अध्यस्तस्य कुतो जन्म जन्माभावे स्थितिः कुतः।।93।।
Adhyastasya kuto janma janmābhāve sthitiḥ kutaḥ..93..
Aparokshanubhuti – Introduction
Invocation – Verse 1
Introduction – Verse 2
Sadhanchatushtaya – Verse 3
Vairagya – Verse 4
Viveka – Verse 5
Sama and Dama – Verse 6
Uparati – Verse 7
Shraddha – Verse 8
Mumukshuta – Verse 9
Discrimination – Verse 10
Discrimination – Verse 11
Discrimination – Verse 12
Discrimination – Verse 13
Discrimination – Verse 14
Discrimination – Verse 15
Discrimination – Verse 16
Ignorance – Verse 17
Ignorance – Verse 18
Ignorance – Verse 19
Ignorance – Verse 20
Ignorance – Verse 21
Self-effulgent Atman – Verse 22
Body-Atman Identification – Verse 23
Nature of Knowledge – Verse 24
Nature of Knowledge – Verse 25
Nature of Knowledge – Verse 26
Nature of Knowledge – Verse 27
Nature of Knowledge – Verse 28
Refutation of Sunyavada – Verse 29
Atman vs. Body – Verse 30
Atman vs. Body – Verse 31
Atman vs. Body – Verse 32
Atman vs. Body – Verse 33
Atman vs. Body – Verse 34
Atman vs. Body – Verse 35
Atman vs. Body – Verse 36
Atman vs. Body – Verse 37
Atman vs. Body – Verse 38
Atman vs. Body – Verse 39
Atman vs. Body – Verse 40
Atman vs. Body – Verse 41
Atman vs. Body – Verse 42
Consciousness Indivisible – Verse 43
Consciousness as World – Verse 44
World and Brahman – Verse 45
Pervaded and Pervading – Verse 46
Refutation of Variety – Verse 47
Maya – Cause of Variety – Verse 48
All is Brahman – Verse 49
Brahman is the Substratum – Verse 50
All is nature of Brahman – Verse 51
Differentiation causes Fear – Verse 52
Ignorance – Verse 53
Ignorance – Verse 54
Jivatman Paramatman – Verse 55
3 States and the Witness – Verse 56
3 States and the Witness – Verse 57
3 States and the Witness – Verse 58
Jivahood – Verse 59
Jivahood – Verse 60
Jivahood – Verse 61
Jivahood – Verse 62
Atman as Universe – Verse 63
Atman as Universe – Verse 64
Substratum of Universe – Verse 65
Brahman inseparable – Verse 66
Brahman inseparable – Verse 67
Atman to Wise and Ignorant – Verse 68
Self vs. Non-Self – Verse 69
Atman appears as Body – Verse 70
Atman appears as Body – Verse 71
Atman appears as Body – Verse 72
Atman appears as Body – Verse 73
Atman appears as Body – Verse 74
Atman appears as Body – Verse 75
Atman appears as Body – Verse 76
Atman appears as Body – Verse 77
Atman appears as Body – Verse 78
Atman appears as Body – Verse 79
Atman appears as Body – Verse 80
Atman appears as Body – Verse 81
Atman appears as Body – Verse 82
Atman appears as Body – Verse 83
Atman appears as Body – Verse 84
Atman appears as Body – Verse 85
Atman appears as Body – Verse 86
Adhyasa – Verse 87
Body is not Atman – Verse 88
Knowledge and Prarabdha – Verse 89
Reputation of Prarabdha – Verse 90
Prarabdha ends with Realization – Verse 91
What is Prarabdha – Verse 92
Body has no real Birth – Verse 93
End of Ignorance – Verse 94
World appears through Ignorance – Verse 95
Knowing the Substratum – Verse 96
Prarabdha is for Ignorant – Verse 97
Refutation of Prarabdha – Verse 98
Prarabhda – Verse 99
15 Steps to Attain Knowledge – Verse 100
15 Steps to Attain Knowledge – Verse 101
15 Steps to Attain Knowledge – Verse 102
15 Steps to Attain Knowledge – Verse 103
Yama – Verse 104
Niyama – Verse 105
Tyaga – Verse 106
Mauna – Verse 107
Mauna – Verse 108
Mauna – Verse 109
Vijnana Desha – Verse 110
Kala – Verse 111
Asana – Verse 112
Siddhasana – Verse 113
Mulabandha – Verse 114
Dehasamya – Verse 115
Dhrk-Sthithi – Verse 116
Dhrk-Sthithi – Verse 117
Pranayama – Verse 118
Rechaka and Puraka – Verse 119
Kumbhaka – Verse 120
Pratyahara – Verse 121
Dharana – Verse 122
Dhyana – Verse 123
Samadhi – Verse 124
Practice of Meditation – Verse 125
Man of Perfection – Verse 126
Obstacles to Meditation – Verse 127
Obstacles to Meditation – Verse 128
Meditation on Brahman – Verse 129
Meditation on Brahman – Verse 130
Meditation on Brahman – Verse 131
Meditation on Brahman – Verse 132
Meditation on Brahman – Verse 133
Continued practice – Verse 134
Cause and Effect – Verse 135
What remains is Reality – Verse 136
Means of attaining – Verse 137
Cause and Effect – Verse 138
Cause and Effect – Verse 139
Efficacy of Meditation – Verse 140
Efficacy of Meditation – Verse 141
Universe = Brahman – Verse 142
Practice of this Raja Yoga – Verse 143
Practice of this Raja Yoga – Verse 144
Conclusion – Verse 145

Aparokshanubhuti – Verse 93 – AA – 93-Svapnadeho – By Adi Sankaracharya – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning – Swami Vimuktananda – Aparokshanubhuti-93