Narmada Ashtakam
द्विषत्सु पापजातजातकादिवारिसंयुतम् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ १॥
ḍvissatsu Pāpa-Jāta-Jāta-k͟hāri-Vāri-Samyutam |
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||1||
your sacred water has the divine power to transform those who are prone to hatred, the hatred born of sins,
you put an end to the fear of the messenger of death by giving your protective armour (of refuge),
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
कलौ मलौघभारहारिसर्वतीर्थनायकम् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ २॥
k͟halau ṃalau[a-ŏ]gha-Bhāra-ḥāri Sarva-ṭīrtha-ṇāyakam |
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||2||
you take away the weight of the sins in this age of Kali; and you are the foremost among all tirthas (Pilgrimage),
you confer happiness to the many fish, tortoises, crocodiles, geese and chakra birds dwelling in your water,
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
ध्वनत्समस्तपातकारिदारितापदाचलम् ।
जगल्लये महाभये मृकण्डुसूनुहर्म्यदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ३ ॥
ḍhvanat-Samasta-Pāta-k͟hāri-ḍāri-ṭāpa-ḍā-[ā]calam |
Jagal-l̤aye ṃahā-Bhaye ṃrkanndda-Sūnu-ḥarmya-ḍe
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||3||
and it flows with great force making a loud reverberating sound, splitting asunder mountains of distresses, the distresses which bring our downfall,
In the heat of this world, you provide the Place of rest and assure great fearlessness; you who gave the place of refuge at your banks to the son of rishi Mrikandu (rishi Markandeya was the son of rishi Mrikandu),
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
मृकण्डुसूनुशौनकासुरारिसेवितं सदा ।
पुनर्भवाब्धिजन्मजं भवाब्धिदुःखवर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ४॥
ṃrkanndda-Sūnu-ṣaunaka-āsura-āri-Sevi Sarvadā |
Punar-Bhava-ābdhi-Janma-Jam Bhava-ābdhi-ḍuhkha-Varmade
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||4||
Your water, which is revered by the son of rishi Mrikandu, rishi Shaunaka, and the enemies of the asuras (i.e. devas),
Your water which is a protective shield against the sorrows of the ocean of worldly Existence, caused by repeated births in this ocean of samsara (worldly existence),
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
सुलक्षनीरतीरधीरपक्षिलक्षकूजितम् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ५॥
Sulakssa-ṇīra-ṭīra-ḍhīra-Pakssi-l̤akssa-k͟hūjitam |
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||5||
your river-body with auspicious waters, as well as your river-banks which are calm and composed, are filled with the sweet sounds of lakhs of cooing birds,
you confer happiness to great sages like Vashistha, Sista, Pippala, Kardama and others,
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
धृतं स्वकीयमानसेषु नारदादिषतपदैः ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ६॥
ḍhrtam Svakīya-ṃānasessu ṇārada-[ā]adi-Ssatt-Padaih |
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||6||
Is held (your lotus feet) in their heart; and also by bee-like sages Narada and others (is held your lotus feet in their heart),
you confer happiness to Ravi (Sun), Indu (Moon), Ranti deva and Devaraja (Indra) by making their works successful,
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
ततस्तु जीवजन्तुतन्तुभुक्तिमुक्तिदायकम् ।
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ७॥
ṭatas-ṭu Jīva-Jantu-ṭantu-Bhukti-ṃukti-ḍāyakam |ṣangkara-Svakīya-ḍhāma-Varmade
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||7||
In that holy place (i.e. in your river banks), you give both bhukti (worldly prosperity) as well as Mukti (liberation) to the series of living beings including animals (who take your shelter),
The presence of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankara in your holy dhama (i.e. river body) provides a protective shield (of blessings to the devotees),
O devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me your refuge.
किरातसूतबाडबेषु पण्डिते शठे नटे ।
दुरन्तपापतापहारि सर्वजन्तुशर्मदे
त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे ॥ ८॥
k͟hirāta-Sūta-Vāddavessu Pannddite ṣatthe ṇatte |
ṭvadīya-Pāda-Pangkajam ṇamāmi ḍevi ṇarmade ||8||
On your river banks, everyone Kirata (mountain-tribe), Suta (charioteer), Vaddava (brahmin), Pandita (learned and wise) or Shattha (deceitful) gets purified by your flowing waters,
By vigourously removing Papa (sins) and Tapa (heat of the miseries of life) of all animals (including man), you confer that happiness (born of purification),
O Devi Narmada, I bow down to your lotus feet, please give me refuge.
पठन्ति ते निरन्तरं न यान्ति दुर्गतिं कदा ।
सुलभ्यदेहदुर्लभं महेशधामगौरवं
पुनर्भवा नरा न वै विलोकयन्ति रौरवम् ॥ ९॥
Patthanti ṭe ṇirantaram ṇa ẏānti ḍurgatim k͟hadā |
Sulabhya ḍeha-ḍurlabham ṃaheśa-ḍhāma-ġauravam
Punar-Bhavā ṇarā ṇa Vai Vilokayanti ṟauravam ||9||
They do not ever undergo misfortune,
It becomes easy to obtain the great privilege of going to the abode of Mahesha, which is very difficult for an embodied being to attain,
And those persons do not have to see the fearful world again (by taking birth).
श्रीमच्छंकरभगवतः कृतौ
नर्मदाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
śrīmacchaṅkarabhagavataḥ kṛtau
narmadāṣṭakaṃ sampūrṇam ..

Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of river Narmada.
Other Ganga Shlokams
Ganga Ashtakam
Gangashtakam is an octet on river Ganga composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya.
Ganga Sindu Saraswati
Ganga, Sindhu, Saraswathi and Yamuna, Godavari, Narmada; Krishna, Bhimarathi and Phalgu; Sarayu, Shree, Gantaki, Gomathi; Kaveri, Kapila, Prayag, Vinata, Netravati and the like, may these rivers, spri
Gangā stotram
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has written a song ”Devi Suresvari Bhagavati Gange” and the Official Name for this song is ”Sri Sri Ganga Stotram”. In this song Sree Shankaracharya describes the glories of Sri
Gange Ca Yamune
Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, May all these have a holy confluence in this water.
Yamuna Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. In Yamunastakam’s first eight shlokas, Sri Adi Shankaracharya describes Shri Yamunaji’s eight fold powers, its divine & wonderful idol and her divine qualities. Shr
Narmada Ashtakam – Ganga – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.