Lakshmi Devi Kanakaruchiram
गौरी देवी पशुपति मनोल्लासिनी अर्धनारीम् ।
वाणीं देवीं सुरवरनुतां सर्व कामार्थ सिध्दयै
वंदे ब्रह्म प्रियतमसतिं सर्व विद्या प्रदात्रीम् ।।
gaurī devī paśupati manollāsinī ardhanārīm .
vāṇīṃ devīṃ suravaranutāṃ sarva kāmārtha sidhdayai
vaṃde brahma priyatamasatiṃ sarva vidyā pradātrīm ..

Prayer to Lakshmi
Other Lakshmi Shlokams
Bhoomi Suktam
Bhoomi Suktam or Hymn to Mother Earth is one of the most beautiful hymns that describes the beauty of Mother Earth and imparts lessons regarding the attitude a person must cultivate towards the enviro
Kanakadhara Stotram
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Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi
At the fore of the hands resides Lakshmi, and at the middle, Saraswathi; at the root is seated Gauri, (so) see the palm of the hand at dawn (first). - In Sanskrit with English Translation, Audio, Meaning and Significance.
Mahālakṣmi aṣṭakam
This Shloka is in praise of Mahalakshmi, the goddess of beauty, prosperity, and good fortune. This is chanted by Indra. Chanting it once daily, destros all sins. Chanting twice daily will bring weal
Prthvi Tvaya Dhrita Loka
Om, O Prithivi devi, by you are borne the entire loka (world); and devi, you in turn are borne by Sri Vishnu, please hold me (on your lap), and make this asana (seat of the worshipper) pure.
Samudravasane Devi
O! Mother Earth, who has the ocean as her clothes, mountains and forests as her body, who is the wife of Lord Krishna (Vishnu) I bow to you. Please, forgive me as my feet are going to touch you.
Saranagata Dinarta
My salutations to you O Narayani Devi, you are immersed in the protection of the feeble and the distressed who have taken refuge in you; you are the remover of the distress of all.
Sri Suktam
This hymn is found in the Rig Vedic khilanis, which are appendices to the Rigveda that date to pre-Buddhist times. The Śrī Sūkta is one of the Pañca-Sūktam (5 Suktams) recited during the 3-hour long T
Lakshmi Devi Kanakaruchiram – Lakshmi – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.