Shiva Sahasranama Stotram
Shiva Sahasranama Stotram Introduction
The Shiva Sahasranama Stotram is a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva, often recited as an act of devotion and meditation. The term “Sahasranama” means “a thousand names,” and in this stotram, each name encapsulates an aspect of Shiva’s divinity. These names are not merely descriptive; they are considered to have profound spiritual significance, capable of invoking Shiva’s blessings and grace.
More information on the Shiva Sahasranama Stotram can be found at the end of this page.
शान्तं पद्मासनस्थं शशिधरमुकुटं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रं
शूलं वज्रं च खड्गं परशुमभयदं दक्षभागे वहन्तम् ।
नागं पाशं च घण्टां प्रलयहुतवहं साङ्कुशं वामभागे
नानालङ्कारयुक्तं स्फटिकमणिनिभं पार्वतीशं नमामि ॥
śāntaṁ padmāsanasthaṁ śaśidharamukuṭaṁ pañcavaktraṁ trinētraṁ
śūlaṁ vajraṁ ca khaḍgaṁ paraśumabhayadaṁ dakṣabhāgē vahantam |
nāgaṁ pāśaṁ ca ghaṇṭāṁ pralayahutavahaṁ sāṅkuśaṁ vāmabhāgē
nānālaṅkārayuktaṁ sphaṭikamaṇinibhaṁ pārvatīśaṁ namāmi ||
ओं स्थिरः स्थाणुः प्रभुर्भीमः प्रवरो वरदो वरः ।
सर्वात्मा सर्वविख्यातः सर्वः सर्वकरो भवः ॥ १ ॥
ōṁ sthiraḥ sthāṇuḥ prabhurbhīmaḥ pravarō varadō varaḥ |
sarvātmā sarvavikhyātaḥ sarvaḥ sarvakarō bhavaḥ || 1 ||
हरश्च हरिणाक्षश्च सर्वभूतहरः प्रभुः ॥ २ ॥
haraśca hariṇākṣaśca sarvabhūtaharaḥ prabhuḥ || 2 ||
श्मशानवासी भगवान् खचरो गोचरोऽर्दनः ॥ ३ ॥
śmaśānavāsī bhagavān khacarō gōcarō:’rdanaḥ || 3 ||
उन्मत्तवेषप्रच्छन्नः सर्वलोकप्रजापतिः ॥ ४ ॥
unmattavēṣapracchannaḥ sarvalōkaprajāpatiḥ || 4 ||
महात्मा सर्वभूतात्मा विश्वरूपो महाहनुः ॥ ५ ॥
mahātmā sarvabhūtātmā viśvarūpō mahāhanuḥ || 5 ||
पवित्रं च महांश्चैव नियमो नियमाश्रितः ॥ ६ ॥
pavitraṁ ca mahāṁścaiva niyamō niyamāśritaḥ || 6 ||
सहस्राक्षो विशालाक्षः सोमो नक्षत्रसाधकः ॥ ७ ॥
sahasrākṣō viśālākṣaḥ sōmō nakṣatrasādhakaḥ || 7 ||
अत्रिरत्र्या नमस्कर्ता मृगबाणार्पणोऽनघः ॥ ८ ॥ [आद्यन्तलयकर्ता च]
atriratryā namaskartā mr̥gabāṇārpaṇō:’naghaḥ || 8 || [ādyantalayakartā ca]
संवत्सरकरो मन्त्रः प्रमाणं परमं तपः ॥ ९ ॥
saṁvatsarakarō mantraḥ pramāṇaṁ paramaṁ tapaḥ || 9 ||
सुवर्णरेताः सर्वज्ञः सुबीजो बीजवाहनः ॥ १० ॥
suvarṇarētāḥ sarvajñaḥ subījō bījavāhanaḥ || 10 ||
विश्वरूपः स्वयं श्रेष्ठो बलवीरो बलो गणः ॥ ११ ॥
viśvarūpaḥ svayaṁ śrēṣṭhō balavīrō balō gaṇaḥ || 11 ||
मन्त्रवित्परमो मन्त्रः सर्वभावकरो हरः ॥ १२ ॥
mantravitparamō mantraḥ sarvabhāvakarō haraḥ || 12 ||
अशनी शतघ्नी खड्गी पट्टिशी चायुधी महान् ॥ १३ ॥
aśanī śataghnī khaḍgī paṭ-ṭiśī cāyudhī mahān || 13 ||
उष्णीषी च सुवक्त्रश्च उदग्रो विनतस्तथा ॥ १४ ॥
uṣṇīṣī ca suvaktraśca udagrō vinatastathā || 14 ||
सृगालरूपः सिद्धार्थो मुण्डः सर्वशुभङ्करः ॥ १५ ॥
sr̥gālarūpaḥ siddhārthō muṇḍaḥ sarvaśubhaṅkaraḥ || 15 ||
ऊर्ध्वरेता ऊर्ध्वलिङ्ग ऊर्ध्वशायी नभःस्थलः ॥ १६ ॥
ūrdhvarētā ūrdhvaliṅga ūrdhvaśāyī nabhaḥsthalaḥ || 16 ||
अहश्चरो नक्तञ्चरस्तिग्ममन्युः सुवर्चसः ॥ १७ ॥
ahaścarō naktañcarastigmamanyuḥ suvarcasaḥ || 17 ||
सिंहशार्दूलरूपश्च आर्द्रचर्माम्बरावृतः ॥ १८ ॥
siṁhaśārdūlarūpaśca ārdracarmāmbarāvr̥taḥ || 18 ||
निशाचरः प्रेतचारी भूतचारी महेश्वरः ॥ १९ ॥
niśācaraḥ prētacārī bhūtacārī mahēśvaraḥ || 19 ||
नृत्यप्रियो नित्यनर्तो नर्तकः सर्वलालसः ॥ २० ॥
nr̥tyapriyō nityanartō nartakaḥ sarvalālasaḥ || 20 ||
सहस्रहस्तो विजयो व्यवसायो ह्यतन्द्रितः ॥ २१ ॥
sahasrahastō vijayō vyavasāyō hyatandritaḥ || 21 ||
दक्षयागापहारी च सुसहो मध्यमस्तथा ॥ २२ ॥
dakṣayāgāpahārī ca susahō madhyamastathā || 22 ||
गम्भीरघोषो गम्भीरो गम्भीरबलवाहनः ॥ २३ ॥
gambhīraghōṣō gambhīrō gambhīrabalavāhanaḥ || 23 ||
सुतीक्ष्णदशनश्चैव महाकायो महाननः ॥ २४ ॥
sutīkṣṇadaśanaścaiva mahākāyō mahānanaḥ || 24 ||
तीक्ष्णतापश्च हर्यश्वः सहायः कर्मकालवित् ॥ २५ ॥
tīkṣṇatāpaśca haryaśvaḥ sahāyaḥ karmakālavit || 25 ||
हुताशनसहायश्च प्रशान्तात्मा हुताशनः ॥ २६ ॥
hutāśanasahāyaśca praśāntātmā hutāśanaḥ || 26 ||
ज्योतिषामयनं सिद्धिः सर्वविग्रह एव च ॥ २७ ॥
jyōtiṣāmayanaṁ siddhiḥ sarvavigraha ēva ca || 27 ||
वेणवी पणवी ताली खली कालकटङ्कटः ॥ २८ ॥
vēṇavī paṇavī tālī khalī kālakaṭaṅkaṭaḥ || 28 ||
प्रजापतिर्विश्वबाहुर्विभागः सर्वगोऽमुखः ॥ २९ ॥
prajāpatirviśvabāhurvibhāgaḥ sarvagō:’mukhaḥ || 29 ||
मेढ्रजो बलचारी च महीचारी स्रुतस्तथा ॥ ३० ॥ [मेघजो]
mēḍhrajō balacārī ca mahīcārī srutastathā || 30 || [mēghajō]
व्यालरूपो गुहावासी गुहो माली तरङ्गवित् ॥ ३१ ॥
vyālarūpō guhāvāsī guhō mālī taraṅgavit || 31 ||
बन्धनस्त्वसुरेन्द्राणां युधिशत्रुविनाशनः ॥ ३२ ॥
bandhanastvasurēndrāṇāṁ yudhiśatruvināśanaḥ || 32 ||
प्रस्कन्दनो विभागज्ञो अतुल्यो यज्ञभागवित् ॥ ३३ ॥
praskandanō vibhāgajñō atulyō yajñabhāgavit || 33 ||
हैमो हेमकरोऽयज्ञः सर्वधारी धरोत्तमः ॥ ३४ ॥ [यज्ञः]
haimō hēmakarō:’yajñaḥ sarvadhārī dharōttamaḥ || 34 || [yajñaḥ]
सङ्ग्रहो निग्रहः कर्ता सर्पचीरनिवासनः ॥ ३५ ॥
saṅgrahō nigrahaḥ kartā sarpacīranivāsanaḥ || 35 ||
सर्वकालप्रसादश्च सुबलो बलरूपधृत् ॥ ३६ ॥
sarvakālaprasādaśca subalō balarūpadhr̥t || 36 ||
आकाशनिर्विरूपश्च निपाती ह्यवशः खगः ॥ ३७ ॥
ākāśanirvirūpaśca nipātī hyavaśaḥ khagaḥ || 37 ||
वसुवेगो महावेगो मनोवेगो निशाचरः ॥ ३८ ॥
vasuvēgō mahāvēgō manōvēgō niśācaraḥ || 38 ||
मुनिरात्मनिरालोकः सम्भग्नश्च सहस्रदः ॥ ३९ ॥
munirātmanirālōkaḥ sambhagnaśca sahasradaḥ || 39 ||
उन्मादो मदनः कामो ह्यश्वत्थोऽर्थकरो यशः ॥ ४० ॥
unmādō madanaḥ kāmō hyaśvatthō:’rthakarō yaśaḥ || 40 ||
सिद्धयोगी महर्षिश्च सिद्धार्थः सिद्धसाधकः ॥ ४१ ॥
siddhayōgī maharṣiśca siddhārthaḥ siddhasādhakaḥ || 41 ||
महासेनो विशाखश्च षष्टिभागो गवां पतिः ॥ ४२ ॥
mahāsēnō viśākhaśca ṣaṣṭibhāgō gavāṁ patiḥ || 42 ||
वृत्तावृत्तकरस्तालो मधुर्मधुकलोचनः ॥ ४३ ॥
vr̥ttāvr̥ttakarastālō madhurmadhukalōcanaḥ || 43 ||
ब्रह्मचारी लोकचारी सर्वचारी विचारवित् ॥ ४४ ॥
brahmacārī lōkacārī sarvacārī vicāravit || 44 ||
निमित्तस्थो निमित्तं च नन्दिर्नन्दिकरो हरिः ॥ ४५ ॥
nimittasthō nimittaṁ ca nandirnandikarō hariḥ || 45 ||
भगहारी निहन्ता च कालो ब्रह्मा पितामहः ॥ ४६ ॥
bhagahārī nihantā ca kālō brahmā pitāmahaḥ || 46 ||
लिङ्गाध्यक्षः सुराध्यक्षो योगाध्यक्षो युगावहः ॥ ४७ ॥
liṅgādhyakṣaḥ surādhyakṣō yōgādhyakṣō yugāvahaḥ || 47 ||
इतिहासः सकल्पश्च गौतमोऽथ निशाकरः ॥ ४८ ॥
itihāsaḥ sakalpaśca gautamō:’tha niśākaraḥ || 48 ||
लोककर्ता पशुपतिर्महाकर्ता ह्यनौषधः ॥ ४९ ॥
lōkakartā paśupatirmahākartā hyanauṣadhaḥ || 49 ||
नीतिर्ह्यनीतिः शुद्धात्मा शुद्धो मान्यो गतागतः ॥ ५० ॥
nītirhyanītiḥ śuddhātmā śuddhō mānyō gatāgataḥ || 50 ||
वेदकारो मन्त्रकारो विद्वान् समरमर्दनः ॥ ५१ ॥
vēdakārō mantrakārō vidvān samaramardanaḥ || 51 ||
अग्निज्वालो महाज्वालो अतिधूम्रो हुतो हविः ॥ ५२ ॥
agnijvālō mahājvālō atidhūmrō hutō haviḥ || 52 ||
नीलस्तथाङ्गलुब्धश्च शोभनो निरवग्रहः ॥ ५३ ॥
nīlastathāṅgalubdhaśca śōbhanō niravagrahaḥ || 53 ||
उत्सङ्गश्च महाङ्गश्च महागर्भपरायणः ॥ ५४ ॥
utsaṅgaśca mahāṅgaśca mahāgarbhaparāyaṇaḥ || 54 ||
महापादो महाहस्तो महाकायो महायशाः ॥ ५५ ॥
mahāpādō mahāhastō mahākāyō mahāyaśāḥ || 55 ||
महान्तको महाकर्णो महोष्ठश्च महाहनुः ॥ ५६ ॥
mahāntakō mahākarṇō mahōṣṭhaśca mahāhanuḥ || 56 ||
महावक्षा महोरस्को ह्यन्तरात्मा मृगालयः ॥ ५७ ॥
mahāvakṣā mahōraskō hyantarātmā mr̥gālayaḥ || 57 ||
महादन्तो महादंष्ट्रो महाजिह्वो महामुखः ॥ ५८ ॥
mahādantō mahādaṁṣṭrō mahājihvō mahāmukhaḥ || 58 ||
प्रसन्नश्च प्रसादश्च प्रत्ययो गिरिसाधनः ॥ ५९ ॥
prasannaśca prasādaśca pratyayō girisādhanaḥ || 59 ||
वृक्षाकारो वृक्षकेतुरनलो वायुवाहनः ॥ ६० ॥
vr̥kṣākārō vr̥kṣakēturanalō vāyuvāhanaḥ || 60 ||
अथर्वशीर्षः सामास्य ऋक्सहस्रामितेक्षणः ॥ ६१ ॥
atharvaśīrṣaḥ sāmāsya r̥ksahasrāmitēkṣaṇaḥ || 61 ||
अमोघार्थः प्रसादश्च अभिगम्यः सुदर्शनः ॥ ६२ ॥
amōghārthaḥ prasādaśca abhigamyaḥ sudarśanaḥ || 62 ||
नाभिर्नन्दिकरो भावः पुष्करस्थपतिः स्थिरः ॥ ६३ ॥
nābhirnandikarō bhāvaḥ puṣkarasthapatiḥ sthiraḥ || 63 ||
नक्तं कलिश्च कालश्च मकरः कालपूजितः ॥ ६४ ॥
naktaṁ kaliśca kālaśca makaraḥ kālapūjitaḥ || 64 ||
भस्मशयो भस्मगोप्ता भस्मभूतस्तरुर्गणः ॥ ६५ ॥
bhasmaśayō bhasmagōptā bhasmabhūtastarurgaṇaḥ || 65 ||
शुक्लस्त्रिशुक्लः सम्पन्नः शुचिर्भूतनिषेवितः ॥ ६६ ॥
śuklastriśuklaḥ sampannaḥ śucirbhūtaniṣēvitaḥ || 66 ||
विशालशाखस्ताम्रोष्ठो ह्यम्बुजालः सुनिश्चलः ॥ ६७ ॥
viśālaśākhastāmrōṣṭhō hyambujālaḥ suniścalaḥ || 67 ||
गन्धर्वो ह्यदितिस्तार्क्ष्यः सुविज्ञेयः सुशारदः ॥ ६८ ॥
gandharvō hyaditistārkṣyaḥ suvijñēyaḥ suśāradaḥ || 68 ||
तुम्बवीणो महाक्रोध ऊर्ध्वरेता जलेशयः ॥ ६९ ॥
tumbavīṇō mahākrōdha ūrdhvarētā jalēśayaḥ || 69 ||
सर्वाङ्गरूपो मायावी सुहृदो ह्यनिलोऽनलः ॥ ७० ॥
sarvāṅgarūpō māyāvī suhr̥dō hyanilō:’nalaḥ || 70 ||
स यज्ञारिः स कामारिर्महादंष्ट्रो महायुधः ॥ ७१ ॥
sa yajñāriḥ sa kāmārirmahādaṁṣṭrō mahāyudhaḥ || 71 ||
अमरेशो महादेवो विश्वदेवः सुरारिहा ॥ ७२ ॥
amarēśō mahādēvō viśvadēvaḥ surārihā || 72 ||
अजैकपाच्च कापाली त्रिशङ्कुरजितः शिवः ॥ ७३ ॥
ajaikapācca kāpālī triśaṅkurajitaḥ śivaḥ || 73 ||
धाता शक्रश्च विष्णुश्च मित्रस्त्वष्टा ध्रुवो धरः ॥ ७४ ॥
dhātā śakraśca viṣṇuśca mitrastvaṣṭā dhruvō dharaḥ || 74 ||
उषङ्गुश्च विधाता च मान्धाता भूतभावनः ॥ ७५ ॥
uṣaṅguśca vidhātā ca māndhātā bhūtabhāvanaḥ || 75 ||
पद्मनाभो महागर्भश्चन्द्रवक्त्रोऽनिलोऽनलः ॥ ७६ ॥
padmanābhō mahāgarbhaścandravaktrō:’nilō:’nalaḥ || 76 ||
कुरुकर्ता कुरुवासी कुरुभूतो गुणौषधः ॥ ७७ ॥
kurukartā kuruvāsī kurubhūtō guṇauṣadhaḥ || 77 ||
देवदेवः सुखासक्तः सदसत्सर्वरत्नवित् ॥ ७८ ॥
dēvadēvaḥ sukhāsaktaḥ sadasatsarvaratnavit || 78 ||
कूलहारी कूलकर्ता बहुविद्यो बहुप्रदः ॥ ७९ ॥
kūlahārī kūlakartā bahuvidyō bahupradaḥ || 79 ||
सारग्रीवो महाजत्रुरलोलश्च महौषधः ॥ ८० ॥
sāragrīvō mahājatruralōlaśca mahauṣadhaḥ || 80 ||
सिंहनादः सिंहदंष्ट्रः सिंहगः सिंहवाहनः ॥ ८१ ॥
siṁhanādaḥ siṁhadaṁṣṭraḥ siṁhagaḥ siṁhavāhanaḥ || 81 ||
सारङ्गो नवचक्राङ्गः केतुमाली सभावनः ॥ ८२ ॥
sāraṅgō navacakrāṅgaḥ kētumālī sabhāvanaḥ || 82 ||
अमोघः सम्यतो ह्यश्वो भोजनः प्राणधारणः ॥ ८४ ॥
amōghaḥ samyatō hyaśvō bhōjanaḥ prāṇadhāraṇaḥ || 84 ||
गोपालिर्गोपतिर्ग्रामो गोचर्मवसनो हरिः ॥ ८५ ॥
gōpālirgōpatirgrāmō gōcarmavasanō hariḥ || 85 ||
प्रकृष्टारिर्महाहर्षो जितकामो जितेन्द्रियः ॥ ८६ ॥
prakr̥ṣṭārirmahāharṣō jitakāmō jitēndriyaḥ || 86 ||
महागीतो महानृत्यो ह्यप्सरोगणसेवितः ॥ ८७ ॥
mahāgītō mahānr̥tyō hyapsarōgaṇasēvitaḥ || 87 ||
आवेदनीय आदेशः सर्वगन्धसुखावहः ॥ ८८ ॥
āvēdanīya ādēśaḥ sarvagandhasukhāvahaḥ || 88 ||
सम्योगो वर्धनो वृद्धो अतिवृद्धो गुणाधिकः ॥ ८९ ॥
samyōgō vardhanō vr̥ddhō ativr̥ddhō guṇādhikaḥ || 89 ||
युक्तश्च युक्तबाहुश्च देवो दिविसुपर्वणः ॥ ९० ॥
yuktaśca yuktabāhuśca dēvō divisuparvaṇaḥ || 90 ||
वपुरावर्तमानेभ्यो वसुश्रेष्ठो महापथः ॥ ९१ ॥
vapurāvartamānēbhyō vasuśrēṣṭhō mahāpathaḥ || 91 ||
अक्षश्च रथयोगी च सर्वयोगी महाबलः ॥ ९२ ॥
akṣaśca rathayōgī ca sarvayōgī mahābalaḥ || 92 ||
निर्जीवो जीवनो मन्त्रः शुभाक्षो बहुकर्कशः ॥ ९३ ॥
nirjīvō jīvanō mantraḥ śubhākṣō bahukarkaśaḥ || 93 ||
मूलं विशालो ह्यमृतो व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्तपोनिधिः ॥ ९४ ॥
mūlaṁ viśālō hyamr̥tō vyaktāvyaktastapōnidhiḥ || 94 ||
सेनाकल्पो महाकल्पो योगो युगकरो हरिः ॥ ९५ ॥ [योगकरो]
sēnākalpō mahākalpō yōgō yugakarō hariḥ || 95 || [yōgakarō]
न्यायनिर्वपणः पादः पण्डितो ह्यचलोपमः ॥ ९६ ॥
nyāyanirvapaṇaḥ pādaḥ paṇḍitō hyacalōpamaḥ || 96 ||
विस्तारो लवणः कूपस्त्रियुगः सफलोदयः ॥ ९७ ॥
vistārō lavaṇaḥ kūpastriyugaḥ saphalōdayaḥ || 97 ||
बिन्दुर्विसर्गः सुमुखः शरः सर्वायुधः सहः ॥ ९८ ॥
bindurvisargaḥ sumukhaḥ śaraḥ sarvāyudhaḥ sahaḥ || 98 ||
गन्धपाली च भगवानुत्थानः सर्वकर्मणाम् ॥ ९९ ॥
gandhapālī ca bhagavānutthānaḥ sarvakarmaṇām || 99 ||
तलस्तालः करस्थाली ऊर्ध्वसंहननो महान् ॥ १०० ॥
talastālaḥ karasthālī ūrdhvasaṁhananō mahān || 100 ||
मुण्डो विरूपो विकृतो दण्डी कुण्डी विकुर्वणः ॥ १०१ ॥
muṇḍō virūpō vikr̥tō daṇḍī kuṇḍī vikurvaṇaḥ || 101 ||
सहस्रमूर्धा देवेन्द्रः सर्वदेवमयो गुरुः ॥ १०२ ॥
sahasramūrdhā dēvēndraḥ sarvadēvamayō guruḥ || 102 ||
पवित्रं त्रिककुन्मन्त्रः कनिष्ठः कृष्णपिङ्गलः ॥ १०३ ॥
pavitraṁ trikakunmantraḥ kaniṣṭhaḥ kr̥ṣṇapiṅgalaḥ || 103 ||
पद्मगर्भो महागर्भो ब्रह्मगर्भो जलोद्भवः ॥ १०४ ॥
padmagarbhō mahāgarbhō brahmagarbhō jalōdbhavaḥ || 104 ||
अनन्तरूपो नैकात्मा तिग्मतेजाः स्वयम्भुवः ॥ १०५ ॥
anantarūpō naikātmā tigmatējāḥ svayambhuvaḥ || 105 ||
चन्दनी पद्मनालाग्रः सुरभ्युत्तरणो नरः ॥ १०६ ॥
candanī padmanālāgraḥ surabhyuttaraṇō naraḥ || 106 ||
उमापतिरुमाकान्तो जाह्नवीधृदुमाधवः ॥ १०७ ॥
umāpatirumākāntō jāhnavīdhr̥dumādhavaḥ || 107 ||
महाप्रसादो दमनः शत्रुहा श्वेतपिङ्गलः ॥ १०८ ॥
mahāprasādō damanaḥ śatruhā śvētapiṅgalaḥ || 108 ||
सर्वपार्श्वमुखस्त्र्यक्षो धर्मसाधारणो वरः ॥ १०९ ॥
sarvapārśvamukhastryakṣō dharmasādhāraṇō varaḥ || 109 ||
साध्यर्षिर्वसुरादित्यो विवस्वान्सवितामृतः ॥ ११० ॥
sādhyarṣirvasurādityō vivasvānsavitāmr̥taḥ || 110 ||
ऋतुः संवत्सरो मासः पक्षः सङ्ख्यासमापनः ॥ १११ ॥
r̥tuḥ saṁvatsarō māsaḥ pakṣaḥ saṅkhyāsamāpanaḥ || 111 ||
विश्वक्षेत्रं प्रजाबीजं लिङ्गमाद्यस्तु निर्गमः ॥ ११२ ॥
viśvakṣētraṁ prajābījaṁ liṅgamādyastu nirgamaḥ || 112 ||
स्वर्गद्वारं प्रजाद्वारं मोक्षद्वारं त्रिविष्टपम् ॥ ११३ ॥
svargadvāraṁ prajādvāraṁ mōkṣadvāraṁ triviṣṭapam || 113 ||
देवासुरविनिर्माता देवासुरपरायणः ॥ ११४ ॥
dēvāsuravinirmātā dēvāsuraparāyaṇaḥ || 114 ||
देवासुरमहामात्रो देवासुरगणाश्रयः ॥ ११५ ॥
dēvāsuramahāmātrō dēvāsuragaṇāśrayaḥ || 115 ||
देवातिदेवो देवर्षिर्देवासुरवरप्रदः ॥ ११६ ॥ [देवादि]
dēvātidēvō dēvarṣirdēvāsuravarapradaḥ || 116 || [dēvādi]
सर्वदेवमयोऽचिन्त्यो देवतात्माऽऽत्मसम्भवः ॥ ११७ ॥
sarvadēvamayō:’cintyō dēvatātmā:’:’tmasambhavaḥ || 117 ||
ईड्यो हस्तीश्वरो व्याघ्रो देवसिंहो नरर्षभः ॥ ११८ ॥
īḍyō hastīśvarō vyāghrō dēvasiṁhō nararṣabhaḥ || 118 ||
सुयुक्तः शोभनो वज्री प्रासानां प्रभवोऽव्ययः ॥ ११९ ॥
suyuktaḥ śōbhanō vajrī prāsānāṁ prabhavō:’vyayaḥ || 119 ||
शृङ्गी शृङ्गप्रियो बभ्रू राजराजो निरामयः ॥ १२० ॥
śr̥ṅgī śr̥ṅgapriyō babhrū rājarājō nirāmayaḥ || 120 ||
ललाटाक्षो विश्वदेवो हरिणो ब्रह्मवर्चसः ॥ १२१ ॥
lalāṭākṣō viśvadēvō hariṇō brahmavarcasaḥ || 121 ||
सिद्धार्थः सिद्धभूतार्थोऽचिन्त्यः सत्यव्रतः शुचिः ॥ १२२ ॥
siddhārthaḥ siddhabhūtārthō:’cintyaḥ satyavrataḥ śuciḥ || 122 ||
विमुक्तो मुक्ततेजाश्च श्रीमान् श्रीवर्धनो जगत् ॥ १२३ ॥
vimuktō muktatējāśca śrīmān śrīvardhanō jagat || 123 ||
यथा प्रधानं भगवानिति भक्त्या स्तुतो मया ।
यं न ब्रह्मादयो देवा विदुस्तत्त्वेन नर्षयः ॥ १ ॥
yathā pradhānaṁ bhagavāniti bhaktyā stutō mayā |
yaṁ na brahmādayō dēvā vidustattvēna narṣayaḥ || 1 ||
भक्त्या त्वेवं पुरस्कृत्य मया यज्ञपतिर्विभुः ॥ २ ॥
bhaktyā tvēvaṁ puraskr̥tya mayā yajñapatirvibhuḥ || 2 ||
शिवमेभिः स्तुवन् देवं नामभिः पुष्टिवर्धनैः ॥ ३ ॥
śivamēbhiḥ stuvan dēvaṁ nāmabhiḥ puṣṭivardhanaiḥ || 3 ||
एतद्धि परमं ब्रह्म परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति ॥ ४ ॥
ētaddhi paramaṁ brahma paraṁ brahmādhigacchati || 4 ||
स्तूयमानो महादेवस्तुष्यते नियतात्मभिः ॥ ५ ॥
stūyamānō mahādēvastuṣyatē niyatātmabhiḥ || 5 ||
तथैव च मनुष्येषु ये मनुष्याः प्रधानतः ॥ ६ ॥
tathaiva ca manuṣyēṣu yē manuṣyāḥ pradhānataḥ || 6 ||
भक्त्या ह्यनन्यमीशानं परं देवं सनातनम् ॥ ७ ॥
bhaktyā hyananyamīśānaṁ paraṁ dēvaṁ sanātanam || 7 ||
शयाना जाग्रमाणाश्च व्रजन्नुपविशंस्तथा ॥ ८ ॥
śayānā jāgramāṇāśca vrajannupaviśaṁstathā || 8 ||
शृण्वन्तः श्रावयन्तश्च कथयन्तश्च ते भवम् ॥ ९ ॥
śr̥ṇvantaḥ śrāvayantaśca kathayantaśca tē bhavam || 9 ||
जन्मकोटिसहस्रेषु नानासंसारयोनिषु ॥ १० ॥
janmakōṭisahasrēṣu nānāsaṁsārayōniṣu || 10 ||
उत्पन्ना च भवे भक्तिरनन्या सर्वभावतः ॥ ११ ॥
utpannā ca bhavē bhaktirananyā sarvabhāvataḥ || 11 ||
एतद्देवेषु दुष्प्रापं मनुष्येषु न लभ्यते ॥ १२ ॥
ētaddēvēṣu duṣprāpaṁ manuṣyēṣu na labhyatē || 12 ||
तस्यैव च प्रसादेन भक्तिरुत्पद्यते नृणाम् ॥ १३ ॥
tasyaiva ca prasādēna bhaktirutpadyatē nr̥ṇām || 13 ||
ये सर्वभावानुगताः प्रपद्यन्ते महेश्वरम् ॥ १४ ॥
yē sarvabhāvānugatāḥ prapadyantē mahēśvaram || 14 ||
एवमन्ये विकुर्वन्ति देवाः संसारमोचनम् ॥ १५ ॥
ēvamanyē vikurvanti dēvāḥ saṁsāramōcanam || 15 ||
इति तेनेन्द्रकल्पेन भगवान् सदसत्पतिः ॥ १६ ॥
iti tēnēndrakalpēna bhagavān sadasatpatiḥ || 16 ||
स्तवमेतं भगवतो ब्रह्मा स्वयमधारयत् ॥ १७ ॥
stavamētaṁ bhagavatō brahmā svayamadhārayat || 17 ||
इदं पुण्यं पवित्रं च सर्वदा पापनाशनम् ॥ १८ ॥
idaṁ puṇyaṁ pavitraṁ ca sarvadā pāpanāśanam || 18 ||
एवमेतत्पठन्ते य एकभक्त्या तु शङ्करम् ॥ १९ ॥
ēvamētatpaṭhantē ya ēkabhaktyā tu śaṅkaram || 19 ||
स्तवमेतं प्रयत्नेन सदा रुद्रस्य सन्निधौ ॥ २० ॥
stavamētaṁ prayatnēna sadā rudrasya sannidhau || 20 ||
एतद्रहस्यं परमं ब्रह्मणो हृदि संस्थितम् ॥ २१ ॥
ētadrahasyaṁ paramaṁ brahmaṇō hr̥di saṁsthitam || 21 ||
मृत्युः प्रोवाच रुद्रेभ्यो रुद्रेभ्यस्तण्डिमागमत् ॥ २२ ॥
mr̥tyuḥ prōvāca rudrēbhyō rudrēbhyastaṇḍimāgamat || 22 ||
तण्डिः प्रोवाच शुक्राय गौतमाय च भार्गवः ॥ २३ ॥
taṇḍiḥ prōvāca śukrāya gautamāya ca bhārgavaḥ || 23 ||
नारायणाय साध्याय समाधिष्ठाय धीमते ॥ २४ ॥
nārāyaṇāya sādhyāya samādhiṣṭhāya dhīmatē || 24 ||
नाचिकेताय भगवानाह वैवस्वतो यमः ॥ २५ ॥
nācikētāya bhagavānāha vaivasvatō yamaḥ || 25 ||
मार्कण्डेयान्मया प्राप्तो नियमेन जनार्दन ॥ २६ ॥
mārkaṇḍēyānmayā prāptō niyamēna janārdana || 26 ||
स्वर्ग्यमारोग्यमायुष्यं धन्यं वेदेन सम्मितम् ॥ २७ ॥
svargyamārōgyamāyuṣyaṁ dhanyaṁ vēdēna sammitam || 27 ||
पिशाचा यातुधाना वा गुह्यका भुजगा अपि ॥ २८ ॥
piśācā yātudhānā vā guhyakā bhujagā api || 28 ||
अभग्नयोगो वर्षं तु सोऽश्वमेधफलं लभेत् ॥ २९ ॥
abhagnayōgō varṣaṁ tu sō:’śvamēdhaphalaṁ labhēt || 29 ||

Shiva Sahasranama Stotram
The Shiva Sahasranama Stotram is a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva, often recited as an act of devotion and meditation. The term “Sahasranama” means “a thousand names,” and in this stotram, each name encapsulates an aspect of Shiva’s divinity. These names are not merely descriptive; they are considered to have profound spiritual significance, capable of invoking Shiva’s blessings and grace.
This hymn describes Shiva’s role as the supreme reality, the destroyer of ignorance, the lord of cosmic cycles, and the compassionate protector of the universe. It portrays Shiva as the embodiment of paradoxes—both transcendent and immanent, terrifying and benevolent, ascetic and householder. His attributes span creation, sustenance, and destruction, making him the ultimate source of all existence.
This stotram is often chanted during significant occasions like Shivaratri or as part of daily worship. It serves as a means for devotees to align themselves with the cosmic rhythm and experience the vastness of Shiva’s energy and love.
Other Shiva Shlokams
Aksharamalika Shiva Stotram
Also called the Shiva Akshara Mala Stotram, this is a very popular prayer addressed to Lord Shiva. Each verse starts in the order of alphabets in Sanskrit.
Anayasena Maranam
O Lord Shiva, please grant me a peaceful death without pain (Anasayena Maranam), a life without any trouble or dependence on others for my basic needs (Vina Dhainyena Jeevanam) and a life filled with
Ardha Narishvara Stotram
Shri Ardhanareeshwara Stotram was composed by Sri Adi Shankara bhagavatpada. Creator and Creation are One ~ Ardhanarishwara, composite of Shiva and Shakti together in one body.
Bhoothanath Ashtakam
The Bhoothanatha Ashtakam composed by Shri Krishnadasa is a devotional hymn that glorifies Lord Shiva in his form as Bhoothanatha, the Lord of all beings, spirits, and the cosmos.
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the famous Bilvashtakam extols the virtues of the Bilva leaf (also spelt Vilva, Bilwa) and Lord Shiva’s love for it. The following com
Bilvashtakam 14 Verses
Note: For the original version of Bilvashtakam please click here. Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya,
Chandrashekhara Ashtakam
Chandrashekhara Ashtakam is a divine hymn to praise God Shiva as Chandrasekhara, the lord who is adorned with moon on his head (Chandra – moon, Sekhar – crown) and to seek refuge from untimely death.
Dakshinamurthy Stotram
The Dakshinamurti Stotra is a Sanskrit religious hymn to Shiva by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. It explains the metaphysics of the universe in the frame of the tradition of Advaita V
Ishvaro Guru Atmeti
Salutations to Lord Dakshinamurti, who is all-pervasive like space but who appears (as though) divided as Lord, Guru, and the Self.
Kalabhairava Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. The hymn illustrates the personality of Kala Bhairava of Kashi, the God of Death(kala). Those who study these 8 verses on Kala Bhairava, which are enticing and whic
Karacharana Kritam
O Lord, kindly forgive all the wrong acts and omissions I have committed, whether I committed them knowingly or unknowingly, with my hands, feet, words, ears, eyes, or mind. Glory to you, Mahadeva, wh
Karpura Gauram
Pure white like camphor, an incarnation of compassion, the essence of worldly existence, whose garland is the king of serpents, always dwelling inside the lotus of the heart. I bow to Shiva and Shakti together
Kasi Viswanathashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya in praise of Lord Shiva. That man who reads this octet with its meaning, which sings the praise of Shiva who is the lord of Varanasi, would get knowledge, wealth, gre
The Lingashtakam is one of the most popular Ashtakams(a Stotram with 8 verses) dedicated to Lord Shiva which praises Him in the abstract "Lingam" form.
Maha Shivaratri
Significance of Ganesh Puja, Vinayaka Chavithi or Chathurthi. See how to prepare for Ganesha Pooja, How to perform the Puja with Video instructions and enjoy Audio devotional songs, uninterrupted and without ads.
Mantra Pushpam
The Mantra Pushpam (literally translating to "Flower of Mantras") is a collection of sacred verses from the 10th chapter of Taittiriya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda. Each verse begins with an exploration of the relationship between the flower of…
Margabandhu Stotram
This great Stotra Rathna was written by Appayya Deekshitha(1520-1593). He was one of the great interpreter of Advaitha Sidhantha after Adi Sankara. This stotra is written in praise of the Lord Margaba
Mauna Vyakhya
I salute Sri Dakshinamurti, who is not subject to time, who makes known the truth of Brahman through the implied meaning of words, who is surrounded by disciples who are themselves Rishis and committe
Mruthyunjayaya Rudraya
Salutation to you Mrithyunjaya, Rudra, Nilakanta, Shambhu & the lord of immortals and this great lord of all beings.
Namaste astu bhagavan
Morning prayer. From Devi Mahatmyam. The Devi Mahatmyam is a Hindu religious text describing the Goddess as the supreme power and creator of the universe. It is part of the Markandeya Purana, and esti
Nidhaye Sarvavidyanam
Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurti, the reservoir of knowledge (the abode of all learning), the healer of all those who suffer from the disease of samsāra, and the teacher of the whole world.
Om Namah Pranavarthaya
Om. Salutation to the one who is the meaning of praņava, who is in the form of pure knowledge, who is taintless and who is free from any change. To that Sri Dakshinamurti, (my) salutations.
Om Namo Bhagavate Dakshinamurthaye
Om. Salutations to Bhagavan Dakshinamurti. (Oh Lord) Bless me with memory, the capacity to think properly, and clarity, wisdom.
Rudra Ashtakam
The famous Rudrashtakam extols the many qualities of Shiva. This is composed by Sri Goswami Tulsidas. Rudra is considered as the fearsome manifestation of Shiva. Rudrashtakam has its origins in the Ra
Rudram Chamakam
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and the fulfillment of various needs. Unlike the Namakam, which focuses on…
Rudram Chamakam Meaning
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and the fulfillment of various needs. Unlike the Namakam, which focuses on…
Rudram Laghunyasam
Laghunyasam is a preliminary Vedic chant traditionally recited before performing the Sri Rudram to purify and align the body, mind, and spirit with divine energy. The term "Nyasam" refers to a process of mentally assigning or dedicating various…
Rudram Laghunyasam Meaning
Laghunyasam is a preliminary Vedic chant traditionally recited before performing the Sri Rudram to purify and align the body, mind, and spirit with divine energy. The term "Nyasam" refers to a process of mentally assigning or dedicating various…
Rudram Namakam
The Namakam portion of the Sri Rudram, also known as the Rudra Prashna, is a profound and intricate Vedic hymn found in the Krishna Yajurveda, specifically within the Taittiriya Samhita (Book 4, Chapter 5). The term Namakam is derived from the…
Rudram Namakam Meaning
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and the fulfillment of various needs. Unlike the Namakam, which focuses on…
Shambu Devam Sakalajagatam
I sing in praise of God Shambhu, the Lord of all worlds, and the three-eyed one; the consort of Gauri, the grantor of happiness, blessings and gifts, the one with the moon as his crest-jewel.
Shambu Stuti
A stuti on lord Shiva composed by lord Rama himself. Lord Rama recites this at Rameshwaram when faced with the near impossibility of crossing the vast ocean to reach Lanka, he prayed intensly to Lord
Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
The Śiva Aparādha Kṣamāpaṇa Stotram, or "Hymn of Forgiveness for Offenses to Lord Śiva," is a heartfelt composition by the revered philosopher and saint Śrī Ādi Śaṅkarācārya. T
Shiva Ashtakam
Composed by Adi Shankaracharya. This ashtakam is a descriptive salutation of the different attributes of Shiva. The great yogi who is referred to as Ardhanarishwara (the one who has included the femin
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The Shiva Mahimna Stotra is very popular among the devotees of Lord Shiva and is considered one of the best among all Stotras (or Stutis) offered to Lord Shiva. The legend abou
Shiva Manasa Puja
Sri Adi Shankaracharya composed this mantra for lord Shiva. Using this stotra, we can perform mental worship of Lord Shiva.
Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
The famous Shiva Panchakshara Stotram praises Shiva and the power of the five sacred syllables, na-ma-shi-va-ya.
Shiva Pratah Smaranam
This is a short and beautiful 'Three Shloka Prayer' that makes the start of the day full of energy and happiness. Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
Shiva Shadakshara Stotram
In this Hexa-Syllabic Hymn, there is a single stanza mantra for each letter of Aum-Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya. This mantra is found in Rudrayamala Tantra text.
Shiva Tandava Stotram
Shiva Tandava Stotram The Shiva Tandava Stotram is a deeply powerful and rhythmic hymn that glorifies Lord Shiva's cosmic dance, known as the Tāṇḍava. It is traditiona
Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Rudra Gayatri Mantra
Om. May we know that Lord Isvara, for which may we meditate upon Mahadeva. May that Rudra impel us (towards him).
Tryambakam Yajamahe
We worship Lord Shiva the three-eyed one, the one who is the master of all senses and qualities and the one who is the sustainer of all growth. May he release us from the bondage of death, just as a r
Vagarthaviva Sampruktau
Kalidasa prays to the divine parents Paarvathi & Parameshwara who are inseparable like the word and its meaning, in order to guide him in acquiring the power of words and their meanings (literature) as he embarks on the Mahakavya, Raghuvamsa.
Vande Shambu Umapatim
I salute Shambu, Umapati, the preceptor (teacher) of devas, I salute the cause of the earth, I salute the one ornamented with the serpent, the wearer of the moon, I respect that master of all beings.
Vedasara Shiva Stava
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of Lord Shiva - the essence of vedas.
Shiva Sahasranama Stotram – Shiva – Shiva Sahasranama Stotram – Full text and lyrics with audio and meaning in Sanskrit, English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and more