Sadhana Panchakam – Verse 4   «   »

Sadhana Panchakam – Verse 4   «   »

क्षुद्व्याधिश्च चिकित्स्यतां प्रतिदिनं भिक्षौषधं भुज्यतां
स्वाद्वन्नं न तु याच्यतां विधिवशात् प्राप्तेन सन्तुष्यताम् ।
शीतोष्णादि विषह्यतां न तु वृथा वाक्यं समुच्चार्यता-
मौदासीन्यमभीप्स्यतां जनकृपानैष्ठुर्यमुत्सृज्यताम् ॥ ४ ॥

kṣudvyādhiśca cikitsyatāṃ pratidinaṃ bhikṣauṣadhaṃ bhujyatāṃ
svādvannaṃ na tu yācyatāṃ vidhivaśāt prāptena santuṣyatām .
śītoṣṇādi viṣahyatāṃ na tu vṛthā vākyaṃ samuccāryatā-
maudāsīnyamabhīpsyatāṃ janakṛpānaiṣṭhuryamutsṛjyatām .. 4 ..

In hunger diseases get treated.
Daily take the medicine of Bhiksha-food.
Beg no delicious food.
Live contentedly upon whatever comes to your lot as ordained by Him.
Endure all the pairs of opposites: heat and cold, and the like.
Avoid wasteful talks.
Be indifferent.
Save yourself from the meshes of other peoples’ kindness.

Translation by Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswami

Cure the disease of hunger; swallow daily the medicine which is in the form of alms.
Do not beg for tasty food. Be satisfied with what you get by destiny.
Endure cold and heat and such other pairs of opposites. Do not indulge in useless talk.
Develop indifference. Overlook the kindness as well as the cruelty meted out to you by the public.

Sadhana Panchakam – Verse 4 – Sadhana -4-kṣudvyādhiśca – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation, Meaning by Swami Chinmayananda – SP-4