जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठ ।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं
श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये ।
jitendriyaṃ buddhimatāṃ variṣṭha .
vātātmajaṃ vānarayūthamukhyaṃ
śrīrāmadūtaṃ śaraṇaṃ prapadye .

Prayer to Hanuman. Hanuman is the great devotee of Sri Rama; he is the symbol of devotion and dedication. He is also known for his valour and intelligence. The said mantra or prayer is a vandana of Lord Hanuman.
Unless we understand the meaning of the mantra it is futile to chant it every day. The mantra starts with a salutation to the Lord Hanuman, by dedicating oneself to the Lord and taking
refuge under him. Manojawan Mantra praises the Lord Hanuman, who is swift as the mind and fast as the wind. He has also controlled all his senses and hence known as the master of the senses. He is honoured for his supreme intelligence, learning and wisdom.
Lord Hanuman is known as the monkey god as he is the son of the wind god and chief among the Vanaras or monkeys. He is also considered to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva.
By chanting this powerful mantra one gets positive energy, which imbibes confidence and thus relieves oneself from stress and trouble. It is also said that by reciting this mantra a person is
able to keep away ghosts and bad spirits from harming them. By reciting this mantra one can overcome obstacles and crisis because of which Hanumanji is also known as the Sankat Mochan.
Other Hanuman Shlokams
Anjana Nandanam Viram
The charmer of Anjana, the brave hero, the destroyer of the grief ofJanaki, the chief of monkeys, the controller of sensory organs, I salute that terror of Lanka.
Anjaneya Dvadasha Nama Stotram
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser of the ocean, destroye
Anjaneya Mati Patalananam
Anjaneya, with his deep reddish face, with graceful posture like a golden mountain, resident at the base of the Parijata tree, I pray with respect to that pleasing son of Vayu.
Anjani Garbha Sambhuta
I take refuge in Hanuman who was born from the womb of mother Anjani, and who was the most excellent minister of the king of monkeys (i.e. Sugriva), who is extremely dear to Sri Rama; I bow to you, O
Atulita Bala Dhamam
Salutations to Sri Hanuman, who is an abode of unparallel power, and whose huge body is like a golden mountain, who is like a raging fire over the forest of demons, and the foremost among the Jnanis (
Buddirbalam Yasodhairya
Intelligence, strength, fame, valour, fearlessness, freedom from ill-health, sharpness of wit, oratorial and conversational skills - all these will be begotten by meditation on Hanuman.
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is authored by 16th-century poet Tulsidas in the Awadhi language. It has 40 verses and every verse has 4 lines.
Hanuman Mangalashtakam
Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes ausp
Hanuman Pancharatnam
Garland of five gems on Shri Hanuman composed by Shri Adi Shankaracarya.
Ramam Skandham
Praying to Lords Rama, Skanda (Subrahmanya), Hanumantha, Vainateya (Garuda), and Bhima before going to bed daily, ensures a peaceful sleep without disturbing dreams.
Udadhih Kramanahscaiva
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser of the ocean, destroye
Yatra Yatra Raghunatha
Wherever there is the song in praise of Rama, there always is, with head bowed in respect and eyes brimming with tears of joy, Hanuman, the terminator of rakshasas, to him are our salutations.
Manojavam – Hanuman – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.