Jagannath Ashtakam
मुदाभीरी नारी वदन कमला स्वाद मधुपः
रमा शम्भु ब्रह्मामरपति गणेशार्चित पदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥१॥
mudābhīrī nārī vadana kamalā svāda madhupaḥ
ramā śambhu brahmāmarapati gaṇeśārcita pado
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana patha gāmī bhavatu me ..1..
दुकूलं नेत्रान्ते सहचर-कटाक्षं विदधते ।
सदा श्रीमद्-वृन्दावन-वसति-लीला-परिचयो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथ-गामी भवतु मे ॥२॥
dukūlaṃ netrānte sahacara-kaṭākṣaṃ vidadhate .
sadā śrīmad-vṛndāvana-vasati-līlā-paricayo
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me ..2..
वसन् प्रासादान्तः सहज बलभद्रेण बलिना ।
सुभद्रा मध्यस्थः सकलसुर सेवावसरदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथ-गामी भवतु मे ॥३॥
vasan prāsādāntaḥ sahaja balabhadreṇa balinā .
subhadrā madhyasthaḥ sakalasura sevāvasarado
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me ..3..
रमा वाणी रामः स्फुरद् अमल पङ्केरुहमुखः ।
सुरेन्द्रैर् आराध्यः श्रुतिगण शिखा गीत चरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥४॥
ramā vāṇī rāmaḥ sphurad amala paṅkeruhamukhaḥ .
surendrair ārādhyaḥ śrutigaṇa śikhā gīta carito
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana patha gāmī bhavatu me ..4..
स्तुति प्रादुर्भावम् प्रतिपदमुपाकर्ण्य सदयः ।
दया सिन्धुर्बन्धुः सकल जगतां सिन्धु सुतया
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥५॥
stuti prādurbhāvam pratipadamupākarṇya sadayaḥ .
dayā sindhurbandhuḥ sakala jagatāṃ sindhu sutayā
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana patha gāmī bhavatu me ..5..
निवासी नीलाद्रौ निहित-चरणोऽनन्त-शिरसि ।
रसानन्दी राधा-सरस-वपुरालिङ्गन-सुखो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन-पथगामी भवतु मे ॥६॥
nivāsī nīlādrau nihita-caraṇo’nanta-śirasi .
rasānandī rādhā-sarasa-vapurāliṅgana-sukho
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-pathagāmī bhavatu me ..6..
न याचेऽहं रम्यां सकल जन काम्यां वरवधूम् ।
सदा काले काले प्रमथ पतिना गीतचरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥७॥
na yāce’haṃ ramyāṃ sakala jana kāmyāṃ varavadhūm .
sadā kāle kāle pramatha patinā gītacarito
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana patha gāmī bhavatu me ..7..
हर त्वं पापानां विततिम् अपरां यादवपते ।
अहो दीनेऽनाथे निहित चरणो निश्चितमिदं
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥८॥
hara tvaṃ pāpānāṃ vitatim aparāṃ yādavapate .
aho dīne’nāthe nihita caraṇo niścitamidaṃ
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana patha gāmī bhavatu me ..8..
जगन्नाथाष्टकं पुन्यं यः पठेत् प्रयतः शुचिः ।
सर्वपाप विशुद्धात्मा विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति ॥९॥
jagannāthāṣṭakaṃ punyaṃ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ śuciḥ .
sarvapāpa viśuddhātmā viṣṇulokaṃ sa gacchati ..9..
The self-retrained, virtuous soul who recites these eight verses glorifying Lord Jagannatha becomes cleansed of all sins and duly proceeds to Lord Visnu’s abode.

He prays that Jagannath Swami, who resides in a palace on the golden Nilachala hill on the shore of the great sea with his powerful brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra placed in the middle and worshipped by all gods, be the object of his vision. While travelling on a chariot, He was offered prayers by the Brahmins at every progress. Hearing these prayers He, who is Ocean of Mercy and Friend of all the Worlds, gives His grace to them. May that Jagannath Swami along with the daughter of the great ocean (Lakshmi, His divine consort), be the objective of our vision.
Adi Shankaracharya, the proponent of advaita philosophy, came to Puri and composed the highly popular devotional Sanskrit poem known as Sri Jagannath Astakam. He also established an Ashram in Puri which is known as Govardhan peetha. It is one of the four original mathas established by Adi Shankaracharya. Sri Nanak Dev came to Puri and is said to have offered his prayers at the lotus feet of Lord Jagannath even though Nanak was primarily a proponent of Nirguna Brahman. He stayed in Puri for some time and established a matha that is today known as Mangu Matha. There was a saint from Assam known as Shankar Dev who was also a Nirguna Panthi. But when he visited Puri he offered his devotion to the Lord who is a manifestation of Saguna Brahman.
Sant Kabir visited Puri and found that there was no difference between Allah and Jagannath. The Kabir Ghat on Puri seashore is testimony to his visit and stay at this divine town. In Puri there is a memorial called Tulsi Chaura. Saint Tulsi Das meditated here and as a result was able to see Lord Rama in the idol of Lord Jagannath. When Ganesha devotee Ganapati Bhatt came to Puri he saw lord Gansesha in Sri Jagannath.
There have been numerous such devotees from Non-Vaishnav and Non-Hindu backgrounds. When they came to Puri they became overwhelmed with devotion in spite of their backgrounds. The presence of large number of mathas and other memorials of different sects stand testimony to their devotion. Lord Jagannath also puts on different types of costumes and avatars to resemble different forms of Gods like Ganesha, Buddha etc. on specific days to signify that “He is in all” and “all are in Him”.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great devotee of Lord Jagannath. Some people believe that he is an incarnation of Krishna. He preaches that chanting Krishna’s names is just enough to be a bhakta. It is a simple precept and anybody can do that. Thus a common man need not have to learn Sanskrit to pray God. Recitation of His name is enough and no less than any mantra in its effect. His chanting method has popularized the bhakti traditions. Because of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s love for Krishna, some people also believe that he is a male incarnation of Sri Radha.
Other Krishna Shlokams
Achyutashtakam, composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, is in praise of Lord Krishna. It is a simple yet wonderful hymn of eight stanzas comprising the names of lord Vishnu with main emphasis on his incar
Adau Devaki Devi
Commencing with birth from Devaki, growing in the house of gopis, taking away the life of Poothana, lifting the Govardhana, killing Kamsa, annihilating the Kauravas, protecting the sons of Kunti, this
Bala Mukundashtakam
The poem is inspired by the episode of Sage Mārkaṇḍeya's vision of the lord as an infant lying in the fold of a banyan-leaf, in the midst of the primordial ocean. The venerable sage gets sucked into t
Bhaja Govindam
Shlokams,Vishnu,Sankara,Govinda,Krishna,Prakarana Grantha
Bhaja Govindam is one of the most popular hymns penned by Adi Shankaracharya. He has packed into the Bhaja Govindam song the substance of all Vedanta, and set the oneness of Jnana and Bhakti to melodious music.
Hare Murare Madhu Kaita
Murari, the enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha, Gopala, Govinda, Mukunda, the crowning lord, the lord of sacrifices, Narayana, Krishna, Vishnu, O lord of the universe, protect me, who has no other resort.
Kararavindena Padaravindam
With the lotus-like hand, placing the lotus-like toes, in the lotus-like mouth, reclining on the banyan leaf - that young Mukunda, I meditate upon
Kasturi Tilakam Lalaata
With the fragrant kasturi-mark on the forehead, the precious Kaustubha gem on the chest, the lovely pearl-jewel at the nose tip, the flute in the palm and the kankan (bangle) encircling the hand, the
This is an octet (ashtakam = 8 verses) of prayer to Lord Krishna, as the Guru of the entire universe. Shri Krishna Ashtakam is a worshiping prayer devoted to Lord Krishna, prai
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Devaki
Salutation again and again to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Devaki's darling too, Nandagopa's son and Govinda.
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye
Salutation to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Hari the Paramatman, Govinda, we bow our heads to you for the destruction of grief.
Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam (श्री कृष्णमधुराष्टकम), composed by Sri Vallabhacharya (1478 A.D), is a unique stotra, describing the Sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna.
Mukam Karoti Vachalam
I salute that supreme bliss, Madhava, by whose mercy the dumb become most eloquent and the lame are able to jump over the mountains.
Namo Brahmanya Devaya
Salutation to the brahma-swarupa for the welfare of the devas, cows and brahmins. Salutation again and again to the benefactor of the universe, Krishna and Govinda.
Nandakumar Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Vallabhacharya. Yet another beautiful octet about the thief of hearts (of both men and women), the dream lover of all women, the tall, dark, handsome flute player Shree Krishna. This o
Narayana Kavacham
The Narayana Kavacham occurs in chapter eight of the sixth skanda of Bhagavada Purana. It is an Armour (Kavach) to protect ourselves from all our enemies (including negativitie
Pandurang Ashtakam
Shri Pandurang ashtakam (Pandurangashtakam) Stotra is a very beautiful creation of Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Lord Vithal, or Panduranga Vittala, is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is worshipped in t
Tvameva Mata
You are the mother, you are the father, you are the relative, you are the friend, you are education, you are wealth, you are everything for me, O Lord, O Lord.
Vasudevasutam Devam
Son of Vasudeva, divine lord, the killer of Kamsa and Chaanura, the supreme happiness of Devaki, we bow to Krishna, the preceptor (teacher) of the universe.
Jagannath Ashtakam – Krishna – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.