Sharada Sharadam Bhoja
सर्वदा सर्वदास्माकं सन्निधिःसन्निधिं कुरु ॥
sarvadā sarvadāsmākaṃ sannidhiḥsannidhiṃ kuru ..

Prayer to Saraswathi
Other Saraswati Shlokams
Medha Suktam
Medha suktam is from Yajur Veda. It is also there in Rig and Atharvana veda.The mantra starts with verses from Taittiriya Upanishad. This is a prayer for one who wants intelligence and initiation in t
Padmapatra Visalakshi
Wide-eyed as the lotus leaf, with the light saffron colour of lotus as companion, the goddess eternally resident on the lotus - may that Saraswathi protect me.
Sarasvati Stotram
Composed by sage Agastya. Chanting Saraswati stotram regularly improves memory, speech, and concentration in studies.
Saraswati Mahabhage
O Devi Saraswati, the most auspicious goddess of knowledge with lotus-like eyes, an embodiment of knowledge with large eyes, kindly bless me with knowledge. I salute you.
Saraswati Namasthubyam
Salutation to you, O Saraswathi, grantor of blessings and embodimentof all wishes, I am getting inducted to studies, may there be fulfilment for me forever.
Saraswati Thriyam Drusthya
O Saraswathi, the seer of all three kaalas, holder of veena and pustaka, seated on the swan as a vehicle, bless me with all education.
Shuklam Brahma Vicara Sara
(I meditate on devi Sharada) who is pure white in colour, and whose deepest essence can only be fathomed by enquiring into the nature of brahman (absolute consciousness); who is supreme and primeval,
Yaakundendu Tushara Hara
Sarasvatī, Bhagavatī, is of fair complexion like the necklace which is as white as the jasmine, moon and snow, who is dressed in white clothes, whose hands adorn the divine vīņā, who is seated on a wh
Sharada Sharadam Bhoja – Saraswati – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.