Aditya Hrudayam
रावणं चाग्रतो दृष्ट्वा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम्॥
rāvaṇaṃ cāgrato dṛṣṭvā yuddhāya samupasthitam..
उपागम्याब्रवीद्राममगस्त्यो भगवान् ऋषिः॥
upāgamyābravīdrāmamagastyo bhagavān ṛṣiḥ..
येन सर्वानरीन् वत्स समरे विजयिष्यसि॥
yena sarvānarīn vatsa samare vijayiṣyasi..
जयावहं जपेन्नित्यम् अक्षय्यं परमं शिवम्॥
jayāvahaṃ japennityam akṣayyaṃ paramaṃ śivam..
चिन्ताशोकप्रशमनम् आयुर्वर्धनमुत्तमम्॥
cintāśokapraśamanam āyurvardhanamuttamam..
पूजयस्व विवस्वन्तं भास्करं भुवनेश्वरम्॥
pūjayasva vivasvantaṃ bhāskaraṃ bhuvaneśvaram..
एष देवासुरगणाँल्लोकान् पाति गभस्तिभिः॥
eṣa devāsuragaṇām̐llokān pāti gabhastibhiḥ..
महेन्द्रो धनदः कालो यमः सोमो ह्यपां पतिः॥
mahendro dhanadaḥ kālo yamaḥ somo hyapāṃ patiḥ..
वायुर्वह्निः प्रजाप्राण ऋतुकर्ता प्रभाकरः॥
vāyurvahniḥ prajāprāṇa ṛtukartā prabhākaraḥ..
सुवर्णसदृशो भानुर्हिरण्यरेता दिवाकरः॥
suvarṇasadṛśo bhānurhiraṇyaretā divākaraḥ..
He is the son of Adithi, Savitha (bright), Soorya (supreme light), Khaga (bird, travels on the sky,), feeds the world by rain, gabhastiman (possessed of rays) Golden colored (beautiful, wise), always shining, he is the creator, day starts with him.
तिमिरोन्मथनः शम्भुस्त्वष्टा मार्ताण्ड अंशुमान्॥
timironmathanaḥ śambhustvaṣṭā mārtāṇḍa aṃśumān..
अग्निगर्भोऽदितेः पुत्रः शङ्खः शिशिरनाशनः॥
agnigarbho’diteḥ putraḥ śaṅkhaḥ śiśiranāśanaḥ..
घनवृष्टिरपां मित्रो विन्ध्यवीथीप्लवङ्गमः॥
ghanavṛṣṭirapāṃ mitro vindhyavīthīplavaṅgamaḥ..
कविर्विश्वो महातेजाः रक्तः सर्वभवोद्भवः॥
kavirviśvo mahātejāḥ raktaḥ sarvabhavodbhavaḥ..
तेजसामपि तेजस्वी द्वादशात्मन् नमोऽस्तु ते॥
tejasāmapi tejasvī dvādaśātman namo’stu te..
ज्योतिर्गणानां पतये दिनाधिपतये नमः॥
jyotirgaṇānāṃ pataye dinādhipataye namaḥ..
नमो नमः सहस्रांशो आदित्याय नमो नमः॥
namo namaḥ sahasrāṃśo ādityāya namo namaḥ..
नमः पद्मप्रबोधाय मार्ताण्डाय नमो नमः॥
namaḥ padmaprabodhāya mārtāṇḍāya namo namaḥ..
भास्वते सर्वभक्षाय रौद्राय वपुषे नमः॥
bhāsvate sarvabhakṣāya raudrāya vapuṣe namaḥ..
कृतघ्नघ्नाय देवाय ज्योतिषां पतये नमः॥
kṛtaghnaghnāya devāya jyotiṣāṃ pataye namaḥ..
नमस्तमोऽभिनिघ्नाय रुचये लोकसाक्षिणे॥
namastamo’bhinighnāya rucaye lokasākṣiṇe..
पायत्येष तपत्येष वर्षत्येष गभस्तिभिः॥
pāyatyeṣa tapatyeṣa varṣatyeṣa gabhastibhiḥ..
एष एवाग्निहोत्रं च फलं चैवाग्निहोत्रिणाम्॥
eṣa evāgnihotraṃ ca phalaṃ caivāgnihotriṇām..
यानि कृत्यानि लोकेषु सर्व एष रविः प्रभुः॥
yāni kṛtyāni lokeṣu sarva eṣa raviḥ prabhuḥ..
एनमापत्सु कृच्छ्रेषु कान्तारेषु भयेषु च।
कीर्तयन् पुरुषः कश्चिन्नावसीदति राघव॥
enamāpatsu kṛcchreṣu kāntāreṣu bhayeṣu ca.
kīrtayan puruṣaḥ kaścinnāvasīdati rāghava..
एतत् त्रिगुणितं जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि॥
etat triguṇitaṃ japtvā yuddheṣu vijayiṣyasi..
एवमुक्त्वा तदागस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम्॥
evamuktvā tadāgastyo jagāma ca yathāgatam..
धारयामास सुप्रीतो राघवः प्रयतात्मवान्॥
dhārayāmāsa suprīto rāghavaḥ prayatātmavān..
त्रिराचम्य शुचिर्भूत्वा धनुरादाय वीर्यवान्॥
trirācamya śucirbhūtvā dhanurādāya vīryavān..
सर्वयत्नेन महता वधे तस्य धृतोऽभवत्॥
sarvayatnena mahatā vadhe tasya dhṛto’bhavat..
मुदितमनाः परमं प्रहृष्यमाणः।
निशिचरपतिसंक्षयं विदित्वा
सुरगणमध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेति॥
muditamanāḥ paramaṃ prahṛṣyamāṇaḥ.
niśicarapatisaṅkṣayaṃ viditvā
suragaṇamadhyagato vacastvareti..

This hymn is dedicated to Āditya or Sūrya (the Sun God) found in the Yuddha Kānda of Vālmīki’s Rāmāyana. It was recited by the sage Agastya to Rāma in the battlefield before fighting with the asura king Rāvaṇa. In it, Agastya teaches Rāma (who is fatigued after the long battle with various warriors of Laṅkā, ) the procedure of worshiping Āditya ( for strength ) to defeat the enemy.
Other Surya Shlokams
Brahma Svarupamudaye
In the dawn, the Brahma-swarupa is taken; at noon, Maheswara's role is donned and in the evening twilight, he is the veritable self of Vishnu himself, thus the sun has tri-divine greatness.
Gayatri Mantra
Om, the Lord, is earth, the space in between and the heavens. That Lord is the one who is the most worshipful. We meditate on that effulgent, all-knowledge Lord. May he set our intellects in the right
Namah Savitre Jagadeka
Salutation Surya, the only eye of the world, the cause of the birth, sustenance and destruction of the world; The repository of the three forms, the protector of the three gunas in the self, O Brahma,
Surya Ashtakam
The Suryashtakam is a hymn dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun. It is from Samba Puranam, an ancient text of India, and it is recited to invoke blessings of good health, abundance, and a happy, long life
Aditya Hrudayam – Surya – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.