Keelaka Stotram
विशुद्धज्ञानदेहाय त्रिवेदीदिव्यचक्षुषे ।
श्रेयः प्राप्तिनिमित्ताय नमः सोमार्धधारिणे ॥१॥
Viśuddha-Jnyāna-ḍehāya ṭri-Vedī-ḍivya-Cakssusse |
ṣreyah Prāpti-ṇimittāya ṇamah Soma-ārdha-ḍhārinne ||1||
to imbibe that auspiciousness (of pure knowledge). I meditate on Shiva and Shakti in their conscious blissful form. I offer my salutations to Shiva who bears the half-of-soma (soma means moon) and also to Shakti who bears half-of-soma (in her body as ardhanareeswara. Soma here is Shiva). Therefore, she has the same qualities of Shiva, of visuddha jnana deha and trivedi divya cakssu. Keelaka is pin or nail. The conscious form of Shakti is pinned to all the mantras of devi mahatmyam as the underlying principle through the keelaka stotram.
सोऽपि क्षेममवाप्नोति सततं जाप्यतत्परः ॥२॥
So-[ā]pi k͟hssemam-āvāpnoti Satatam Jāpya-ṭatparah ||2||
एतेन स्तुवतां देविं स्तोत्रवृन्देन भक्तितः ॥३॥
ĕtena Stuvatām ḍevim Stotra-Vrndena Bhaktitah ||3||
विना जप्येन सिद्धयेत्तु सर्वमुच्चाटनादिकम् ॥४॥
Vinā Japyena Siddhayet-ṭu Sarvam-ūccāttana-[ā]adikam ||4||
कृत्वा निमन्त्रयामास सर्वमेवमिदं शुभम् ॥५॥
k͟hrtvā ṇimantrayāmāsa Sarvam-ĕvam-īdam ṣubham ||5||
समाप्नोति स पुण्येन तां यथावन्निमन्त्रणाम् ॥६॥
Samāpnoti Sa Punnyena ṭām ẏathāvan-ṇimantrannām ||6||
कृष्णायां वा चतुर्दश्यामष्टम्यां वा समाहितः ॥७॥
k͟hrssnnāyām Vā Caturdaśyām-āssttamyām Vā Samāhitah ||7||
इत्थंरूपेण कीलेन महादेवेन कीलितम् ॥८॥
īttham-ṟūpenna k͟hīlena ṃahādevena k͟hīlitam ||8||
स सिद्धः स गणः सोऽथ गन्धर्वो जायते ध्रुवम् ॥९॥
Sa Siddhah Sa ġannah Sotha ġandharvo Jāyate ḍhruvam ||9||
नापमृत्युवशं याति मृते च मोक्षमाप्नुयात् ॥१०॥
ṇa-āpamrtyu-Vaśam ẏāti ṃrte Ca ṃokssam-āapnuyāt ||10||
ततो ज्ञात्वैव सम्पूर्णमिदं प्रारभ्यते बुधैः ॥११॥
ṭato Jnyātvai[ā-ĕ]va Sampūrnnam-īdam Prārabhyate Budhaih ||11||
तत्सर्वं तत्प्रसादेन तेन जप्यमिदं शुभम् ॥१२॥
ṭat-Sarvam ṭat-Prasādena ṭena Japyam-īdam ṣubham ||12||
भवत्येव समग्रापि ततः प्रारभ्यमेव तत् ॥१३॥
Bhavaty[i]-ĕva Samagra-āpi ṭatah Prārabhyam-ĕva ṭat ||13||
शत्रुहानिः परो मोक्षः स्तूयते सा न किं जनैः ॥१४॥
ṣatru-ḥānih Paro ṃokssah Stūyate Sā ṇa k͟him Janaih ||14||
हृद्यं काममवाप्नोति हृदि देवी सदा वसेत् ॥१५॥
ḥrdyam k͟hāmam-āvāpnoti ḥrdi ḍevī Sadā Vaset ||15||
निष्किलञ्च तथा कृत्वा पठितव्यं समाहितैः ॥१६॥
ṇisskilan.-Ca ṭathā k͟hrtvā Patthitavyam Samāhitaih ||16||

Rishi Markandeya tells his disciples in sixteen shlokas the ways and means of removing obstacles faced by devotees while reading Devi Mahatmya. Reading of Keelakam brings blessings of Devi, spiritual harmony, peace of mind and success in all pursuits.
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Keelaka Stotram – Durga – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.