Panchamukha Hanumath Kavacham Meaning
Panchamukha Hanumath Kavacham
With Meaning
Introduction to the Pancha Mukhi Hanuman Kavacham
The Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham is a powerful protective hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman in his five-faced (Panchamukhi) form. This rare and significant aspect of Hanuman is believed to have originated from the Ramayana, where he assumed this form to defeat the demon Mahiravana and rescue Lord Rama and Lakshmana from the netherworld. Each of Hanuman’s five faces—Hanuman (east), Narasimha (south), Garuda (west), Varaha (north), and Hayagriva (upward)—symbolizes a unique divine power and serves a specific protective function. This sacred text originates from the Sudarshana Samhita and is said to have been revealed by Lord Rama and Sita themselves.
More information on the Panchamukhi Hanuman Kavacham can be found at the end of this page.
Panchamukhi Hanumath Kavacham links on our site
Panchamukhi Hanumath Kavacham – Chanting
Panchamukhi Hanumath Kavacham – Translation & Meaning
ॐ अस्य श्री पञ्चमुखहनुमन्मन्त्रस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषिः ।
गायत्रीछन्दः । पञ्चमुखविराट् हनुमान्देवता । ह्रीं बीजम् ।
श्रीं शक्तिः । क्रौं कीलकम् । क्रूं कवचम् । क्रैं अस्त्राय फट् ।
इति दिग्बन्धः ।
oṃ asya śrī pañcamukhahanumanmantrasya brahmā ṛṣiḥ .
gāyatrīchandaḥ . pañcamukhavirāṭ hanumāndevatā . hrīṃ bījam .
śrīṃ śaktiḥ . krauṃ kīlakam . krūṃ kavacam . kraiṃ astrāya phaṭ .
iti digbandhaḥ .
Om, of this mantra of the five-faced Hanuman:
Brahma is the seer (rishi)
Gayatri is the meter (chandas)
The five-faced cosmic form of Hanuman is the deity (devata)
HREEM is the seed syllable (bija)
SHREEM is the energy/power (shakti)
KRAUM is the pin/nail (kilaka)
KROOM is the armor (kavacha)
KRAIM is the weapon (astra), PHAT
Thus are the directions bound (for protection).
अथ ध्यानं प्रवक्ष्यामि शृणुसर्वाङ्गसुन्दरि ।
यत्कृतं देवदेवेन ध्यानं हनुमतः प्रियम् ॥ १॥
atha dhyānaṃ pravakṣyāmi śṛṇusarvāṅgasundari .
yatkṛtaṃ devadevena dhyānaṃ hanumataḥ priyam .. 1..
Now I shall describe the meditation (dhyānam), listen attentively, O beautiful one. This meditation on Lord Hanuman was created by the God of gods (Lord Shiva) himself and is very dear to Hanuman.
बाहुभिर्दशभिर्युक्तं सर्वकामार्थसिद्धिदम् ॥ २॥
bāhubhirdaśabhiryuktaṃ sarvakāmārthasiddhidam .. 2..
This verse describes the iconographic form of Pancha Mukha (five-faced) Hanuman, highlighting his powerful and divine attributes: five faces, fifteen eyes (three on each face, representing the trinity), and ten arms symbolizing his immense power. The verse also emphasizes that meditating on this form of Hanuman brings fulfillment of all wishes and objectives (sarvakāmārthasiddhidam).
दन्ष्ट्राकरालवदनं भृकुटीकुटिलेक्षणम् ॥ ३॥
danṣṭrākarālavadanaṃ bhṛkuṭīkuṭilekṣaṇam .. 3..
अत्युग्रतेजोवपुषं भीषणं भयनाशनम् ॥ ४॥
atyugratejovapuṣaṃ bhīṣaṇaṃ bhayanāśanam .. 4..
सर्वनागप्रशमनं विषभूतादिकृन्तनम् ॥ ५॥
sarvanāgapraśamanaṃ viṣabhūtādikṛntanam .. 5..
पातालसिंहवेतालज्वररोगादिकृन्तनम् ॥ ६॥
pātālasiṃhavetālajvararogādikṛntanam .. 6..
येन वक्त्रेण विप्रेन्द्र तारकाख्यं महासुरम् ॥ ७॥
yena vaktreṇa viprendra tārakākhyaṃ mahāsuram .. 7..
ध्यात्वा पञ्चमुखं रुद्रं हनुमन्तं दयानिधिम् ॥ ८॥
dhyātvā pañcamukhaṃ rudraṃ hanumantaṃ dayānidhim .. 8..
मुष्टिं कौमोदकीं वृक्षं धारयन्तं कमण्डलुम् ॥ ९॥
muṣṭiṃ kaumodakīṃ vṛkṣaṃ dhārayantaṃ kamaṇḍalum .. 9..
एतान्यायुधजालानि धारयन्तं भजाम्यहम् ॥ १०॥
etānyāyudhajālāni dhārayantaṃ bhajāmyaham .. 10..
दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरं दिव्यगन्धानुलेपनम् ॥ ११॥
divyamālyāmbaradharaṃ divyagandhānulepanam .. 11..
शशाङ्कशिखरं कपिराजवर्यम ।
पिङ्गाक्षमाद्यमनिशं मनसा स्मरामि ॥ १२॥
śaśāṅkaśikharaṃ kapirājavaryama .
piṅgākṣamādyamaniśaṃ manasā smarāmi .. 12..
This verse is a comprehensive meditation on Pancha Mukha Hanuman, describing his all-pervading nature (faces in all directions), his imperishable divine status, his varied and colorful faces, his lunar crown, his status as king of monkeys, his regal adornments, and his distinctive tawny eyes. The devotee commits to constantly remembering this form.
शत्रु संहर मां रक्ष श्रीमन्नापदमुद्धर ॥ १३॥
śatru saṃhara māṃ rakṣa śrīmannāpadamuddhara .. 13..
परिलिख्यति लिख्यति वामतले ।
यदि नश्यति नश्यति शत्रुकुलं
यदि मुञ्चति मुञ्चति वामलता ॥ १४॥
parilikhyati likhyati vāmatale .
yadi naśyati naśyati śatrukulaṃ
yadi muñcati muñcati vāmalatā .. 14..
ॐ नमो भगवते पञ्चवदनाय पूर्वकपिमुखाय
सकलशत्रुसंहारकाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ नमो भगवते पञ्चवदनाय दक्षिणमुखाय करालवदनाय
नरसिंहाय सकलभूतप्रमथनाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ नमो भगवते पञ्चवदनाय पश्चिममुखाय गरुडाननाय
सकलविषहराय स्वाहा ।
ॐ नमो भगवते पञ्चवदनायोत्तरमुखायादिवराहाय
सकलसम्पत्कराय स्वाहा ।
ॐ नमो भगवते पञ्चवदनायोर्ध्वमुखाय हयग्रीवाय
सकलजनवशङ्कराय स्वाहा ।
ॐ अस्य श्री पञ्चमुखहनुमन्मन्त्रस्य श्रीरामचन्द्र
ऋषिः । अनुष्टुप्छन्दः । पञ्चमुखवीरहनुमान् देवता ।
हनुमानिति बीजम् । वायुपुत्र इति शक्तिः । अञ्जनासुत इति कीलकम् ।
श्रीरामदूतहनुमत्प्रसादसिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ।
इति ऋष्यादिकं विन्यसेत् ॥
oṃ namo bhagavate pañcavadanāya pūrvakapimukhāya
sakalaśatrusaṃhārakāya svāhā .
oṃ namo bhagavate pañcavadanāya dakṣiṇamukhāya karālavadanāya
narasiṃhāya sakalabhūtapramathanāya svāhā .
oṃ namo bhagavate pañcavadanāya paścimamukhāya garuḍānanāya
sakalaviṣaharāya svāhā .
oṃ namo bhagavate pañcavadanāyottaramukhāyādivarāhāya
sakalasampatkarāya svāhā .
oṃ namo bhagavate pañcavadanāyordhvamukhāya hayagrīvāya
sakalajanavaśaṅkarāya svāhā .
oṃ asya śrī pañcamukhahanumanmantrasya śrīrāmacandra
ṛṣiḥ . anuṣṭupchandaḥ . pañcamukhavīrahanumān devatā .
hanumāniti bījam . vāyuputra iti śaktiḥ . añjanāsuta iti kīlakam .
śrīrāmadūtahanumatprasādasiddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ .
iti ṛṣyādikaṃ vinyaset ..
Om, salutations to the blessed five-faced one, to the eastern monkey face, the destroyer of all enemies, Svaha.
Om, salutations to the blessed five-faced one, to the southern face, the terrifying-mouthed Narasimha, who subdues all spirits, Svaha.
Om, salutations to the blessed five-faced one, to the western face with Garuda’s visage, the remover of all poisons, Svaha.
Om, salutations to the blessed five-faced one, to the northern face of the primordial boar (Varaha), the creator of all prosperity, Svaha.
Om, salutations to the blessed five-faced one, to the upward face of Hayagriva (horse-headed), who brings all people under control, Svaha.
Om, of this mantra of the five-faced Hanuman, Sri Ramachandra is the seer (rishi), Anushtup is the meter (chandas), the five-faced heroic Hanuman is the deity (devata), ‘Hanuman’ is the seed (bija), ‘Son of Wind’ is the power (shakti), ‘Son of Anjana’ is the pin (kilaka). This is applied in recitation for attaining the grace of Sri Rama’s messenger Hanuman. Thus should one establish the seer and the others.
This section contains the specific mantras for each of the five faces of Hanuman, describing their unique attributes and powers, followed by the technical specifications of the complete mantra’s spiritual lineage and purpose.
ॐ रुद्रमूर्तये तर्जनीभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ वायुपुत्राय मध्यमाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ अग्निगर्भाय अनामिकाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ रामदूताय कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ पञ्चमुखहनुमते करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः ।
इति करन्यासः ॥
oṃ rudramūrtaye tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ .
oṃ vāyuputrāya madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ .
oṃ agnigarbhāya anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ .
oṃ rāmadūtāya kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ .
oṃ pañcamukhahanumate karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ .
iti karanyāsaḥ ..
Om, salutations to the embodiment of Rudra with the index fingers.
Om, salutations to the son of Wind with the middle fingers.
Om, salutations to the one with fire in his core with the ring fingers.
Om, salutations to Rama’s messenger with the little fingers.
Om, salutations to the five-faced Hanuman with the palms and backs of the hands.
This is the hand placement ritual (karanyasa).
This section describes the ritual of karanyasa (hand gestures) that accompanies the recitation of the mantras. Each line assigns a different aspect of Hanuman to specific fingers or parts of the hand, creating a complete ritual gesture that helps focus the practitioner’s energy during worship.
ॐ रुद्रमूर्तये शिरसे स्वाहा ।
ॐ वायुपुत्राय शिखायै वषट् ।
ॐ अग्निगर्भाय कवचाय हुम् ।
ॐ रामदूताय नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् ।
ॐ पञ्चमुखहनुमते अस्त्राय फट् ।
पञ्चमुखहनुमते स्वाहा ।
इति दिग्बन्धः ॥
oṃ rudramūrtaye śirase svāhā .
oṃ vāyuputrāya śikhāyai vaṣaṭ .
oṃ agnigarbhāya kavacāya hum .
oṃ rāmadūtāya netratrayāya vauṣaṭ .
oṃ pañcamukhahanumate astrāya phaṭ .
pañcamukhahanumate svāhā .
iti digbandhaḥ ..
Om, salutations to the embodiment of Rudra, to the head, Svaha.
Om, to the son of Wind, to the crown lock, Vashat.
Om, to the one with fire in his core, to the armor, Hum.
Om, to Rama’s messenger, to the three eyes, Vaushat.
Om, to the five-faced Hanuman, to the weapon, Phat.
To the five-faced Hanuman, Svaha.
Thus is the binding of the directions.
This section describes the anganyasa (body placement) ritual, where different aspects of Hanuman are assigned to different parts of the body. This practice consecrates the practitioner’s body, turning it into a sacred vessel for worship, and establishes protection in all directions.
वन्दे वानरनारसिंहखगराट्क्रोडाश्ववक्त्रान्वितं
दिव्यालङ्करणं त्रिपञ्चनयनं देदीप्यमानं रुचा ।
हस्ताब्जैरसिखेटपुस्तकसुधाकुम्भाङ्कुशाद्रिं हलं
खट्वाङ्गं फणिभूरुहं दशभुजं सर्वारिवीरापहम् ।
vande vānaranārasiṃhakhagarāṭkroḍāśvavaktrānvitaṃ
divyālaṅkaraṇaṃ tripañcanayanaṃ dedīpyamānaṃ rucā .
hastābjairasikheṭapustakasudhākumbhāṅkuśādriṃ halaṃ
khaṭvāṅgaṃ phaṇibhūruhaṃ daśabhujaṃ sarvārivīrāpaham .
I bow to him who has the faces of a monkey, man-lion (Narasimha), king of birds (Garuda), boar, and horse; who is adorned with divine ornaments; who has fifteen eyes (three on each of five faces); who shines with radiant splendor; whose lotus hands hold a sword, shield, book, nectar pot, goad, mountain, plough, club, serpent, and tree; who has ten arms; and who removes all enemies and heroes.
This verse is the main meditation (dhyānam) that summarizes the complete form of Pancha Mukha Hanuman, integrating all the attributes previously described – his five faces, fifteen eyes, ten arms holding various weapons and objects, his divine ornaments, and his power to vanquish all foes.
ॐ श्रीरामदूतायाञ्जनेयाय वायुपुत्राय महाबलपराक्रमाय
सीतादुःखनिवारणाय लङ्कादहनकारणाय महाबलप्रचण्डाय
फाल्गुनसखाय कोलाहलसकलब्रह्माण्डविश्वरूपाय
सप्तसमुद्रनिर्लङ्घनाय पिङ्गलनयनायामितविक्रमाय
सूर्यबिम्बफलसेवनाय दुष्टनिवारणाय दृष्टिनिरालङ्कृताय
दशकण्ठविध्वंसनाय रामेष्टाय महाफाल्गुनसखाय सीतासहित-
रामवरप्रदाय षट्प्रयोगागमपञ्चमुखवीरहनुमन्मन्त्रजपे विनियोगः ।
ॐ हरिमर्कटमर्कटाय बंबंबंबंबं वौषट् स्वाहा ।
ॐ हरिमर्कटमर्कटाय फंफंफंफंफं फट् स्वाहा ।
ॐ हरिमर्कटमर्कटाय खेंखेंखेंखेंखें मारणाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ हरिमर्कटमर्कटाय लुंलुंलुंलुंलुं आकर्षितसकलसम्पत्कराय स्वाहा ।
ॐ हरिमर्कटमर्कटाय धंधंधंधंधं शत्रुस्तम्भनाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ टंटंटंटंटं कूर्ममूर्तये पञ्चमुखवीरहनुमते
परयन्त्रपरतन्त्रोच्चाटनाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ कंखंगंघंङं चंछंजंझंञं टंठंडंढंणं
तंथंदंधंनं पंफंबंभंमं यंरंलंवं शंषंसंहं
ळङ्क्षं स्वाहा ।
oṃ śrīrāmadūtāyāñjaneyāya vāyuputrāya mahābalaparākramāya
sītāduḥkhanivāraṇāya laṅkādahanakāraṇāya mahābalapracaṇḍāya
phālgunasakhāya kolāhalasakalabrahmāṇḍaviśvarūpāya
saptasamudranirlaṅghanāya piṅgalanayanāyāmitavikramāya
sūryabimbaphalasevanāya duṣṭanivāraṇāya dṛṣṭinirālaṅkṛtāya
daśakaṇṭhavidhvaṃsanāya rāmeṣṭāya mahāphālgunasakhāya sītāsahita-
rāmavarapradāya ṣaṭprayogāgamapañcamukhavīrahanumanmantrajape viniyogaḥ .
oṃ harimarkaṭamarkaṭāya baṃbaṃbaṃbaṃbaṃ vauṣaṭ svāhā .
oṃ harimarkaṭamarkaṭāya phaṃphaṃphaṃphaṃphaṃ phaṭ svāhā .
oṃ harimarkaṭamarkaṭāya kheṃkheṃkheṃkheṃkheṃ māraṇāya svāhā .
oṃ harimarkaṭamarkaṭāya luṃluṃluṃluṃluṃ ākarṣitasakalasampatkarāya svāhā .
oṃ harimarkaṭamarkaṭāya dhaṃdhaṃdhaṃdhaṃdhaṃ śatrustambhanāya svāhā .
oṃ ṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃ kūrmamūrtaye pañcamukhavīrahanumate
parayantraparatantroccāṭanāya svāhā .
oṃ kaṃkhaṃgaṃghaṃṅaṃ caṃchaṃjaṃjhaṃñaṃ ṭaṃṭhaṃḍaṃḍhaṃṇaṃ
taṃthaṃdaṃdhaṃnaṃ paṃphaṃbaṃbhaṃmaṃ yaṃraṃlaṃvaṃ śaṃṣaṃsaṃhaṃ
l̤aṅkṣaṃ svāhā .
Om, to Sri Rama’s messenger, to Anjaneya, to the son of Wind, of great strength and valor, the remover of Sita’s sorrow, the cause of Lanka’s burning, of great strength and fierceness, friend of Arjuna, whose universal form makes a tumultuous sound throughout all the universes, who crossed the seven oceans, with tawny eyes, of immeasurable prowess, who seized the fruit of the sun’s orb, remover of the wicked, embellished by sight, who revived Lakshmana’s army of great monkeys with the Sanjivini herb, destroyer of the ten-headed one (Ravana), beloved of Rama, great friend of Arjuna, granter of boons to Rama along with Sita – this is applied in the recitation of the six applications of the mantra of the five-faced heroic Hanuman.
Om, to Hari-Markata-Markata, BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM, Vaushat, Svaha.
Om, to Hari-Markata-Markata, PHAM PHAM PHAM PHAM PHAM, Phat, Svaha.
Om, to Hari-Markata-Markata, KHEM KHEM KHEM KHEM KHEM, for destruction, Svaha.
Om, to Hari-Markata-Markata, LUM LUM LUM LUM LUM, for attracting all prosperity, Svaha.
Om, to Hari-Markata-Markata, DHAM DHAM DHAM DHAM DHAM, for paralyzing enemies, Svaha.
Om, TAM TAM TAM TAM TAM, to the tortoise form, to the five-faced heroic Hanuman, for eliminating opposing devices and controls, Svaha.
This section provides the main mantra of the Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham, describing his various attributes and powers as Rama’s messenger and the son of the Wind God. It’s followed by specific mantras for different purposes, including the complete sequence of Sanskrit consonants in the final line.
ॐ पूर्वकपिमुखाय पञ्चमुखहनुमते टंटंटंटंटं
सकलशत्रुसंहरणाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ दक्षिणमुखाय पञ्चमुखहनुमते करालवदनाय नरसिंहाय
ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रूं ह्रैं ह्रौं ह्रः सकलभूतप्रेतदमनाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ पश्चिममुखाय गरुडाननाय पञ्चमुखहनुमते मंमंमंमंमं
सकलविषहराय स्वाहा ।
ॐ उत्तरमुखायादिवराहाय लंलंलंलंलं नृसिंहाय नीलकण्ठमूर्तये
पञ्चमुखहनुमते स्वाहा ।
ॐ उर्ध्वमुखाय हयग्रीवाय रुंरुंरुंरुंरुं रुद्रमूर्तये
सकलप्रयोजननिर्वाहकाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ अञ्जनासुताय वायुपुत्राय महाबलाय सीताशोकनिवारणाय
श्रीरामचन्द्रकृपापादुकाय महावीर्यप्रमथनाय ब्रह्माण्डनाथाय
कामदाय पञ्चमुखवीरहनुमते स्वाहा ।
परयन्त्रपरतन्त्रोच्चटनाय स्वाहा ।
सकलप्रयोजननिर्वाहकाय पञ्चमुखवीरहनुमते
श्रीरामचन्द्रवरप्रसादाय जंजंजंजंजं स्वाहा ।
इदं कवचं पठित्वा तु महाकवचं पठेन्नरः ।
एकवारं जपेत्स्तोत्रं सर्वशत्रुनिवारणम् ॥ १५॥
oṃ pūrvakapimukhāya pañcamukhahanumate ṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃṭaṃ
sakalaśatrusaṃharaṇāya svāhā .
oṃ dakṣiṇamukhāya pañcamukhahanumate karālavadanāya narasiṃhāya
oṃ hrāṃ hrīṃ hrūṃ hraiṃ hrauṃ hraḥ sakalabhūtapretadamanāya svāhā .
oṃ paścimamukhāya garuḍānanāya pañcamukhahanumate maṃmaṃmaṃmaṃmaṃ
sakalaviṣaharāya svāhā .
oṃ uttaramukhāyādivarāhāya laṃlaṃlaṃlaṃlaṃ nṛsiṃhāya nīlakaṇṭhamūrtaye
pañcamukhahanumate svāhā .
oṃ urdhvamukhāya hayagrīvāya ruṃruṃruṃruṃruṃ rudramūrtaye
sakalaprayojananirvāhakāya svāhā .
oṃ añjanāsutāya vāyuputrāya mahābalāya sītāśokanivāraṇāya
śrīrāmacandrakṛpāpādukāya mahāvīryapramathanāya brahmāṇḍanāthāya
kāmadāya pañcamukhavīrahanumate svāhā .
parayantraparatantroccaṭanāya svāhā .
sakalaprayojananirvāhakāya pañcamukhavīrahanumate
śrīrāmacandravaraprasādāya jaṃjaṃjaṃjaṃjaṃ svāhā .
idaṃ kavacaṃ paṭhitvā tu mahākavacaṃ paṭhennaraḥ .
ekavāraṃ japetstotraṃ sarvaśatrunivāraṇam .. 15..
Om, to the eastern monkey face, to the five-faced Hanuman, TAM TAM TAM TAM TAM, for the destruction of all enemies, Svaha.
Om, to the southern face, to the five-faced Hanuman with the terrifying mouth, to Narasimha, Om HRAM HREEM HROOM HRAIM HRAUM HRAH, for subduing all spirits and ghosts, Svaha.
Om, to the western face with Garuda’s visage, to the five-faced Hanuman, MAM MAM MAM MAM MAM, for removing all poisons, Svaha.
Om, to the northern face of the primordial boar, LAM LAM LAM LAM LAM, to Narasimha, to the blue-throated form, to the five-faced Hanuman, Svaha.
Om, to the upward face of Hayagriva, RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM, to the form of Rudra, for the accomplishment of all purposes, Svaha.
Om, to Anjana’s son, to the son of Wind, of great strength, remover of Sita’s grief, recipient of Sri Ramachandra’s grace-sandals, of great powerful subjugation, lord of the universe, fulfiller of desires, to the five-faced heroic Hanuman, Svaha. For the elimination of ghosts, spirits, goblins, Brahma-demons, female spirits, witches, atmospheric afflictions, and opposing devices and controls, Svaha. For the accomplishment of all purposes, to the five-faced heroic Hanuman, for the gracious blessing of Sri Ramachandra, JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM, Svaha.
A person who recites this armor (kavacham) should then recite the great armor. Reciting this hymn even once removes all enemies. (Verse 15)
त्रिवारं च पठेन्नित्यं सर्वसम्पत्करं शुभम् ॥ १६॥
trivāraṃ ca paṭhennityaṃ sarvasampatkaraṃ śubham .. 16..
पञ्चवारं पठेन्नित्यं सर्वलोकवशङ्करम् ॥ १७॥
pañcavāraṃ paṭhennityaṃ sarvalokavaśaṅkaram .. 17..
सप्तवारं पठेन्नित्यं सर्वसौभाग्यदायकम् ॥ १८॥
saptavāraṃ paṭhennityaṃ sarvasaubhāgyadāyakam .. 18..
नववारं पठेन्नित्यं राजभोगमवाप्नुयात् ॥ १९॥
navavāraṃ paṭhennityaṃ rājabhogamavāpnuyāt .. 19..
रुद्रावृत्तिं पठेन्नित्यं सर्वसिद्धिर्भवेद्ध्रुवम् ॥ २०॥
rudrāvṛttiṃ paṭhennityaṃ sarvasiddhirbhaveddhruvam .. 20..
कवचस्मरणेनैव महाबलमवाप्नुयात् ॥ २१॥
kavacasmaraṇenaiva mahābalamavāpnuyāt .. 21..
श्रीपञ्चमुखहनुमत्कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
śrīpañcamukhahanumatkavacaṃ sampūrṇam ..
This final line indicates the completion of the entire Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham text, attributing its source to Lord Rama and Sita as recorded in the Sudarshana Samhita.

Pancha mukha Hanumath Kavacham
The Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham is a powerful protective hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman in his five-faced (Panchamukhi) form. This rare and significant aspect of Hanuman is believed to have originated from the Ramayana, where he assumed this form to defeat the demon Mahiravana and rescue Lord Rama and Lakshmana from the netherworld. Each of Hanuman’s five faces—Hanuman (east), Narasimha (south), Garuda (west), Varaha (north), and Hayagriva (upward)—symbolizes a unique divine power and serves a specific protective function. This sacred text originates from the Sudarshana Samhita and is said to have been revealed by Lord Rama and Sita themselves.
The legend of Panchamukhi Hanuman is closely associated with the story of Mahiravana, a powerful rakshasa and master of dark magic who ruled Patala (the netherworld). According to later texts such as the Ananda Ramayana, Mahiravana was a devoted worshipper of Goddess Mahamaya and sought to sacrifice Rama and Lakshmana to gain invincible powers. Using his mystical abilities, he abducted them during the Ramayana war and took them to his subterranean kingdom. To rescue them, Hanuman ventured into Patala and discovered that Mahiravana’s life force was tied to five lamps burning in different directions. The only way to defeat him was to extinguish all five lamps simultaneously—a seemingly impossible task. To accomplish this, Hanuman assumed his Panchamukhi form, enabling him to extinguish all the lamps at once, thus vanquishing Mahiravana and successfully rescuing Rama and Lakshmana.
As a kavacham (spiritual armor), this hymn is designed to envelop the devotee in divine protection against various negative influences and obstacles. Each face possesses specific powers—the monkey face destroys enemies, Narasimha subdues spirits and ghosts, Garuda removes poisons, Varaha cures diseases, and Hayagriva fulfills all desires. The text provides detailed mantras, meditation instructions, and ritual gestures (nyasa) for invoking this powerful form of Hanuman. Reciting the Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham is believed to offer divine shielding from enemies, misfortunes, and malevolent energies, with increasingly potent benefits from multiple daily recitations—from prosperity and wealth to freedom from disease, fulfillment of desires, and eventually, supernatural powers. It is particularly revered by devotees seeking mental peace, relief from obstacles, and success in spiritual pursuits, making it a cherished prayer for those cultivating unwavering faith, fearlessness, and divine grace on their spiritual journey.
Other Hanuman Shlokams
Anjana Nandanam Viram
The charmer of Anjana, the brave hero, the destroyer of the grief ofJanaki, the chief of monkeys, the controller of sensory organs, I salute that terror of Lanka.
Anjaneya Dvadasha Nama Stotram
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser of the ocean, destroye
Anjaneya Mati Patalananam
Anjaneya, with his deep reddish face, with graceful posture like a golden mountain, resident at the base of the Parijata tree, I pray with respect to that pleasing son of Vayu.
Anjani Garbha Sambhuta
I take refuge in Hanuman who was born from the womb of mother Anjani, and who was the most excellent minister of the king of monkeys (i.e. Sugriva), who is extremely dear to Sri Rama; I bow to you, O
Atulita Bala Dhamam
Salutations to Sri Hanuman, who is an abode of unparallel power, and whose huge body is like a golden mountain, who is like a raging fire over the forest of demons, and the foremost among the Jnanis (
Buddirbalam Yasodhairya
Intelligence, strength, fame, valour, fearlessness, freedom from ill-health, sharpness of wit, oratorial and conversational skills - all these will be begotten by meditation on Hanuman.
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is authored by 16th-century poet Tulsidas in the Awadhi language. It has 40 verses and every verse has 4 lines.
Hanuman Mangalashtakam
Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes ausp
Hanuman Pancharatnam
Garland of five gems on Shri Hanuman composed by Shri Adi Shankaracarya.
Panchamukha Hanumath Kavacham
The Pancha Mukha Hanuman Kavacham is a powerful protective hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman in his five-faced (Panchamukhi) form. This rare and significant aspect of Hanuman is believed to have originated from the Ramayana, where he assumed this form…
Ramam Skandham
Praying to Lords Rama, Skanda (Subrahmanya), Hanumantha, Vainateya (Garuda), and Bhima before going to bed daily, ensures a peaceful sleep without disturbing dreams.
Udadhih Kramanahscaiva
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser of the ocean, destroye
Yatra Yatra Raghunatha
Wherever there is the song in praise of Rama, there always is, with head bowed in respect and eyes brimming with tears of joy, Hanuman, the terminator of rakshasas, to him are our salutations.
Panchamukha Hanumath Kavacham Meaning – Hanuman – Pancha mukha Hanumath Kavacham – Full text and lyrics with audio in Sanskrit, English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and more