Subramanya Bhujangam
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥ १॥
ṃahā-ḍanti-Vaktra-āpi Pan.cāsya-ṃānyā |
Vidhi-īndra-[ā]adi-ṃrgyā ġanneśa-ābhidhā ṃe
Vidhattām ṣriyam k͟hā-āpi k͟halyānna-ṃūrtih ||1||
Let Him who is called the giver of good things, who forever looks like a small child, crumbles mountains of great obstacles, who though having a huge elephants head, is much respected by Lord Shiva, who is being searched by gods like Brahma,
and who is called the lord of Ganas, bless me with wealth.
न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् ।
चिदेका षडास्य हृदि द्योतते मे
मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥ २॥
ṇa Jānāmi Padyam ṇa Jānāmi ġadyam |
Cid-ĕkā Ssaddāsyā ḥrdi ḍyota-ṭe ṃe
ṃukhān-ṇihsarante ġiraś-Ca-āpi Citram ||2||
Though I do not know words, nor the meanings of words, nor the form of prose or verse, but in my heart shines a effulgent light with luminous six faces, and wonder of wonders, words flow from my heart without a stop, and make a pretty picture using words.
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् ।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥ ३॥
ṃanohāri-ḍeham ṃahac-Citta-ġeham |
ṃahī-ḍeva-ḍevam ṃahā-Veda-Bhāvam
ṃahā-ḍeva-Bālam Bhaje l̤oka-Pālam ||3||
I sing the praise of that protector of the world, who rides on a peacock, who is the meaning of great Vedic sayings, who has a very pretty mien, who resides in the minds of great ones, who is the god of all gods, who is the tenor of the Vedas, and who is the great son of Lord Shiva.
भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव ।
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे य आस्ते
तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥ ४॥
Bhava-āmbhodhi-Pāram ġatās-ṭe ṭadai[a-ĕ]va |
īti Vyan.jayan-Sindhu-ṭīre ẏa āaste
ṭam-īidde Pavitram Parāśakti-Putram ||4||
I sing the praise of that pure son of the great Shakthi, whose abode is near the sea shore (Thiruchendur is a coastal town) as if it is an indication that whenever a devotee takes refuge in the lord, he has crossed the ocean of painful day- to- day life.
स्तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे ।
इतीवोर्मिपङ्क्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं
सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥ ५॥
ṭathai[ā-ĕ]va-[ā]apadah Sannidhau Sevatām ṃe |
īti-īvo[a-ūu]rmi-Pangktīr-ṇrnnām ḍarśayantam
Sadā Bhāvaye ḥrt-Saroje ġuham ṭam ||5||
Like the waves of the sea, beating on the shore, becomes weakened and disappears. The worries of him who visits his temple, disappears in to small dusts, and so I make the great Lord Subramanya, reside in the lotus of my heart always.
स्तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥ ६॥
ṭadā Parvate ṟājate ṭe-ādhirūddhāh |
īti-īva Bruvan-ġandhaśaila-ādhirūddhāh
Sa ḍevo ṃude ṃe Sadā Ssannmukho-āstu ||6||
“He who climbs to my mountain abode, feels that he has climbed the greatest mountain” so says the god who lives on the sandal mountain, and let him offer me perennial protection.
मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले ।
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं
जनार्तिं हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥ ७॥
ṃuni-īndra-ānukūle Sugandha-[ā]akhya-ṣaile |
ġuhāyām Vasantam Sva-Bhāsā l̤asantam
Jana-[ā]arti ḥarantam ṣrayāmo ġuham ṭam ||7||
On the shores of the great ocean which steals away the sins of the devotees, stands the Sugandha hills, the most favourable site for the sages to perform their penance! You reside there to destroy the worries of the devotees! O self-luminous Lord who is present in the cave of the heart! I adore you!
सुमस्तोमसञ्छन्नमाणिक्यमञ्चे ।
सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥ ८॥
Suma-Stoma-Samcatra-ṃānnikya-ṃan.ce |
Sadā Bhāvaye k͟hārtikeyam Sure[a-īi]śam ||8||
I always worship that lord of all devas, who was looked after by Karthika maidens, who fulfills the wishes of all people, who is covered by mountains of flowers, when he sits on his throne of gems and rubies, in his residence of gold, and looks like light of thousands of suns.
मनोहारिलावण्यपीयूषपूर्णे ।
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः
सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥ ९॥
ṃanah-Ssatt-Pado ṃe Bhava-k͟hleśa-ṭaptah
Sadā ṃodatām Skanda ṭe Pāda-Padme ||9||
Let my mind which is like a bee, burdened with the sorrows of this life, hover round your lotus like feet, Skanda! Which are adorned by anklets, which are of pretty red colour, which steal my mind, and which are full of the nectar of prettiness.
क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् ।
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां
कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥ १० ॥
k͟hvannat-k͟hingkinnī-ṃekhalā-ṣobhamānām |
l̤asad-ḍhema-Pattttena Vidyotamānām
k͟hattim Bhāvaye Skanda ṭe ḍīpyamānām ||10||
Oh! Skanda, I meditate on your waist which is covered by a gold cloth, shining with a string of ringing bells, and which has a glittering belt, and which is by itself self-resplendent.
स्तनालिङ्गनासक्तकाश्मीररागम् ।
नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः
स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥ ११॥
Stana-[ā]alinggana-[ā]asakta-k͟hāśmīra-ṟāgam |
ṇamasyām-āham ṭāraka-āre ṭavorah
Sva-Bhakta-āvane Sarvadā Sa-ānurāgam ||11||
Oh! conqueror of Tarakasura! By embracing Valli’s (hunter’s daughter) well–developed breast ornated with saffron, your chest became red colored, thereby manifesting your eternal grace towards devotees. And it is the sign of your love for them.
न्निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् ।
सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥ १२॥
ṇirastebha-ṣunnddān ḍvissat-k͟hāla-ḍannddān |
Sadā ṭe Pracannddān ṣraye Bāhu-ḍannddān ||12||
Oh Lord Subramanya, I meditate on your long arms which punished Lord Brahma, which playfully carried the entire universe, which are longer than the trunk of the elephant, which are like the bolt of the god of death to your enemies, which killed the collection of asuras, which are capable of taking care of the world, and which are extremely strong.
समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् ।
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीना-
स्तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥ १३॥
Sam-ūdyanta ĕva Sthitāś-Cet-Samantāt |
Sadā Pūrnna-Bimbāh k͟halangkaiś-Ca ḥīnāh
ṭadā ṭvan-ṃukhānām Bruve Skanda Sāmyam ||13||
What can I compare to your six faces! If there are six full moons blemish free and ever shining on all sides, even then they would be no match to your effulgent faces.
त्कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसङ्घोज्ज्वलानि ।
तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥ १४॥
k͟hattākssā-Valī-Bhrngga-Samgho[a-ū]jjvalāni |
ṭava-[ā]alokaye Ssann-ṃukha-āmbhoruhānni ||14||
Oh! Son of Parameshwara, I see your six lotus smiling faces shining like a group of swans, having gleaming side glance ever moving like a row of bees and with red lips overflowing with nectar.
दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु ।
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चे-
द्भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम हानिः ॥ १५॥
ḍayā-Syandissu ḍvādaśas-Vīkssannessu |
ṃayi-[ī]issat-k͟hattākssah Sakrt-Pātitaś-Ced
Bhavet-ṭe ḍayāśīla k͟hā ṇāma ḥānih ||15||
Oh! Merciful Lord! When thou hast twelve broad long eyes extending upto ears, what will you loose by casting that side glance for a moment [on me]?
जपन्मन्त्रमीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् ।
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः
किरीटोज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्तकेभ्यः ॥ १६॥
Japan-ṃantram-īiśo ṃudā Jighrate ẏān |
Jagad-Bhāra-Bhrdbhyo Jagan-ṇātha ṭebhyah
k͟hirītto[a-ū]jjvalebhyo ṇamo ṃastakebhyah ||16||
Oh Lord of the universe,
I salute those six shining crowned heads, which are kissed by the Lord Shiva, with a joyful prayer repeated six times, that this child who is born out of him, should live forever.
श्चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः ।
कटौ पीतवासाः करे चारुशक्तिः
पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूजः ॥ १७॥
Calat-k͟hunnddala-ṣrī-l̤asad-ġanndda-Bhāgah |
k͟hattau Pīta-Vāsa k͟hare Cāru-ṣakti
Purastān-ṃamās-ṭām Purāres-ṭanūja ||17||
Oh Lord who is the son of god who destroyed Tripura. Who shines with the garlands of rubies and gems, who has pretty cheeks, over which the ear studs play, who wears yellow silk on his waist. And who holds the pretty spear (vel), please appear before me.
ह्वयत्यादराच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् ।
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं
हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥ १८॥
(āa)ḥvaya-ṭyāda-ṣaccangkare ṃātur-āngkāt |
Samutpatya ṭātam ṣrayantam k͟humāram
ḥara-[ā]aślisstta-ġātram Bhaje Bāla-ṃūrtim ||18||
I salute that child Subrahmanya, who rushed from his mother’s lap, to the embrace of his father Parameshwara’s extended arms, when he lovingly called to him, “Come, my darling son.”
पते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ ।
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन्
प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥ १९ ॥
Pate ṣakti-Pānne ṃayūra-ādhirūddha |
Pulinda-ātmajā-k͟hānta Bhakta-ārti-ḥārin
Prabho ṭāraka-āre Sadā ṟakssa ṃām ṭvam ||19||
Oh kumara! Oh Son of Lord of the Universe! One shines in the cave of the heart as Guha! Oh Skanda! Oh Lord of the Devas Army! Oh Wielder of the weapon Vel (spear) which is the svarupa of Parashakti! One who rides on the peacock chariot! Oh beloved of the hunter’s daughter (Valli)! Destroyer of the sins of your devotees! Enemy of the Tarakasura! Oh Lord protect me!
कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं
द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥ २०॥
k͟hapho[a-ū]dgāri-Vaktre Bhayot-k͟hampi-ġātre |
Prayānno[a-ū]nmukhe ṃayy-ānāthe ṭadānīm
ḍrutam ṃe ḍayālo Bhava-āgre ġuha ṭvam ||20||
When all my senses have calmed down, when I have lost my intelligence, when I am not capable of any movement, when my throat is full of phlegm, when my body is shivering due to fear, and when my soul is preparing to depart, without any one to help me, Oh Lord of mercy, please hasten, for I want to be in your presence, Lord Guha.
द्दह च्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु ।
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं
पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥ २१॥
ḍahac-chinddhi Bhinddhi-īti ṃām ṭarjayatsu |
ṃayūram Samāruhya ṃā Bhair-īti ṭvam
Purah ṣakti-Pānnir-ṃama-[ā]ayā-ḥi ṣīghram ||21||
When the fearsome messengers of the god of death, angrily shout, “burn him, tear him in to pieces, cut”, please come swiftly riding on the peacock , armed with your holy spear, and give me consolation, Oh Lord.
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् ।
न वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
न कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥ २२॥
Prasādya Prabho Prārthaye-āneka-Vāram |
ṇa Vaktum k͟hssamo-āham ṭadānīm k͟hrpa-ābdhe
ṇa k͟hāryānta-k͟hāle ṃanāg-āpy-ūpekssā ||22||
Oh Merciful Lord! I am prostrating to often to secure your blessings. I offer prayers to please you. You should not be indifferent towards me during my last moments. At that time I may not have the control and energy to pray to you!
हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः ।
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं
न हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्व यामि ॥ २३ ॥
ḥatas-ṭārakah Simhavaktraś-Ca ḍaityah |
ṃama-āntar-ḥrdistham ṃanah-k͟hleśam-ĕkam
ṇa ḥamsi Prabho k͟him k͟haromi k͟hva ẏāmi ||23||
O Lord! You slained the demon Soora who ruled the thousand universes. You destroyed the demons Tarakasura and Simhavaktra. But Lord, why have you not killed the demon called mental worry which haunts my mind? Oh Lord, What should I do, Where shall I go?
भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं न याचे ।
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा कॢप्तबाधं
ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥ २४ ॥
Bhavān-ḍīna-Bandhus-ṭvad-ānyam ṇa ẏāce |
Bhavad-Bhakti-ṟodham Sadā k͟hlpta-Bādham
ṃama-[ā]adhim ḍrutam ṇāśayo[a-ū]mā-Suta ṭvam ||24||
Oh Son of Uma! I am always troubled by the mental worries. You are the friend of helpless! I request none but you for saving me. Destroy my sorrows as they interfere with my devotion towards you!
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥ २५॥
Jvaro[a-ū]nmāda-ġulma-ādi-ṟogā ṃahāntah |
Piśācāś-Ca Sarve Bhavat-Patra-Bhūtim
Vilokya k͟hssannāt-ṭāraka-āre ḍravante ||25||
Oh Conqueror of Taraka! Epilepsy, leprosy, consumption, lung diseases, venreal diseases, fevers, mental diseases of all types run away the moment they see your holy ash (vibhuti).
र्मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् ।
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं
गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥ २६॥
ṃukhe ṃe Pavitram Sadā ṭac-Caritram |
k͟hare ṭasya k͟hrtyam Vapus-ṭasya Bhrtyam
ġuhe Santu l̤īnā ṃama-āśessa-Bhāvāh ||26||
Let my eye always see the holy form of Skanda, let my ears hear the holy story of Skandha, let my mouth always tell the pure sacred story of Skanda, let my hand be engaged in the works of Skanda, let my body be always servant of Skanda, and let all my actions be devoted to Skanda.
मभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः ।
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने
गुहाद्देवमन्यं न जाने न जाने ॥ २७॥
ābhīsstta-Pradāh Santi Sarvatra ḍevāh |
ṇrnnām-āntya-Jānām-āpi Sva-ārtha-ḍāne
ġuhād-ḍevam-ānyam ṇa Jāne ṇa Jāne ||27||
For all the great sages and all great devotees, there are gods ready to satisfy their wishes. But for the lowly and ordinary devotees, I know not of any other deity to protect them except Guha!
नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः ।
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं
स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥ २८॥
ṇaro Va-ātha ṇāri ġrhe ẏe ṃadīyāh |
ẏajanto ṇamantah Stuvanto Bhavantam
Smarantaś-Ca ṭe Santu Sarve k͟humāra ||28||
Oh Lord Kumara! Let my wife, children, relatives, friends, other men and women in our household, worship, salute, sing your praise, and meditate on you always.
स्तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे
विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्जशैल ॥ २९॥
ṭathā Vyādhayo Bādhakā ẏe ṃad-āngge |
Bhavac-chakti-ṭīkssnna-āgra-Bhinnāh Sudūre
Vinaśyantu ṭe Cūrnnita-k͟hraun.caśaula ||29||
Oh! Destroyer of Krauncha mountain! Please use your holy spear with sharp point, to break and destroy those animals, birds, insects and diseases that cause harm to my body.
सहेते न किं देवसेनाधिनाथ ।
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥ ३०॥
Sahete ṇa k͟him ḍeva-Sena-ādhinātha |
āham Ca-āti-Bālo Bhavān l̤oka-ṭātah
k͟hssama-Sva-āparādham Samastam ṃahe[a-īi]śa ||30||
Oh God who is the chief of the army of devas , would not a father pardon the mistakes of the son? I am like a small child and you are the father of the world, please pardon all my omissions and commissions.
नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय ।
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं
पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥ ३१॥
ṇamaś-chāga ṭubhyam ṇamah k͟hukkuttāya |
ṇamah Sindhave Sindhu-ḍeśāya ṭubhyam
Punah Skanda-ṃūrte ṇamaste ṇamostu ||31||
Salutations to the peacock, Salutations to your holy spear, Salutations to the sheep, Salutations to the rooster, Salutations to the ocean,Salutations to the temple by the sea side, Salutations over and again to Skanda.
ञ्जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते ।
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो
जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥ ३२॥
Jaya-āmogha-k͟hīrte Jaya-[ā]ananda-ṃūrte |
Jaya-[ā]ananda-Sindho Jaya-āśessa-Bandho
Jaya ṭvam Sadā ṃukti-ḍāne[a-īi]śa-Sūno ||32||
Victory to the source of happiness, Victory to your limitless light, Victory to your boundless fame, Victory to the personification of happiness, Victory to the sea of bliss, Victory to the friend of all, Victory always to you who is the son of the god, who grants salvation.
पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं सम्प्रणम्य ।
सुपुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायु-
र्लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥ ३३॥
Patthed-Bhakti-ẏukto ġuham Samprannamya |
Sa Putrān-k͟halatram ḍhanam ḍīrgham-āayuh
l̤abhet-Skanda-āāyujyam-ānte ṇarah Sah ||33||
That holy devotee, who prostrates to Lord Guha, reciting the Bhujanga stotra daily, with devotion, will be blessed with good sons, good wife, wealth and long life, and at end of his life, will attain eternal bliss with Lord Skanda.

Sri Subramanya bhujangam is a stotra sung under inspiration by Sri Adi Shankaracharya at Thiruchendur ( presently located in Tamil Nadu, India). When he meditated upon SrI Subrahmanya, he became aware of the self luminous light shining in his heart and words came out his mouth in extempore in bhujanga metre. It is also said that acharya then actually saw the Adishesha worshipping the lord and adopted the bhujanga metre.
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