḥ मदः
Pride; arrogance; intoxication; also see the six malas, impurities.
madhu मधु
Sweet; pleasant.
madhyamā मध्यमा
Middle; third (middle, intermediate) stage of emergence of speech. The unmanifest and undifferentiated power of speech, known as parā, having become differentiated at the paśyantī stage, continues rising up the suṣumnā nāḍī. At the anāhata cakram, that same unmanifest power, parā, assumes by association with the intellect a specific word form. This means that, at this madhyamā stage, words and their pitch, speed of delivery, etc., are chosen for articulation at vaikharī. See parā, paśyantī, vaikharī.
madīya मदीय
My; mine; my own; belonging to me.
mahaḥ महः
One of the sacred utterances. In the Taittirīya Upaniṣad, four vyāhṛtis are mentioned for a meditation known as vyāhṛti-upāsanam. These vyāhṛtis are used as an ālambanam, a support, to meditate upon different devatās. The three well-known vyāhṛtis are bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ and svaḥ. The fourth, mahaḥ, is introduced in the Taittirīya. Mahaḥ, which in common with the others symbolises saguṇa-brahma-hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, was revealed by ṛṣiḥ Māhācamasya. See vyāhṛtiḥ.
mahādhīḥ महाधीः
One of wide knowledge, who knows even the source of knowledge.
mahātmā महात्मा
A great mind; a person of vision; a person free from ignorance; a jñānī. The word also indicates Bhagavān, the absolute or great self, the truth that is the only self (the only reality) of all beings.
māhātmyam माहात्म्यम्
Majesty; glory; greatness; dignity.
mahat-tattvam महत्-तत्त्वम्
The great principle; principle of intelligence or buddhiḥ; first product of prakṛtiḥ; the totality of all intellects and hence an epithet for Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ or Brahmā.
mahā-vākyam महा-वाक्यम्
Great statement from the Upaniṣads revealing the self. There are many such statements, but the four most famous are:
ahaṃ brahmāsmi
ayamātmā brahma
prajñānaṃ brahma
There is no gradation between them (as some suggest), the lakṣyārthaḥ of all is the same. Some other mahā-vākyas are:
brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati
neha nānāsti kiñcana
sarvaṃ hyetadbrahma
sarvaṃ khalvidaṃ brahma
satyaṃ jñānam anantaṃ brahma
maitrī मैत्री
Friendliness; benevolence; good will.
mālā माला
Garland (of flowers); string of beads (usually 108) for japaḥ.
malaḥ मलः
Dirt; impurity – six kinds:
kāmaḥ - lust
krodhaḥ - anger
lobhaḥ - greed
mohaḥ - delusion
madaḥ - pride
mātsaryam - jealousy
Each of these six is also known as a vairiḥ, an enemy, of the wise. Together, kāmaḥ, krodhaḥ, lobhaḥ form the threefold doorway to narakaḥ, hell (Gītā 16.21).
mamakāraḥ ममकारः
My-sense; sense of ownership; possessiveness; identification with, and claiming ownership of not only the body-mind-sense complex but also my car, my child, my career, my house, etc. Since mamakāraḥ depends on ahaṅkāraḥ, resolution of ahaṅkāraḥ simultaneously resolves mamakāraḥ (also known as mamatvam, my-ness).
manaḥ (manas) मनः (मनस्)
Mind; part of Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ. Manas is a particular manifestation of the jñāna-śaktiḥ, the power to know, and icchā-śaktiḥ, the power to desire. It is formed of vṛttis alone, which undergo constant change; typified by saṅkalpa-vikalpaḥ, desires and doubts, options and alternatives. Due to identification with one body, the mind divides what it meets into 'me', 'mine', and 'not me', 'not mine', superimposing attributes on the self.
Since the power to know and desire includes notions of identity (ahaṅkāraḥ), as well as memories (cittam) and decisions (buddhiḥ), manaḥ is used both to mean specific functions of the mind (knowing, feeling, desiring) as well as to represent the mind as a whole; see antaḥ-karaṇam, sūkṣma-śarīram.
mananam मननम्
Lit. 'thinking'. Resolving, with the help of the teacher, doubts about what has been heard during śravaṇam – including reflecting, with appropriate reasoning, on what has been heard – until understanding is flawless and complete. In mananam, a good student is like an oyster that picks up a grain of sand along with water and makes it into a pearl. He makes it his own. Thinking over what he has heard, he makes it complete. See nididhyāsanam, sākṣātkāraḥ.
mānasam karma मानसम् कर्म
Mental action. Thoughts are just thoughts, unless acted upon. A thought without a will behind it is not an action, it is a passing thought. If it has a will behind it, it becomes a mānasam karma, a mental action (or soon a kāyikam karma, a physical one) which accrues puṇyam or pāpam, as appropriate.
In saguṇa-brahma-upāsanam or īśvara-upāsanam, worship of the Lord is a three-fold activity: kāyikam karma, vācikam karma and mānasam karma. Kāyam means body, so kāyikam karma includes activity involving the physical body, such as waving a light, ringing a bell, offering food, cooking food, decoration of deities, etc. Orally reciting verses or chanting mantras or singing in praise of the Lord (invoking grace) is oral activity, vācikam karma. Vācikam karma can be with or without kāyikam karma. In kāyikam and vācikam karma the mind is involved, having only the thought of the Lord. However, in mānasam karma, purely mental activity, body and speech are not involved. Mānasam karma can be mānasa japaḥ (mentally repeating a mantraḥ) or visualising the form of the Lord as a given deity (as described in jñāna ślokāḥ) with focused attention. See kāyikam karma, vācikam karma.
manda मन्द
Dull; dull-witted; lazy; inactive; (māndyam, dullness).
maṅgalam मङ्गलम्
Auspicious; synonyms are bhadram, kalyāṇam, śam, śivam, śubham, svasti.
maṇiḥ मणिः
Jewel; gem; ornament.
manīṣā मनीषा
Ascertained knowledge of the vision of the śrutiḥmanīṣī, a clear thinker, intelligent, wise.
manomaya मनोमय
Having the mind as an upādhiḥ. This term refers to the mind being an upādhiḥ for ātmā. See manomaya-kośaḥ.
manomaya-kośaḥ मनोमय-कोशः
The five senses plus the mind, which seemingly cover the non-coverable ātmā, together constitute the manomaya-koṣaḥ. Being pervaded by the vijñānamaya-kośaḥ, the mind becomes a kośaḥ due to the reflection of consciousness in the buddhiḥ causing it (the mind) to identify with its location (the body) objectify what it meets and so create 'me', 'mine', etc. Then follows further mistaken identification and division with the modifications of the senses and mind into 'I am angry, peaceful, unsure, enthusiastic, cautious, kind, unkind, blind, sharp-eyed, deaf, hearing well', etc. Any sukham, happiness, in the manomaya belongs to the ānandamaya-kośaḥ which pervades it. The mind, being no more than an instrument of the self, is intrinsically anṛta-jaḍa-duḥkham, unknowing, inert and dissatisfied (wanting). See manas, pañca-kośāḥ, annamaya-kośaḥ, prāṇamaya-kośaḥ, vijñānamaya-kośaḥ, ānandamaya-kośaḥ.
mano-nigrahaḥ मनो-निग्रहः
Mastery over one's ways of thinking. See citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ.
manorājyam मनोराज्यम्
The "kingdom of the mind's" ignorant involuntary projection (then entertainment) of emotions, wrong conclusions, etc., usually leads to excessive dwelling upon thoughts of worldly objects and worldly pleasures. Entertaining them encourages them, leading to a weakness for them, perpetuating saṃsāraḥ. This is dealt with by nididhyāsanam, repeatedly dwelling on the clearly understood prior unfoldment of the teaching, eventually leading to absorption in one's svarūpam.
mantraḥ मन्त्रः
That which protects the reciter (through understanding and repeatedly dwelling upon its meaning). A mantraḥ can be a name of Īśvaraḥ, the Lord, a word revealing the essential nature of reality, the self. Any Vedic sentence in prose or verse is revered as a mantraḥ.
mantra-upaniṣad मन्त्र-उपनिषद्
An Upaniṣad in the form of hymns (verses) not prose, e.g. the Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad. See brahmana-upaniṣad.
manuṣyaḥ मनुष्यः
A living being capable of thinking, i.e. a human being.
manuṣya-yajñaḥ मनुष्य-यज्ञः
Worship of Īśvaraḥ in the form of one's fellow human beings by appropriately caring for and serving them; one of the five pañcamahā-yajñas.
manvantaram मन्वन्तरम्
Period of rule of each Manuḥ, i.e. 71.43 caturyugas. One manvantaram is one 14th of a kalpaḥ. One kalpaḥ is a day of Brahmā or 1,000 mahāyugas.
maraṇam मरणम्
Death; (māraṇam, killing, slaying).
mārgaḥ मार्गः
Path; way; course; route. There are not, as some claim, four paths to mokṣaḥ. In fact, since the self is ever free, there is no path or road to travel. Instead, the 'path' is one of enquiry (leading to the discovery 'I am Brahman') an enquiry that involves two sequential lifestyles. There is no choice as to which to follow: karma-yogaḥ prepares the mind for jñāna-yogaḥ, in which is gained the knowledge that is mokṣaḥ.
mātā माता
Mother; the one who measures (also mātṛ).
matam मतम्
View; contention; thought; opinion; a given school of thought. (However, the view of Bhagavān is a vision, dṛṣṭiḥ, of a fact – not merely a 'view', as views differ.)
maṭhaḥ मठः
mātsaryam मात्सर्यम्
Jealousy; envy; discomfort felt on seeing another's excellence, possession(s), etc.; also see the six malas, impurities.
maunam मौनम्
māyā माया
Indefinable power of Īśvaraḥ. Māyā does not exist independently of Īśvaraḥ and hence is mithyā, as is all that arises from it. Its being mithyā, dependently real, is why it is called māyā.
Māyā is one undifferentiated, unmanifest power that undergoes change to manifest the jagat. It has three aspects: the jñāna-śaktiḥ (capacity to know) which when manifest is called sattva-guṇaḥ, the kriyā-śaktiḥ (capacity to act) which when manifest is called rajo-guṇaḥ, and the dravya-śaktiḥ (capacity for inertia) which when manifest is called tamo-guṇaḥ.
First to emerge from māyā at the arising of the universe are the pañca-bhūtas, the five elements, each of which naturally consists of the three guṇas. These elements form all that follows. Their sāttvika aspects, for example, form the jñānendriyāṇi, the subtle aspects of the five senses.
From the standpoint of the jīvaḥ, it can seem that māyā is an upādhiḥ of Īśvaraḥ. However, being intrinsic to and inseparable from Īśvaraḥ, māyā is not an attribute nor an upādhiḥ (only when māyā is manifest as forms, names and functions do upādhis arise). Neither does māyā mean 'illusion', nor is what arises from it an illusion; the world is real, albeit dependently real, for its substratum, consciousness, is absolutely (independently) real.
When māyā, the power of reality, is unmanifest, knowledge is undifferentiated (and being so is commonly referred to as ignorance). When māyā is unmanifest, the universe is unmanifest. When māyā is manifest, knowledge is differentiated, i.e. the universe is manifest knowledge.
Truth or reality is the substratum or very existence of both knowledge and ignorance, of both the differentiated and the undifferentiated, of both the manifest and the unmanifest. That truth is Brahman, satyam brahma, which is pure (relationless, changeless) knowledge. Ultimately, there is no ignorance, no mind and no māyā.
māyāvī मायावी
Magician; sorcerer.
medhā-śaktiḥ मेधा-शक्तिः
Power of intellection, i.e. the ability to properly receive and understand whatever is studied, fully retain and assimilate it, and then properly recall it at the necessary time – and not just for a few things, but for many texts, many disciplines of knowledge. See śaktiḥ.
medhāvī मेधावी
Wise man; one of refined intelligence; one who understands a subject thoroughly and retains it, complete with all the details.
mīmāṃsā मीमांसा
Analysis of the sentences of the Vedaḥ, an analysis that makes use not only of logic and grammar, but also of context and intention, tātparyam.
Analysis of the earlier, pūrvā, portion (karma-kāṇḍaḥ or ritual portion) is called pūrvā-mīmāṃsā, also known as karma-mīmāṃsā. Its adherents rightly say that the Vedaḥ is eternal and is the final word on everything. However, some karma-mīmāṃsā adherents also wrongly say that the Vedaḥ enjoins you to do action coupled with jñānam for mokṣaḥ, and that mokṣaḥ is only from a combination of the two.
Uttara-mīmāṃsā is an analysis that is uttara, later. It is an analysis of Vedāntaḥ, the concluding or end portion of the Vedas. These concluding portions are also known as the Upaniṣads. Their statements reveal the nature of reality. They further reveal that the ultimate aim and purport of the Vedaḥ is not any form of karma – or even bhaktiḥ – but jñānam, knowledge, and that knowledge alone liberates. See other dualist opponents of Vedāntaḥ – cārvākaḥ, sāṅkhyam and naiyāyikaḥ.
mithyā मिथ्या
Mithyā is not any kind of object, but is an ontological term indicating that which is neither absolutely real nor unreal, but which is empirically, objectively, relatively, dependently real. Whatever is mithyā has a beginning and an end and is subject to change. All that is experienceable is therefore classifiable as mithyā.
Mithyā is a synonym for asat, indicating something that is dependent for its very existence on its observer or on its substratum, just as a perception (a perceived object) depends on its perceiver, or a gold ornament depends on gold. The perception and ornament are known only while the perceiver or substratum are present; remove them and the perceived object and ornament disappear. Hence, the perception and ornament are both mithyā, dependently real, not absolutely real, but certainly not illusions or delusions. (Synonym of mṛṣā, unreal, false, and vaitathyam, falseness.) See sat, asat, satyam, tuccham and abhāvaḥ.
modaḥ मोदः
Joy, pleasure; a degree of happpiness: the (greater) pleasure born of having got a desired object; also see priya, pramodaḥ.
mohaḥ मोहः
Delusion; absence of discriminative understanding; bewilderment; perplexity. Humanity's delusion in its vain search for fulfilment in worldly phenomena is like that of a small child sucking its thumb, mistaking its own saliva for mother's milk and so remaining ever unsatisfied. See malaḥ, abhimānaḥ, bandhaḥ.
mokṣaḥ मोक्षः
Freedom from limitation; freedom from ignorance-born erroneous identification with the body and mind; freedom from saṃsāraḥ the beginningless, endless cycle of births and deaths; freedom from emotional dependence; freedom from being a wanting person – all of which is accomplishable only through self-knowledge as freedom is already present, but covered by ignorance. In short, freedom from sorrow.
Knowledge of the self itself is taking ownership of that freedom that is already one's own essential nature. Mokṣaḥ is also known as parama-śreyaḥ, most exalted wellness, and as saṃsiddhiḥ, the greatest accomplishment, and yet it is the accomplishment of the already accomplished. Mokṣaḥ is not and cannot be an event that occurs in time (for whatever begins ends). It is an ever-existent fact that simply needs to be recognised as such. Mokṣaḥ is not mokṣaḥ unless known in the waking state, jāgrad-avasthā.
The freedom that is mokṣaḥ is freedom from self-ignorance, an ignorance that leads to misperception of both oneself and the world. These misperceptions result in misconceptions that often evoke misplaced emotional responses in the form of unease or distress (including jealousy, anger, depression, fear, anxiety, regret, etc.) too often resulting in inappropriate action and sorrow. All such unfortunate responses leave a residue of unfinished business that perpetuates the cycle of emotionally driven problems known as saṃsāraḥ, a cycle that is never-ending until broken by correct knowledge of oneself and the world.
While identified with the mind, ātmā appears to be the experiencer of varying vṛttis, thought forms, whereas in mokṣaḥ, ātmā is known to be distinct from every vṛttiḥ. In mokṣaḥ, ātmā is known to be the free, unsullied substratum of each and every vṛttiḥ, no matter the state of mind. In mokṣaḥ, ātmā is known to be the invariable consciousness in every (variable) cognition – pratibodha viditam matam (Kena 2.4). This means, consciousness is experienced in every experience, but, crucially, not as an object of experience! Consciousness is experienced as the invariable, unsullied presence in all experience. See brahmaikyam, parā-vidyā and āptiḥ.
mṛt मृत्
mṛtyuḥ मृत्युः
Death; lord of death. After death, the time until a new birth varies from months to hundreds of Earth (bhū-lokaḥ) years depending on puṇya-pāpam and the last impression before death (one day after death in other lokas equates to one year here in this lokaḥ).
mūḍhāḥ मूढाः
The deluded; the confused.
mudrā मुद्रा
Name for certain hand gestures and finger positions.
mukhyārthaḥ मुख्यार्थः
Direct meaning of a word or statement, e.g. in 'this is your book', the direct meaning of 'your book' is understood: it is yours. See vācyārthaḥ, lakṣyārthaḥ, vyaṅgyārthaḥ.
mukta मुक्त
Free; released; liberated.
muktiḥ मुक्तिः
Freedom; release; liberation; synonym of mokṣaḥ (freedom) and vimocanam (liberation).
mūlam मूलम्
Root; source; basis; principle.
mūla-granthaḥ मूल-ग्रन्थः
The root or source text; a text when unadorned by a commentary, bhāṣyam.
mūla-pramāṇam मूल-प्रमाणम्
Root or most basic means of knowledge, i.e. direct perception. See pramāṇam
mūlāvidyā मूलाविद्या
Original or primary ignorance – (mūla root; avidyā, ignorance) synonymous with māyā. See tūlāvidyā.
mumukṣuḥ मुमुक्षुः
Desirer of freedom, liberation, knowing clearly what that means, i.e. knowing that through recognition of one's true nature, all ignorance-born bondages (from the ego to the body) will go, along with the sorrow they induce. For such a person, it is by far the predominant goal in life. In contrast, a mumukṣā is one who has heard of mokṣaḥ, likes the idea of it and desires it, but who is unclear exactly what it is, its relation to jñānam and how it (mokṣaḥ) is attained.
mumukṣutvam मुमुक्षुत्वम्
Having the status of being desirous of liberation, mokṣaḥ, from sorrow. This status is something that is arrived at when all the prior stages of sādhana-catuṣṭayam have reached sufficient maturity. This singular desirousness arises on recognising that all desires are in fact expressions of the desire for freedom from limitation and its accompanying sense of inadequacy, vulnerability and constraint. That recognition and its consequent changed priorities (all due to vivekaḥ) bring an enduring commitment, a status of being unshakeably committed to that quest for freedom and its means, jñānam. See sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
muniḥ मुनिः
One who is discipline-minded; a person capable of appropriate thinking; one who does not lose sight of the fact that all that is here is absolute reality; one who remains focused on the vision of the truth; someone capable of being meditative; a sage; an ascetic.
mūrtiḥ मूर्तिः
Form; visible shape; personification; idol; statue.


nādaḥ नादः
Sound; ringing of a bell.
nāḍī नाडी
Nerve; a system of subtle nerves or channels (unavailable via dissection) that runs throughout the subtle body and converges on the heart, the seat or golakam of the mind, antaḥkaraṇam. The most well-known nāḍī is the suṣumnā nāḍī.
naimittikam नैमित्तिकम्
(noun) Effect; result. Its corresponding cause is referred to by the term nimittam; (adjective: naimittika, occasional, special, accidental).
naimittika-karma नैमित्तिक-कर्म
Occasional (not daily) duties, some of which will be regular, e.g. monthly, yearly. All naimittika-karmas are included in nitya-karmas. Their performance earns puṇyam. Even though non-performance of naimittika-karma will not incur pāpam, turning to and involvement in unnecessary action then becomes inevitable. Dalliance with the unnecessary, pratyavāya-doṣaḥ (the fault of omission) is a slippery slope that leads to doing what should not be done, which produces pāpam.
In the aspirant for mokṣaḥ, nitya-naimittika-karmas become niṣkāma-karmas, and kāmya-karmas are left untouched.
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
naiścalyam नैश्चल्यम्
Steadiness; solidity; fixity.
naiṣkarmyam नैष्कर्म्यम्
Actionlessness; knowing oneself to be free from doership.
naiṣkarmya-siddhiḥ नैष्कर्म्य-सिद्धिः
The recognition that 'I am actionless', which comes with the direct knowledge of oneself being ātmā.
Recognising the truth about oneself is recognising that I do not have doership – I never could have it, and I never have had it (in spite of how things seemed).
naivedyam नैवेद्यम्
Offerable; conveyable; food (symbolically) offered to a deity.
naiyāyikaḥ नैयायिकः
Logician; a user and follower of the dualist nyāyaḥ (logic) system of Indian philosophy, founded by Akṣapāda Gautama, that asserts (in common with modern science) that matter is real and consciousness is its product. Hence, they say the world is independently real, that Īśvaraḥ is different from the world and that you, a unique jīvaḥ, are a kartā, doer, and bhoktā, enjoyer. The naiyāyikas claim one becomes liberated by knowing the different elements of which the world consists. In common with other dualist schools (the mīmāṃsakas, sāṅkhyas and cārvākāḥ) they form the chief debating opponents of Vedāntins.
nākaḥ नाकः
Heaven; vault of Heaven; firmament; (a place of) no unhappiness. See svargaḥ
nakṣatram नक्षत्रम्
Star; constellation.
nāman (nāma) नामन् (नाम)
namaḥ नमः
Salutations – namaste (namaḥ-te), 'salutations to you'. See praṇipātaḥ.
nāma-rūpam नाम-रूपम्
Name (nāman) and form (rūpam). This insubstantial world is mere name and form whose substance is satyam. Name and form is not and cannot be a separate, independent reality from its substance – the name and form ring is not a separate, independent reality from its substance, gold. Remove the gold and the ring goes too.
nandaḥ नन्दः
Joy; delight; happiness.
nanu ननु
Expression used to convey an objection or question: a vocative particle revealing kindness, perplexity or reproach; also used to convey 'no doubt', 'not at all', 'never', 'indeed', 'certainly'.
narakaḥ नरकः
Hell; the group of seven lower regions, which are (in descending order): atalam, vitalam, sutalam, talātalam, rasātalam, mahātalam, with pātālam lowest of all. The worst among those bound for hell are said to be dragged to the abode of Lord Yamaḥ by a noose around their necks and are endowed with a special body, yātanā dehaḥ, to undergo sufferings on the way. Reaching the city a year later, Citragupta's court assigns their punishments in line with his records. See lokaḥ and svargaḥ.
nārāyaṇaḥ नारायणः
One of the names of Īśvaraḥ as the all-pervasive sustainer, meaning 'the one who has ultimately to be arrived at, attained, by a human mind' (having discovered whom, the mind will resolve for good); Lord Viṣṇuḥ.
narmadā नर्मदा
Bestower of happiness.
nāśaḥ नाशः
Destruction; disappearance; removal.
nāsikā नासिका
Nose; nostril (nāsikāgram, tip of the nose; the point where external air enters the nose – nāsikāgram does not mean the 'root' of the nose between the eyes.)
nāstikaḥ नास्तिकः
One who does not recognise the Vedaḥ as a pramāṇam; see āstikaḥ.
naśvara नश्वर
Transient; perishable; subject to change.
nāthaḥ नाथः
Lord; refuge; protector; husband.
neha nānāsti kiñcana नेह नानास्ति किञ्चन
"There is no second thing here at all." Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.1.11. See mahāvākyam.
netā नेता
neti-neti नेति-नेति
"Not this, not this" (lit. "No! No!" na-iti, na-iti); an expression used in various texts for progressively negating any and all ideas about ātmā. Carefully dismissing all that is untrue reveals, by implication, the (non-objectifiable) truth.
nidhānam निधानम्
Repository; place of rest; residence; receptacle. Mokṣaḥ is said to be the paramaṃ nidhānam, the supreme resting place in which is found the greatest treasure.
nididhyāsanam निदिध्यासनम्
Contemplation – repeatedly dwelling upon the nature of reality understood as one's own self, the truth of 'I'. Contemplation is a form of meditation, dhyānam, wherein the meditator-meditated division or difference is absent because the 'object' of meditation is oneself, it is the truth or essential nature of you, the subject.
Nididhyāsanam (didhyāsa, the desire to dwell; ni, on well-ascertained knowledge) is possible only after sufficient śravaṇam and mananam. Only then is the required knowledge well-enough ascertained to be worth dwelling on.
Nididhyāsanam is for the removal of the obstructions to the full ascertainment and assimilation of what has already been correctly understood from śravaṇam and mananam. That removal is the uprooting of viparīta-bhāvanāḥ, competing, deeply embedded, false ideas about oneself, i.e. identification with the mind and body. Nididhyāsanam is not for gaining knowledge; that is the role of śravaṇam.
One method of assimilation is to dwell repeatedly, in daily life, upon the understanding one has gained (and thereby not lose the objectivity it bestows). This practice is known as brahma-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam.
Alternatively, an aspirant may gain that assimilation by regularly sitting and dwelling at specific times on what has been properly understood of the truth of oneself. This is known as samādhi-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam. Often, both methods are used.
Nididhyāsanam is a synonym of nirguṇa-brahma-upāsanam and svasvarūpa-anusandhānam. See the two types of nididhyāsanam – samādhi-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam and brahma-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam and also sākṣātkāraḥ. The four hindrances to all forms of meditation are: kaṣāyam, layaḥ, rasāsvādaḥ and vikṣepaḥ.
nidrā निद्रा
Sleep; spiritual sleep. Nidrā indicates that all three states of waking, dream and deep sleep are characterised by an absence of knowledge of reality and hence are states of sleep, spiritual sleep.
Māyā or universal ignorance has its individual aspect that has the same two-fold power of veiling/projecting and hence is capable of projecting a 'new' individual in his/her own world. All this amounts to the near-universal human malaise of ignorance-born self-misconception, the malaise of being asleep to that which is real. It is a spiritual sleep, a sleep (a dream or error) in which the reality of one's sense of self and the reality of the world usually remain unquestioned. As long as the person is convinced of being already awake, it never occurs to him or her to seek to wake up.
nigamanam निगमनम्
Conclusion arrived at through deductive reasoning from two or more propositions; conclusive summary of an argument.
nigrahaḥ निग्रहः
Restraint; obstruction; mastery.
nimitta-kāraṇam निमित्त-कारणम्
Intelligent or efficient cause, the presence of which itself lends existence to matter. It is a cause in a three-fold way: as the creator, as the one who or which sustains the creation and as the one into whom or into which the creation resolves.
Each cause changes in becoming its related effect. In the case of material causes, the changes are obvious (clay becomes moulded into a pot, gold into a ring). For instrumental causes, the knowledge that effects change is both causal and instrumental. In effecting change, unmanifest knowledge becomes manifest knowledge, i.e. knowledge becomes manifest in the very form revealed. Knowledge, as well as becoming manifest in (and as) the object, manifests as the very existence of the object, sustaining it, for without it the effect would not occur. Later, that same knowledge is that into which the manifestation resolves.
The nimitta-kāraṇam has intelligence in the informational or knowledge sense of the word (as in the gathering of intelligence on someone) and that knowledge includes the skill, the know-how, to apply it (all skill is intelligently applied knowledge). Efficient here means the capacity, the knowledge, to accomplish or effect (produce) change. See upādāna-kāraṇam.
nimittam निमित्तम्
Being instrumental; reason; motive; target. Its corresponding effect is referred to by the term naimittikam.
nirañjana निरञ्जन
Untainted; spotless; pure; untainted by any association; ever transcendent even though immanent (a term for ātmā).
niratiṣaya निरतिषय
Unsurpassed; unrivalled; unequalled.
niravayava निरवयव
Without parts; divisionless; indivisible.
nirguṇa-brahma निर्गुण-ब्रह्म
Attributeless, absolute reality implied by the term 'Brahman' (as its nature is limitlessness); pure consciousness; see saguṇa-brahma.
nirguṇa-brahma-upāsanam निर्गुण-ब्रह्म-उपासनम्
Meditation on nirguṇa-brahma, the abstract formless reality, in which meditation there is no meditator-meditated difference – see upāsanam, nididhyāsanam.
nirguṇaḥ निर्गुणः
Free from all attributes.
nirodhaḥ निरोधः
niruktam निरुक्तम्
The discipline of Vedic (vaidika) etymology showing the evolution of words from their grammatical roots; one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – also see śikṣā, chandas, vyākaraṇam, jyotiṣaḥ, kalpaḥ.
nirupādhi निरुपाधि
Without upādhiḥ (not having or possessing a limiting adjunct or manifesting medium). See upādhiḥ and sopādhi.
nirupādhika-adhyāsaḥ निरुपाधिक-अध्यासः
In nirupādhikādhyāsaḥ, one object is mistaken for another, e.g. a rope is mistaken for a snake. Once the rope is known, the snake goes away. The snake, being only prātibhāsika-satyam, subjectively real, cannot remain when the rope is known. See sopādhikādhyāsaḥ, adhyāsaḥ and upādhiḥ.
nirvedaḥ निर्वेदः
A commitment to knowledge and a dispassion for worldly objects and pursuits; a consequence of puruṣārtha-niścayaḥ.
nirvikalpa निर्विकल्प
Divisionless; changeless; free from the knower-knowledge-known division; (nirvikalpa does not mean 'absence of thought'.)
nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ निर्विकल्प-समाधिः
"A state of absorption [also known as asamprajñāta-samādhiḥ or nirbīja-samādhiḥ] in which there is no second thing at all; a samādhiḥ in which there is absence of distinction between knower-knowledge-known, as in deep sleep, but, unlike sleep, the mind is awake, meaning there are vṛttis and so the state will be displaced by thought. Being of the mind, any samādhiḥ is transient. Nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ is not, and cannot, be an experience of ātmā as ātmā is not experienceable. Some say that after you come out of nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ you will see the world entirely differently, but that is not correct because how you see the world depends purely on your vision of reality. Having experienced nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ you have to interpret that experience, and to interpret the experience you must have a pramāṇam, a means of knowledge."*
Nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ is not mokṣaḥ. It is an experience that comes and goes. That vṛttiḥ, having assumed the form of Brahman is no longer perceived as a vṛttiḥ (but exists nevertheless) and only the self remains evident. When another vṛttiḥ displaces it, the samādhiḥ concludes. In contrast, in deep sleep (suṣuptiḥ) thoughts are unmanifest, the other two mental states having merged in their cause, ignorance (ajñāna-vṛttiḥ). Only the demands of prārabdhaḥ stir the person. See samādhiḥ, savikalpa-samādhiḥ and nididhyāsanam.
nirvikāra निर्विकार
Unmodifiable; unchangeable; unchanged.
nirviśeṣa निर्विशेष
Without any attributes or distinguishing characteristics.
nirvṛttiḥ निर्वृत्तिः
Development; completion; termination; mokṣaḥ.
niścayaḥ निश्चयः
Conviction; definiteness; firm resolve.
niścitārthaḥ निश्चितार्थः
Well ascertained
niṣedhaḥ निषेधः
Prohibition (forbidden by scripture); discontinuance; warding off; negation; control.
niṣedha-vākyam निषेध-वाक्यम्
A statement phrased in negative terms, e.g. 'the self is unlimited', 'the seer is not the seen', here dismissing (negating) false notions of limit and identity. See vidhi-vākyam.
niṣiddha-karma निषिद्ध-कर्म
Forbidden action; action not in line with dharmaḥ and therefore forbidden by the scriptures and which accumulates pāpam.
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
niṣkāma निष्काम
Free from (binding) desire.
niṣkāma-karma निष्काम-कर्म
An action free from binding desire, which means an action that is proper, necessary and done with no ulterior motive. There is no attachment to the action or its result, even though the person may want the result. The result is expected (all actions have results) but there is no attachment to the result as the focus is only on performance of action as a means to purify and steady the mind for mokṣaḥ. Such a person is a karma-yogī. He or she knows that no action is ever a source of happiness as happiness is inherent (it is never a product, refinement, attainment or modification). His aim is clear, he wants only mokṣaḥ. He has puruṣārtha-niścayaḥ.
When such an action is done, recognising that the fulfilment of the need is the fulfilment of the dharmaḥ of Īśvaraḥ, it becomes an action dedicated to Īśvaraḥ, in service of Īśvaraḥ. That recognition, and the consequent surrendering or entrusting of the action to Īśvaraḥ, is known as īśvara-arpaṇa-buddhiḥ. It brings antaḥkaraṇa-śuddhiḥ, purification of the mind, as it incurs the grace of Īśvaraḥ while turning the mind away from excessive 'me-focused' behaviour. See karma-yogaḥ. (Desire is natural and necessary for action. All actions – mental or physical – are done with desire, but a desire having a personal motive binds.)
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
nistāraḥ निस्तारः
Crossing over; deliverance; final release.
niṣṭhā निष्ठा
Firmness; steadiness; freedom from doubt or vagueness; remaining established in the vision of the truth. Because of this steadiness, niṣṭhā can also mean 'lifestyle' (steady adherence to a way of life).
nitya नित्य
Timeless; not subject to time. Note that timelessness is not 'eternity' (which is a measure of time) neither does it have 'continuity', for continuity is also a measure of time.
nitya-karma नित्य-कर्म
Any regular, daily or occasional duty and hence, the term includes naimitta-karma and of course religious duties. Duty is that which is due, due to be done. It is that which needs to happen or be done. Doing what needs to be done is choiceless because a need is by definition not a matter of choice but of recognition. Fulfilling a true need earns puṇyam as it is a manifestation of dharmaḥ, and it avoids or even mitigates pāpam (nitya-karmas such as prayer may mitigate the impact, or even neutralise the results, of prior wrong action).
When nitya-naimittika-karmas (daily and occasional duties) are done for antaḥkaraṇa-śuddhiḥ, purification of the mind (as a step towards mokṣaḥ) they become niṣkāma-karmas, actions not driven by binding personal desire and hence become part of karma-yogaḥ.
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
nitya-mukta नित्य-मुक्त
Ever free. True mokṣaḥ can only be a timeless, ever-present, ever-attained fact that need not and cannot be attained. A mokṣaḥ that is not beyond the constraint of all three periods of time (past, present, future) must decline and so is not true mokṣaḥ.
nitya-śuddha-buddha-mukta नित्य-शुद्ध-बुद्ध-मुक्त
Timeless, pure, awakened, liberated – an expression sometimes used to describe a jñānī.
nivṛtaḥ निवृतः
Contented; ceased; resolved – hence, free from the hold of the mind; identified with the self, not the mind.
nivṛttiḥ निवृत्तिः
Abstinence; cessation; giving primacy to śreyas rather than preyas – see its opposite pravṛttiḥ.
niyamaḥ नियमः
Injunction; rule; precept; name of a set of five injunctions in aṣṭāṅga-yogaḥ, namely:
Action that is obviously right or appropriate in a given situation and therefore must be done; action that is in line with dharmaḥ or ordained by śāstram.
niyatātmā नियतात्मा
One having a disciplined mind.
niyatiḥ नियतिः
Law; order; inner order of things (dharmaḥ); self-restraint; restriction; necessity; destiny; religious duty or obligation.
nūnam नूनम्
Definitely; asssuredly; certainly.
nyāyaḥ न्यायः
Justice; rule; law; fact. One of the six orthodox schools of Hinduism. The school has developed theories and methods of logic and epistemology.
Nyāyaḥ can also refer to an illustration, axiom or maxim that logically expresses a truth or fact. Examples include:


om ओम्
All that is both within time and space (the entire universe) and all that is beyond time and space, everything is Om. This sacred sound-symbol (pratīkaḥ) of the Lord is an auspicious name, and so when chanted it invokes Īśvaraḥ, helping one recognise the vastu.
All human sounds are modifications of the natural gutteral sound 'a', which becomes 'm' on closing the lips. The sound 'u' simply represents all sounds in between. All words in all languages being combinations of sounds, Om may be said to pervade and represent all name and form. Its three constituent sounds a, u, m are also the origin of the three vyāhṛtis that are the essence of the gāyatrī-mantraḥ. The gāyatrī is in turn the essence of every mantraḥ of the entire Vedaḥ.
Om is used for both saguṇa- as well as nirguṇa-dhyānam. In saguṇa-dhyānam the letter 'a' is the waker and Virāt, the waker's world; the vowel 'u' is the dreamer and Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, the dreamer's world, the thought world. The consonant 'm' is the sleeper and the causal world, Śivaḥ. The silence between repetitions of Om is nirguṇa-brahma, the truth of Om. Om is not to be chanted on its own, except by vānaprasthas and sannyāsins, as doing so induces vairāgyam. See praṇavaḥ.
The 'o' in the word Om should be pronounced by forming the lips into a tiny circle and making the vowel sound in 'go' or 'toe'. The vowel 'o' should be one long (dīrgha) measure of sound. The labial sound 'm' should be short (hrasva) giving a total of three short measures for the duration of Om. The phonetic 'aum' is a teaching device and not a pronunciation guide nor an alternative spelling.
oṃ tat sat ॐ तत् सत्
A famous mantraḥ that purifies and makes sāttvika any action unopposed to dharmaḥ.
oṣadhiḥ ओषधिः
Plant; herb; vegetation.


pādaḥ पादः
A fourth part (a quarter) of a stanza; a quarter of anything; foot.
padam पदम्
Step; foot; word; that which is to be reached or accomplished; that by which an object is reached or known.
Being the blessing by which anything may be arrived at, padam also implies pure knowledge.
padārthaḥ पदार्थः
Meaning of a word (usually the direct meaning); substance (of any substantive). This term especially refers to any and all objects, situations and phenomena in the world with which I have no emotional bond of either attachment, rāgaḥ, or aversion, dveṣaḥ. I am, for example, untouched emotionally (I am calmly disinterested) on happening to hear of the plight of people elsewhere in the world with whom I have no connection or relation. In contrast, those people and events with whom I do have a rāga-dveṣaḥ relation are categorised as viṣayaḥ, an object or area of interest, concern or involvement. So, padārthaḥ and viṣayaḥ refer to the two categories of objects and phenomena I meet: respectively Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ and jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ.
pakṣaḥ पक्षः
Side (of anything); wing (of a bird); a shoulder; fortnight (one 'side' or half of a lunar month); (the contention of the opposing) side – see pūrvapakṣī.
pāñcabhautikam पाञ्चभौतिकम्
Five-element model of the world – see ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth. These pañca-bhūtas, five elements, arise from māyā in the order shown here. Each therefore, like māyā, consists of the three guṇas and has, in addition to its own properties, a measure of the properties of its predecessor in succession (due to being pervaded by it) and so pṛthivī has all of them. These five being the first to manifest from māyā, all that follows is their product.
The names, fire, water, earth, etc do not refer to their well-known material forms. The names are indicative only. Flaming fire, for example, is just the closest physical exemplar of the element agniḥ, fire.
pañcāgni-vidyā पञ्चाग्नि-विद्या
A poetic description of the return of a jīvaḥ for a new birth (in which description Īśvaraḥ is looked upon, for the purpose of upāsanā, as five sacrificial fires) – see Muṇḍaka 2.1.5. When the puṇyam of the jīvaḥ that took it to Heaven (fire 1) is exhausted, entering clouds (fire 2) it comes down to the Earth (fire 3) through rain. Absorbed into the sap of vegetation, it is ingested as food by a male (fire 4). That food becomes a seed that is placed in a female (fire 5) and the jīvaḥ is born.
pañca-kośāḥ पञ्च-कोशाः
The five (mithyā) layers of personality that seemingly cover the non-coverable self, ātmā. Ignorance provides the potential for self-misidentification with the kārya-karaṇa-saṅghāta, the body-mind-sense complex. Although the finer kośaḥ successively pervades the grosser (and the Upaniṣads similarly reflect this metaphor of causes being 'inner' to, subtler than and pervading their effects) the five kośas are not nesting successively like Russian dolls within dolls (with ānandamaya as the innermost and ātmā within that). Instead, all are within the mind and ātmā pervades all five, at every level, as the very existence and substance of each. The cognitive negation of each in turn arrives at the non-negatable sākṣī, the witness. See...
The five correspond to the three śarīrams: the annamaya-kośaḥ to the sthūla-śarīram, the prāṇamaya, manomaya and vijñānamaya-kośas to the sūkṣma-śarīram, and the ānandamaya-kośaḥ to the kāraṇa-śarīram. (The suffix -maya(ṭ) means modification, as in annamaya, modification or product of food, anna. It does not refer to māyā.)
pañca-kośa-viveka-prakriyā पञ्च-कोश-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
One of the methods of unfoldment of the self; analysis of the five kośas that seemingly cover ātmā. This method helps the seeker or aspirant gradually arrive at the subtlest consciousness, ātmā, from the gross physical body, thereby shifting the 'I'-sense, aham, from the body to consciousness; see prakriyā.
pañca-mahā-yajñaḥ पञ्च-महा-यज्ञः
The five great forms of worship or sacrifice:
devayajñaḥ - worship of Īśvaraḥ, the Lord, in the form of gods, devatās.
pitṛyajñaḥ - worship of the Lord in the form of ancestors.
ṛṣiyajñaḥ - worship of the Lord in the form of ṛṣis and scriptures.
manuṣya-yajñaḥ - worship of the Lord in the form of human beings.
bhūta-yajñaḥ - worship of the Lord in the form of the natural world of plants, animals, etc.
All five contribute toward the mental preparation (karma-yogaḥ) needed for mokṣaḥ.
pañcīkaraṇam पञ्चीकरणम्
Grossification of the five subtle elements, tanmātras (pañcīkaraṇam, lit. 'making into five'). One half of the tāmasika aspect of each element is combined with one eighth of each of the tāmasika aspects of the other four.
The word 'elementals' refers to the modified forms of the five gross elements, namely all the objects (forms) in the world, jagat, including the words denoting those forms and the purposes those forms serve.
paṇḍitaḥ पण्डितः
Scholar; learned. However, in Vedāntaḥ, paṇḍitaḥ means a wise person, a sage, one who has self-knowledge.
pāpa-karma पाप-कर्म
Action (karma) that is not in line with dharmaḥ. It has a later, presently unseen result, an adṛṣṭa-phalam that is unpleasant. The unseen result, which is similarly known as pāpam, manifests as an unwelcome, inauspicious situation or experience later in this life or in a future one. Any immediate or later pleasure appearing to arise from a wrong, adharmic action is not due to that action but to the arising of previously earned, unrelated puṇyam. See puṇya-karma.
pāpam पापम्
The adverse or unfavourable influence or quality arising from wrong or inappropriate action, from action that transgresses universal values and disturbs the order that is dharmaḥ. The adverse influence remains unseen (adṛṣṭa) until manifesting as duḥkham, sorrow, arising from unpleasant, unfavourable situations and experiences. Any unpleasant situation is the result of pāpa-karma. All pāpas are due to identification with the body, which leads to competition in which others' loss is necessarily sought, forming pāpam. Specific pāpam is exhausted by specific experience. See puṇyam, vāsanā, saṃskāraḥ, adharmaḥ.
parā परा
Supreme; absolute; origin of all; synonym of māyā (as all returns to it).
Name of the unmanifest and undifferentiated power of speech, which is latent in the individual and found within the perineum, at the mūlādhāra cakram – also see paśyantī, madhyamā, vaikharī.
parāg-darśinaḥ पराग्-दर्शिनः
param परम्
Supreme; highest; limitless; the most superior; a reference to Brahman being the very truth of its own intrinsic power, māyā, and hence, in that sense, superior to it.
paramārthaḥ परमार्थः
Highest truth or meaning; absolute reality; knowledge that is brahmātmā.
pāramārthika-satyam पारमार्थिक-सत्यम्
Supreme (absolute) reality, that which is satyam jñānam anantam brahma, free from all attributes. The very reality of jīvaḥ, jagat, and Īśvaraḥ. Synonym of turīyam. See vyāvahārika-satyam, prātibhāsika-satyam.
paramātmā परमात्मा
The limitless, all-pervasive, ever-pure, ever-unchanging, ever-accomplished, timeless self out of which the universe is born, is sustained, and to which it returns. A synonym for pratyagātmā, the pure consciousness whose recognition and full ascertainment as the same, secondless, ultimate truth (svarūpaḥ) of the jīvaḥ, Īśvaraḥ and Brahman is what is meant by liberation. The prefix param, supreme, emphasises and celebrates the greatness and absolute, non-dual, secondless nature of the ātmā. Hence, the term paramātmā contrasts with the term jīvātmā, emphasising that ātmā (the essential nature of each) is the same – just as water is the essence of both wave and ocean.
Some claim that paramātmā refers to a 'supreme soul' of which the so-called 'many individual ātmās' are a part and with which they eventually merge. None of that is true. Such errors are due to a misunderstanding of the nature of the self and of the soul. The truth is, ātmā is advaita, non-dual, which means there is no second entity. Therefore, there is not and cannot be a supreme soul (as it implies other, lesser souls). Neither are there, nor can there be, many individual ātmās. Ātmā does not mean soul. The nearest equivalent to the word 'soul' is jīvaḥ.
parambrahma परम्ब्रह्म
Brahman; supreme reality.
parameśvaraḥ परमेश्वरः
Supreme ruler (lord) of all and everything; formless, pure consciousness – personified as Īśvaraḥ – manifest as (appearing as) the universe.
paramparā परम्परा
Lineage; refers to the unbroken lineage of teachers in which the passing of knowledge from teacher to student over millennia ensures the preservation of the sampradāyaḥ, teaching tradition; see guru-śiṣya-paramparā.
parā-prakṛtiḥ परा-प्रकृतिः
Higher nature of the self; the ultimate cause, without which no cause is possible; consciousness; existence; see saccidānandaḥ, aparā-prakṛtiḥ. See Gītā, chapter 7.
paratantram परतन्त्रम्
Dependence; being dependent on something else for existence – the opposite of svatantram.
parā-vidyā परा-विद्या
Self-knowledge; supreme knowledge; knowledge of absolute truth in terms of aham brahmāsmi; synonym of brahma-vidyā. The knowledge of the identity of the self with Brahman that takes place in the buddhiḥ on hearing and properly understanding the words of the Upaniṣad is called parā-vidyā. See aparā-vidyā and akhaṇḍākāra-vṛttiḥ.
pārāyaṇam पारायणम्
Reading/chanting a text aloud.
paricchedaḥ परिच्छेदः
Limitation. Being subject to limitation, paricchedaḥ, an object can be regarded as paricchedya, a recipient or possessor of limitation. A (possessed) attribute, by its very presence, necessarily manifests its capacity to limit, and that capacity is paricchedakam, that which is conducive to the manifestation of limitation.
In their own way the sense organs are also paricchedakam, conducive to the bestowal and manifestation of limitation, in that they each act within their respective spheres to limit what may be known (hearing, for example, is limited, paricchinna, to perceiving only sound, not taste). Each object of perception, being naturally distinct from other objects, is (by that very distinctness) paricchedya, subject to limitation, and is yet further subject to limitation by the restricted knowledge the senses provide of it, hence the notorious unreliability of sensory perception in any quest for truth.
Any pramāṇa which picks up a distinct piece of knowledge becomes paricchedakam (that which limits) and that which is picked up is paricchedya (something limited, a limited object).
paricchinna परिच्छिन्न
Limited; confined; circumscribed; cut off.
parihāraḥ परिहारः
Removal; exclusion; cessation; omission.
parīkṣā परीक्षा
Examination; analysis; investigation.
pariṇāmaḥ परिणामः
Evolution; growth; change.
pariṇāmi-upādāṇa-kāraṇam परिणामि-उपादाण-कारणम्
Material cause that undergoes a change in the very substance or material itself to become an effect, e.g. churned butter becomes ghee, burnt wood becomes smoke and ash, a seed transforms into a plant. Here, cause and effect belong to the same order of reality, whereas in vivarta they do not. See upādāna-kāraṇam, vivarta-upādāna-kāraṇam.
paripaśyanti परिपश्यन्ति
Clearly see or recognise.
paripūrṇa परिपूर्ण
Absolutely full. Time, space and all objects are so absolutely 'filled' by consciousness that consciousness is in fact all that is there.
parokṣa-jñānam परोक्ष-ज्ञानम्
Indirect, remote (out of direct sight) knowledge (para, remote, beyond; akṣa, senses); knowledge that is not from direct perception (and so includes reported, read and inferred knowledge) e.g. "I heard they arrived safely." or "There is smoke; so there is, or has been, fire."
Similarly, when the student understands sufficiently well for it to make sense that the entire world (all manifestation) is mithyā, its substratum is Īśvaraḥ, the self is limitless, and so on, that understanding is indirect, it is parokṣa-jñānam, not yet enough in itself to bring mokṣaḥ. Immediate knowledge, aparokṣa-jñānam, is now needed.
pārvatī पार्वती
Wife of Lord Śivaḥ; daughter of Himāvat; also known as Durgā, Satī, Umā.
paśyantī पश्यन्ती
Seeing; second stage of the emergence of speech or sound. Parā, the power of speech, after leaving the mūlādhāra cakram, arrives at the manipura cakram where, differentiated by and remaining with a specific emotion, it has now reached the paśyantī stage of being known (seen) – also see parā, madhyamā, vaikharī.
paṭaḥ पटः
Cloth; garment.
pāṭḥaḥ पाट्ःअः
Chant; recitation; reading; lesson; study.
patiḥ पतिः
Lord; husband; protector; lord of the home and the family; the one who, by following dharmaḥ, earns the grace of Bhagavān, the absolute protector of all, thereby protecting his wife, family, the society and culture in which they live, and of course himself.
patnī पत्नी
Wife; one who, being of a noble, compatible, pleasing, like mind, helps cross the ocean of saṃsāraḥ by always following dharmaḥ.
pauruṣeya-śāstram पौरुषेय-शास्त्रम्
Scripture that is of human, not divine, authorship, e.g. smṛtiḥ.
phalam फलम्
Fruit; result of action. Its corresponding cause is referred to by the term hetuḥ.
phala-śrutiḥ फल-श्रुतिः
A verse or statement showing the benefit of chanting or reciting a given work of verses or mantras; result of hearing; a concluding summary, after śravaṇam, of what has been taught; the benefit to be gained through properly hearing a text being unfolded by a teacher and the praise of that benefit. (Proper hearing is the result of listening without omission, distortion or addition.)
phala-vyāptiḥ फल-व्याप्तिः
The result attained, i.e. knowledge, the result of perception, the result of operating a pramāṇam, a means of knowledge.
This term refers to the conclusion of the two-part process of perception involved in every form of empirical knowledge. In phala-vyāptiḥ the object is known. When, for example, a table is seen, the table is held in awareness as a vṛttiḥ, a thought. This is vṛtti-vyāptiḥ. The recognition or knowledge of that vṛttiḥ being 'a table' is the result or conclusion of the process of perception. That result is called phala-vyāptiḥ.
That phala-vyāptiḥ, that resulting knowledge, implies a knower. That knower is a vṛttiḥ, a vṛttiḥ that recognises the vṛtti-vyāptiḥ. This knower-vṛttiḥ is the 'I'-thought, aham-vṛttiḥ. Having knower-status, it is called the pramātā, knower, or draṣṭā, seer.
In knowledge of ātmā, the second operation, phala-vyāptiḥ, is not required, for the 'knower' is resolved in the wake of self-knowledge. Being the self-evident seer/perceiver, ātmā, the source of perception, is not objectifiable and hence cannot be the fruit of perception (no matter how subtle that perception may be). Every perception is possible only because of the ātmā.
piṇḍaḥ पिण्डः
Any roundish mass; lump; morsel of food; a solid object; the body; microcosm.
pipāsā पिपासा
Thirst (as in 'thirst for water'; for thirst as in 'anguish or greed' see tṛṣṇā).
pippalaḥ पिप्पलः
Sacred fig tree; Ficus Religiosa, commonly called the Peepal or aśvatthaḥ tree.
pitṛ-yajñaḥ पितृ-यज्ञः
Worship of Īśvaraḥ in the form of manes (a Latin term for revered, deceased relatives) by offering rice balls and water, which incurs a blessing for those descendants who perform this sacrifice; one of the five pañcamahā-yajñas.
plavaḥ प्लवः
pluta प्लुत
Prolonged; a single, unbroken, vowel sound equal in length to three or more immediately successive hrasva (short) mātrā (measures) of sound. See hrasva, short; dīrgha, long.
prabhāvaḥ प्रभावः
Glory; brilliance; splendour; majesty.
prabhuḥ प्रभुः
Lord; master.
prabodhaḥ प्रबोधः
Knowledge; awaking (to the mithyā status of the world, etc.). This awaking is the transformation of understanding from 'all is Īśvaraḥ' of the karma-yogī into 'I am Īśvaraḥ' of the jñānī.
It is akin to the waker waking up from being identified with one of the characters in the dream he has just now been experiencing. Having awoken, he knows that the entire dream was dependent on him (his mind) and that it had all arisen in him, was sustained by him and on waking has resolved in him. Now, in prabodhaḥ, there is no more dream, no dream world, no jīvaḥ, no Īśvaraḥ, there is just oneself, kaivalyam.
pradakṣiṇa प्रदक्षिण
Reverential, clockwise circumambulation of a holy place or person (placing on one's right is a token of respect).
pradhānam प्रधानम्
Original, unevolved source material of the universe; undifferentiated matter; synonym of prakṛtiḥ and māyā. (Adj. pradhāna, predominant, primary.)
pradhvaṃsa-abhāvaḥ प्रध्वंस-अभावः
Posterior non-existence; non-existence following annihilation or destruction. When something such as a pot is destroyed, the nyāya philosopher claims it ceases to exist, whereas in fact, on being broken, the name and form 'pot' is simply no longer manifest, and existence itself (symbolised here by clay, which was only temporarily in the form of 'pot') remains unaffected. See abhāvaḥ.
prāg-abhāvaḥ प्राग्-अभावः
Prior non-existence. Prior to birth, prior to becoming manifest, an object seems not to exist (prior to the clay being moulded, no pot is evident) and yet... See abhāvaḥ.
prajā प्रजा
Offspring; progeny; mankind; citizen/subject (of a nation).
prajāpatiḥ प्रजापतिः
Lord of all beings; the creator; also known as Brahmā, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ and Parameśvaraḥ.
prajñā प्रज्ञा
Consciousness; awareness; knowledge; wisdom; discernment (synonym of prajñānam).
prājñaḥ प्राज्ञः
One who is aware, conscious, of the meaning of the śāstram, whose mind is continually absorbed in the self.
Prājña, a form of ahaṅkāraḥ, is also a term for ātmā identified with the causal body, the kāraṇa-śarīram of the jīvaḥ, in the deep-sleep state, suṣupti-avasthā, thereby being temporarily free from the habitual and universal identification of the waking state, that 'I am someone of limited knowledge'. Identified with the causal body, prājñaḥ does not know or apprehend reality, but has no misconceptions about it (as the individual mind is inactive in deep sleep). The universal or samaṣṭiḥ equivalent is Īśvaraḥ with his māyā (described in the Māṇḍūkya as the antaryāmī, inner controller) – see taijasaḥ, viśvaḥ.
prajñānam प्रज्ञानम्
Pure knowledge, i.e. the source of vṛtti-jñānam, manifest knowledge. That which knows without any instrument of knowledge; that which knows by its mere presence; that which is of the nature of knowing. Source of all knowledge. Abstract, formless truth. Pure consciousness. That because of which the mind, etc., have sentience and function.
prajñānaṃ brahma प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म
'Consciousness is Brahman' (Aitareya v3.3). Here, it is being said that Brahman, absolute reality, is pure consciousness, jñaptiḥ. Pure consciousness is not to be confused with the ordinary consciousness of the waking state, which is consciousness associated with (and taking the form of) thoughts, feelings, perceptions and conceptions. See prajñānam, mahāvākyam and also tattvamasi, ahaṃ brahmāsmi, ayamātmā brahma.
prakāraḥ प्रकारः
Manner; mode; method; sort; type; kind; variety.
prakaraṇa-granthaḥ प्रकरण-ग्रन्थः
A text or treatise (prakaraṇam) that ties or strings together (granthaḥ), systematically, meaningfully and approachably, the concepts and terminology used in the Upaniṣads. Examples include ātma-bodhaḥ, tattva-bodhaḥ, vākya-vṛttiḥ, vivekacūḍāmaṇi.
prakaraṇam प्रकरणम्
A text, treatise, book or chapter expounding a topic.
prakāśaḥ प्रकाशः
Light; clearness; brightness; splendour; lustre.
prakriyā प्रक्रिया
Method; Vedāntaḥ makes use of methods of discriminative, analytical enquiry (vivekaḥ) correcting confusion about ātmā. See...
prakṛtiḥ प्रकृतिः
Intrinsic nature; absolute, ever-present, unchanging nature of reality (cf. svabhāvaḥ and svarūpam); material cause; origin; a synonym of the three-fold power, māyā, i.e. that which is available for and capable of manifestation; consists of the three guṇas.
Prakṛtiḥ has three aspects: when sattvam is more evident, prakṛtiḥ is known as māyā, when rajas is more evident, prakṛtiḥ is known as avidyā, and when tamas is more evident, prakṛtiḥ remains known as prakṛtiḥ (from which a new guṇa balance declines forming the five tanmātras).
pralayaḥ प्रलयः
Complete resolution/cessation of the universe (in which it remains in an unmanifest, potential condition until it manifests again, in an endless cycle). See layaḥ.
pramā प्रमा
Knowledge. See pramātā, prameyam and pramāṇam.
pramādaḥ प्रमादः
Inadvertence; mechanicalness; inattention; negligence; carelessness; indifference. Being indifferent and negligent, lacking seriousness in one's study of Vedāntaḥ is a major limitation on progress and is due to worldly attachments.
pramāṇam प्रमाणम्
Means of knowledge. A means of knowledge is that which produces accurate, doubt-free knowledge of something meaningful, which has not already been understood or known and that cannot be negated by any other means of knowledge. (See pramātā, prameyam and pramā.) There are six pramāṇas:
pramātā प्रमाता
Knower (also termed pramātṛ). The actual pramātā, served by every pramāṇam, is the sākṣī. See pramā, prameyam and pramāṇam.
prameyam प्रमेयम्
The object known; that which is knowable. See pramātā, pramā and pramāṇam.
pramodaḥ प्रमोदः
Intense joy, pleasure, delight; degree of happiness: the (much greater) pleasure born of the enjoyment of a desired object; also see priya, modaḥ.
prāṇaḥ प्राणः
A five-fold vital force accounting for all physiological functioning; also see apānaḥ, elimination; vyānaḥ, circulation; samānaḥ, digestion; udānaḥ, upward breath. When mentioned separately from the other four, prāṇaḥ is purely respiration; the prāṇāḥ are part of the sūkṣma-śarīram.
prāṇamaya-kośaḥ प्राणमय-कोशः
The kośaḥ that is the modification of air and is the five physiological functions (prāṇaḥ, apānaḥ, vyānaḥ, samānaḥ, udānaḥ) and the five karmendriyas, powers of action (evident in speaking, handling, moving, reproducing, eliminating). Here, there is the potential for mistaken identification with hunger, thirst, good (or bad) health, and with walking, talking, etc. See pañca-kośāḥ, annamaya-kośaḥ, manomaya-kośaḥ, vijñānamaya-kośaḥ, ānandamaya-kośaḥ.
praṇavaḥ प्रणवः
'Unique name' because the praṇavaḥ, Om, denotes all objects; Om, the sacred sound-symbol (pratīkaḥ) for Īśvaraḥ, the Lord; essence of the entire Vedāḥ.
prāṇāyāmaḥ प्राणायामः
Breathing (prāṇaḥ), exercise (āyāmaḥ); control of the breath. Since prāṇaḥ is associated with the mind, its properly exercised control assists in quietening the mind as well as in restoring and maintaining bodily health. See prāṇaḥ.
praṇidhānam प्रणिधानम्
Meditation upon a deity; prostration; respectful conduct; prayer; vow; (also many other meanings.)
praṇipātaḥ प्रणिपातः
Prostration; falling at the feet of the teacher in reverential and humble submission. Such prostration demonstrates a desire and gratitude for what the teacher imparts, and humbly implies 'my mind is at your feet and has yet to rise to (and match the thinking in) your head'. It is not reverence for or submission to the person, but reverence for and submission to the truth of that which is imparted (thus avoiding any cult of personality).
Prostration at the feet of the teacher in sāṣṭāṅga-namaskāraḥ (salutations with eight limbs) includes not only the touching the ground with the forehead, chest, hips, knees, feet and outstretched folded hands, but also includes speech (to utter 'namaste') and mind (in reverence).
prapañcaḥ प्रपञ्चः
Universe (manifest or unmanifest); the five-element model of the universe, pāñcabhautikam.
prapañcopaśamaḥ प्रपञ्चोपशमः
(In the turiyātmā there is) upaśamaḥ, cessation, of prapañcaḥ, cessation of all seeming phenomena.
"Prapañcaḥ refers to the waking world, the universe. Upaśamaḥ literally means absent. Prapañcopaśamaḥ means that even though we experience the world, factually it is not there. It is experientially available, factually non-existent; it is mithyā." Swami Paramarthananda, Māṇḍūkya commentary.
Only ātmā is factually existent. All else is the phenomenal (mithyā) manifestation of māyā.
prāptasya prāptiḥ प्राप्तस्य प्राप्तिः
Attainment of the already attained.
prāptiḥ प्राप्तिः
Attainment; gain; reaching.
prārabdha-karma प्रारब्ध-कर्म
In the case of all living beings, ripe portions of sañcita-karma, all of which (ripe or unripe) is stored in māyā, fructify and manifest as prārabdha-karma. Prārabdha is karma that has already begun, ārabdha, and includes birth, parentage, death – all the events and situations of this present life.
Prārabdha-karma may take three forms: that which produces fruit in the absence of desire, that which does so with desire, and that which does so through the desire of another. An individual's response to prārabdha is very much influenced by vāsanā, which may produce responses in the form of actions, karma, that have subsequent results, karma.
Prārabdha-karma, the manifest, fructifying portions of sañcita, are experienced as translations of puṇya-pāpam in the form of sukham, happiness, and duḥkham, sorrow, thereby exhausting some of the sañcita's store of puṇyam and pāpam. All the unseen results of action (karma), unspent or freshly accruing, are stored as unmanifest puṇya-pāpam in māyā, the universal causal body. (The individual causal body, the kāraṇa-śarīram, is the individual aspect of māyā and stores vāsanās, individual tendencies, attitudes, tastes, etc., but not individual karma.)
The severity of some prārabdha can be mitigated by prayer, austerity, etc., but prabalaprārabdha, strong prārabdha-karma, cannot be modified or softened and must be faced in full.
As for the apparent conflict between free-will and destiny, since all that is here is omniscient Īśvaraḥ, his will appears as both the free-will of people and as their destiny. If (desire-driven) prārabdha could not be overcome, a person could not be held responsible for his actions. He would not have choice.
Prārabdha-karma has an allotted time-span measured in breaths (one inhalation and its exhalation together comprise one breath). The number can be reduced by poor choices, but not increased.
Being the outcome of the law of karma and thus part of Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ (not jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ) prārabdha-karma must run its course. Just as an arrow or bullet, once released, travels as it must, so prārabdha-karma (of the wise too) must run its course. And yet, to the one who is awake to the fact 'I am Brahman', prārabdha-karma (being now known to be mithyā) is no more real and has no more impact or value for the jñānī than a prior dream has for a person awake. See āgāmi-karma, sañcita-karma, pratibandhaḥ.
prārthanā प्रार्थना
Prayer; entreaty; request; supplication; desire.
prasādaḥ प्रसादः
Tranquillity; serenity; cheerfulness; clearness; gift from Bhagavān. Since all that is here is Bhagavān – all actions and their results, all events and their participants, all pairs of opposites – all and everything is a gift from Bhagavān. Knowing this brings a quiet, cheerful serenity. See karma-yogaḥ.
prasaktiḥ प्रसक्तिः
Attachment in which the mind is strongly stuck; confusion due to fixed adherence to an idea or belief.
praśaṃsā प्रशंसा
Praise; admiration; compliment.
praśānta-citta प्रशान्त-चित्त
Tranquil-minded; naturally cheerful and quiet (due to vairāgyam); ready to take both pleasant and unpleasant situations in one's stride; one of the two primary qualities needed for studying Vedāntaḥ – see the other one, śamānvita. (The adjective praśānta can also mean 'free from modification' since a departure from tranquility involves change.)
praśnaḥ प्रश्नः
Question; query; enquiry. Teaching should occur only in response to questions, to a sincere desire to know, not from a desire to teach. Questions need to be put properly, which means with reverence for the teaching and with respect for and trust in the teacher (and certainly not in an attempt to test the teacher).
Anupraśnaḥ means a question from a disciple who is listening and whose question is in keeping with what the teacher has taught.
Praśna-bījam is the seed (cause) of a question. It refers either to the unresolved doubt from which the question has arisen, or to the unspoken situation, doubt or misunderstanding that is behind the question and that has prompted the actual question asked.
Name of one of the ten major Upaniṣads in which six people ask one question each and Śrī Ṛṣiḥ Pippalādaḥ answers them all.
prasthānam प्रस्थानम्
Source; place of origin.
prasthāna-trayam प्रस्थान-त्रयम्
Set of three great texts of scriptural literature, namely Upaniṣads (Vedāntaḥ), Bhagavad-Gītā, Brahma-Sūtrāṇi. Since all three have their original source in the Upaniṣads (śruti-prasthānam) and so have the same content, they are known collectively as Vedāntaḥ. The Bhagavad-Gītā is an independent text, part of the Mahābhāratam (smṛti-prasthānam). The Brahma-Sūtrāṇi is an analytical study of Upaniṣad mantras (nyāya-prasthānam).
pratibandhaḥ प्रतिबन्धः
Obstacle; obstruction; impediment; hindrance; hurdle; that which 'blocks against'. Pratibandhas are misunderstandings, mistaken attitudes, false ideas and adverse circumstances that block both the appreciation and rise of true knowledge. They are in three main categories: malaḥ (consisting of various forms of rāga-dveṣaḥ) secondly vikṣepaḥ and thirdly āvaraṇam (which includes viparīta-bhāvanā). All are the result of pāpa-karma. They can be neutralised by puṇya-karma.
In brief, karma-yogaḥ removes malaḥ, impurity, upāsāna-yogaḥ removes vikṣepaḥ, distraction (and hence brings focus, ekāgram) and jñāna-yogaḥ removes āvaraṇam, the covering created by ignorance.
prātibhāsika-satyam प्रातिभासिक-सत्यम्
Subjective (mithyā) reality; personal, subjective view; mistaken notions; unknown fears; all forms of personal, subjective mental projections and interpretations of the world. It is a satyam that exists only in appearance and yet may have a strong influence. In the famous rajju-sarpa-nyāyaḥ, rope-snake example, the 'seen' snake is a subjective misperception and misinterpretation of a (dimly lit) rope. The rope belongs to vyāvahārika-satyam, the mistaken snake is a prātibhāsika-satyam. Prātibhāsika-satyam also includes common subjective interpretations such as "I am clever/stupid" "She is nice/horrible" "This is taking a long time". Both prātibhāsika-satyam and vyāvahārika-satyam are falsified in pāramārthika-satyam.
pratibimba-vādaḥ प्रतिबिम्ब-वादः
Reflection (pratibimbaḥ) model (vādaḥ). A model or teaching device presenting worldly phenomena as a reflected rather than conditioned form of consciousness, e.g. the intellect is said to be alive and shines due to its being a 'reflection' (not a condition) of consciousness. As an alternative, see avaccheda-vādaḥ – both models have their merits and flaws. See vādaḥ.
pratibimbita-caitanyam प्रतिबिम्बित-चैतन्यम्
Reflected consciousness in the antaḥ-karaṇam; reflection is nothing but manifestation; see cidābhāsaḥ.
pratijñā प्रतिज्ञा
Proposition; assertion; declaration; statement. A proposition is often followed by a dṛṣṭāntaḥ, an illustration or example, to help convey its meaning. For instance, the proposition (pratijñā) that "pure consciousness is the substratum of all" is illustrated (dṛṣṭāntaḥ) by "just as gold is the substratum of all gold ornaments." See dṛṣṭāntaḥ.
pratīkaḥ प्रतीकः
A limbless form, niravayava mūrtiḥ, e.g. a śiva-liṅgam, a śālagrāmaḥ (a naturally formed small piece of sacred stone symbolising Lord Viṣṇuḥ); Om, a sound-symbol for the Lord.
pratimā प्रतिमा
A form-symbol (with limbs) for the Lord; a personification; typically a life-like idol or statue, a murtiḥ.
pratipādaka-pratipādya-sambandhaḥ प्रतिपादक-प्रतिपाद्य-सम्बन्धः
Revealer-revealed connection. Between the śāstram and the knowledge that is mokṣaḥ, there is a revealer-revealed connection – śāstram alone reveals that knowledge. See anubandha-catuṣṭayam.
prātipadikam प्रातिपदिकम्
Base or uninflected form of a word; the form a word takes prior to its having a declinable status.
pratipakṣa-bhāvanā प्रतिपक्ष-भावना
Dealing with an adverse tendency in oneself by deliberately cultivating its opposite. Although this practice helps deal with rāga-dveṣas and their related emotions, for example, it is primarily intended to bring a more comprehensive or total perspective to situations, neutralising any limited or partial view.
pratipattiḥ प्रतिपत्तिः
Ascertainment; determination; knowledge; attainment.
pratiṣedhaḥ प्रतिषेधः
Negation; elimination; prohibition; negation to eliminate or ward off or prevent error; negation of whatever is not true as a means to that which is true. (To prepare the mind for that which is true, it is usually necessary first to dismiss or negate whatever is untrue. The truth is then best revealed by implication, thus avoiding the literalness or grossness in thought that definition can bring.)
pratiṣiddha-karma प्रतिषिद्ध-कर्म
Prohibited or forbidden actions (listed in Gītā, Ch.16); actions that go against the specific prescription of dharmaḥ and accumulate pāpam, unwelcome results; also called niṣiddha-karma (restrained, checked, prevented action).
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
pratiṣṭhitā प्रतिष्ठिता
Established; rooted; installed; fixed; well-founded; thriving; (pratiṣṭhā, support).
pratītiḥ प्रतीतिः
Complete understanding or ascertainment; conviction; obviousness; clear perception; delight; clarity.
pratyabhijñā प्रत्यभिज्ञा
Recognition (of a fact). A term used to indicate recognition of, for example, the fact that 'I' is fundamentally one and the same conscious being in waking, dream and deep sleep. This one, divisionless awareness is turīya.
pratyagātmā प्रत्यगात्मा
Innermost self; reality obtaining as the svarūpam of 'I'.
pratyāhāraḥ प्रत्याहारः
Gathering the mind and senses (withdrawing them from a variety of concerns) in order to be able to focus on something; a prelude to dhāraṇā.
pratyakṣam प्रत्यक्षम्
Direct perception. Direct perception includes sense-perception (hearing, seeing, tasting, etc) and, as such, is one of the six pramāṇas (means of knowledge). But direct perception is not limited to the senses: it can be sense perception (indriya-pratyakṣam) or witness perception (sākṣī-pratyakṣam). Direct perception is therefore the root or basic perception, the 'root' means of knowledge (mūla-pramānam). See the other pramāṇas: anumānam, anupalabdhiḥ, arthāpattiḥ, śabdaḥ, upamānam.
pratyakṣa-jñānam प्रत्यक्ष-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge of proximate objects derived from direct sensory perception (prati, presented; akṣa to the senses). See parokṣa-jñānam, aparokṣa-jñānam.
pratyavāya-doṣaḥ प्रत्यवाय-दोषः
Limitation, error or fault, doṣaḥ, of omission, pratyavāyaḥ (of a duty); backsliding; neglect of duty. See doṣaḥ, vaiṣamya-nairghṛṇya-doṣaḥ and viṣaya-doṣaḥ.
pratyayaḥ प्रत्ययः
Cognition; conviction; notion; conception; intelligence; idea; proof; explanation; solution. When a house is pointed out saying 'that house, there', the meaning of the word 'house' is cognised as 'that particular house'. That cognition is not in the form of words, but is the (silent) meaning carried by the words. It is the intended meaning of 'that house'. In grammar, pratyayaḥ means 'suffix'. See vṛttiḥ.
pravacanam प्रवचनम्
Lecture; discourse; exposition; eloquent speech; oral instruction; mantra-recitation. Attending discourses must be accompanied by total commitment to mokṣaḥ for it to be fully and properly useful.
pravāhaḥ प्रवाहः
Flow; stream; streaming forth; continuous train of thought; continuity; course or direction towards.
pravilāpanam प्रविलापनम्
Resolution; solution; disentanglement; clarification; conclusion. Resolution is not, as some think, a dissolution or destruction of name and form in Brahman, it is a cognitive resolution of the pot in its substratum, clay (and similarly, of the pot-space in space). There is no need to destroy the pot to appreciate that what is there is clay! In fact, there is nothing to destroy. It is only in knowledge of the vastu that everything gets resolved.
pravṛttiḥ प्रवृत्तिः
Activity; participation in the world; full involvement in worldly life; usually entails giving primacy to preyas rather than śreyas – see nivṛttiḥ.
prāyaścitta-karma प्रायश्चित्त-कर्म
An expiatory karma, action – a specific ritual performed to neutralise (or perhaps at best weaken) the results of previous wrong action (prāyaścitta-karma is also known as parihāra-karma).
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
prayatnaḥ प्रयत्नः
Appropriate, sufficient effort; perseverance. "Individual effort is not futile, it is the Lord himself who manifests (vivartate) in the form of personal effort." Pañcadaśī 6.177. The Lord manifests as the grace of seeing/knowing that which is true or real, which is the essence of will, dhṛtiḥ. See saṅkalpaḥ.
prayojanam प्रयोजनम्
Purpose; object; gain; benefit.
prema प्रेम
Love; kindness; tender regard (all too often, mere attachment, rāgaḥ, is mistaken for love).
preta प्रेत
Departed; dead.
preta-śarīram प्रेत-शरीरम्
When the jīvaḥ leaves the body from an untimely death, it takes a preta-śarīram (lit. an after-death body) a thought-form that is subtle, like the sūkṣma-śarīram. An untimely death, for example, suicide, is one that leaves a portion of prārabdha-karma unexhausted. The departed jīvaḥ will be caught up in this thought-form until that portion is exhausted.
At no time can the jīvaḥ be without a body. Depending on its place or destination, it is given an appropriate one in which different elements are predominant. In the dream state, svapna-avasthā, for example, the gross or material body that is present is different from that of the waking state. In Heaven, fire is the predominant element in bodies; in the region of the Moon it is water; on Earth, their predominant element is Earth.
preyaḥ (preyas) प्रेयः (प्रेयस्)
All relative, time-bound ends (arthaḥ, kāmaḥ, dharmaḥ) accomplishable through religious and secular activity; any desired result other than mokṣaḥ – see śreyaḥ (śreyas).
prītiḥ प्रीतिः
Love – love is not a verb, no one can 'do' love on demand. Love is the manifestation of the fullness of ānandaḥ. "Love is non-fault-finding accommodation."*
priya प्रिय
Dear; pleased; beloved; priyam (noun), a degree of happiness: the pleasure born of seeing something desired. See modaḥ, pramodaḥ.
pṛthivī पृथिवी
The element Earth; subtle aspect of odour; the element appreciable through sound, touch, sight, taste and odour; also see pāñcabhautikam the five-element model of the universe – ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth.
pūjā पूजा
Formal worship. Worship is a symbolic act of offering through which a devotee expresses his/her gratitude to the Lord, to Īśvaraḥ, in the form of all devatās (natural phenomena) acknowledging the abundance of their contribution to the wellbeing of all. The basic needs required for life (food, clothing and shelter) are not producible without the grace of these phenomena. Worship, being a will-involved action, is efficacious in that it results in prosperity. Worship contributes for material things when performed with a desire for knowledge. It also serves as a preparatory discipline, yogaḥ, that brings mental purity and steadiness.
Worship and prayer earn the Lord's grace, which neutralises accumulated pāpa-karma, thereby removing obstacles to the manifestation of the knowledge the student of Vedāntaḥ has gained. Then, that true knowledge, being now unobstructed, shines. See yajñaḥ.
pūjya पूज्य
Revered; venerable; worthy of being worshipped.
puṃliṅgam पुंलिङ्गम्
Masculine gender; masculine; see strīliṅgam.
punaḥ पुनः
Again; once again.
puṇya-karma पुण्य-कर्म
Action (karma) that is in line with dharmaḥ. It has a later, unseen result, an adṛṣṭa-phalam, that is pleasant. The unseen result, which is also in the form of puṇyam, manifests as a welcome, auspicious situation or experience later in this life or in a future one.
Any immediate or later pain appearing to arise from a virtuous action is not due to that action but to the arising (fructification) of previously earned, unrelated pāpam. See pāpa-karma.
puṇyam पुण्यम्
The meritorious or beneficial influence or quality arising from right or appropriate action, from action that aligns with universal values. The resulting beneficial influence remains unseen, adṛṣṭa, until manifesting later as sukham, a pleasing, desirable event or situation. Any pleasant, beneficial situation is the result of puṇya-karma. Specific puṇyam is exhausted by specific experience. See pāpam, vāsanā, saṃskāraḥ, dharmaḥ.
puṇya-pāpam पुण्य-पापम्
Puṇya-pāpam, the unseen result of right or wrong action, karma, is stored in a dormant, unmanifest form in māyā. It manifests in due time as happiness or sorrow within the various situations and events of life. That manifestation is known as prārabdha-karma. The responses to those events may perpetuate saṃsāraḥ.
The world is not responsible for anyone's happiness or unhappiness. It is only ever instrumental in the manifestation of the puṇyam and pāpam earned (the tally of which is said to be kept by Citraguptaḥ). See puṇyam, pāpam and sañcita-karma.
puram पुरम्
Town (brahma-puram is used figuratively to indicate Brahman's 'place' or 'abode').
purāṇam पुराणम्
Legend; antique; ancient; mythology; relic; huge body of ancient, inspirational and highly informative Hindu mythology with the status of smṛtiḥ. A wide variety of topics is covered in thousands of verses. Vyāsaḥ is the author of 36 purāṇas (18 mahā-purāṇas and 18 upa-purāṇas). See itihāsaḥ.
Purāṇaḥ means ātmā, implying its nature of being beginningless (the most ancient) but ever new and fresh.
purī पुरी
Town; city; castle; fortress; sanctuary; body.
pūrṇa पूर्ण
Full; whole; entire; complete; filled; pervaded. (pūrṇatvam, fullness – the nature of ātmā). See apūrṇatvam.
purohitaḥ पुरोहितः
A priest who performs prayers or rituals, before, purā, in advance, for the (later) well-being, hitam, of all; a vaidikaḥ.
pūrta-karma पूर्त-कर्म
Karma, action, enjoined by smṛtis – mostly charitable, social service acts (with no strings attached) such as digging wells or reservoirs, building hospitals or temples, feeding the needy. Such acts generate puṇyam.
puruṣaḥ पुरुषः
Person; man; original source of the cosmos; the Supreme Being; the very self, ātmā, of a human being, who dwells in all as the essence of all, who dwells in the 'city', puram, the body of nine gates (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth, genitals, anus); pure uṣati iti puruṣaḥ, the only indweller of all bodies; purayati sarvam iti puruṣaḥ, fills everything, thus puruṣaḥ.
puruṣārthaḥ पुरुषार्थः
Human pursuit or goal; that which is sought by a human being, puruṣeṇa arthyate iti – see arthaḥ, kāmaḥ, dharmaḥ, mokṣaḥ.
puruṣārtha-niścayaḥ पुरुषार्थ-निश्चयः
Definiteness, complete clarity and certainty about one's ultimate, absolute end being mokṣaḥ, namely freedom from unhappiness, freedom from the sense of limitation. This certainty, this very well-ascertained conclusion, brings a change in priorities, and with it an unerring focus, commitment, to the pursuit of knowledge and reverence for Vedānta-śāstram as the means of knowledge.
It is a certainty that arises from a careful examination of one's life experiences in which it becomes clear that actions, being finite, can at best bring limited happiness. I see that everywhere, in everything, I am only ever pursuing happiness and so I need to discover what happiness really is. Being clear that this is now my primary aim, shallow pursuits tend to fall away naturally. See śreyaḥ (śreyas) and preyaḥ (preyas).
puruṣottama पुरुषोत्तम
Most exalted (uttama) of all puruṣas, beings; a name for Īśvaraḥ.
pūrva पूर्व
Before; earlier; prior; foregoing; eastern.
pūrvapakṣī पूर्वपक्षी
One who presents an alternative opinion or contention, typically from an earlier, pūrva, established belief system or opposing side, pakṣaḥ, in a discussion; an objector (real or imagined) who is often presented in commentaries not only to reveal the flaws in opposing views, but, in the process, to provide the reader with further clarity and precision in grasping the commentator's words and vision, dṛṣṭiḥ.
The pakṣaḥ, the flawed contention, should be presented first by the teacher, showing how it is flawed. Then the siddhāntaḥ, the correct conclusion, should be presented. Dismissing wrong notions first is a necessary step in unencumbering the mind in preparation for hearing that which is right.
puṣṭiḥ पुष्टिः
Health; wellness; strength; stamina; well-nourished condition.
putraḥ पुत्रः
Son; for a vaidikaḥ, the rearing of progeny who live a life of dharmaḥ is a noble duty that protects dharmaḥ, a duty whose fulfilment avoids hell for the vaidikaḥ. (Trāyate, protects; the one who protects parents from falling into put, a particular hell; the same protection is provided by a putrī, a daughter.)


rāga-dveṣaḥ राग-द्वेषः
(Binding) attachment and aversion (arising as the impulses of like and dislike). Since likes and dislikes (desires) are anchored on ahaṅkāraḥ – the erroneous and varying ideas of oneself – rāga-dveṣas are impurities that may hinder or prevent right action. Attachment and aversion are harmless and normal when expressions of preference or care. It's only when that preference or care becomes an emotional dependence or demand that it binds.
In emotional dependence, rāga-dveṣas are taken to be absolutely real, which means their status is falsely raised from mithyā to satyam. When this occurs, even renunciates can be felled by attachment and aversion and again become embroiled in saṃsāraḥ. It is rāga-dveṣas that cause the seeming fall from one's absolute nature to one's empirical nature.
Managing rāga-dveṣas leads to a mind that is capable of focused, dristraction-free attention on that which is known to be important. Only a distraction-free mind can be a profound mind; only a profound mind is capable of hearing and recognising profound truth profoundly. See vairāgyam and karma-yogaḥ.
rāgaḥ रागः
Attachment; passion; strong liking; dependence on the world for one's happiness; red colour; inflammation; see vairāgyam, dveṣaḥ, kleśaḥ.
rahasyam रहस्यम्
A secret; mystery; concealed; private; privately.
rahita रहित
Without; devoid of; separated from.
rajaḥ (rajas) रजः (रजस्)
Guṇaḥ or force out of which desire, ambition, sin, etc. are born (adj. rājasika). The term rajas is the name given to the manifestation of the kriyā-śaktiḥ, the power of activity inherent in māyā.
When rajas is predominant it completely colours or stains the mind, bringing passion (strong desires, strong likes and dislikes) and hence action to fulfil them. A rājasika person is therefore restless, full of longing (tṛṣṇā) and strong attachment (āsaṅgaḥ), and is dependent on action and its results (in the form of pleasure, enjoyment, achievements, etc.) for his/her happiness, leading to deeply entrenched bondage. Bondage to (identification with) a rājasika mental disposition greatly increases the likelihood of committing pāpam. Also see sattvam (sattva), tamaḥ (tamas).
rajju-sarpa-nyāyaḥ रज्जु-सर्प-न्यायः
Rope-snake illustration of the power of ignorance, avidyā, in which a dimly-lit rope, rajjus, is mistaken for a snake, sarpaḥ, and fear strikes. The mistaking of one object for another (in this instance, a rope for a snake) is called arthādhyāsaḥ, resulting in a reality that is prātibhāsika. The rope's subsequent illumination, revealing it for what it actually is, symbolises the liberating 'lamp' of knowledge of the śrutiḥ, brought by the guruḥ, dispelling darkness and fear.
Ignorance of the rope is beginningless, for there was no knowledge of rope prior to 'snake' and no presence of 'snake' before it appeared. The best that can be said is that the ignorance was there on seeing it (on seeing the snake). If ignorance of the rope did have a beginning, there would have been a prior knowledge of rope, which there wasn't. Neither can the snake be said to be in the rope or on the rope or to have originated in the rope, for the rope is unknown (and yet is all that really exists). All that is known is 'snake' (and fear).
It can be said that the snake is mistakenly projected or superimposed on the 'situation' (not on the rope, which, until illumined, remains unknown, as good as unmanifest and not the cause of fear) because whatever is in fact there is simply not being seen correctly and is apparently displaced by that which is not properly there, the mithyā snake and the consequent mithyā fear.
Ignorance, avidyā, is not connected in any way to the rope, and ignorance exists only as long as ignorance is there. "Ignorance belongs to the one who sees it."* Note: all analogies have flaws. Here, an observer of the rope/snake must be imagined for the analogy to work. See avidyā, āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ and nyāyaḥ.
rākṣasaḥ राक्षसः
Demon; a person who goes against dharmaḥ in pursuit of wealth, power, position, etc.; predominant guṇaḥ is rajas – see asuraḥ.
rāmāyaṇam रामायणम्
Vālmīkī's epic describing the adventures of Lord Rāmaḥ.
rasaḥ रसः
Sense-object, viṣayaḥ, perceptible through the tongue or mind and known as 'taste'; aesthetic sentiment; essence (either of a liquid or of reality); juice; content.
In Taittirīya (Anuvāka 7) the word rasaḥ is used to mean ānandaḥ, the essence of happiness, the svarūpam of Brahman.
rasāsvādaḥ रसास्वादः
So appreciating, so enjoying the calmness and beauty of meditation that one becomes attached to that stillness, to that beauty, and holds onto it (such attachment is one of the four hindrances to meditation – the others are: kaṣāyam, layaḥ and vikṣepaḥ).
rātriḥ रात्रिः
retas रेतस्
Seed; sperm; semen.
rogaḥ रोगः
Disease; (bhāva-rogaḥ, disease of saṃsāraḥ).
ṛṣiḥ ऋषिः
Seer of truth; inspired sage; a rishi; one who is eligible to have subtle facts revealed. Ṛṣati paśyati iti ṛṣiḥ, one who sees is called a ṛṣiḥ. He does not create the Veda mantras on their emergence from the unmanifest at the beginning of the universe, he only sees the mantras that are already there.
ṛṣiyajñaḥ ऋषियज्ञः
Worship of Īśvaraḥ in the form of the rishis (sages) by studying and chanting the Vedas and other śāstras given to mankind; synonym of brahma-yajñaḥ; study of the Vedaḥ or of any scriptural literature reflecting the Vedic vision, dṛṣṭiḥ. One of the five pañcamahā-yajñas.
ṛtam ऋतम्
Truth; the two words, ṛtam and satyam, have the same meaning: truth. However, when they come together they differ in what they express. Ṛtam then stands for ascertained, assimilated, clear knowledge gained by scriptural study. Satyam stands for that same knowledge reflected in thought, word and deed.
rudra रुद्र
Terrible; dreadful; horrible; formidable; crying.
rudraḥ रुद्रः
One who drives away sorrow (rutam drāvayati iti); name of Śivaḥ; a hymn addressed to Rudraḥ, deity of ahaṅkāraḥ.
rūpam रूपम्
Form; appearance; nature; a sense-object, viṣayaḥ, subtle or gross, perceptible through the eyes or mind and known as 'form, shape'.


śabda-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ शब्द-अनुविद्ध-सविकल्प-समाधिः
A meditation, dhyānam, using words, śabdāḥ, from the scriptures to help shift the attention from nāma-rupam, name and form, to absorption in that pure consciousness that is the source of manifestation.
Words from śāstram may best be dwelt upon in nididhyāsanam when their meaning is not only properly and fully understood but is so well-established that on hearing them the meaning immediately flashes in the mind without a pause for translation. Dwelling on the meaning then becomes a means of absorption, samādhiḥ, in the self as the words are about oneself. There arises absorption in the very consciousness that illumines the meaning. See dṛśya-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ and also samādhiḥ, savikalpa-samādhiḥ and nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ.
śabdaḥ शब्दः
Sound; word (a meaningful sound); a sense-object (viṣayaḥ), subtle or gross, perceptible through the ears and mind and known as 'sound'.
śabda-pramāṇam शब्द-प्रमाणम्
Word, śabdaḥ, (as a) means of knowledge, pramāṇam. This term refers to the words of the śāstram (Vedāntaḥ) being a means of knowledge, a means to mokṣaḥ. Since the manifest world is the self-evident ātmā, no further experience of ātmā is needed. Only the words of the śāstram, unfolded by a teacher who knows the sampradāyaḥ, and is both a śrotriyaḥ and a brahma-niṣṭhā, can correct the errors about ātmā and bring its full and clear ascertainment.
Note that śabda-pramāṇam involves only enquiry into the vastu, not into the ignorance that covers it. The aim of the enquiry is to know the vastu, not the ignorance.
Knowledge in the form of words constitutes one of the six pramāṇas – the others are: anumānam, anupalabdhiḥ, arthāpattiḥ, pratyakṣam, upamānam.
śabda-pravṛtti-hetuḥ शब्द-प्रवृत्ति-हेतुः
The cause (hetuḥ) for elucidation (pravṛtti) by words (śabda). An object must fulfil certain conditions for it to be describable and so the direct meaning of words about an object must fall within one or more of four categories.
jātiḥ - species
guṇaḥ - attribute
kriyā - action
sambandhaḥ - connection or relation
Not being an object, Brahman does not fall into any of these four categories. Therefore, it cannot be revealed by the direct meaning of any words – although it can be and is revealed by the implied meaning of certain words: see abhidheyam.
saccidānandaḥ सच्चिदानन्दः
Sat, existence; cit awareness or consciousness; ānandaḥ happiness. These three words are not describing three different things, they are three words for one thing, absolute reality. That reality is a timeless, non-transactable, all-pervading, independent spiritual principle, unlimited by name, form or function. The nature of absolute reality, Brahman, can be arrived at only as the intrinsic nature or truth of the knower, the subject, 'I'. It cannot be known as an object at all: na vijñātervijñātāraṃ vijānīyāḥ. "You cannot know [as an object] that which is the knower of knowledge [you cannot know as a distinguishable entity that witness-consciousness, that pure consciousness that makes knowledge itself possible]." Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 3.4.2
Consciousness, being self-existent, is not dependent on the known for its existence. Instead, the known is dependent on the knower, consciousness, for its existence. The knower alone is appreciable in the form of the existence of the world, and since the knower is consciousness, consciousness is existence, cit is sat. Consciousness alone is of the nature of fullness, ānandaḥ, which is limitless, unqualified happiness.
sadānandaḥ सदानन्दः
The true, unlimited, non-fading happiness that is ātmā, a happiness that, being one's true nature, can never be experienced directly as an object. It is knowable only via its reflection in a mind capable of reflecting it.
sadātmaka सदात्मक
Having its being in sat, reality.
Usually, adjectives describe attributes, e.g. red lips, hot water. However, some adjectives reference substance, e.g. a clay pot, a gold ring, revealing the existence or truth of the object (on which the object depends). There is no ring or pot separate from or other than the gold or clay. Similarly, in 'the person is existent, conscious and happy' the words existent, conscious and happy refer not to attributes of the person but to his/her very substance, for Vedāntaḥ maintains they indicate the very reality of the person.
ṣaḍ-bhāva-vikāraḥ षड्-भाव-विकारः
The six (ṣaḍ) modifications (vikāra) of one's state of being (bhāvaḥ):
asti - existence (in the womb)
jāyate - birth
vardhate - growth
vipariṇāmate - maturation
apakṣīyate - decline and decay
vinaśyati - destruction, death
sādhakaḥ साधकः
A disciplined aspirant.
sādhana-catuṣṭayam साधन-चतुष्टयम्
The group of four qualifications needed for ātmajñānam or mokṣaḥ.
Vedāntaḥ is a pramāṇam for self-knowledge only when the student is sufficiently qualified. Sufficient qualification is a mind that is clear enough to hear the teaching fully, without distortion or addition. The distortions and additions take the form of mental pollutants such as agitation, arrogance, complacency, attachments, aversions, dullness – and especially lack of objectivity towards one's mind. The four qualifications are: vivekaḥ, vairāgyam, ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ, mumukṣutvam.
sādhanam साधनम्
Means of attainment (means for accomplishing a goal); the principal means for the attainment of liberation from sorrow are śravaṇam, mananam, nididhyāsanam on the words of the śāstram, unfolded by a competent and knowledgeable ācāryaḥ who is a śrotriyaḥ, brahma-niṣṭhā and sampradāyavit.
Karma is a sādhanam for artha-kāma-dharmas. Jñānam is the sādhanam for mokṣaḥ.
sādhana-sādhya-sambandhaḥ साधन-साध्य-सम्बन्धः
The connection between a sādhana, a practice or means and its sādhya, goal or aim. See anubandha-catuṣṭayam.
sādhāraṇa साधारण
Universal; common to all; general.
sādharmyam साधर्म्यम्
Sameness of nature.
sādhuḥ साधुः
A good person; a person of values; noble; a pious, highly disciplined, virtuous aspirant; a renunciate; a sannyāsī.
sādhyam साध्यम्
Goal to be accomplished.
ṣaḍ-liṅgāni षड्-लिङ्गानि
Where there is disagreement about the true purport and aim of a text, analysis is needed to establish the truth. The hermeneutics, the six indications by which the true tātparyam, purport, of a text may be established are:
upakrama-upasaṃhāraḥ - beginning and end (consistency of)
apūrvatā - uniqueness (not knowable by other means)
upapattiḥ - proof (as established by reasoning)
arthavādaḥ - explanation (of meaning)
phalam - result (its nature)
abhyāsaḥ - repetition (of same idea elsewhere)
saguṇa सगुण
With qualities; having attributes.
saguṇa-brahma सगुण-ब्रह्म
Brahman regarded as having qualities; a synonym for Īśvaraḥ; Īśvaraḥ as the jagat-kāraṇam, cause of all that is evident; Īśvaraḥ manifest as the entire cosmos; also see nirguṇa-brahma.
saguṇa-brahma-upāsanam सगुण-ब्रह्म-उपासनम्
Meditation on saguṇa-brahma in which there is necessarily a meditator-meditated difference – see upāsanam, nirguṇa-brahma-upāsanam.
sahaja सहज
Natural; inborn; innate (lit. born along with).
sahaja samādhiḥ सहज समाधिः
When, even during worldly transactions, appreciation of the fact of my being ātmā, pure consciousness alone, is never lost, samādhiḥ has become natural, sahaja.
sahakāri-kāraṇam सहकारि-कारणम्
Supportive cause.
sahasram सहस्रम्
Thousand (often used to indicate innumerability).
sajātīya सजातीय
(Beings) of the same species.
sakāma-karma सकाम-कर्म
Action (karma) with (driven by) desire, kāma; action in which there is dependence on (and hence attachment to) the result(s) of action for one's happiness; the action of a worldly, deluded person who imagines the world is absolutely real and the giver of happiness. See niṣkāma-karma.
śākhā शाखा
Branch, clan or tradition passing down a Vedic text of the same name over generations.
śākhā-candra-nyāyaḥ शाखा-चन्द्र-न्यायः
A maxim highlighting the systematic, step by step use in Vedāntaḥ of subtler and subtler teachings for appreciation of subtler and subtler facts. Such systematically subtler steps are akin to the way in which the gaze can be led successively from a general gaze to smaller and smaller branches (śākhā) of a tree until, between two of the finest branches, the thinnest sliver of a crescent Moon (candraḥ) can at last be discerned. See nyāyaḥ.
sākṣāt साक्षात्
Evidently; visibly; (immediately, without a means of knowledge.)
sākṣātkāraḥ साक्षात्कारः
Clear vision, dṛṣṭiḥ, of the truth as the essential nature of the very knower 'I'. Culmination of nididhyāsanam, which itself naturally follows from śravaṇam and mananam.
"As in all the notes of a flute, the sound of a flute is recognised, similarly in every vṛttiḥ, you recognise paramātmā."*
sākṣī साक्षी
Witness; seer; consciousness (i.e. ātmā) in the role of the changeless, passive, seemingly enclosed witness of the changing states of mind (and hence, ātmā is not any aspect of the mind); the ever-present knower or experiencer in every experience, which is not and never can be experienced as an object; that which illumines without help from anything else and which itself never can be illumined or objectified; a term for ātmā when in the presence of anātmā.
The term sākṣiṇam (that which is witnessed) is sometimes used in preference to anātmā when referring to the body-mind-sense complex because the body-mind's 'closeness' to ātmā makes it especially difficult to distinguish from ātmā. More distant objects, such as clothing, chairs, etc., are far easier to distinguish as 'not me' and hence may easily be recognised as anātmā.
"Our problem is we want to be conscious of consciousness"* and so we tend to treat it as an object to be experienced when, in fact, it is our svarūpam, our essential nature.
sākṣī-pratyakṣam साक्षी-प्रत्यक्षम्
Witness-perception; knowledge gained directly, without the help of the senses. All mental conditions, all emotions, all experiences gained through the senses are known because of the witness that is present in all these perceptions. Direct perception (pratyakṣam) is possible both with and without the senses. All pramāṇas are known because of the sākṣī, witness-consciousness. Every pramāṇa works because of the presence of this witness.
saktiḥ सक्तिः
Attachment, in general; 'stickiness'; longing; sense of ownership; also see asaktiḥ.
śaktiḥ शक्तिः
Power; capacity; faculty; skill; (śaktimān, power-possessor).
sālakṣaṇyam सालक्षण्यम्
Different objects can belong to the same group if they share characteristics, e.g. chairs, tables, sofas, although different from each other are all classed as furniture.
samacittatvam समचित्तत्वम्
Equanimity; sameness of mind in the gain of the desirable and the undesirable; capacity to retain composure.
samādhānam समाधानम्
Focused intent; being always conscious of the goal of liberation from sorrow, thereby being focused without being distracted; samādhānam is the culmination of śamaḥ, damaḥ, etc. See ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ – also see śamaḥ, damaḥ, uparamaḥ, titikṣā, śraddhā.
samādhiḥ समाधिः
Absorption. Focusing attention on a chosen object is dhāranā, concentration. Bringing attention back to the object when it wanders from it is dhyānam, meditation. When attention no longer wanders, but is consistently and fully absorbed in that object, that is samādhi. It is a state in which the intellect is suspended, as in suṣuptiḥ, but in contrast to suṣuptiḥ, the mind is fully awake.
Being a highly refined state, samādhiḥ is unlikely to occur in a mind that is beset by emotional difficulties, strong attachments and aversions, unhealthy choices and other similar impediments. Facing and dealing with such problems while living a life of karma-yogaḥ is a necessary preliminary step, not only for meditation but, more importantly, for the mental and emotional growth needed for jñāna-yogaḥ, and for the eventual freedom from limitations that is mokṣaḥ. Moreover, even the most mystical experience in samādhiḥ will not be present afterwards when samādhiḥ ends.
The consciousness by which any and every experience is revealed is ever-present and needs no special experience to be known. Being the substratum and reality of all experience, it is never absent, never not known, and simply needs to be recognised as such rather than 'experienced' or 'realised'. Some, unable to accept that knowledge is enough, will say they have understanding but now need to 'realise' the self. Only an unqualified student talks like this, whereas a student with sādhana-catuṣṭayam sees that knowledge alone is mokṣaḥ. See savikalpa-samādhiḥ, nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ and nididhyāsanam.
samādhi-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam समाधि-अभ्यास-रूप-निदिध्यासनम्
Those who, due to adverse prārabdha, are unable to derive the full benefit of Vedāntaḥ study, even after long śravaṇaṃ and mananam and practice of brahma-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam, need to calm the mind sufficiently to appreciate the fact of being Brahman. Repeated practice of samādhiḥ, although a transient experience, calms the mind and affirms the truth of the śrutiḥ, thereby providing a counter to that adverse prārabdha. Gradually, turīya becomes so natural that it is recognised even in the minor events of day-to-day life. Samādhiḥ has now become sahaja, natural. See nididhyāsanam, brahma-abhyāsa-rūpa-nididhyāsanam and sahaja samādhiḥ.
śamaḥ शमः
Resolution or management of the mind to rest and refine it and prevent one's thoughts, feelings and impulses (arising from internal and external contact with the varieties of viṣayas, sense-phenomena, including people) 'running the show'. Vairāgyam, dispassion, developed from seeing again and again the limitations in phenomena, provides the means. Only a mature, dispassionate, objective mind has śamaḥ.
Śamaḥ is a discipline practised to have mastery over one's ways of thinking rather than being at their mercy.
samāmnāyaḥ समाम्नायः
Mentioned together; a collection or compilation of sacred texts.
sāmāna-adhikaraṇyam सामान-अधिकरण्यम्
This expression is a noun meaning having the same (sāmāna) locus or location (adhikaraṇam). It refers to words being in apposition. Words in apposition have the same number, gender and case, and are committed to revealing the same object. The two words wave and ocean, for example, denote two entirely different forms, but both forms have the same locus, water, which lends existence to both – wave-form and ocean-form have the same adhikaraṇam, they have sāmānādhikaraṇyam. Because of this, 'wave' and 'ocean' can be equated. Being equated to 'ocean', 'wave' is resolvable in 'ocean', resolvable due to being one with 'ocean'.
Similarly, jīveśvara-aikyam, the oneness of jīvaḥ and Īśvaraḥ, is revealed through the mahāvākyam tattvamasi (you are that) because of sāmānādhikaraṇyam, their common locus – the existence of 'I' and the existence of 'this' is one and the same consciousness.
In the same way, in the sentence "This is that Devadatta," both the word 'that' signifying the Devadatta associated with the past, elsewhere, and the word 'this' signifying the Devadatta associated with the present, here, refer to one and the same locus or person. Likewise, in the sentence, "You are that," both the word 'that' signifying consciousness characterised by remoteness, etc., and the word 'you' signifying consciousness characterised by immediacy, etc., refer to one and the same locus, i.e. consciousness, Brahman.
Conversely, by distinguishing a common locus, consciousness, the mithyā status of both jīvatvam and īśvaratvam becomes highlighted, while the substance is common. See lakṣya-lakṣaṇa-sambandhaḥ.
Sometimes, words in apposition are used to negate an apparent difference when in showing, for example, that the essential substance of all material forms is the one consciousness. This is called bādhāyām sāmānādhikaraṇyam. Similarly, aikya-sāmānādhikaraṇyam reveals the oneness of all beings through establishing consciousness as the reality of all.
There are three kinds of relationship between words: words can either be in apposition to each other and to the word to which they relate, or they can define (or qualify) each other, or they can connote the same thing. These are respectively sāmānādhikaraṇyam, viśeṣaṇa-viśeṣya-bhāvaḥ and lakṣya-lakṣaṇa-bhāvaḥ. Each has its own merits in elucidating Vedic statements such as tattvamasi.
samānaḥ समानः
The aspect of prāṇaḥ that aids digestion; also see apānaḥ, elimination; vyānaḥ, circulation; udānaḥ, upward breath.
śamānvita शमान्वित
Anvita, endowed with, śamaḥ, mastery over one's own thoughts – not being at the mercy of one's own thoughts, feelings or impulses and thus capable of managing them; one of the two primary qualities of a sufficiently qualified student, śīsyaḥ – see the other one, praśāntacitta.
sāmānya सामान्य
Common to all; universal; general.
sāmānya-dharmaḥ सामान्य-धर्मः
Universal ethics, universal values applicable to all and sundry regardless of time, religion, gender, age, race, country, social status, etc. For example, ahiṃsā, non-hurting or harmlessness is an ethical and moral value applicable to all, at all times and in all situations. See viśeṣa-dharmaḥ and dharmaḥ. Sāmānya-dharmaḥ is also known as sādhāraṇa-dharmaḥ. The dharmas declared in Manu 10.63 to be common to all are:
ahiṃsā - non-hurting
satyam - truthfulness
asteyam - non-stealing
śaucam - cleanliness
indriya-nigrahaḥ - restraint of the senses
sāmānya-jñānam सामान्य-ज्ञानम्
Consciousness or knowledge of that which is ever the same; synonym of śuddha-caitanyam.
sāmānya-sattā सामान्य-सत्ता
The one existence (sattā) that is common to all beings, objects and phenomena. That very existence (a synonym of vyāvahārika-satyam) is lent by the mere presence of Brahman.
samārambhaḥ समारम्भः
The planning (minor or detailed) that precedes the ārambhaḥ, commencement, of an activity.
samaṣṭiḥ समष्टिः
Universal; macrocosm; macrocosmic being; total. This term is best understood via an example: gold is the samaṣṭiḥ aspect of gold ring, and ocean is the samaṣṭiḥ aspect of ocean wave. Samaṣṭiḥ always includes and incorporates vyaṣṭiḥ, its individual, local expression or manifestation. It is not a numerical relationship. The oft-used example of 'tree and forest' is flawed as not only can a tree exist alone, far from any forest, the example also misleadingly implies a numerical relationship (one of several). See vyaṣṭiḥ.
samatvam समत्वम्
Evenness; sameness; equanimity of mind in all aspects of life, but especially towards results of action.
samatvam yogaḥ ucyate समत्वम् योगः उच्यते
Evenness (of mind) is called yogaḥ. This evenness is with regard to the results of action. It depends on the capacity to see that all events, all phenomena, all activity and their results occur by means of and in accord with the natural, universal laws (dharmaḥ) that are Īśvaraḥ. Therefore, although the individual has the power to initiate action, he has no power over its manifestation or result.
Acceptance of this fact brings the recognition that all results, being the product of natural laws, are a gift from Īśvaraḥ (they are the prasādaḥ of Īśvaraḥ). This brings an equanimity or evenness of mind toward whatever the result may be. Such equanimity is possible only when the whole picture is in view. This totality of view, characterised by an untroubled evenness of mind, is yogaḥ. See Gītā 2.48 and also karma-yogaḥ and īśvara-prasāda-buddhiḥ.
sambandhaḥ सम्बन्धः
Connection; association; relationship.
saṃhāraḥ संहारः
Withdrawal (of the universe) i.e. the manifest becomes unmanifest; resolution; dissolution.
saṃhitā संहिता
A methodically arranged collection of texts or verses.
samidh समिध्
Firewood; fuel; log of wood; oblation (samidhā) to the kindled (samiddha) fire, which is the consumer of the fuel; igniting; flaming; burning.
samitpāṇiḥ समित्पाणिः
A seeker of brahma-vidyā who, carrying a small bundle of twigs (samidh) of the pippalaḥ, or Peepal, tree in one hand (pāṇiḥ), approaches a householder teacher hoping to be accepted as a disciple. The twigs represent the student's readiness to be of service to the teacher in a practical way (by providing fuel for rituals) in gratitude for the teaching. If the guruḥ is a sannyāsī, one cannot take twigs as no rituals are performed, and so something more appropriate is offered, symbolically, with an attitude of surrender and with śraddhā.
saṃnyāsaḥ संन्यासः
See sannyāsaḥ.
sampattiḥ सम्पत्तिः
Prosperity; good fortune; accomplishment; fulfilment; success.
sampat upāsanam सम्पत् उपासनम्
In this form of meditation, a given object is looked upon as more than it is. The object could be a flower, a stone, a sculpted form (a murti), it could be anything. Whatever be the chosen object, the mind dwells upon it as (regards it as) Īśvaraḥ. In this way, something greater is superimposed upon an ordinary object. This way of looking, this regard, is the foundation of much worship and prayer. See ahaṅgraha upāsanam and upāsanam.
sampradāyaḥ सम्प्रदायः
Teaching tradition; established teachings and method of teaching (including the knowledge of how to handle the words of the teaching); careful, distortion-free transference of knowledge from the teacher's mind to the student's, through words, using a unique method of unfoldment inbuilt in the scripture and understood only by studying from a teacher who would have studied from another sampradāyavit teacher; a teaching tradition transmitted from one teacher to another over millennia via the guru-śiṣya-paramparā, guru-disciple lineage; a valid tradition is based on śrutiḥ and is supported by logic; see paramparā.
sampradāyavit सम्प्रदायवित्
One who thoroughly knows the teaching tradition, having learnt it from his/her guruḥ.
saṃsāraḥ संसारः
Transmigratory life; "that which keeps moving in perfect order"; the endless cycle of becoming, of repeated births and deaths. It is often characterised as a treacherous ocean the jīvaḥ is struggling to cross. It is defined as śrarīrādi-upādānam eva lakṣaṇam yasya saḥ saṃsāraḥ – "saṃsāraḥ is that which is characterised by the assumption of bodies, etc." That final word, etcetera, refers to all that follows from the 'assumption of bodies' (actions and their consequences, and the various worldly contexts in which they are experienced, life after life). Freedom from saṃsāraḥ is only in recognising and fully ascertaining that one's self is Brahman. See brahma-jñānam.
saṃsārī संसारी
One subject to saṃsāraḥ. See jīvaḥ, buddhiḥ.
saṃśayaḥ संशयः
Doubt; indecision.
saṃskāraḥ संस्कारः
Impression on the mind; disposition; tendency; degree of refinement of a person due to the accumulation of better or worse vāsanās.
The attitudes, dispositions, tastes and inclinations of a person are all stored in the subconscious as vāsanās. They reflect attachments and aversions (likes and dislikes) and in so doing reveal the saṃskāraḥ, the degree of refinement of the individual. They travel with the subtle body from birth to birth, tending to influence the individual's responses to the prārabdha-karma of each birth as it unfolds in each lifetime. Those responses, those actions, can in turn lead to new karma (āgāmi-karma).
The word saṃskāraḥ, refinement, is also used to mean the 41 rituals for enhancing mental refinement that are performed at different stages of an individual's life, from the time of conception until shortly after death. The word 'sacrament', often used to translate 'saṃskāraḥ ritual', is not expressive enough to convey all that needs to be conveyed. Saṃskāraḥ, refinement; saṃskṛtiḥ, culture; and saṃskāryam, refinable, are all different grammatical forms of the same word.
saṃskṛtam संस्कृतम्
Well formed; well done; refined; the Sanskrit language – a highly expressive language having a highly refined and exalted culture established within it. See devanāgarī.
saṃskṛtiḥ संस्कृतिः
Culture; refinement via action, which is one of the four possible results of karma, action. Refinement occurs by either adding or removing something. The other results of action are: utpattiḥ (utpādyam), production; vikṛtiḥ (vikāryam), modification; āptiḥ (āpyam), attainment.
Saṃskāraḥ, refinement; saṃskṛtiḥ, culture; and saṃskāryam, refinable, are all different grammatical forms of the same word.
saṃśrayaḥ संश्रयः
Refuge; resting place; support.
saṃtoṣaḥ संतोषः
Contentment; satisfaction; happiness. Also known as saṃtuṣṭiḥ. Part of niyamaḥ.
saṃvādaḥ संवादः
Dialogue imparting knowledge from teacher to student; teacher-student discourse with the sole aim of learning the truth; also see vādaḥ, jalpa-vādaḥ, vitaṇḍa-vādaḥ.
saṃvit संवित्
Knowledge; understanding.
saṃvṛtiḥ संवृतिः
A movement of thought forms. It is such a concealing movement alone that makes a world; there is no other world. The world is kalpita, a projection, a projection that so absorbs attention that its source is as good as concealed. See dṛṣṭi-sṛṣṭi-vādaḥ and nimitta-kāraṇam.
saṃvyavahāra-mātram संव्यवहार-मात्रम्
Only transactional; a term referring to the status of worldly experience, in effect saying it is mithyā.
samyag-darśanam सम्यग्-दर्शनम्
Clear vision; correct knowledge; proper understanding (asamyag-darśanam, confusion).
samyag-jñānam सम्यग्-ज्ञानम्
Proper, correct understanding of what the scriptures say. Such understanding is the result of śravanam, mananam and nididhyāsanam.
samyak सम्यक्
Clearly; accurately; correctly; properly.
saṃyamī संयमी
One who has self-mastery; a wise person.
sanātana सनातन
Eternal; permanent; ancient.
sanātana dharmaḥ सनातन धर्मः
Eternal law; eternal values; eternal religion; the beginningless order that is Īśvaraḥ; the proper and correct name for Hinduism (Hinduism is merely a geographically-derived term coined by those who knew no better.)
sañcita-karma सञ्चित-कर्म
Unmanifest, unexpired aggregate of the adṛṣṭa-phalam, unseen result, of karma (action). That result is duly accredited to the living being and stored in māyā, the universal causal body. When ripe, the as-yet-unmanifest puṇya-pāpam arising from karma, action, will manifest as prārabdha-karma for that person/being.
Sañcita is also the store for the āgāmi-karma being produced (by human beings only) now, in this life. When ripe, the āgāmi will manifest as prārabdha-karma.
"The law of karma and dharmaḥ are the same, because dharmaḥ produces puṇyam and pāpam, which form the very order that is Īśvaraḥ. The law of karma, centred on your free will and dharma-adharmaḥ, are all highly interconnected. Therefore, to that one Lord, who is in the form of the very order of dharmaḥ, the order of karma, you surrender and do what is to be done. We conform to dharmaḥ because dharmaḥ is Bhagavān."* See āgāmi-karma, prārabdha-karma.
sandhyā-vandanam सन्ध्या-वन्दनम्
Vandanam, worship, salutation, prayer done at the (three) junctures or meeting points, sandhyā, of each day: shortly before dawn, when the sun has not yet risen (even though the night is over), next when the sun is at its highest in the sky, and lastly when the sun has already set, but the night has not yet come.
saṅgaḥ सङ्गः
Attachment due to close contact; association; community; company; friendship.
"Attachment to the guṇas is the cause for births in higher and lower wombs." Gītā 13.21. The close association an individual has with the mind and body and their attributes (guṇas) leads to attachment. Attachment narrows the perspective with which one sees the world. A narrowed perspective leads to dependence on the world for happiness; rebirth is then inevitable.
saṅghātaḥ सङ्घातः
Assemblage; close union or combination; collection; cluster; aggregate; compressed together.
saṅkalpaḥ सङ्कल्पः
Decision as to worth, value, need, etc.; resolve; will; thought; determination; the impetus (in the form of a conviction or determination as to worth) running through every desire, driving it to fulfilment.
Will or will-power, dhṛtiḥ, is the very force of a conviction, or the strength of a decision (strong or weak, firm or wavering, correct or incorrect) that 'this' has value, 'this' is worth having or doing.
When something catches my attention and I judge it to have no particular worth or value, it becomes just a passing thought and goes. If, instead, it is seen to have worth or value, it is dwelt upon (even cherished) and that notion of value turns the thought into a desire. The perceived sense of value evokes emotion and will which then impel the desire, driving it to its fulfilment. Depending on the nature of the desire – and the will, the force, behind it – that drive to fulfilment can power the desire for a fraction of a second or, perhaps, for decades. See dhṛtiḥ, vikalpaḥ and kṛpaṇaḥ.
saṅkaraḥ सङ्करः
Mixture; mixing together that which should be kept apart, thus creating confusion.
śaṅkaraḥ शङ्करः
Ādi-Śaṅkara-Bhagavatpādaḥ was a most illustrious, highly revered teacher of Vedāntaḥ who revivified and re-established the supremacy of its sampradāyaḥ, and the Vedic dharmaḥ and way of life, several centuries ago. He was the author of incomparable Upaniṣad bhāṣyams that demonstrated that the purport of the Upaniṣads is that reality is non-dual and is attainable only by knowledge. He is regarded by many as an avatāraḥ of Lord Śivaḥ. (Śaṅkaraḥ is also a name of Śivaḥ.) Ādi-Śaṅkaraḥ left behind teaching maṭhas, monasteries (one in each of the four corners of India) of which Śṛngerī is perhaps the best known.
He succinctly summarises the Vedantic vision in verse 20 of his brahmajñānāvalīmālā "Brahma satyaṃ jaganmithyā jīvo brahmaiva nāparaḥ." Brahman is real, the universe is mithyā. The jīva and brahman are not different.
sāṅkhyam साङ्ख्यम्
Systematic, discriminating enquiry and assessment; thorough knowledge arising from such enquiry. The second chapter of the Bhagavad-Gītā is entitled sāṅkhya-yogaḥ. There the word sāṅkhyam means knowledge, the topic of the chapter. In the third chapter, the word sāṅkhyaḥ means a renunciate, a sannyāsī, who is totally committed to the pursuit of knowledge.
Sāṅkhyam is also the name of a dualistic philosophical system, ascribed to the sage Kapilaḥ, that accepts two realities: puruṣaḥ, spirit, and prakṛtiḥ, matter, and that liberation is gained by knowing the difference between them. It does not accept Īśvaraḥ. See other dualist opponents of Vedāntaḥ – mīmāṃsā, cārvākaḥ and naiyāyika.
sannyāsaḥ सन्न्यासः
Renunciation; a life in which all worldly ties are renounced in a focused pursuit of ātma-jñānam alone. A sannyāsī (saṃnyāsī) takes vows granting immunity from fear to all beings, meaning he/she won't compete, make demands or seek favours, and he/she also lives a life of poverty and chastity.
Sannyāsaḥ is of two types: vidvat-sannyāsaḥ and vividiṣā-sannyāsaḥ. Vidvat-sannyāsaḥ is where sannyāsaḥ is not taken: it is a renunciation that is an expression of knowledge wherein a wise person has naturally or effortlessly cognitively resolved his/her wrong notions of the self. This cognitive resolution of wrong identity, this giving up of all wrong ideas about the self and the world, is true or real sannyāsaḥ. It is a sannyāsaḥ that requires no external changes.
Knowledge, brahma-jñānam, is sannyāsaḥ. A vidvat-sannyāsī is a person of a different perspective, a jñānī. Every human being, going through all the stages of life sequentially, is expected to attain this sannyāsaḥ, thereby discovering absolute maturity, the culmination of growth, the fulfilment of the purpose of human life.
Vividiṣā-sannyāsaḥ is renunciation, a lifestyle in which there is a total commitment to the pursuit of knowledge to the exclusion of all other ends, artha-kāmas. The very word vividiṣā means 'desire to know'. A tīvra-mumukṣuḥ, a mature individual who is desperate for mokṣaḥ, knowing the value of knowledge as the only means for mokṣaḥ, seriously wants to know the truth – he/she takes to the life of sannyāsaḥ for knowledge.
A sannyāsī spends his life only in śravaṇam, mananam or nididhyāsanam (in keeping with his qualification) also involving himself in sharing his understanding through teaching, which is another form of contemplation. He is sanctioned to free himself from obligatory social duties. His basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) are met by a society whose culture values this pursuit with great reverence as it is a spiritual pursuit, a basis for all religious disciplines.
Fourth of the four āśramas of Vedic (vaidika) life – brahmacaryam, studentship; gṛhasthaḥ, householder; vānaprasthaḥ, withdrawal; sannyāsaḥ, renunciation.
sannyāsī सन्न्यासी
A renunciate (female: sannyāsinī); one who has taken the vows of sannyāsaḥ.
sansāraḥ सन्सारः
See saṃsāraḥ.
sanskāraḥ सन्स्कारः
See saṃskāraḥ.
sanskṛtam सन्स्कृतम्
See saṃskṛtam.
śāntiḥ शान्तिः
Peace; calmness; tranquility; cessation; elimination (of evil); synonym of the mental discipline, śamaḥ.
śānti-pāṭhaḥ शान्ति-पाठः
Peace invocation. There are peace invocations in the Vedaḥ for all four compilations as Ṛg, Yajur, etc. A peace invocation, specifically invoking the grace of devatās, is a mantraḥ with a prayer for physical and emotional well-being and the elimination of all possible obstacles to study, neutralising hidden variables arising from three possible sources: ādhibhautika-tāpaḥ, ādhidaivika-tāpaḥ, ādhyātmika-tāpaḥ.
sapta-bhūmikāḥ सप्त-भूमिकाः
Seven levels (of spiritual development) of which the last three are optional for a jñānī:
śubhecchā - desire (icchā) for the necessary purity (śubha) of mind needed to attain knowledge, jñāna-yogaḥ, and hence adoption of the necessary means, sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
vicāraṇā - enquiry (into truth, with the help of a guruḥ) via śravanam and mananam.
tanumānasā - full refinement of mind (nididhyāsanam) by removal of remaining hindrances (viparīta-bhāvanā).
sattvāpattiḥ - enjoyment of knowledge of truth, jñāna-niṣṭhā, which is mokṣaḥ.
asaṃsaktiḥ - freedom from all attachment in the enjoyment of the samādhiḥ of ātma-svarūpam.
padārthabhāvanī - remaining in samādhiḥ until disturbed by others.
turīya - undisturbable samādhiḥ from which videhamuktiḥ follows.
śaraṇāgatiḥ शरणागतिः
Seeking refuge in the Lord; offering oneself totally to the Lord; surrender; having the vision of the Lord as the truth, the whole; seeing one's own self being non-separate from the Lord, the whole, is absolute surrender; cognitively resolving one's individuality in the totality; seeing there is no second thing other than the Lord.
Relative surrender is that in which a person surrenders his/her will to Bhagavān in the form of dharmaḥ. His actions become governed by his knowledge of right and wrong, and his personal likes and dislikes are not allowed to dictate his actions. Relative surrender is possible only if the person knows the value of knowledge, and thereby of dharmaḥ, and commits himself to living a life of values.
śaraṇam शरणम्
Refuge; protection; place of shelter.
sarasvatī सरस्वती
Goddess of knowledge and music; wife of Brahmā.
śarīram शरीरम्
Body; prone to disintegration and decay; synonym of dehaḥ, kāyaḥ. See sthula-śarīram, sūkṣma-śarīram, kāraṇa-śarīram.
śarīra-traya-viveka-prakriyā शरीर-त्रय-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
Method of analysis through which ātmā is recognised to be distinct from and independependent of the three bodies (gross, subtle and causal); see prakriyā.
sarpaḥ सर्पः
sarūpaḥ सरूपः
Of the same nature as...; similar; resembling.
sarvagata सर्वगत
sarvajñatvam सर्वज्ञत्वम्
Omniscience; knowledge of all in general; a knowledge that all that is here is Brahman, the one reality that is consciousness, the self, and that I am that Brahman. This is the knowledge enjoyed by the jñānī. He or she recognises the one self in all, but does not have all knowledge of everything in detail (as Īśvaraḥ does) so if, for example, a person's name is not known prior to sarvajñatvam, the jñānī will still not know it. This is because the human mind is structured to know and gather knowledge sequentially, not simultaneously.
Being pure knowledge, the source of all knowledge, Īśvaraḥ is sarvajñaḥ. Knowing everything in detail, Īśvaraḥ is also described as sarvavit. See sarvavit.
sarvaṃ hyetadbrahma सर्वं ह्येतद्ब्रह्म
'All this is indeed Brahman' (Māṇḍūkya 1.2) – see mahāvākyam.
sarvaṃ khalvidaṃ brahma सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म
'All this is certainly Brahman' (Chāndogya 3.14.1) – see mahāvākyam.
sarvaśaktimān सर्वशक्तिमान्
(He who is) all-powerful; a name of Īśvaraḥ. See śaktiḥ.
sarvātmā सर्वात्मा
The only self of all beings; the only self of everything. The śāstram often uses such terms in the glorification of a jñānī saying, the knower of ātmā, being everything (being sarvātmā), as it were gains whatever objects he/she could desire, gains all worlds and objects just by a thought. This is a poetic way of saying that being the only self of all and everything, no world or object is away from such a one and is as good as gained. Even the desires of others, whose saṅkalpaḥ a jñānī may entertain, may be said to have their desires fulfilled (to the degree that their prārabdha permits) as the grace of the jñānī neutralises obstacles. This is one reason sannyāsīs are so respected and their grace so sought: being Īśvaraḥ, the wise person becomes an altar for invoking Īśvaraḥ.
sarvavit सर्ववित्
Omniscient; a term indicating the unlimited detailed knowledge enjoyed by Īśvaraḥ due to his being satyam, the very existence or basis, adhiṣṭhānam, of every aspect of every being, entity and phenomenon. He knows everything simultaneously without needing an antaḥkaraṇam, a mind, because all that is here is māyā-upādhiḥ, which is to say all that is here is Īśvaraḥ. See sarvajñatvam.
This all-knowingness is not experiential, it is being. With reference to the jagat, Brahman is all-knowledge, with reference to itself, it is knowledge as such, knowledge itself, jñaptiḥ.
Sarvavit is somewhat comparable to an author being the source and content of a book. He knows everything simultaneously about his completed book.
śāstram शास्त्रम्
Sacred body of knowledge for growing towards one's full stature; that which protects by governing one's way of life (through dharmaḥ); includes both śrutiḥ and smṛtiḥ, but the former is chiefly meant.
Just as it is impossible to see one's own face directly, it is impossible to know the self directly (like an object). Some form of mirror is required in both cases. For the self, the śāstram alone is that mirror. It alone is capable of reflecting or revealing one's true nature to oneself. It alone is the pramānam for self-knowledge, for mokṣaḥ. The guruḥ, enlightened only by the śāstra-pramānam, communicates its liberating vision to the śiṣyaḥ.
śāstra-vāsanā शास्त्र-वासना
Three types: obsession with study, preoccupation with many subjects and marked squeamishness with regard to observances specified in the śāstras. See vāsanā.
sat सत्
That which is ever the same presence in all three periods of time (past, present and future); pure, non-dependent existence; goodness; absolute truth; that which cannot be negated.
Existence is not an attribute, existence alone exists. All that exists exists in (pure) existence and all are in fact forms or modes of expression of pure existence (rather like ocean waves are expressions or forms of water). Pure existence, existence itself, being intrinsically formless, has no limit. Being limitless, ananta, it is not different from cit, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness exists, and pure existence is the very existence (the very being) of pure consciousness. Consciousness is all that is here. See asat, tuccham, satyam, mithyā, cit, ānanda.
ṣaṭkam षट्कम्
Consisting of six, aggregate of six (not six-fold) as in ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ, six accomplishments.
sat-kārya-vādaḥ सत्-कार्य-वादः
A Sāṅkhyam vādaḥ, a Sāṅkhyam view or contention, (temporarily) accepted by Vedāntins, that an effect is unmanifest in its cause, and its manifestation is a change or modification, pariṇāmaḥ, of the cause, or an appearance, vivartaḥ, of the cause – and both types of effect are mithyā.
Being unmanifest in its cause, no effect is ever created. There is no such thing as creation, only manifestation from a prior, unmanifest (potential) state. Only that which is potentially present can manifest. Butter comes out of milk because butter is in a potential, unmanifest form in milk. Butter is not in a potential form in water! See asat-kārya-vādaḥ, upādāna-kāraṇam, pariṇāmaḥ, vivartaḥ and also nimitta-kāraṇam.
ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ षट्क-सम्पत्तिः
A group of six accomplishments – also known as śamādi-ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ, a group of six accomplishments beginning with śamaḥ. The six form part of sādhana-catuṣṭayam and are: śamaḥ, damaḥ, uparamaḥ, titikṣā, śraddhā, samādhānam.
satsaṅgaḥ सत्सङ्गः
Company (saṅgaḥ) of the wise, of truth (sat); good association; association with śāstram; association with those who know and live the śāstram.
sattā सत्ता
Existence; being; reality. Existence is of two types: svarūpa-sattā, original, unmanifest or potential existence, and secondly rūpa-sattā, manifest or functional existence. See abhāvaḥ. A clay pot exists in potential until formed from a lump of clay. An action exists in potential until manifest. "Things exist because they are known. Therefore, they are sustained by knowledge."*
sattvam (sattva) सत्त्वम् (सत्त्व)
Guṇaḥ signifying purity, knowledge, truth, intelligence, mind (adj. sāttvika). The term sattva is the name given to the manifestation of the jñāna-śaktiḥ, the power of knowing inherent in māyā. Sattva can also mean a living being.
Free from any kind of impurity, sattva reflects consciousness and hence endows a person with the capacity for clear knowledge and with the capacity for experiential happiness. A predominance of sattva means that a vṛttiḥ in the form of pleasure and/or knowledge arises. On identifying with that vṛttiḥ (on identifying with being happy and knowledgeable) the person becomes dependent on pleasure and knowledge for happiness, and so becomes attached to them. In this way, even sattva can (seemingly) bind. See rajaḥ (rajas), tamaḥ (tamas).
sattva-śuddhiḥ सत्त्व-शुद्धिः
Purity of mind (sattva means mind here); synonym of citta-śuddhiḥ. Purity of mind increases as rāga-dveṣas decrease. When rāga-dveṣas begin to subside, through being neutralised by living a life of karma-yogaḥ, a person gains the mental space in which to recognise the shallowness and emptiness of being, namely the self-dissatisfaction that drove his previous unthinking chase of likes and dislikes. This recognition of his own spiritual poverty is the awakening of vivekaḥ and with it arises dispassion towards all worldly ends through clearly seeing their limitations. Now the quest for spiritual knowledge begins in earnest.
satyam सत्यम्
Truth; reality; that which is the truth of everything; that which cannot be negated by anything in all three periods of time – therefore beginningless, endless, changeless, causeless, independent, free from the limitations of time, space and object; the changeless substratum upon which change takes place (without which change would not be perceivable).
Only ever speaking the non-hurtful truth, devoid of untruth, is the discipline of satyam in speech. Even speech that is pleasant but not factual is not satyam.
Truth is established when there is consonance between śrutiḥ, smṛtiḥ, nyāyaḥ and anubhavaḥ.
Satyam is also a name of the highest of the seven heavens (see svargaḥ) and also a part of yamaḥ and sāmānya-dharmaḥ.
Also see sat, asat, mithyā, tuccham.
satyaṃ jñānam anantaṃ brahma सत्यं ज्ञानम् अनन्तं ब्रह्म
"Brahman is existence, consciousness (and) limitlessness" (Taittirīya Upaniṣad 2.1.1). These three words, satyam, jñānam, anantam are not indicating distinct individual attributes of Brahman, but are each independently expressing one thing – that Brahman is limitless reality, limitless being, pure consciousness – while simultaneously negating what Brahman might be thought to be.
Satyam means Brahman is pure existence, sat, existence itself, reality itself, not a form or kind of existence (such as existence in the form of a chair or in the form of an idea).
Jñānam is saying that Brahman is pure knowledge, jñaptiḥ, knowledge itself, not an aspect of knowledge (such as the knower, the object known, or a specific form of knowledge) and since consciousness is involved in knowledge, the pure existence that is Brahman cannot be something inert.
Anantam is saying that Brahman is not just without limit, but is limitlessness itself, thereby negating any notion that the pure existence and pure knowledge that is Brahman is in any way limited.
All three words are another way of saying saccidānandaḥ. See mahāvākyam.
saubhāgyam सौभाग्यम्
Good fortune; happiness; prosperity; loveliness; popularity – all that is needed for a fulfilling life, especially wisdom.
śaucam शौचम्
Cleanness, both inner and outer; purity of body (including environment), mind and intellect; part of niyamaḥ and sāmānya-dharmaḥ.
sāvaśeṣa सावशेष
Incomplete; unfinished; having a remainder.
sāvayava सावयव
Composed of parts; having parts; (whatever has a beginning falls within the category of being sāvayava). Whatever has parts will one day fall apart and hence cannot be eternal.
savikalpaḥ सविकल्पः
Being endowed with a variety of divisions or distinctions, e.g. knower, known, knowledge; being differentiated; being doubtful.
savikalpa-samādhiḥ सविकल्प-समाधिः
This samādhiḥ (also known as samprajñāta-samādhiḥ or sabīja-samādhiḥ) is a culmination of meditation, dhyānam, in which there remains a distinction between meditator and meditated, with all other thoughts resolved. Being an experience, a state of mind, it is transient and will be lost. There are two types of savikalpa-samādhiḥ, namely dṛśya-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ and śabda-anuviddha-savikalpa-samādhiḥ. See samādhiḥ, nirvikalpa-samādhiḥ and nididhyāsanam.
śeṣam शेषम्
Remainder; balance; surplus; residue.
sevā सेवा
Service; homage; worship. Sevā becomes yajñaḥ when done with humility and devotion. For a karma-yogī, every action is service only because of the reverential attitude pervading it – otherwise it is merely action.
siddha सिद्ध
Accomplished; established; gained (siddhiḥ, accomplishment; achievement).
siddhāntaḥ सिद्धान्तः
Established end or conclusion ('This is now shown to be so.'); demonstrated right conclusion of an argument; settled opinion or doctrine; established principle, axiom or rule. In the sampradāyaḥ, wrong notions are negated first when establishing the truth of the matter.
siddhiḥ सिद्धिः
Accomplishment; achievement; an occult power (of which there are eight) gained through the prolonged practice of certain disciplines. None leads to mokṣaḥ. They are a distraction and are best avoided:
aṇimā - reducing one's body size to that of an atom
mahimā - expanding one's body size at will
laghimā - becoming almost weightless
garimā - becoming as heavy as a mountain
prāptiḥ - ability to procure anything from anywhere
prākāmyam - fulfilment of all material desires
īśitvam - control over other beings and the elements
vaśitvam - capacity to draw and persuade/convince crowds of people.
Science of phonetics, of proper articulation and pronunciation of varṇas, the sounds of letters in Vedic (vaidika) texts; teaching, instruction; one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – also see chandas, vyākaraṇam, niruktam, jyotiṣaḥ, kalpaḥ.
siṃhā-avalokana-nyāyena सिंहा-अवलोकन-न्यायेन
'By the backward glance of a lion.' According to the rule of the lion's look, i.e. a maxim recommending reviewing what has been said before in order to see the connection with whatever is said later when studying a text.
śiṣyaḥ शिष्यः
Student; disciple; a self-disciplined student who, due to having praśāntacitta and śamānvita, (gained through living a life of karma-yogaḥ while practising sādhana-catuṣṭayam) deserves the teaching; one who, due to vairāgyam is sufficiently pure-minded (sufficiently able to manage his/her mind and emotions) for undisturbed, accurate, unprejudiced hearing of the ācāryaḥ unfolding the śāstram. See guru-śiṣya-paramparā, sampradāyaḥ, praśāntacitta, śamānvita.
śiṣya-svīkāraḥ शिष्य-स्वीकारः
Acceptance (svīkāraḥ) of a disciple (śiṣyaḥ) by a guruḥ, who must have reasons for the decision (such as the student's evident qualifications and sincerity). A guruḥ never seeks disciples, never proselytises – truth must be sought, not offered. See guru-upasādanam.
śivaḥ शिवः
Auspicious; pure; propitious; Īśvaraḥ as the resolver of the universe; see Brahmā, Viṣṇuḥ.
ślokaḥ श्लोकः
Verse; praise; glory; hymn of praise; maxim; fame; voice; name of a particular epic metre.
smaraṇam स्मरणम्
Recollecting; remembering.
smṛtiḥ स्मृतिः
Memory (in general); the content of śrutiḥ (the original text) properly heard, studied, understood, retained, recollected and presented without any distortion in their own words by later authors, e.g. Bhagavad-Gītā, purāṇas, manu-smṛtiḥ; see pauruṣeya-śāstram.
snehaḥ स्नेहः
Attachment; fondness; affection; friendship; emotional entanglement; 'stickiness'; oil.
śobhana-adhyāsaḥ शोभन-अध्यासः
Over-valuing someone or something by superimposing a notion of greater śubha, beauty, excellence, virtue, etc. than is deserved, e.g. mistaking a sea shell's colouring for silver or thinking 'the world gives me happiness'; see adhyāsaḥ and aśobhana-adhyāsaḥ.
śodhita शोधित
Filtered; refined; cleansed; purified. An adjective used to describe the filtering or distinguishing of pure consciousness from that which is inert, jaḍa – the filtering of ātmā from anātmā by vivekaḥ.
śokaḥ शोकः
Sorrow; anguish; grief; affliction; pain; see duḥkham.
sopādhi सोपाधि
With upādhiḥ (having or possessing one or more limiting adjuncts or manifesting media). See upādhiḥ and nirupādhi.
sopādhika-adhyāsaḥ सोपाधिक-अध्यासः
This is a form of adhyāsaḥ, erroneous conception, in which one fact is naturally mistaken for another, e.g. sunrise/sunset, blue sky, a bent rod in water. The fact of the sun being seen to rise/set is mistaken for the fact of the Earth turning. Similarly, the fact of the sky being blue is mistaken for the fact that the blue part of sunlight is absorbed and scattered more by the Earth's atmosphere than other parts, and the fact of a rod appearing bent in water is mistaken for the fact that light slows (refracts) in water. Sopādhika-adhyāsaḥ is also known as jñānādhyāsaḥ.
Being natural consequences of the Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ (being vyāvahārika-satyam) such facts persist even when understood to be misperceptions. They continue to be experienced, including by the wise: the sun is still seen to rise and set, the sky still looks blue, the rod still looks bent. However, the wise, the discriminating ones, nevertheless appreciate the truth of the matter through cognitively resolving the upādhiḥ. Some say that it is due to sopādhika-adhyāsaḥ that the body of the guruḥ is seen by disciples to persist after mokṣaḥ. See nirupādhikādhyāsaḥ, upādhiḥ and adhyāsaḥ.
sparśaḥ स्पर्शः
Touch; the sense-object (viṣayaḥ), subtle or gross, perceptible through the skin or mind and known as 'touch' or 'contact'.
sphuliṅgaḥ स्फुलिङ्गः
Spark (from a fire); sparks shooting from a fire are used to demonstrate that fire alone is in the form of many sparks due to many upādhis. This is also used as an analogy for showing how distinct manifestations or forms of Brahman arise from the one Brahman. It is often wrongly interpreted to mean that unique beings, jīvas, separate from Brahman, burst forth from Brahman like sparks from a fire, whereas the analogy is pointing to the fact that all sparks, jivas, are nothing but limited forms of fire. Their intrinsic nature is not different from fire (Brahman) even though their forms differ.
sphura स्फुर
Evident; self-evident; shining forth.
śraddhā श्रद्धा
Acceptance by firm judgement as true what the guruḥ and śāstram instruct; unflinching faith in the śāstram and in the words of the guruḥ.
Śraddhā is often translated as faith or trust, but it is more than that. Initially, a degree of trust, viśvāsaḥ, is necessary in any teaching situation. It allows us to stand apart from our own ideas and, for now at least, give the benefit of the doubt to the text and the teacher rather than to our own views – acceptance pending verification is an aspect of śraddhā. And if that which is taught seems incorrect, having śraddhā means I do not reject it but question my understanding until that which is being taught is clear.
With further knowledge, that acceptance takes the deeper form of a clear, carefully reached understanding or conviction, avadhāraṇā. Definite acceptance of what the guruḥ and śāstram teach is a yet more mature śraddhā. It is a knowledge that is far away from blind faith or unthinking belief. Only from such śraddhā arises sufficient objectivity to see the mind dispassionately enough to resolve what needs to be resolved. Then the challenge: 'Why believe when you can know?' can be meaningful.
śrāddham श्राद्धम्
Ancestor worship; a specific ritual performed on a specific day of a specific fortnight (death anniversary of one's parents, grandparents).
śravaṇam श्रवणम्
Hearing. Hearing, for a length of time, the step by step, systematic, regular, unfoldment of Vedāntaḥ by a competent ācāryaḥ who knows the sampradāyaḥ. Being a result (and not an action) hearing is involuntary since the ears naturally pick up sound, but accuracy of hearing depends on careful listening, on fully focusing one's attention, without distortion or addition, by surrendering all else. Distortion means either changing whatever is heard to fit it into one's existing belief system, or wilfully changing it to mean something unintended by the speaker. Addition means adding one's own ideas, beliefs or embellishments to whatever is said. Without proper accuracy of hearing, little will be properly understood.
Śravaṇam, hearing, is a pratyakṣa-pramāṇam, which in common with all other means of knowledge, facilitates it; it does not create knowledge (which is impossible since knowledge, being ever-present, may only ever be revealed or uncovered). Knowledge is determined by all that is heard, seen, etc., meaning, it’s determined by the nature of that which is seen or heard, not by the perceiver or his instruments. Knowing is, therefore, not an action, it is the inevitable result of operating a pramāṇam (opening the eyes, for example). Self-knowledge too is not the result of the hearer's action; it occurs naturally and effortlessly when certain words arrive at the ear. See mananam, nididhyāsanam, sākṣātkāraḥ.
śreyaḥ (śreyas) श्रेयः (श्रेयस्)
Highest or absolute good; that which is desirable for all people of all times and places, namely freedom from unhappiness, the knowledge that is mokṣaḥ – see preyaḥ (preyas).
śrīḥ श्रीः
Lakṣmī, goddess of wealth; wife (śaktiḥ) of Viṣṇuḥ; beauty; all forms of wealth, including virtues, health, progeny, food, etc. See bhagaḥ.
śrīmat श्रीमत्
Illustrious; eminent; glorious; venerable.
śrotram श्रोत्रम्
śrotriyaḥ श्रोत्रियः
One who has wide knowledge and profound understanding of the scriptures through carefully hearing, for a length of time, a competent teacher properly and systematically unfold the words of the vedānta-śāstram; one well versed in the śāstram and able to communicate their riches effectively; also see brahma-niṣṭhā.
sṛṣṭiḥ सृष्टिः
Manifestation; creation; nature; production; the manifest universe.
Nothing is ever created or destroyed: the universe and all that is here is an expansion or manifestation as names and forms, one that does not happen outside of Brahman. In time it becomes unmanifest in Brahman and again becomes manifest (appears) in Brahman in an endless cycle. Hence, the word creation is not an accurate translation for sṛṣṭiḥ. Nothing is created, the sṛṣṭiḥ is a manifestation from a potential or unmanifest condition, the unmanifest made manifest.
This endless cycle is not a volitional action by Brahman. The universe manifests only to lawfully fulfil the prārabdha-karma of countless jīvas. See Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ and jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ.
sṛṣṭi-viveka-prakriyā सृष्टि-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
Method of arriving at ātmā, the true self, by analysing that which is here, aiming to reveal its source, which is consciousness, the ultimate reality; see prakriyā.
śrutiḥ श्रुतिः
Heard; a name for the sacred knowledge of the Vedaḥ transmitted orally from generation to generation; a name for the veda-śāstram emphasising its preservation and transmission through careful listening via the teacher-student lineage, karṇa-paramparā (karṇa means ear).
stambhaḥ स्तम्भः
Pillar; post; column.
stavaḥ स्तवः
Any text consisting of words of praise – especially praise of the Lord, of Īśvaraḥ; synonym of stotram.
sthairyam स्थैर्यम्
Steadfastness; constancy; perseverance; steadiness; firmness; calmness.
sthānam स्थानम्
Place; abode; rank; altar.
sthāṇu स्थाणु
Firm; immovable; motionless; stump of a tree.
sthāṇu-nikhana-nyāyaḥ स्थाणु-निखन-न्यायः
A maxim encouraging making one's knowledge as unshakeable as a well-buried (well-fixed) post that is able to withstand any amount of shaking (by opposing notions). Such firmness is from clarity and accuracy of perception and understanding, not from obstinacy of view. See nyāyaḥ.
sthāṇu-puruṣa-nyāyaḥ स्थाणु-पुरुष-न्यायः
Illustration of a stump of a tree being mistaken for a person. See nyāyaḥ.
sthita स्थित
Steady; abiding; ascertained.
sthitadhīḥ स्थितधीः
Wise person with doubt-free, ascertained vision; steady-minded; firm; unmoved; calm.
sthita-prajñaḥ स्थित-प्रज्ञः
A person of steady, unshakeable wisdom; one abiding in wisdom; one free from the hold of desire; happy with oneself, in oneself; free from emotional dependence; awake to the nature of oneself and therefore wise; a jñānī.
sthūla स्थूल
Gross; physical – also see sūkṣma, kāraṇam.
sthūla-arundhatī-nyāyaḥ स्थूल-अरुन्धती-न्यायः
A maxim (nyāyaḥ) encouraging the leading of the mind from a gross (sthūla) understanding of the self towards a subtler and subtler understanding of it. Arundhatī is a tiny star, located by first pointing out the Moon and then successively smaller nearby stars until the finest star of all, Arundhatī itself, is seen. See nyāyaḥ.
sthūla-prapañcaḥ स्थूल-प्रपञ्चः
Gross/physical world. See sūkṣma-prapañcaḥ and kāraṇa-prapañcaḥ.
sthūla-śarīram स्थूल-शरीरम्
Gross/physical body; abode of enjoyment; locus of all subtle (imperceptible) instruments of knowledge and action; also see sūkṣma-śarīram, kāraṇa-śarīram.
stotram स्तोत्रम्
Hymn of praise; see stavaḥ, stutiḥ.
strīliṅgam स्त्रीलिङ्गम्
Feminine gender; feminine; see puṃliṅgam.
stutiḥ स्तुतिः
Praise; adulation; eulogy; commendation; tribute.
śubha शुभ
Auspicious; good; virtuous; something that ends well.
śuddha शुद्ध
Pure; clean; faultless; error-free. A pure mind is necessary for self-knowledge. Impurities (anger, pride, lust, etc.) confuse and distort thought. They are best dealt with by being alert to their arising, bud-like, in the mind and letting them go before they flower. That alertness requires śamaḥ and is possible only for one who is relatively peaceful, i.e. one with sufficient vairāgyam. When vairāgyam is sufficiently developed, a person can be objective towards his/her own mind. That objectivity brings emotional maturity. The emotionally mature see things in their proper perspective and so are not distracted from what matters by something inappropriate. Such people are able to hear the teaching (upadeśaḥ) cleanly.
śuddha-caitanyam शुद्ध-चैतन्यम्
Pure consciousness; unmanifest consciousness; consciousness unassociated with varying thoughts; consciousness remaining ever itself, unrestricted by being 'conscious of'; consciousness in which there is no second. Also known as sāmānya-jñānam. See jñaptiḥ and viśeṣa-jñānam.
śūdraḥ शूद्रः
A person born into the fourth varṇaḥ – artisan, labourer, servant, etc.; revered as an indispensable part of Īśvaraḥ, the whole, (just as feet are indispensable to the body) and whose contribution for maintaining the social order is as important as that of the other three varnas; also see brāhmaṇaḥ, priest; kṣatriyaḥ, soldier; vaiśyaḥ, businessman.
sukham सुखम्
Happiness; delight; joy; pleasure. Happiness, delight, is an experience of a time-bound fraction of manifest fullness. It is an expression of the manifestation of fullness – fullness being the very nature of timeless reality.
śuklaḥ शुक्लः
White; bright.
sukṛta सुकृत
Well-made; well-done.
sūkṣma सूक्ष्म
Subtle; fine; penetrating; non-physical; also see sthūla, kāraṇam.
sūkṣma-prapañcaḥ सूक्ष्म-प्रपञ्चः
Subtle world. See sthūla-prapañcaḥ and kāraṇa-prapañcaḥ.
sūkṣma-śarīram सूक्ष्म-शरीरम्
Subtle body. It is a body only in the sense of it being a 'body' or collection or composite of capacities or powers with which the ātmā is identified and which seemingly limit it. It is the ātmā, as the jīvaḥ, conditioned by the sūkṣma-śarīram, that departs on the death of the physical body. The sūkṣma-śarīram continues to exist until its dissolution at pralayaḥ.
The sūkṣma-śarīram is a composite of five karmendriyaṇi, five jñānendriyaṇi, five prāṇāh, and the antaḥ-karaṇam whose chief aspects are buddhiḥ, cittam, manaḥ, ahaṅkāraḥ – also see sthūla-śarīram, kāraṇa-śarīram, indriyam.
śuktikā शुक्तिका
Shell of a pearl oyster, the inside of which is so reflective it can be mistaken for silver, rajata. This inner layer of nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, is often used as an example of superimposition, adhyāropaḥ.
sulabha सुलभ
Easily obtainable; feasible.
sundara सुन्दर
Beautiful; lovely.
suniścita सुनिश्चित
Fully ascertained, definite, fixed, settled (conclusion). An adjective used to describe the certainty of the knowledge enjoyed by the wise.
śūnya शून्य
Void; empty. There is no possibility of śūnya existing since for it to be known would require the presence of a vṛttiḥ.
sūryaḥ सूर्यः
The sun; devatā of sight; sūryāstaḥ, sunset.
śuśrūṣā शुश्रूषा
The desire to hear the śāstram being unfolded by the teacher; service to the teacher.
susukham सुसुखम्
Easy; effortless; pleasurable.
suṣumnā nāḍī सुषुम्ना नाडी
This subtle nerve or vessel runs upwards within the body, between and along with two other vessels, the iḍā on its left (terminating at the left nostril) and the piṅgalā on its right (terminating at the right nostril). The suṣumnā runs from the mūlādhāra-cakram, situated within the perineum (the space between the genitals and anus at the apex of the legs) to the sahasrāra-cakram at the crown of the head. The suṣumnā acts as a channel for the rise of the kuṇḍalinī, which in its quiescent state lies coiled at the mūlādhāra-cakram.
To burst through the sahasrāra-cakram is to enter brahma-lokaḥ and be one with Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ. In Vedāntaḥ this is attained by living in the recognition that all minds are aspects of Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, the totality of all subtle phenomena. (Taittir. Śikṣā Vallī, Anuvāka 6).
suṣupti-avasthā सुषुप्ति-अवस्था
Suṣupti, deep-sleep, avasthā, state (of the mind); a state of non-apprehension of reality in which there is experience of the absence of the experience of 'I'. And since the mind is inactive in deep sleep, there can be no misapprehension (no error).
In suṣupti the intellect, mind and senses resume an unmanifest, undifferentiated, potential condition in the causal body (kāraṇa-śarīram) in which individuality, with all its misconceptions, limitations and consequent problems, is given up while the individual remains – and then absence of experience is experienced since, on rising, that same individual can say, "I knew nothing." This is not a direct experience because the present tense is not used, nor is it an inference because one part of the statement is from direct perception, one not. No part is directly perceived in sleep as the mind (including ahaṅkāraḥ) is unmanifest. However, to be able to say that absence of cognition was experienced implies memory, which implies an ever-present witness.
That witness, in which the blankness of suṣuptiḥ is revealed, is pure consciousness, consciousness unqualified by the attributes and mis-identifications of the mind. Being unqualified, being without attributes, it is not recognised and is assumed to be not there. Consciousness is not recognised as consciousness unless the mind is active.
Movement between the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep is always via the deep-sleep state because, since distinct orders of reality obviously cannot be manifest simultaneously, one must subside for another to replace it. The point of origin, emergence and return is suṣupti-avasthā for both of the other two states. Just as a cause permeates its effect, suṣupti-avasthā permeates svapna-avasthā and jāgrad-avasthā.
Various vṛttis not being manifest during deep sleep is known, and the knower or experiencer of that absence is the sāksî alone, not any form of ahaṅkāraḥ. There are just two vṛttis in the deep-sleep state: ajñāna-vṛttiḥ and sukha-vṛttiḥ – experience of total ignorance and bliss respectively (bliss being the total, but temporary, absence of experience of all pairs of opposites, such as pain and pleasure, and hence is the absence of duality). The presence of the āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ is also evident in deep sleep, but not vikṣepa-śaktiḥ.
The sākṣī common to all three mutually exclusive states, including deep sleep, is none other than formless pure consciousness. See prājñaḥ, the knower of the deep sleep state; also see jāgrad-avasthā, waking state, svapna-avasthā, dream state, turīya, 'fourth'; avasthā-trayam, the three states of experience.
suṣuptiḥ सुषुप्तिः
Deep, disturbance-free, dreamless sleep (in which the mind is temporarily unmanifest, temporarily merged with Īśvaraḥ).
sūtra-bhūta-vākyam सूत्र-भूत-वाक्यम्
An aphoristic statement that gives the teaching in a nutshell.
sūtram सूत्रम्
Verse; thread; an aphorism with minimum words and maximum sense; a cryptic statement pregnant with meaning.
sūtrātmā सूत्रात्मा
Epithet for Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ describing him as the totality of all prāṇaḥ, without whom the operation of the physical world would not be possible; the one who, like a thread (sūtram) of prāṇaḥ, connects all life-forms (all ātmās) lending life to all. See samaṣṭiḥ.
svabhāvaḥ स्वभावः
Non-intrinsic nature; apparent nature of objects, phenomena, creatures, etc.; manifest nature. At the human level, the term includes inclinations, dispositions and all acquired, earned, non-essential nature, i.e. the nature fashioned and revealed by attitudes, habits and behaviour; see svarūpam and prakṛtiḥ.
svadharmaḥ स्वधर्मः
One's own duty. Duty is that which is due to be done, that which needs to be done. Only by doing just your duty may you be protected from acting inappropriately and incurring pāpam. Recognising whatever is and isn't my duty is recognising viśeṣa-dharmaḥ. "When you perform all your duties at the correct time and place, with an awareness of Īśvaraḥ, who is in the form of dharmaḥ, then svakarma, one's own karma, becomes very evident and it becomes an offering to Īśvaraḥ."*
svādhyāyaḥ स्वाध्यायः
Śāstram study under the care of a competent ācāryaḥ; daily recitation of the Vedaḥ; the study of a branch of one's own Vedaḥ. Svādhyāyaḥ is also part of niyamaḥ.
svaḥ (suvaḥ) स्वः (सुवः)
Abode of the gods and the blessed; the vault of Heaven; region of the planets; fifth lowest of the seven heavens.
Name of the third of the three vyāhṛtis that are the origin and essence of the gāyatrī-mantraḥ – also see bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ, lokaḥ.
svāhā स्वाहा
An exclamation: "Hail to Thee" used when oblations (to any deity) are offered into the fire, implying: "I offer myself to Thee"; food offered to devatās.
svāmī (svāmin) स्वामी (स्वामिन्)
One who has mastery over oneself; spiritual preceptor; title of a man who has taken the vows of sannyāsaḥ (female: svāminī).
svapna-avasthā स्वप्न-अवस्था
Svapnaḥ, dream, avasthā, state (of the mind); a projection associated exclusively with the subtle body, sūkṣma-śarīram. The dream world of subtle phenomena is experienced in the mind as a reality separate from the reality of the waking state, jāgrad-avasthā. Both states or worlds are mithyā, both are thought-projected only and in both there is both non-apprehension and misapprehension of reality. Neither waking nor dream is more real than the other. Yet, just as the waking world seems absolutely real for the waker, a dream is not a dream in a dream for a dreamer.
The dream world arises from impressions, vāsanās, gained in the waking state and presented, sometimes symbolically, in dreams – although there is no direct cause-effect relationship with the waking state. In the dream state, the jīvaḥ sets up its own world, its own timescale and its own sthūla and sūkṣma-śarīras with their own senses, all formed in the mind of the jīvaḥ (not Īśvaraḥ, as in the waking state).
Ahaṅkāraḥ, and hence the mind as a whole, is only half-manifest in dream. There is no free-will or doership in a dream – they occur only in the waking state – but there is enjoyership. Neither is any result carried over into the waking state: no puṇya-pāpam accrues in dream. So-called day-dreaming is merely imagination in which the mind is turned inwards towards its own memories, vāsanās, and there is no separation from the waking-state experience. However, the term dream (meaning a waking sleep) is often used in Vedānta as a metaphor for self-misconception. See taijasaḥ, the knower of the dream state; also see jāgrad-avasthā, waking state; suṣupti-avasthā, deep-sleep state; turīya, 'fourth'; avasthā-trayam, the three (mutually exclusive) states of experience.
svaprakāśaḥ स्वप्रकाशः
Self-effulgent; self-revealing. Consciousness needs no illuminator to light it up. It is not only self-revealing, it is ever-present in all experiences as the unobtrusive, unassertive presence, pervading all, knowing all. Direct, unmediated knowledge of this self-effulgent self is one of the two types of aparokṣa-jñānam (according to Vidyāranya Swami). The other type is enlightenment itself, brahma-jñānam, exemplified by the tenth man realising that he is the tenth.
svaraḥ स्वरः
A vowel; a chanting accent – see vyañjanam, and also udāttaḥ, anudāttaḥ, svaritaḥ.
svārājyam स्वाराज्यम्
A meditator (upāsakaḥ) who through contemplation (through living in awareness of the total) merges with and gains the status of Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, attains sovereignty as the truth and lord of all, as all-knowledge consciousness, as the self of all. Peace in abundance, samṛddham, is attained. Such a one is all manifest happiness, knowledge and peace – of which individual enjoyment is but a fraction.
svargaḥ स्वर्गः
Heaven. The seven heavens or higher lokas begin with this Earth, bhū-lokaḥ, and in ascending order are bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ, svaḥ, mahaḥ, janaḥ, tapaḥ, satyam. See lokaḥ and narakaḥ.
svaritaḥ स्वरितः
A high or raised tone in chanting, shown in the text by a short vertical line above a vowel. Sometimes two short svaritaḥ notations appear side-by-side above the same vowel. They indicate that that vowel is to be sounded as two short, raised sounds in immediate succession. Being, in effect, a long sound, the notation is called dīrgha-svaritaḥ. Also see svaraḥ, udāttaḥ, anudāttaḥ.
svarūpa-lakṣaṇam स्वरूप-लक्षणम्
A definition that unfolds the essential, intrinsic nature of something by implication, e.g. a definition of absolute reality in which its intrinsic nature is directly revealed through implication; see taṭastha-lakṣaṇam, lakṣaṇam, jahadajahallakṣaṇā, upalakṣaṇā.
svarūpam स्वरूपम्
Intrinsic, essential nature; that which is inherent, natural, changeless, not incidental nor acquired, but innate for the object or person. For example, the svarūpam, essential, unchanging, intrinsic nature of fire is heat, and fire never loses that nature. See svabhāvaḥ and prakṛtiḥ.
svasvarūpa-anusandhānam स्वस्वरूप-अनुसन्धानम्
Meditation on (continuously dwelling upon) one's own true nature; synonym of nididhyāsanam.
svataḥ स्वतः
By oneself; by itself. (svataḥ siddham, self-evident).
svatantram स्वतन्त्रम्
Independence (of will); self-dependence; free-will; capacity of choice. This capacity is the essence of kartā, agency, and hence the source of the generation of puṇya-pāpam. See paratantram
svātmani avasthānam स्वात्मनि अवस्थानम्
Abidance in one's own self through knowledge; one who, free from doership, has discovered fullness and so has all his desires fulfilled. Synonym of jīvan-muktiḥ.
svātma-vyatiriktam स्वात्म-व्यतिरिक्तम्
Other than oneself.
svayam स्वयम्
On its own; by oneself; spontaneously; effortlessly. Svayam-jyotiḥ, self-effulgent.
svayambhū स्वयम्भू
Self-existent; self-manifested; self-born
svayam-siddha स्वयम्-सिद्ध
Self-accomplished. I do not need to do something to know, feel or experience the self. Being awareness, it is ever present and self-evident in all that is known, felt or experienced (even if normally remaining unnoticed due to prevailing thoughts, feelings and perceptions taking centre stage).


tādātmyam तादात्म्यम्
Identification; taking one's nature to be something it is not.
taijasaḥ तैजसः
A term for a form of ahaṅkāraḥ in which ātmā is identified with the subtle body, sūkṣma-śarīram, in the dream state, svapna-avasthā (and hence also associated with the kāraṇa-śarīram from which its content arises). In svapnaḥ, taijasaḥ seemingly undergoes the experience of dream (in which free-will cannot occur). Taijasaḥ does not know or apprehend reality and has misconceptions about it. The universal or samaṣṭiḥ equivalent is Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ – also see prājñaḥ, viśvaḥ.
tamaḥ (tamas) तमः (तमस्)
Guṇaḥ signifying inertia, lethargy, delusion, habitual scepticism, day-dreaming, cessation (adj. tāmasika). Tamas is also the name given to the manifestation of the dravya-śaktiḥ, the power of inertia inherent in māyā. Tamas manifests as the veiling power known as the āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ.
In tamas, sattva and rajas remain 'overpowered' (as good as resolved or unmanifest). Dominance of tamas in a person's mind brings delusion, born of ignorance. Tamas (seemingly) binds a person by completely covering the buddhi, the capacity to discern true from false, right from wrong – including in ordinary, everyday situations. The resulting delusion brings pramādaḥ, negligence or indolence, ālasya, slothfulness or laziness, and nidrā, sleep (both literal and spiritual). When tamas dominates in the mind it produces neither puñyam nor pāpam, it wastes life. Also see sattvam (sattva), rajaḥ (rajas).
tanmātram तन्मात्रम्
Subtle, pure, uncombined element of which there are five forming the subtle basis for the entire cosmos. The sattvam aspects of the five tanmātras give rise to the five senses (and, in combination, to manaḥ and buddhiḥ); the rajas aspects give rise to the five karmendriyas (and, in combination, to the five prāṇas). The tamas aspects of the five tanmātras give rise, through the process of pañcīkaraṇam, to the five gross elements.
tanmātra-viveka-prakriyā तन्मात्र-विवेक-प्रक्रिया
A form of sṛṣṭi-viveka-prakriyā in which the mind is pointed towards ātmā through emphasising the emergence of the five gross elements from their respective subtle or tanmātram origin (ātmā being subtler still).
tanuḥ तनुः
A form or manifestation (as in 'in the form of').
tāpaḥ तापः
Heat; affliction or mental agony which scorches like heat, causing pain; affliction; difficulty. Also see ādhyātmika-tāpaḥ, ādhibhautika-tāpaḥ, ādhidaivika-tāpaḥ.
tapaḥ (tapas) तपः (तपस्)
Religious discipline; purificatory penance or austerity; heat; enquiry; knowledge. "Committed, relevant action in line with dharmaḥ."* Part of niyamaḥ.
tapasvī तपस्वी
Ascetic; one who is committed to relevant action in line with dharmaḥ.
taraṅgaḥ तरङ्गः
Wave (of water).
tarkaḥ तर्कः
Logic; reasoning. A philosophical system based on reasoning and conjecture. Used to remove erroneous notions entertained about reality by the aspirant. Being based on sensory information, logic is insufficient by itself for discovering reality (as reality is not objectifiable) but it's useful as a support for śrutiḥ and in defending Vedāntaḥ from the challenges of opponents. Although the tarkikas, logicians, accept the Vedaḥ, they give chief importance to logic. See yuktiḥ and nyāyaḥ.
tat (tad) तत् (तद्)
That. A pronoun often used for ultimate reality, as in tattvamasi, you are That. By pointing to Brahman with the word 'that', yet not defining it, the imposition of limitations is avoided.
taṭastha-lakṣaṇam तटस्थ-लक्षणम्
A statement that defines something in terms of its (real or apparent) connection to something else. It makes use of something which, although it is distinct from an entity's intrinsic nature, is nevertheless something by which that entity is known. For example, Brahman is known (definable) as the only source of the manifestation, sustenance and resolution of the universe. Likewise, "The house with the crow on the roof" defines a house in a way that is incidental, not intrinsic. See lakṣaṇam, svarūpa-lakṣaṇam, jahallakṣaṇā, ajahallakṣaṇā, jahadajahallakṣaṇā, upalakṣaṇā.
tātparyam तात्पर्यम्
Purport; meaning; intention; essential meaning; essential theme. See ṣaḍ-liṅgāni.
tattva-jñānam तत्त्व-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge of the truth; synonym of brahma-jñānam and ātma-jñānam.
tattva-jñānārtha-darśanam तत्त्व-ज्ञानार्थ-दर्शनम्
Keeping in view the aim and purpose of the knowledge of truth, of self-knowledge, namely freedom from sorrow.
tattvam तत्त्वम्
Truth; reality; existence or truth of everything (tasya bhāvaḥ) of every object, indicated by the pronoun tat, 'that'; element; essence. The word tat-tvam literally means 'that-ness', the state or condition of being 'that'. The word 'that', when deliberately left undefined, avoids limitation and hence can be useful in pointing to the subtlest, most essential essence or element of something. It can even point to the subtlest of all, namely absolute reality, Brahman. (As a distinct word tvam means 'you' – see tattvamasi).
tattvamasi तत्त्वमसि
'You are that' (Chāndogya 6.8.7). In this famous compound word, which contains the whole of Vedāntaḥ, the word tat, that, refers to Brahman, pure consciousness. The word tvam, you, points both to its literal meaning, i.e. the ordinary individual, and to the implied meaning, namely his/her svarūpam, pure consciousness. The word asi means 'are'.
In brief, the mahāvākyam is saying (implying) that the essence of you, the individual (namely, pure consciousness) is not different from Brahman and hence the equation stands. It of course does not stand if tvam is instead taken in its literal sense to refer to the bound, ignorant, indvidual waker or dreamer. However, by expressing the equation in this two-fold way, you, the individual are being shown that you are not what you take yourself to be, you are in truth limitless, ever-free, pure knowledge. It also shows that God is not some remote entity: in essence, God and you are one. See jahadajahallakṣaṇā and mahāvākyam and also see ahaṃ brahmāsmi, ayamātmā brahma, prajñānaṃ brahma.
tattvavit तत्त्ववित्
Knower of the truth; an ātmajñānī.
tejaḥ (tejas) तेजः (तेजस्)
Brightness, lustre of countenance; light; brilliance; fire; the Fire element.
ṭīkā टीका
Explanatory notes on a commentary, bhaṣyam. These notes serve to introduce the topic by explaining the sentences of the bhāṣyam or a particular word in a sentence. A ṭīkā is not an independent work because it follows the bhāṣyam line by line, sentence by sentence. See vārtikam and kārikā.
tīrtham तीर्थम्
Purifier; pilgrimage site; holy place; water sanctified with mantras.
tiryak तिर्यक्
Horizontal, horizontally (a descriptive term for creatures that grow horizontally, i.e. animals).
tithiḥ तिथिः
Date; lunar date.
titikṣā तितिक्षा
Cheerful forebearance; endurance; cheerfully (objectively) bearing opposites such as heat and cold, and honour and dishonour with equanimity, which means without anxiety, complaint or retaliation.
Titikṣā is the capacity to deal cheerfully and objectively with external conditions and events that are beyond our control – it does not mean allowing pain to happen and then putting up with it.
Titikṣā is developed by willingly undergoing minor difficulties without dwelling on or lamenting them – and while also not seeking a remedy that will make the voluntary tapas easier or shorter. See ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ – also see śamaḥ, damaḥ, uparamaḥ, śraddhā, samādhānam.
tīvra तीव्र
Intense; strong; ardent; acute; keen; sharp.
tīvra-mumukṣuḥ तीव्र-मुमुक्षुः
A person with an intense desire for freedom.
traividyāḥ त्रैविद्याः
Those who have studied all three Vedas and gained a thorough knowledge of karma-kāṇḍaḥ.
tripuṭī त्रिपुटी
Three-fold; a triad.
tripuṭi-bhedaḥ त्रिपुटि-भेदः
Three-fold difference – knower, knowledge, known; seer, sight, seen; experiencer, experience, experienced, etc.
triṣṭup त्रिष्टुप्
Name of a Vedic metre of 44 syllables (11 per quarter); name of a hymn composed in this metre; frequently used in the Ṛgvedaḥ and occasionally used in the Bhagavad-Gītā (e.g. Gītā 2.5). See gāyatrī, anuṣṭup.
tṛptiḥ तृप्तिः
Satisfaction; contentment. The jñānī is ever satisfied, ever content. Happiness and fulfilment are his own svarūpam. They are not dependent on experiences and puṇyam and are recognised to be ever-present in all circumstances. In this way, all desires are as good as satisfied, for the happiness they aim at is already his.
tṛṣṇā तृष्णा
Thirst; strong desire; strong longing for that which is absent; avidity; lust; greed; also see pipāsā.
tuccham तुच्छम्
Non-existent; unreal; never can exist, e.g. son of a barren woman (vandhyā putraḥ), a square circle; see sat, asat, satyam, mithyā.
tūlāvidyā तूलाविद्या
Secondary ignorance; inability to discern that which is right or wrong in ordinary, worldly situations; ignorance of worldly matters such as a street name or art or botany; see mūlāvidyā.
turīya तुरीय
Fourth; not a state of experience but an adjective attributed to the ātmā – the only knower in all three states of experience – to distinguish it from the three states (like a fourth entity or person). It is only the appearance of the other three that causes us to count turīya as 'fourth' – from its own perspective it is all there is.
Turīyam (noun) is not really 'the fourth', it is pure, divisionless, objectless consciousness, independent of all the three mithyā states of waking, dream and sleep – and yet all three, belonging (as they do) to a lower order of reality, are not independent of it, for turīyam is the unchangeable substratum of each.
To talk of gold, ring, chain and bangle is to talk of gold, for gold is that which is really, independently present as the substratum of the other three, all of which are appearances of gold.
Turīyam has neither misunderstanding nor misconception and is free from cause and effect. It is unqualifiable, indivisible, and not experienceable in any subject-object sense of 'experience'. No one can claim to have experienced turīyaṃ. It is knowable only by recognition of it being the truth of oneself. Repeated dwelling on this recognition is nididhyāsanam. See ekātma-pratyaya-sāram.
The adjective 'fourth' has no numerical significance. There is no fourth state of experience. See jāgrad-avasthā, waking state; svapna-avasthā, dream state; suṣupti-avasthā, deep-sleep state; avasthā-trayam, the three states of experience. Also see jñaptiḥ.
tuṣṭa तुष्ट
Pleased; contented.
tvak त्वक्
Skin; subtle power of touch (invisible in skin). The word tvak refers to both the physical organ and to the conscious power of touch pervading it – this is the same with all powers of perception and action: in referring to the organ, the name refers to its power. See indriyam.
tvam त्वम्
You (second-person-singular pronoun).
tyāgaḥ त्यागः
Renunciation; sacrifice; dedication; withdrawal; abandoning. Since the purpose of renunciation is purification of the mind, tyāgaḥ means renunciation of attachment to the results of action and also renunciation of the actual results themselves. Renunciation of attachment to the results of action entails disavowing any form of ulterior motive (typically in the form of rāga-dveśas) when doing what needs to be done. Renunciation of results means being unconcerned about reaping the fruits of action. Disinterest in the results of action occurs when my principal concern or my priority is mental preparation for knowledge – knowledge itself being mokṣaḥ, the ultimate goal. (Note: yajñaḥ, dānam and tapas, being nitya-naimittika-karmas are not to be given up).


udānaḥ उदानः
Upward breath; an aspect of prāṇaḥ that reverses a process; vomiting; hiccups; coughing; sneezing.
The udānaḥ is the final outward breath by which the jīvaḥ exits the body on death having completed no more than the allotted number of breaths (an inhalation and its exhalation being one breath). The upper limit (which may not be reached due to poor choices) is set by prārabdhaḥ, to which prāṇaḥ is directly connected. Afterwards, there can be no more breathing in. Also see apānaḥ, elimination; samānaḥ, digestion; vyānaḥ, circulation.
udāsīna उदासीन
One who does not take sides; indifferent; neutral; neither friend nor foe; unprotesting.
udāttaḥ उदात्तः
Neutral; a chanting tone that has neither a high nor a low pitch (no line appears above or below a vowel in the text); also see svaraḥ, svaritaḥ, anudāttaḥ.
udgīthaḥ उद्गीथः
Om; praṇavaḥ; sung; announced; celebrated; a sonorous prayer, prescribed in the Sāmavedaḥ to be sung aloud.
umā उमा
Wife of Śivaḥ, also known as Pārvatī; the constituent phonetic elements of Om (a-u-m) put in a different order; power in three conditions: gross, subtle, unmanifest.
upacāraḥ उपचारः
Figurative; a figure of speech; honouring.
upādāna-kāraṇam उपादान-कारणम्
Material (upādānam), cause (kāraṇam); two types:
Pariṇāmi-upādāna-kāraṇam, a material cause in which the causal material itself undergoes a change when causing (becoming) an effect, e.g. churned butter becoming ghee, water becoming ice (or vice-versa).
Vivarta-upādāna-kāraṇam, a material cause in which the causal material undergoes no change in the arising of an effect, e.g. mother-of-pearl appearing to be silver, rope as the cause of a 'snake'.
Brahman is the upādāna-kāraṇam of the jagat in the vivarta (unchanging) sense. See pariṇāmaḥ and vivartaḥ, and also see nimitta-kāraṇam and satkāryavādaḥ.
upādānam उपादानम्
Material – that which lends support to the effect, remaining inseparable from it, e.g. clay re pot.
upadeśaḥ उपदेशः
Teaching; instruction. The teaching corrects misconceptions about that which is real. To do so it communicates in two principal ways: by negation, niṣedha-vṛttiḥ and by implication, lakṣaṇa-vṛttiḥ. First, erroneous ideas about oneself, the world and God are dismissed by negation (by revealing the error). Then the nature of oneself, which cannot be pointed to (as worldly objects can) is shown by implication.
"The meaning of the teaching has to be conveyed with such clarity that both the person and the words disappear and the meaning alone remains."*
upādhiḥ उपाधिः
That which seemingly transfers its attribute(s) to a nearby recipient, an upahitam. (The translation 'limiting or conditioning adjunct' is poor and misleading as the limitation produced by the upādhiḥ is only apparent – 'manifesting medium' might be better.)
If a red Hibiscus flower, for example, is brought close to a colourless lump of clear crystal, the crystal (the upahitam) appears red. From having no colour, the crystal apparently has the attribute 'red' – the red flower has become a manifesting medium for redness. The crystal is never red (and limited only to red) and yet, undeniably, for a time it appears so.
The upādhiḥ in this example is the flower, not its redness. But the flower does not function as an upādhiḥ unless it is close to the crystal. So, it is the item and the effect of its close proximity – namely the seeming transfer of one or more of its attributes – that together make for an upādhiḥ.
However, this crystal-flower example is not to be taken too literally. When the upahitam is ātmā, whatever its upādhiḥ may be, that upādhiḥ is of a different order of reality, it is mithyā, and so need only be separated cognitively. See sopādhi, nirupādhi, upahitam and anyonyādhyāsaḥ.
upahitam उपहितम्
Put on or upon; mixed; that upon which an upādhiḥ subsists; ātmā associated with an upādhiḥ is said to be an upahitam – the two cannot be distanced physically.
upalabdhi उपलब्धि
Observation; perception; becoming aware of; understanding. Upalabdhi-sthānam a place of recognition.
upalakṣaṇā उपलक्षणा
Implication of something that has not or cannot be expressed, e.g. use of a large number to express innumerability or non-countability; metaphor; feature; characteristics; see lakṣaṇam; also see jahallakṣaṇā, ajahallakṣaṇā, jahadajahallakṣaṇā, svarūpalakṣaṇam, taṭasthalakṣaṇam.
upamānam उपमानम्
Knowledge arising from similarity or illustration. For example, if someone has never seen a bison, he can be told it looks like (can be pictured as similar to) a buffalo. One of the six pramāṇas – see the others: anumānam, anupalabdhiḥ, arthāpattiḥ, pratyakṣam, śabdaḥ.
upanayanam उपनयनम्
Sacred thread ceremony; a boy's initiation into the study of the scriptures at ages 7-11. Upa, near, nayanam, taking, leading; taking the student to the teacher and leaving him there for studying the scriptures. This is one of the very important saṃskāryas or rituals performed for the mental refinement of the individual. Only after the performance of this upanayana-saṃskāryaḥ is the child eligible to learn and chant the Gāyatrī-Mantraḥ and also eligible for scriptural study.
upaniṣad उपनिषद्
Forms the jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ, knowledge section at the end (antaḥ) of each Vedaḥ and so is known as Vedāntaḥ, the ultimate and final end and fulfilment of all the Vedas.
The word Upaniṣad means brahma-vidyā. It is derived from the dhātuḥ or verbal root, 'sad', meaning 'to destroy, to reach', which is saying an Upaniṣad will destroy ignorance of brahma-vidyā, thus allowing the seeker to reach the truth of oneself. It also destroys ignorance-caused saṃsāraḥ. The prefix 'upa' means 'near', 'that which is nearest', namely the seeker's svarūpam, ātmā, which is identical with Brahman. The prefix 'ni' stands for niścaya jñānam, well-ascertained knowledge. 'Upa' and 'ni' together refer to brahma-vidyā, knowledge of ātmā being Brahman.
The ten major or principal Upaniṣads (so-named because Ādi-Śaṅkara-Bhagavatpādaḥ wrote commentaries, bhāṣyams, on them) are: Aitareya, Bṛhadāraṇyaka, Chāndogya, Īśāvāsya, Kaṭha, Kena, Māṇḍūkya, Muṇḍaka, Praśna, Taittirīya.
upapattiḥ उपपत्तिः
Tenability; proof; ascertained conclusion; reason; substantiation; logical support provided by commentators demonstrating the absence of supposed or apparent loopholes in scriptural statements.
uparamaḥ (uparatiḥ) उपरमः (उपरतिः)
A calm, steady, quiet mind that, due to being disciplined through śamaḥ and damaḥ, no longer turns habitually or mechanically to outer sensory involvement. Due to control of the will (via vivekaḥ) the thoughts, feelings and impulses that would previously distract one from staying with that which is important are now easily not indulged and the mind has become alert, poised and available for whatever is necessary. Now one lives in charge of one's life instead of being in thrall to the push and pull of sense-objects. See ṣaṭka-sampattiḥ, śamaḥ, damaḥ, titikṣā, śraddhā, samādhānam.
upāsakaḥ उपासकः
Meditator (one who dwells upon the Lord, upon Īśvaraḥ); contemplator (one who dwells upon one's own real nature).
upasamhāraḥ उपसम्हारः
Summing up; conclusion.
upāsanam उपासनम्
Meditating or dwelling upon in homage or worship, or in the seeking of knowledge of one's own self. A formal definition for upāsanam is saguṇa-brahma-viṣaya-mānasa-vyāpāraḥ a mental activity whose object is saguṇa-brahma (Īśvaraḥ). Upāsanam and dhyānam are synonyms.
Upāsanam takes care of malaḥ and vikṣepaḥ (respectively, the impurities of the mind and the agitation, restlessness and extrovertedness of the mind). Karma-yogaḥ also helps purify the mind and together with upāsana-yogaḥ brings one-pointedness and expansion of the mind. When used as a preparatory means for self-knowledge, upāsanam is practised to develop sufficient focus and subtlety of mind (through reducing malaḥ and vikṣepaḥ) to hear the teaching properly. Then, during śravanam, the teaching may be better understood.
"To see everything as Bhagavān is upāsanam or dhyānam. To see everything is Bhagavān is jñānam."*
There are two types of upāsanam, namely ahaṅgraha upāsanam and sampat upāsanam.
upāyaḥ उपायः
Means; method; remedy; plan; upāyaḥ covers both primary and secondary means, it covers everything necessary. See upeya.
upekṣā उपेक्षा
Disregard; indifference; abandonment.
upeya उपेय
Having attainability; capable of being attained.
ūrṇanābhiḥ ऊर्णनाभिः
Spider – an example of an entity being both a material cause, upādāna-kāraṇam, and an efficient cause, nimitta-kāraṇam, in this case of its web; ūrṇam (thread), nābhiḥ (stomach) 'one who has thread in the stomach'.
utkrāntiḥ उत्क्रान्तिः
'Proceeding up'; passing away; dying; departure of the soul from the body.
utkṛṣṭa उत्कृष्ट
Exalted; superior; eminent.
utpattiḥ उत्पत्तिः
Production, (utpādyam) e.g. "He produced a fine portrait of her" – the production of something is one of the four possible results of karma, action – also see vikṛtiḥ (vikāryam), modification; āptiḥ (āpyam), attainment; saṃskṛtiḥ (saṃskāryam), refinement.
utsavaḥ उत्सवः
Festival; celebration; ceremony.
uttama उत्तम
Highest; best; most exalted; greatest; ultimate; most profound.
uttara उत्तर
Later; following; subsequent; northern.


vācikam karma वाचिकम् कर्म
Oral action; any oral activity; action of speaking, chanting.
In saguṇa-brahma-upāsanam or īśvara-upāsanam, worship of the Lord is a three-fold activity: kāyikam karma, vācikam karma and mānasam karma.
Kāyam means body, so kāyikam karma includes activity involving the physical body, such as waving a light, ringing a bell, offering food, cooking food, decoration of deities, etc. Orally reciting verses or chanting mantras or singing in praise of the Lord (invoking grace) is oral activity, vācikam karma, which can be with or without kāyikam karma. In kāyikam and vācikam karma the mind is involved, having only the thought of the Lord. However, in mānasam karma, purely mental activity, body and speech are not involved. Mānasam karma can be mānasa japaḥ (mentally repeating a mantraḥ) or visualising the form of the Lord as a given deity (as described in jñāna ślokāh) with focused attention. See mānasam karma, kāyikam karma.
vācyārthaḥ वाच्यार्थः
Literal meaning of word(s); see lakṣyārthaḥ, mukhyārthaḥ, vyaṅgyārthaḥ.
vādaḥ वादः
Speech; discourse; statement; thesis; proposition; doctrine; discussion. See:
One form of vādaḥ is known simply as vādaḥ and is an open-minded, unbiased discussion between equals to resolve a disagreement and establish the truth – both think they are right, yet are ready to listen to and accept the other’s view. For other forms of discussion, see samvādaḥ, jalpa-vādaḥ, vitaṇḍa-vādaḥ.
vaidika वैदिक
Vedic; an entity or person (vaidikaḥ) dedicated to, or related to, or of the Vedaḥ.
vaidyaḥ वैद्यः
Doctor; physician. Bhagavān is the real and ultimate vaidyaḥ, the grace of whose knowledge alone cures bhavarogaḥ, the disease of saṃsāraḥ.
vaikharī वैखरी
Fourth and final stage of the manifestation of speech or sound: when the power that is parā reaches the viśuddha cakram (at the throat) the words chosen at the madhyamā stage assume a final spoken form, vaikharī, and fully articulated sound (speech) arises at the forefront of the mind and/or emerges from the mouth – also see parā, paśyantī, madhyamā.
vairāgyam वैराग्यम्
(The state of) dispassion, detachment, objectivity (neuter form of virāgaḥ – free from rāgaḥ, passion or attachment); absence of dependence on results of action for one's happiness; absence of desire for enjoyments here and hereafter.
Passion here refers to the passions of attachment and aversion or the impulses of like and dislike. Wherever there is attachment there will be dveṣaḥ, aversion. Both are forms of desire, which is born of adhyāsaḥ, mistaken conception followed by adhyāropaḥ, the superimposition of false characteristics leading to false valuations. But vairāgyam does not mean no enjoyment, it means enjoyment without dependence or addiction.
Dispassion – freedom from being ruled by the pull and push of attachment and aversion – is developed from seeing again and again the limitations of everything, and seeing that everything is subject to time and so cannot give permanent happiness (timeless reality alone gives timeless happiness). More specifically, it's developed by seeing that all action is inherently flawed because all achievements involve some degree of suffering. All pleasure, for instance, involves pain in its attainment, its loss and even some pain in its enjoyment. Secondly, being limited, an action's result can never give limitless satisfaction, and thirdly, all action binds as it produces a result that has to be met sometime, somewhere.
Only someone of dispassion is capable of the focused attention needed to hear the teaching clearly and undistractedly and of having the subtlety of mind required to understand it. Such hearing alone liberates.
Vairāgyam without vivekaḥ, its forerunner, is impossible. See bhagaḥ and sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
vaiśamya-avasthā वैशम्य-अवस्था
State of 'unuven-ness or disproportion' in which the equilibrium of the three guṇas is disturbed; a state opposite to śamya-avasthā, in which they are in equilibrium.
vaiṣamya-nairghṛṇya-doṣaḥ वैषम्य-नैर्घृण्य-दोषः
The flaw of partiality and pitilessness. Due to the difficulties some experience, the Lord may be thought to be guilty of the flaw of pitiless partiality in the bestowal of 'favours' such as grace or even of mokṣaḥ. However, neither is bestowed but earned in line with the unbending law of dharmaḥ. See doṣaḥ, pratyavāya-doṣaḥ and viṣaya-doṣaḥ.
vaiśeṣikaḥ वैशेषिकः
A philosophy or school of thought (founded by Kaṇādaḥ) with its own metaphysics, epistemology, logic, etc., that is at variance with Vedāntaḥ in some respects. For example, vaiśeṣikaḥ asserts that there are many separate ātmās, and that only pratyakṣam (perception) and anumānam (inference) are valid and reliable pramāṇas (means of knowledge). Hence, its adherents appear in Vedāntaḥ bhāṣyams as opponents.
vaiṣṇava वैष्णव
Relating or belonging or devoted or consecrated to Lord Viṣṇuḥ
vaiśvānaraḥ वैश्वानरः
Omnipresent; all-pervasive. The entire gross manifestation, experienced in the waking state (jāgrad-avasthā) and looked upon as a manifestation of the knowledge that is the Lord, is known as Vaiśvānaraḥ or Virāt (the words are synonyms). The individual or vyaṣṭiḥ aspect of Virād-īśvaraḥ is viśvaḥ, namely ātmā associated with an individual body-mind-sense complex in the waking state. (Vaiśvānaraḥ is also the deity of the digestive fire and of the sun and sunlight, and also a name for mankind as a collective whole.) See antaryāmī, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, Virāṭ.
vaiśyaḥ वैश्यः
A person born into the third varṇaḥ – a businessman, trader, farmer, accountant, etc.; also see brāhmaṇaḥ, priest; kṣatriyaḥ, soldier; śūdraḥ, labourer.
vāk वाक्
Speech, i.e. the power or faculty of speech. Speech should be non-agitating, true, pleasing and beneficial (Gītā 17.15).
vāksiddhiḥ वाक्सिद्धिः
Perfection in speech, in which whatever is spoken turns out to be true; result of observance of truthfulness.
vākyam वाक्यम्
Sentence; statement.
vākyārthaḥ वाक्यार्थः
The meaning of a sentence or statement. This meaning is not necessarily the direct or literal meaning. The speaker or writer's clearly implied or intended meaning should be the meaning taken.
vallī वल्ली
Chapter; section.
vālmīkī वाल्मीकी
Author of the Rāmāyaṇam.
vānaprasthaḥ वानप्रस्थः
Third of the four āśramas of Vedic life – retirement to the forest, vanam (figuratively) which means withdrawal from the participation and engagement that is usual in gṛhasthaḥ and entry into a quieter, more reflective period of life, spending time in upāsanam in preparation for sannyāsaḥ. See brahmacaryam, studentship; gṛhasthaḥ, householder; sannyāsaḥ, renunciation.
vandanam वन्दनम्
Worship; praise; salutation; reverence.
vandhyā putraḥ वन्ध्या पुत्रः
Son of a barren woman – a famous example of tuccham, non-existence, something that never can exist. (Vandhyā, barren, fruitless, unproductive – said of biologically faulty women, plants, female animals).
varaḥ वरः
Boon; reward; blessing.
varaṇam वरणम्
Choice; selection; act of choosing. Mokṣaḥ has to be deliberately chosen, it is not something that can just occur. Ātma-varaṇam, choosing self-knowledge, depends on putting aside all one thinks one knows about oneself in order to look freshly into that which is actually real about oneself. This can only be from choosing to do so. Such a choice depends on some degree of recognition of the falsity and severity of one's apparent limitations. That recognition provides the spur to look, to enquire.
varcaḥ (varcas) वर्चः (वर्चस्)
Brilliance; lustre.
vareṇyam वरेण्यम्
Exalted; supreme; praiseworthy; incomparably great; worthy of worship.
variṣṭha वरिष्ठ
Best; most exalted.
varjita वर्जित
Devoid of (dvaita-varjita, devoid of duality).
varṇaḥ वर्णः
Characteristic by which something is described; nature; outward appearance; cover; colour; species; class; tribe; letter; alphabet; sound; syllable.
varṇāśramaḥ वर्णाश्रमः
Class of people; caste; see brāhmaṇaḥ, priest; kṣatriyaḥ, soldier; vaiśyaḥ, businessman; śūdraḥ, labourer. See āśrama-dharmaḥ.
vartamāna-kālaḥ वर्तमान-कालः
The present time; the present; (gram.) present tense; (vartamāna, turning; moving; existing); see kālaḥ, bhūta-kālaḥ, bhaviṣyat-kālaḥ.
vārtikam वार्तिकम्
Independent exposition, in verse, of a bhāṣyam (a commentary) – not an exposition of the original text. A vārtikam is not a ṭīkā because it either goes beyond the bhāṣyam or it is a further explanation of the bhāṣyam. See kārikā.
varuṇaḥ वरुणः
Presiding deity of water.
vāsaḥ वासः
Home; house; residence; (nivāsaḥ, absolute abode).
vāsanā वासना
Whatever one dwells upon creates an impression, vāsanā, in the mind, an impression that can influence future action. Tendencies and impressions created by volitional karma, action (including thought and speech and indeed whatever the mind dwells on) are held as vāsanās in the subtle body, in the subconscious. These ever-unseen (adṛṣṭa), subtle impressions, inclinations and influences, developed previously, take form as memories and habitual, involuntary thoughts or responses that induce a person to initiate or avoid actions or experiences, or to seek or prevent their repetition. The internal dream world springs entirely from vāsanās. Physical, mental and oral actions can spring from vāsanās and in turn influence both a person's destiny (karma) and refinement of being, saṃskāraḥ, for better or worse.
Good vāsanās aid spiritual progress while bad ones are opposed to it. A bad vāsanā can be rendered impotent by assiduously cultivating a vāsanā of the opposite kind. So a spiritual aspirant should neutralise the impure vāsanās that plague him by developing appropriate pure vāsanās.
There are three types of impure vāsanā or impure mental tendency: loka-vāsanā, a mental impression relating to the world, śāstra-vāsanā, a mental tendency pertaining to the scripture, and deha-vāsanā, a latent mental imprint concerning the body. The muktikā-upaniṣad declares: “True knowledge never dawns in a person with loka-vāsanā, śāstra-vāsanā and deha-vāsanā."
Since vāsanās are mithyā they do not have to be exhausted for mokṣaḥ to take place – also see puṇyam, pāpam, dharmaḥ and prārabdha-karma.
vasiṣṭhaḥ वसिष्ठः
Name of a great and famous sage of legendary wisdom; preceptor of Lord Rāmaḥ and owner of Nandinī (Kāmadhenuḥ) the wish-fulfilling cow of plenty.
vastu वस्तु
That which exists; reality itself and hence the very existence of whatever nāma-rūpam manifests from it. "The vastu alone is free; nothing else in saṃsāraḥ is free."*
vāsudevaḥ वासुदेवः
A name of Kṛṣṇaḥ; son of Vasudevaḥ.
vaṭa-vṛkṣaḥ वट-वृक्षः
Banyan tree.
vāyuḥ वायुः
God of wind; the element Air; subtle aspect of touch; appreciable through sound and touch; also see pāñcabhautikam the five-element model of the universe – ākāśaḥ, space; vāyuḥ, air; agniḥ, fire; āpaḥ, waters; pṛthivī, earth.
vedaḥ वेदः
Revealed knowledge in a sacred, ancient śāstram that is apauruṣeya, not of human origin. The Vedaḥ is a timeless means of knowledge that becomes manifest every time the universe becomes manifest.
Even though widely revered as a scripture, the true sacredness and ultimate purpose of the Vedaḥ is as a pramāṇam for discovering reality, and it should be used (operated) as such.
Scripture is something that has been spoken by a given mahātma. Thereafter, it becomes a mandate to be followed by others. In contrast, the Vedaḥ, being a pramāṇam, its subject matter is something to be revealed. Therefore, it is operated by those seeking to understand what it reveals. That which is revealed by the Vedaḥ is not a matter for belief. Being a pramāṇam, it is universal.
The Vedaḥ was compiled into four texts: Ṛg-vedaḥ, Sāma-vedaḥ, Yajur-vedaḥ, Atharvaṇa-vedaḥ by the mahāmuniḥ (great sage) known as Veda-vyāsaḥ. The Yajur-vedaḥ consists of the Śukla-yajur-vedaḥ and the Kṛṣṇa-yajur-vedaḥ, effectively giving five Vedas. Each Vedaḥ consists of a prior section (Veda-pūrva) known as the karma-kāṇḍaḥ or ritual section followed by a final or end section (Veda-anta) also known as the jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ or knowledge section (the Upaniṣads). In the context of ritual, only three Vedas (Ṛg, Yajus, Sāma) may be counted. The Atharvaṇa is not counted with the other three as it does not have a prominent role in ritual.
The Vedaḥ expects every follower of the Vedaḥ to start with the karma section, the religious way of life. One should start with the religious life and graduate into the spiritual life revealed in the jñānam section. Without a religious life, spirituality will not work. Without spirituality, a religious life is incomplete. Therefore, the follower of the Vedaḥ should follow a religious life and go to spirituality.
vedāṅgaḥ वेदाङ्गः
Texts of six auxiliary sciences required for understanding the Vedaḥ, namely:
vedāntaḥ वेदान्तः
End, conclusion, antaḥ (literally and metaphorically) of each Vedaḥ; summit and final aim of all four Vedas; the jñāna-kāṇḍaḥ (the Upaniṣads), that section of the Vedas that deals with self-knowledge, for which the earlier part, the karma-kāṇḍaḥ, is in preparation.
Vedāntaḥ enshrines śabda-pramāṇam, the ultimate and primary means to mokṣaḥ. Discovery of absolute reality is discovery of Vedāntaḥ.
Vedāntaḥ, being not subject to negation, is not a philosophy, not a school of thought, not a system of ideas, not a set of contentions. It is a means of knowledge, a pramāṇam, for a vision of reality that has to be understood rather than believed.
Vedāntaḥ, by not replacing one set of notions with another, but by showing the error in mistaken ones, reveals by implication the non-dual nature of reality. Hence, the term Advaita Vedāntaḥ is a tautology.
Vedāntaḥ is not part of what academics call the 'Six systems of Indian philosophy'. Neither is Vedāntaḥ for proselytisation, it is for sharing with those who seek it.
vibhu विभु
All-pervasive (by being the invariable reality of all); not spatially limited; powerful.
vibhūtiḥ विभूतिः
A manifest exression of the glory and greatness of Īśvaraḥ, e.g. a flower, a tree, a painting, music, etc.; all that is manifest is an expression of the glory and greatness of the Lord.
vicāraḥ विचारः
Enquiry; investigation into the reality of oneself and the world, chiefly by śravaṇam, etc., of the scriptures with the help of a competent ācāryaḥ.
vicāraṇīya विचारणीय
Must be investigated; should be enquired into; must be considered; to be deliberated upon.
vicetasaḥ विचेतसः
One lacking discriminate understanding; unthinking person; unintelligent; someone unable to discern that which is proper or improper and so unable to learn from his/her experiences in life.
videhaḥ विदेहः
Free from the body; dead; (sadehaḥ, embodied, alive).
videhamuktiḥ विदेहमुक्तिः
Freedom after death; non-assumption of a body, i.e. freedom from being born again. Videhamuktiḥ is only for the jñānī. After death, the jñānī 'merges' into Īśvaraḥ from the vyāvahārika perspective, or 'merges' into Brahman from the pāramārthika perspective. The cidābhāsaḥ, the individual reflection of consciousness, 'merges' into the total cidābhāsaḥ of Īśvaraḥ, like pot-space 'merging' into total space when the pot breaks. The gross, subtle and causal bodies all 'merge' into their respective universal counterparts. In short, ātmā 'resumes' its identity with the birthless, deathless, limitless Brahman, an identity that had never actually been lost and never could be lost.
Some erroneously think that mokṣaḥ is inevitable after death, but if one does not see that one is the paramātmā before death, it is another birth that is inevitable!
vidhiḥ विधिः
A rule; a law; an order; a stipulation; a mandate; an injunction; a duty; something ordained.
vidhi-vākyam विधि-वाक्यम्
A positive statement; knowledge expressed in positive terms, e.g. satyam jñānam anantam brahma is a statement that reveals Brahman, defining its nature. Such a statement contrasts with a niṣedha-vākyam, one that reveals brahman by correcting false idea(s) about it.
vidvān विद्वान्
Scholar; learned person; wise person.
vidvat-sannyāsaḥ विद्वत्-सन्न्यासः
See sannyāsaḥ.
vidyā विद्या
Knowledge; it is two-fold: parā-vidyā and aparā-vidyā.
vidyamāna विद्यमान
Prevailing; prevalent (as); obtaining (as); be in force (as); hold good; being found (as); existent; present.
vighnaḥ विघ्नः
Obstacle; impediment; hindrance.
vihita-karma विहित-कर्म
Enjoined (ordained) action; (vihitam, order, command). The scriptures prescribe certain actions (such as pañcamahāyajñaḥ) that are of benefit to the world as a whole and from which all may benefit – and yet never do the scriptures insist, they only state (and encourage us in) that which is necessary for our well-being and eventual liberation. The scriptures also present what must happen if we neglect to do whatever is enjoined. Since, in common with most beneficial action, prescribed actions must be done regularly to be effective, vihita-karmas are also known as niyata, regular, karmas, actions.
Also see the four possible results of action: āptiḥ, attainment; utpattiḥ, production; vikṛtiḥ, modification; saṃskṛtiḥ, refinement.
vijātīya विजातीय
Of a different species; unlike.
vijaya विजय
Absolute victory.
vijñānam विज्ञानम्
Pure knowledge; truth itself; pure intelligence; assimilated knowledge; secular knowledge.
vijñānamaya-kośaḥ विज्ञानमय-कोशः
The kośaḥ consisting of the intellect, buddhiḥ, together with the five powers of perception, jñānendriyāṇi (hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, smelling). It is pervaded by the ānandamaya-kośaḥ. The vijñānamaya-ātmā (ātmā identified with the vijñānamaya-kośaḥ) pervades and identifies with the manomaya-kośaḥ and hence the lowest two as well.
The vijñānamaya-ātmā, being both identified with and being the locus of the 'I'-thought, ahaṃ-vṛttiḥ, becomes the subject or knower, jñātā (I know, I don't know, I'm clever, I'm stupid). By making use of the prāṇamaya-kośaḥ it becomes the doer, kartā, (I achieved that, I am guilty of that, etc.). Everything else in the mind, including the world, is looked upon as 'this', idaṃ-vṛttiḥ, or 'object'.
This central figure, this ahaṅkāraḥ, this vijñānamaya-ātmā, is known as the jīvaḥ, who constantly undergoes change and is the immediate cause of saṃsāraḥ, as well as being the recipient of the upadeśaḥ, the teaching.
vijñānātmanā विज्ञानात्मना
The one knower in all intellects. It is non-different from Brahman.
vijñeyam विज्ञेयम्
That which is to be (should be) known – implies ātmā.
vikalpaḥ विकल्पः
Doubt; alternative idea or option; imagination; division. An alternative for action due to freedom of will. See saṅkalpaḥ.
vikāraḥ विकारः
Change; transformation; alteration; effect; product; malady. (Nirvikāraḥ, beyond change, unchanging.)
vikriyā विक्रिया
Transformation; modification; change for the worse.
vikṛtiḥ विकृतिः
Modification, (vikāryam) e.g. "His behaviour modified her view of him"; a change in the form of a modification is one of the four possible results of karma, action – also see utpattiḥ (utpādyam), production; āptiḥ (āpyam), attainment; saṃskṛtiḥ (saṃskāryam), refinement.
Vikṛtiḥ is also a term for that which has prakṛtiḥ as its cause (at both the universal and individual level). In other words, it is a term for all subtle and gross matter and phenomena, for all that is the (inert) modification of māyā (and hence of avidyā).
vikṣepaḥ विक्षेपः
Extrovertedness of the mind; overactive turning to outer concerns; strong emotions. Vikṣepaḥ is evident in the agitation, distraction, inattention and unconnected thoughts arising from the manifesting, scattering and tossing activity of vikṣepa-śaktiḥ. Born of the rajas of māyā, vikṣepaḥ is one of the four hindrances to meditation – the others are: kaṣāyam, layaḥ and rasāsvādaḥ. Vikṣepaḥ leads to vikṣipta.
vikṣepa-śaktiḥ विक्षेप-शक्तिः
Rajas, the name of the active aspect of māyā, the kriyā-śaktiḥ, gives rise to the vikṣepa-śaktiḥ which by its projecting power creates the appearance of an external world (in which ātmā is mistaken for what it is not in adhyāsaḥ).
Vikṣepa-śaktiḥ is three-fold:
jñāna-śaktiḥ - the power to know
icchā-śaktiḥ - the power to desire
kriyā-śaktiḥ - the power to act
Knowing may lead to desire and then action. Also see āvaraṇa-śaktiḥ and śaktiḥ.
vikṣipta विक्षिप्त
Distracted, scattered (attention); unfocused (thought); bewildered (mind) – all caused by vikṣepa-śaktiḥ.
vilakṣaṇa विलक्षण
Distinct; distinguished (from).
vimocanam विमोचनम्
Liberation; deliverance; release; unharnessing.
vināśaḥ विनाशः
Destruction; annihilation.
viparināmaḥ विपरिनामः
Modification; change; morphing; alteration; transformation; ripening; maturing; see ṣaḍ-bhāva-vikāraḥ.
viparīta विपरीत
Contrary; perverse; wrong; false; erroneous; the very opposite of the truth.
viparīta-bhāvanā विपरीत-भावना
Habit-driven self-misconception. Deep-rooted (mostly subliminal, and hence unseen and unquestioned) habitual error due to past orientation, vāsanā, manifesting as prārabdha-pāpam. It is this deeper form of pratibandhaḥ, this severe form of stubbornly persistent error (most commonly, identification with the body-mind-sense complex, but also including all forms of unquestioned obsessive thought that assumes the world is independently real) which prevents the fulfilment and enjoyment of what has been understood through śravaṇam and mananam. Viparīta-bhāvanā are removed through nididhyāsanam. See asambhavaḥ, nididhyāsanam, sākṣātkāraḥ and pratibandhaḥ.
vipaścit विपश्चित्
Learned; wise; one who sees clearly; person of right perception.
vipraḥ विप्रः
One who, through study of the śāstram and strict adherence to dharmaḥ (having learnt its value) becomes relatively mature, is known as a vipraḥ, a learned person.
By the time of upanayanam a child is usually mature enough to obediently follow instructions, but not yet mature enough to properly understand the value of what is taught. Later in life, having developed a degree of vivekaḥ and vairāgyam from analysing life's experiences, having begun to live a life of dharmaḥ, and having begun to see that nothing in life brings meaningful, lasting happiness, the person begins serious study of the śāstram. Such study eventually leads to that person becoming vipraḥ, learned. From vipraḥ alone comes an adequate degree of maturity. Full maturity is only in jñānam.
virāga विराग
(adj.) Passionless; objective; dispassionate; free from attachment (as a noun, it's masc. of vairāgyam).
virāṭ विराट्
The one who shines in varied forms, with their names. The entire gross, perceptible universe, experienced in the waking state – and looked upon as a manifestation of the knowledge that is Brahman – is known as Virāṭ. In religious or purānic language Virāṭ is known as Viṣṇuḥ. Virāṭ and Vaiśvānaraḥ are synonyms. See antaryāmī, Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, Vaiśvānaraḥ.
virodhaḥ विरोधः
vīryam वीर्यम्
Strength; capacity; power. The capacity to create, sustain and resolve the jagat. See bhagaḥ.
visargaḥ विसर्गः
Setting forth; letting go; voiding; dismissal; removal; discarding; action of offering during a fire ritual.
Grammatically, the two dots : that appear at the end of a Sanskrit word (in devanāgarī script) ending with a vowel are known as visargaḥ. It takes the sound of that immediately preceding vowel, e.g. rāmaḥ (raamaha), hariḥ (harihi), guruḥ (guruhu).
viṣayaḥ विषयः
Any perceptible object, phenomenon or individual (gross or subtle); sense-object; content (subject matter). There are not innumerable sense-objects but, essentially, only five: śabdaḥ, sparśaḥ, rūpam, rasaḥ, gandhaḥ.
Objects of perception are the manifest properties of the elements: an object's capacity to manifest properties of the elements is all that is ever perceived of any object. (Pañcadaśī 2.7)
viṣaya-dhyānam विषय-ध्यानम्
Thinking of an object. Objects are dwelt upon because they are liked. Liking leads to manorājyam, emotional dependence upon the world for one's happiness and security, in which desire is inevitable. When the expectation in a desire is frustrated, anger arises and with it the incapacity to discriminate true from false, appropriate from inappropriate. Anger is a state of delusion in which memory of what has been learnt to be appropriate or inappropriate is no longer available. Impulse displaces discrimination, leading to destruction (loss and decline). (See Gītā 2.62.) Prevention of all this is possible only by dwelling on pratyagātmā, the innermost self, which means guarding the mind by keeping one's true nature always in mind.
viṣaya-doṣaḥ विषय-दोषः
The limitations of objects (being inert, objects cannot bring happiness, and anyway happiness is one's svarūpam). See doṣaḥ, pratyavāya-doṣaḥ and vaiṣamya-nairghṛṇya-doṣaḥ.
viśeṣaḥ विशेषः
Attribute; distinguishing quality; peculiarity; that which is particular to.
viśeṣa-dharmaḥ विशेष-धर्मः
Particular or individually applicable dharmaḥ; universal dharmaḥ as it is applicable in this particular or specific situation now; correct interpretation and application of universal or sāmānya-dharmaḥ in a particular context. See sāmānya-dharmaḥ and dharmaḥ.
viśeṣa-jñānam विशेष-ज्ञानम्
Awareness of variety. Consciousness appears varied and variable (but only) because of association with varied thoughts. See śuddha-caitanyam.
viśeṣaṇam विशेषणम्
Adjective; that which qualifies a word; that which distinguishes an object (a noun) by negating other objects.
It is often thought that satyam, jñānam, anantam are merely attributes of Brahman, but that is not true. They are not svarūpa-viśeṣaṇas, ordinary adjectives that reveal attributes, they are lakṣaṇa-viśeṣanas, meaning they do not qualify Brahman but distinguish the vastu from everything else (and, in doing so, each of the three negates the limits of the other two, and so together they negate any notions that Brahman has attributes, viśeṣas, and is limited). See viśeṣyam.
viśeṣaṇa-viśeṣya-bhāva-sambandhaḥ विशेषण-विशेष्य-भाव-सम्बन्धः
Attribute-substantive relation. This shows the relation between two words qualifying each other so as to signify a common object. In the sentence, "This is that Devadatta" the meaning of the word ‘that’ is Devadatta existing elsewhere in the remote past, and the meaning of the word ‘this’ is Devadatta existing here in the present. They are contrary ideas, but still they qualify each other so as to signify a common object. Similarly, in the sentence tattvamasi (you are that) the meaning of the word ‘that’ is consciousness characterised by remoteness, etc., and the meaning of the word ‘you’ is consciousness characterised by immediacy, etc. They are contrary ideas, but still they qualify each other so as to signify that which is common, namely consciousness. See sāmānādhikaraṇyam and lakṣya-lakṣaṇa-bhāvaḥ.
viśeṣyam विशेष्यम्
Noun; a substantive (that having substance, having substantiality, and hence having the capacity to be the focus of attention, and, being 'substantial', is capable of being a locus of named, distinguishing attributes); that which is subject to being distinguished (vyāvartya) from other items or phenomena by an adjective, viśeṣaṇam.
viśiṣṭa विशिष्ट
Qualified (by); distinguished (by); the attributed (that which has attributes).
viśiṣṭādvaitam विशिष्टाद्वैतम्
The dualistic view that, 'I am part of the whole'; a view in which individuality ever remains, and that the individual self and the absolute ever co-exist in some way.
viṣṇuḥ विष्णुः
Īśvaraḥ, the Lord, as the all-pervasive reality sustaining the universe; see Brahmā, Śivaḥ, Virāṭ.
vistāraḥ विस्तारः
Manifestation; expansion; projection; elaboration; ennumeration; becoming large or great. The universe is a manifestation, projection or expansion of consciousness.
viśvaḥ विश्वः
A complete, manifest jīvaḥ. A term for a form of ahaṅkāraḥ in which ātmā, identified with being a jīvaḥ, with an individual gross body, sthūla-śarīram, in the waking state, jāgrad-avasthā (in which state alone free-will may be enjoyed) gathers experiences of the world through the five senses. Note that for a jīvaḥ to be identified with the gross body there must be identification with and use of the subtle and causal bodies too, hence the use of the term 'a complete, manifest jīvaḥ'. Viśvaḥ does not know or apprehend reality and has misconceptions about it. The corresponding universal or samaṣṭiḥ term is Virāṭ. See prājñaḥ, taijasaḥ.
viśvam विश्वम्
All; all-pervading; whole; entire; universal; omni-present; that which is constituted of innumerable forms, names and functions; synonym for the jagat (which is mithyā); also an epithet for Viṣṇuḥ (and hence for Īśvaraḥ).
viśvarūpaḥ विश्वरूपः
The Lord, Īśvaraḥ, in the form, rūpam, of the entire universe in all its glorious detail. This is the form of God that is worshipped by the devotee of intermediate understanding. See iṣṭa-devatā and brahman.
viśvāsaḥ विश्वासः
Trust; faith; belief; reliance.
vitaṇḍa-vādaḥ वितण्ड-वादः
Discussion with the sole purpose of defeating the opponent; no intention to learn from or even tolerate the other's view; no regard for truth; also see samvādaḥ, vādaḥ, jalpa-vādaḥ.
vītarāgaḥ वीतरागः
Free from attachment; free from the hold of likes and dislikes; not dependent on the world for one's happiness.
vittam वित्तम्
An acquisition; a gain; property; wealth; power.
vivakṣā विवक्षा
Intended meaning; that which the speaker/writer wishes to express or hopes to communicate; see grahaṇam.
vivaraṇam विवरणम्
An explanation, a scriptural elucidation within Vedāntaḥ that, since the ātmā is ever-experienced, śravanam, hearing, is sufficient for its full ascertainment as it provides aparokṣa-jñānam, immediate knowledge in a suitably prepared hearer. Both mananam and nididhyāsanam of course have their place, but the emphasis is on knowledge through śravanam. This is confirmed numerous times by Ādi-Śaṅkaraḥ in his many commentaries. See bhāmatī.
vivartaḥ विवर्तः
Apparent change of one object or material into another while retaining its original nature. See pariṇāmaḥ.
vivarta-upādāna-kāraṇam विवर्त-उपादान-कारणम्
A material cause in which there is the assuming of another form without giving up one's own intrinsic nature. For example, mother-of-pearl appearing to be silver, or a rope appearing to be a snake. Here, cause and effect belong to different orders of reality and so knowledge alone suffices to bring freedom. See upādāna-kāraṇam, pariṇāma-upādāna-kāraṇam.
vivekaḥ विवेकः
Discriminative knowledge or understanding that the timeless, infinite vastu is one and all else is time-bound, finite. This is the first and foremost of the qualifications required for self-knowledge.
There are two types of vivekaḥ needed in life: discrimination between that which is real and unreal, and discrimination between that which is to be done and not done. These two constitute jñānam. See sādhana-catuṣṭayam.
Pure consciousness is not opposed to ignorance. It is undisturbed and unaffected by ignorance. Only knowledge in the form of vivekaḥ is opposed to ignorance. That knowledge is found in the buddhiḥ of the knower of truth – see Pañcadaśī 6.32.
vividiṣā-sannyāsaḥ विविदिषा-सन्न्यासः
See sannyāsaḥ.
vivikta विविक्त
Secluded; solitary; isolated; separated.
vivikta-deśaḥ विविक्त-देशः
A quiet, undisturbed place that is by nature free from causes for fear; one who tends to go there is called a vivikta-deśa-sevitvī and his state of mind is vivikta-deśa-sevitvam, a state in which solitude is not just valued but, due to emotional independence, is also found comfortable and free from feelings of loneliness and lack.
vratam व्रतम्
A vow; a firm commitment – dṛḍha-vratam, (dṛḍha) firm, (vratam) commitment – only by a firm commitment is truth attained; a solemn vow carried out under strict rules on food, sleep, etc., usually to attain greater self-control or to expiate sins.
vṛddhiḥ वृद्धिः
Growth; increase; success.
vṛttiḥ वृत्तिः
Thought; state; mode of being; disposition; behaviour; commentary (vartikam).
An object is known when there's a cognition of it in the mind (buddhiḥ). When the senses bring data into the mind, the mind (manas) undergoes changes, called vṛttis or pratyayas, that are momentary (changing very rapidly like a succession of frames in a movie camera) and relevant to that object. The vṛttiḥ pervades the data presented to the mind by the senses and becomes the very form of it (a process called vṛtti-vyāptiḥ) like water taking the form of a wave or clay of a pot. Only that vṛttiḥ is seen in the mind, so if the external object is a rope and the vṛttiḥ is a snake, it is a snake that is seen, not a rope.
In this way, sensory data is interpreted by the mind (manas) as a vṛttiḥ that is presented to the buddhiḥ for cognition and decision. That interpretation will be influenced by memory and hence by habit, prejudice, preconception, like, dislike, etc.
Consciousness pervades each vṛttiḥ, as water pervades each wave, making the otherwise inert vṛttiḥ conscious. This means, every (transitory) vrttiḥ is a manifesting medium for (non-arriving, non-departing) consciousness. Every vṛttiḥ is a transitory state of consciousness, just as every wave is a succession of fleeting states of water or every image varying modes of light.
The mind is nothing but transitory vṛttis that need to be individually and successively 'lit' by consciousness for perception to happen.
Patañjali categorises vṛttis into five kinds: pramāṇam, a means of (correct) knowledge; viparyayaḥ, incorrect knowledge; vikalpaḥ, doubt or imagination; nidrā, sleep; and smṛtiḥ, memory.
vṛtti-jñānam वृत्ति-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge manifest in the mind as a thought.
vṛtti-viśeṣaḥ वृत्ति-विशेषः
A particular, limited state of mind; a mental modification.
vṛtti-vyāptiḥ वृत्ति-व्याप्तिः
A term referring to the perceptual process of the mind attaining (vyāptiḥ, pervading and taking the form of) the object perceived by the senses. This is the essential first step in the perception of an object: the object (along with its setting or environment) perceived by the senses becomes a vṛttiḥ, a thought, a mode of being that, vyāptiḥ, takes the form of, the object. It is only ever that thought that is perceived by the mind, not the object. So, if the object is a rope and the vṛttiḥ is a snake, it is a snake that is perceived. See the second step: phala-vyāptiḥ.
vyabhicāraḥ व्यभिचारः
Inconsistence; ever changeable; deviation; subject to arrival and departure; a contradiction; fallacious or erroneous reasoning.
vyāhṛtiḥ व्याहृतिः
Sacred utterance; a term for any of the sacred utterances (always preceded by om) namely bhūḥ, bhuvaḥ, svaḥ, mahaḥ, janaḥ, tapaḥ, satyam. See gāyatrī-mantraḥ.
vyākaraṇam व्याकरणम्
Sanskrit grammar; one of the six auxiliary sciences, Vedāṅgas, of the Vedas – also see śikṣā, chandas, niruktam, jyotiṣaḥ, kalpaḥ.
vyākhyānam व्याख्यानम्
Exposition or commentary on a text that is not a śrutiḥ text.
vyakta व्यक्त
Manifest; (vyaktiḥ, manifestation; appearance; perceptibility; being available for experience.)
vyānaḥ व्यानः
Name attributed to the vital air governing the circulatory system in the body – an aspect of prāṇaḥ; also see apānaḥ, elimination; samānaḥ, digestion; udānaḥ, upward breath.
vyaṅgyārthaḥ व्यङ्ग्यार्थः
The suggested meaning, the meaning hinted at or indicated by allusion or insinuation, as in: "You seem to be saying..." "He alluded to there being..." "She insinuated that there might have been...". See vācyārthaḥ, lakṣyārthaḥ, mukhyārthaḥ.
vyañjanam व्यञ्जनम्
A consonant; a letter of the alphabet other than a vowel. A consonant is soundless without a vowel (hence the English word 'consonant', sounding with) and so a vowel needs to be added for pronunciation. For example, the consonant 'd' cannot be sounded on its own without the vowel sound 'ee' being added, viz. 'dee'. In Sanskrit, the soundless (vowel-less) vyañjanam is known as hal. See svaraḥ, hal.
Note that even though the IAST transliteration scheme (followed in this glossary) uses a 'v' in many Sanskrit words, that 'v' is always to be pronounced 'w' as there is no dental fricative in Sanskrit. For example, Vedaḥ is pronounced 'waydaha' – an 'e' in IAST always means the vowel sound in came, play, etc. – and although the word swami is often written with a 'w', the correct IAST transliteration is svāmī, pronounced phonetically as 'swaamee' (not 'swaami').
vyāptiḥ व्याप्तिः
Pervasiveness; inherent, inseparable presence.
vyāpti-jñānam व्याप्ति-ज्ञानम्
Knowledge arising from invariable concomitance – since fire and smoke are always present together I can infer (validly know) that the sight or smell of smoke means there is, or has recently been, a fire.
vyāsaḥ व्यासः
Compiler; the great saint known as Veda-Vyāsaḥ (also known as Bādarāyaṇa) who compiled the Vedas and authored the Mahābhāratam, Brahma-Sūtras, a commentary on the Yoga-Sūtras and also 18 mahā-purāṇas and 18 upa-purāṇas.
vyaṣṭiḥ व्यष्टिः
Individual; microcosmic being (N.B. there is no vyaṣṭiḥ without samaṣṭiḥ, no ocean wave without an ocean, no gold ornament without gold); see samaṣṭiḥ.
vyatirekaḥ व्यतिरेकः
Contrast – implies vyāvṛttiḥ, discontinuance; removal; cessation; exclusion; see anvayaḥ.
vyatiriktaḥ व्यतिरिक्तः
Distinct; separate.
vyavahāraḥ व्यवहारः
Transaction; vyāvahārika, transactional.
vyāvahārika-satyam व्यावहारिक-सत्यम्
Phenomenal, experiential, transactional, empirical, ephemeral reality, namely the (mithyā) universe (the Īśvara-sṛṣṭiḥ) and all that is in it, including its laws, its means and ends, and also one's body, mind and senses. See pāramārthika-satyam, prātibhāsika-satyam and jīva-sṛṣṭiḥ.
vyāvarttakam व्यावर्त्तकम्
That which distinguishes something from everything else.
vyavasāyaḥ व्यवसायः
Resolution; decision; settled determination; being definite.
vyomā (vyoman) व्योमा (व्योमन्)
Space in the heart, hṛdayam, in which the mind is figuratively said to abide.


yajamānaḥ यजमानः
Worshipper; performer of a ritual; the one to whom goes the benefit of the ritual.
yajñaḥ यज्ञः
Vedic form of worship; fire ritual; worship in general. Synonyms of yajñaḥ are yāgaḥ, kratuḥ, homaḥ, all of which are fire rituals in which oblations are offered.
Worship and prayer earn the Lord's grace, which neutralises accumulated pāpa-karma, thereby removing the obstacles to the manifestation of the knowledge one has previously gained through śravanam, etc. Then that true knowledge, being now unobstructed, shines.
There are 18 time-bound factors (four priests for each of the four Vedas, the yajamānaḥ and his patnī, wife) involved in performing any ritual in which mantras from all the Vedas are used. Note that no timebound action (such as a ritual), no matter how meritorious, can produce a timeless result and so cannot produce the limitlessness that is mokṣaḥ. Nāsti akṛtaḥ kṛtena, the uncreated cannot be created (the limitless cannot be gained by the limited, i.e. by action).
A yajñaḥ is a devotional act, which may include the formal dissemination of knowledge, jñānam, via that which is known as a jñāna-yajñaḥ. See anugrahaḥ, pūjā, pañcamahā-yajñas.
yakṣaḥ यक्षः
A mysterious, divine appearance (ref. Kena Upaniṣad, Ch. 3 & 4).
yamaḥ यमः
Set of five prohibitions in aṣṭāṅga-yogaḥ, namely:
yaśaḥ (yaśas) यशः (यशस्)
Fame; renown; glory. See bhagaḥ.
yatiḥ यतिः
One of proper, adequate and appropriate effort; a sannyāsī.
yatnaḥ यत्नः
yātrā यात्रा
Journey; pilgrimage.
yogaḥ योगः
Joining; absolute knowledge (wisdom); discipline.
A karma or action performed with the proper attitude, in conformity with universal values, that serves as a preparatory discipline for the knowledge that is mokṣaḥ, is known as karma-yogaḥ.
Pursuit of knowledge involving three steps – śravaṇam, mananam, nididhyāsanam – is a discipline called jñāna-yogaḥ, which must be followed for the attainment of knowledge.
Discipline followed for gaining the mental preparation needed for knowledge is karma-yogaḥ, whereas discipline followed for the attainment of knowledge is jñāna-yogaḥ.
A discipline known as haṭha yogaḥ, involving force, haṭha (physical action) is now practised worldwide in a simplified form and known as "yoga".
Yogaḥ also has a worldly meaning: the gaining of the not yet gained (see kṣemaḥ).
yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्
Discretion in action is yogaḥ. "Kauśalam is your capacity to interpret correctly. This capacity to interpret with reference to norms for human interaction is discretion, the proper exercise of which is an expertise. The norm for human interaction is called dharmaḥ and the opposite is called adharmaḥ. Dharmaḥ and adharmaḥ form the standard norms. They are not absolutes in that they have to be interpreted according to the given situation. The person who can interpret them properly is called kuśala, skilful, competent, expert. Dharmaḥ and adharmaḥ are not to be interpreted according to convenience, but must be in line with what is proper. Proper interpretation of dharmaḥ is what is meant by kauśalam. Kauśalam is yogaḥ because you are not in the hands of your rāga-dvesas when you exercise discretion in your choice of action."* See Gītā 2.50 and also karma-yogaḥ.
yogārūḍha योगारूढ
One who is adequately disciplined and mentally prepared for the pursuit of knowledge having gone through the discipline of karma-yogaḥ. An ethical and religious person committed to and prepared for the spiritual pursuit.
yoniḥ योनिः
Womb; cause; (any) place of origin.
yugam युगम्
Astronomical time period; see caturyugam, manvantaram, kalpaḥ.
yukta युक्त
Integrated with; endowed with; engaged in; united with; yuktaḥ, person of integrated personality, person of integrity.
yuktiḥ युक्तिः
Use or application of reasoning or logic. Ātmā is differentiated from anātmā by śruti-pramāṇam (specifically Vedānta-vicāraḥ) supported by yukti-pramāṇam, use of reason or logic.
Mere logic lacks finality because it is drawn from and depends on experience. As such, logic is helpful in elucidating truth, but the dualistic and relative nature of experience means logic can never, by itself, provide absolute proof. However, logic that has scripture as its basis is decisive and deserves to be resorted to. See tarkaḥ and nyāyaḥ.

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