Kaupina Panchakam
Five stanzas on the wearer of loin-cloth

Kaupina Panchakam
This is a very short poem composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya, with five stanzas that glorify the life of a Sannyasi. The Kaupina is made up of a rectangular strip of cotton cloth used to cover the genitals with the help of the strings connected to the four ends of the cloth for binding it around the waist of the wearer. A Sadhu renounces every thing before entering in to Sannyas, and wears only a kaupina or loin cloth. That too is for the sake of the world.
The Kaupina has religious significance attached to asceticism for Hindus. Bhagavata Purana enjoins that a true ascetic should not wear anything other than a kaupina. Sometimes Lord Shiva himself is depicted wearing Kaupina. Even Lord Murugan of Palani and Hanuman are said to be wearing this garment. Several great saints inclusing Samarth Ramdas and Ramana Maharshi were always depicted wearing a langot in popular pictures. Sri Shankaracharya composed this Kaupina Panchakam to assert the significance of asceticism.