Ganga Ashtakam
कणमणुपरिमाणं प्राणिनो ये स्पृशन्ति ।
विगतकलिकलंकातंकमंके लुठन्ति ॥ १॥
kaṇamaṇuparimāṇaṃ prāṇino ye spṛśanti .
vigatakalikalaṅkātaṅkamaṅke luṭhanti .. 1..
And meant for his happiness,
Those beings, who are lucky,
To touch drops of your water,
Get relieved of all dark sins,
And would enjoy the caressing,
In the laps of those maidens of heaven,
Who hold fans in their hands.
खर्ल्लोकात् आपतन्ती कनकगिरिगुहागण्डशैलात् स्खलन्ती ।
क्षोणी पृष्ठे लुठन्ती दुरितचयचमूनिंर्भरं भर्त्सयन्ती
पाथोधिं पुरयन्ती सुरनगरसरित् पावनी नः पुनातु ॥ २॥
kharllokāt āpatantī kanakagiriguhāgaṇḍaśailāt skhalantī .
kṣoṇī pṛṣṭhe luṭhantī duritacayacamūniṃrbharaṃ bhartsayantī
pāthodhiṃ purayantī suranagarasarit pāvanī naḥ punātu .. 2..
Originating from the breaking the universe in to two,
Watering the hair curls of Lord Shiva’s head,
Falling from the heights of heaven,
Coming out of the sandal wood trees of the caves of Meru,
Falling torrentially on the earth,
Washing away the crowds of sins,
And making full the waters of the sea,
Take care of all of us.
स्नानंः सिद्धांगनानां कुचयुगविगलत् कुंकुमासंगपिंगम् ।
सायंप्रातर्मुनीनां कुशकुसुमचयैः छन्नतीरस्थनीरं
पाय न्नो गांगमंभः करिकलभकराक्रान्तरं हस्तरंगम् ॥ ३॥
snānaṃḥ siddhāṅganānāṃ kucayugavigalat kuṅkumāsaṅgapiṅgam .
sāyamprātarmunīnāṃ kuśakusumacayaiḥ channatīrasthanīraṃ
pāya nno gāṅgamambhaḥ karikalabhakarākrāntaraṃ hastaraṅgam .. 3..
Which is full of several crowds of bees rushing to drink,
The water coming out of the bathing elephants,
Which is fully red because of the saffron coloured water,
Flowing from the head through the busts of holy ladies,
Which is full of different types floating grasses and flowers,
After the dawn and dusk salutations done by saints in the morn and evening,
And which is full of waves created by the playful elephants and calves,
Because of their beating the water with their trunks,
Save all of us.
पश्चात् पन्नगशायिनो भगवतः पादोदकं पावनम् ।
भूयः शंभुजटाविभूषणमणिः जहनोर्महर्षेरियं
कन्या कल्मषनाशिनी भगवती भागीरथी दृश्यते ॥ ४॥
paścāt pannagaśāyino bhagavataḥ pādodakaṃ pāvanam .
bhūyaḥ śambhujaṭāvibhūṣaṇamaṇiḥ jahanormaharṣeriyaṃ
kanyā kalmaṣanāśinī bhagavatī bhāgīrathī dṛśyate .. 4..
Was initially seen as the water of worship from the pot of Brahma,
Later it became the purest holy waters washing the feet of Vishnu,
And then became an ornamental gem on the head of Lord Shiva,
And then later was born as the daughter of sage Jahnu.
पारावारविहारिणी भवभयश्रेणी समुत्सारिणी ।
शेषाहेरनुकारिणी हरशिरोवल्लिदलाकारिणी
काशीप्रान्तविहारिणी विजयते गंगा मनूहारिणो ॥ ५॥
pārāvāravihāriṇī bhavabhayaśreṇī samutsāriṇī .
śeṣāheranukāriṇī haraśirovallidalākāriṇī
kāśīprāntavihāriṇī vijayate gaṅgā manūhāriṇo .. 5..
Who makes people who dip in her waters cross the ocean of life,
Who reaches and plays in the ocean,
Who completely uproots sorrows from life,
Who imitates Adhisesha and bends and flows,
Who appears like leaves on the hairs of Lord Shiva,
And who flows very near the city of Kasi.
त्वमापीता पीतांबरपुग्निवासं वितरसि ।
त्वदुत्संगे गंगे पतति यदि कायस्तनुभृतां
तदा मातः शातक्रतवपदलाभोऽप्यतिलघुः ॥ ६॥
tvamāpītā pītāmbarapugnivāsaṃ vitarasi .
tvadutsaṅge gaṅge patati yadi kāyastanubhṛtāṃ
tadā mātaḥ śātakratavapadalābho’pyatilaghuḥ .. 6..
Whose eyes see at least one of your waves?
Hey Ganga, You give to anyone taking a sip of your water,
Permanent residence in Vaikunta,
And Oh, mother, to any being whose body falls on you,
Even the post of Indra become worthless
पूर्णब्रह्मस्वरूपे हरिचरणरजोहारिणि स्वर्गमार्गे ।
प्रायश्चितं यदि स्यात् तव जलकाणिक्रा ब्रह्महत्यादिपापे
कस्त्वां स्तोतुं समर्थः त्रिजगदघहरे देवि गंगे प्रसीद ॥ ७॥
pūrṇabrahmasvarūpe haricaraṇarajohāriṇi svargamārge .
prāyaścitaṃ yadi syāt tava jalakāṇikrā brahmahatyādipāpe
kastvāṃ stotuṃ samarthaḥ trijagadaghahare devi gaṅge prasīda .. 7..
Who is so wide and big that all women of heaven dip and bathe in you,
Who is having the full form of the eternal truth,
Who flows carrying the dust of the feet of Lord Vishnu,
Who flows in the paths of heaven,
And whose one drop is the only cure for sins like killing of Brahmana,
Hey Ganga, who can be capable of praying you adequately?
And who is more capable of washing any sin in the three worlds,
Be pleased with me.
त्वत्तीरे वपुषोऽवसानसमये नारायणांध्रिद्वयम् ।
सानन्दं स्मरतो भविष्यति मम प्राणप्रयाणोत्सवे
भूयात् भक्तिरविच्युता हरिहरद्वैतात्मिका शाश्वती ॥ ८॥
tvattīre vapuṣo’vasānasamaye nārāyaṇāndhridvayam .
sānandaṃ smarato bhaviṣyati mama prāṇaprayāṇotsave
bhūyāt bhaktiravicyutā hariharadvaitātmikā śāśvatī .. 8..
For the company of lord Shiva, the end celebration of my travel of the soul,
Would happen in your bank, while I would be meditating,
Holding my two hands in salute over my head,
With happiness, on the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.
Let my devotion to Vishnu and Shiva be permanent, Oh Goddess.
सर्वपापविनिर्भुक्तो विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति ॥
sarvapāpavinirbhukto viṣṇulokaṃ sa gacchati ..
Would become free of all sins and reach the world of Vishnu.

Other Ganga Shlokams
Ganga Sindu Saraswati
Ganga, Sindhu, Saraswathi and Yamuna, Godavari, Narmada; Krishna, Bhimarathi and Phalgu; Sarayu, Shree, Gantaki, Gomathi; Kaveri, Kapila, Prayag, Vinata, Netravati and the like, may these rivers, spri
Gangā stotram
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has written a song ”Devi Suresvari Bhagavati Gange” and the Official Name for this song is ”Sri Sri Ganga Stotram”. In this song Sree Shankaracharya describes the glories of Sri
Gange Ca Yamune
Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, May all these have a holy confluence in this water.
Narmada Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of river Narmada.
Yamuna Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. In Yamunastakam’s first eight shlokas, Sri Adi Shankaracharya describes Shri Yamunaji’s eight fold powers, its divine & wonderful idol and her divine qualities. Shr
Ganga Ashtakam – Ganga – In Sanskrit, English Translation, Meaning, Significance and Audio.