Sharada Bhujangam
प्रसादावलम्बां प्रपुण्यावलम्बाम् ।
सदास्येन्दुबिम्बां सदानोष्ठबिम्बां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥१॥
Prasāda-āvalambām Prapunnya-āvalambām |
Sadā-[āa]sye[a-ī]ndu-Bimbām Sadān-ŏssttha-Bimbām
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||1||
inside which rests abundant grace (prasada) and auspiciousness (prapunya),
whose face always reflect the beauty of moon, over which her lips always shine like (reddish) bimba fruits,
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
कलाभिर्विनिद्रां कलापैः सुभद्राम् ।
पुरस्त्रीं विनिद्रां पुरस्तुङ्गभद्रां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥२॥
k͟halābhir-Vinidrām k͟halāpaih Subhadrām |
Pura-Strīm Vinidrām Puras-ṭungga-Bhadrām
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||2||
who is (ever) wakeful by her arts (which she showers), and who looks (ever) auspicious by her ornaments (which she is adorned with),
who is the ever awake mother goddess of the town (of sringeri), the blessed town (by the bank of) river tunga which is ever auspicious (by her presence),
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
स्वभक्तैकपालां यशःश्रीकपोलाम् ।
करे त्वक्षमालां कनत्प्रत्नलोलां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥३॥
Sva-Bhaktai[a-ĕ]ka-Pālām ẏaśah-ṣrī-k͟hapolām |
k͟hare ṭva[u-ā]kssa-ṃālām k͟hanat-Pratna-l̤olām
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||3||
who is the one refuge of her devotees, to whom she bestows glory and prosperity which radiates from the two cheeks (of her face),
who holds the beads of rosary in her hand, whose gentle movement moves the tradition (and ushers a new generation),
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
रमत्कीरवाणीं नमद्वज्रपाणीम् ।
सुधामन्थरास्यां मुदा चिन्त्यवेणीं
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥४॥
ṟamat-k͟hīra-Vānnīm ṇamad-Vajra-Pānnīm |
Sudhā-ṃantha-ṟāsyām ṃudā Cintya-Vennīm
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||4||
(this is accompanied by) her delightful voice like a parrot, before which the one with vajra in hand (i.e. Indra deva) bows down,
she stirs up a play of nectar (of bliss) which should be meditated upon as a stream of joy (within the heart),
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
लसत् सल्लताङ्गीमनन्तामचिन्त्याम् ।
स्मतां तापसैः सर्गपूर्वस्थितां तां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥५॥
l̤asat Sal-l̤atā-[ā]nggīm-ānantām-ācintyām |
Smatām ṭāpasaih Sarga-Pūrva-Sthitām ṭām
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||5||
(Similarly) her shining form like a creeper is endless and inconceivable,
(her divine form) is contemplated upon by the ascetics (within their hearts); that form which existed prior to creation,
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
मराले मदेभे महोक्षेऽधिरूढाम् ।
महत्यां नवम्यां सदा सामरूपां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥६॥
ṃarāle ṃade[a-ī]bhe ṃahoksse-[ā]dhirūddhām |
ṃahatyām ṇavamyām Sadā Sāma-ṟūpām
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||6||
who rides on a swan (marala), who rides on an intoxicated elephant (mada iva), and who rides on a large bull (mahoksha),
she manifests nine great forms, but (essentially) she is always very tranquil (Sada samorupam),
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
भजन्मानसाम्भोजसुभ्रान्तभृङ्गीम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥७॥
Bhajan-ṃānasa-āmbhoja-Subhrānta-Bhrnggīm |
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||7||
I worship (meditate) within the lotus of my mind (heart) that wondrous form which wanders like a bee (wandering over a lotus), …
[that form] which shines with the glory of her own stotra set to the melody of music and dance,
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.
लसन्मन्दहासप्रभावक्त्रचिह्नाम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥८॥
l̤asan-ṃanda-ḥāsa-Prabhā-Vaktra-Cihnām |
Bhaje ṣāradā-[āa]mbām-ājasram ṃad-āmbām ||8||
whose shining face is marked by a gentle smile (playing over it),
whose ears are adorned with beautiful ear-rings, moving (with the movement of her beautiful face),
I worship mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.

Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya on devi Sharada. Sringeri is the first math (monastery) built by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. It has the famous temple of Devi Sharada inside it. The math is situated on the bank of river Tunga. According to legend, sage Vibhandaka and his son Rishyasringa (of Valmiki Ramayana) had their hermitage in this place. The name Sringeri is derived from the name of sage Rishyasringa. Sringeri is located in the Chikmagalur district of Karnataka.
Other Sharada Shlokams
Namaste Sharada Devi
O Sharada devi, resident of Kashmir, I pray to you everyday, may you bless me with education.
Sharada Stotram
Sharada is another name of Saraswathi Devi. In Sringeri Temple in Karnataka, the goddess is worshiped as Sharada Devi. Composed by Sri Sridhara Swami of Chincholi, Karnataka.
Sharada Bhujangam – Sharada – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.