Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam
भोगीन्द्रभोगमणिरञ्जितपुण्यमूर्ते ।
योगीश शाश्वत शरण्य भवाब्धिपोत
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥१॥
bhogīndrabhogamaṇirañjitapuṇyamūrte .
yogīśa śāśvata śaraṇya bhavābdhipota
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..1..
with his divine face shining with the divine light emanating from the gems on the hoods of serpent Adi Sesha,
who is the lord of yoga, and eternal, and giver of refuge to the devotees like a boat over the ocean of samsara (worldly existence),
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
सङ्घट्टिताङ्घ्रिकमलामलकान्तिकान्त ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥२॥
saṅghaṭṭitāṅghrikamalāmalakāntikānta .
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..2..
assembles at whose stainless, pure feet, desiring to obtain its splendour,
who is a royal swan floating on the lake within the heart of devi Lakshmi, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
मारोग्रभीकरमृगप्रवरार्दितस्य ।
आर्तस्य मत्सरनिदाघनिपीडितस्य
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥३॥
mārograbhīkaramṛgapravarārditasya .
ārtasya matsaranidāghanipīḍitasya
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..3..
many formidable and ferocious animals (in this forest of samsara), torments me with various desires and rouses deep fear in me,
I am deeply afflicted and hurt in this selfishness and heat (of the samsara),
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
सम्प्राप्य दुःखशतसर्पसमाकुलस्य ।
दीनस्य देव कृपणापदमागतस्य
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥४॥
samprāpya duḥkhaśatasarpasamākulasya .
dīnasya deva kṛpaṇāpadamāgatasya
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..4..
I have reached; where it is filled with hundreds of snakes of sorrows,
to this miserable soul, O deva, who is wretched and afflicted with various calamities, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
नक्रग्रहग्रसननिग्रहविग्रहस्य ।
व्यग्रस्य रागरसनोर्मिनिपीडितस्य
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥५॥
nakragrahagrasananigrahavigrahasya .
vyagrasya rāgarasanorminipīḍitasya
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..5..
like a crocodile; my life is restrained and being eaten away like rahu restrains and devours the planet (i.e. moon), …
and my senses being engrossed in the waves of the rasa (juice) of raga (passion) is squeezing away my life, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
शाखाशतं करणपत्रमनङ्गपुष्पम् ।
आरुह्य दुःखफलितं पततो दयालो
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥६॥
śākhāśataṃ karaṇapatramanaṅgapuṣpam .
āruhya duḥkhaphalitaṃ patato dayālo
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..6..
are whose hundreds of branches, sense organ is whose leaf, Ananga (Kamadeva) is whose flower;
I have mounted that tree (of samsara) and having reaped its fruits of sorrows, is now falling down; O compassionate one, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
दंष्ट्राकरालविषदग्धविनष्टमूर्तेः ।
नागारिवाहन सुधाब्धिनिवास शौरे
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥७॥
daṃṣṭrākarālaviṣadagdhavinaṣṭamūrteḥ .
nāgārivāhana sudhābdhinivāsa śaure
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..7..
and sharp fangs, has burnt and destroyed me with its terrible poison,
O the one riding the enemy of serpents (garuda) (who can kill the serpents of samsara), O the one who dwell in the ocean of nectar (which can heal out burnt beings), O Shauri (Vishnu), …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
ज्वालावलीभिरतिदग्धतनूरुहस्य ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥८॥
jvālāvalībhiratidagdhatanūruhasya .
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..8..
it’s blazing flame is burning every part of my body,
your lotus feet is a (cooling) lake giving refuge (to the burnt souls),
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
सर्वेन्द्रियार्तवडिशार्थझषोपमस्य ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥९॥
sarvendriyārtavaḍiśārthajhaṣopamasya .
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..9..
and whose all indriyas (sense organs) have become afflicted like a hooked fish, …
(the fish) whose palate and head has been profusely torn (by the many fish hooks on the sense organs) (Such is my condition, so), …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
निष्पिष्टमर्मवपुषः सकलार्तिनाश ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥१०॥
niṣpiṣṭamarmavapuṣaḥ sakalārtināśa .
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..10..
and (with its feet) has crushed my vitals; O Lord, you who are the most beautiful and destroyer of all pains, …
to me who is filled with the fear of death in this world, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
चोरैः प्रभो बलिभिरिन्द्रियनामधेयैः ।
मोहान्धकूपकुहरे विनिपातितस्य
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥११॥
coraiḥ prabho balibhirindriyanāmadheyaiḥ .
mohāndhakūpakuhare vinipātitasya
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha mama dehi karāvalambam ..11..
by theft, O Lord, by the indriyas (sense organs) which prompted for constant oblations, …
has made my life fall inside the dark well of delusion, …
O Lakshmi Narasimha, please give me your refuge by holding me with your divine hands.
वैकुण्ठ कृष्ण मधुसूदन पुष्कराक्ष ।
ब्रह्मण्य केशव जनार्दन वासुदेव
देवेश देहि कृपणस्य करावलम्बम् ॥१२॥
vaikuṇṭha kṛṣṇa madhusūdana puṣkarākṣa .
brahmaṇya keśava janārdana vāsudeva
deveśa dehi kṛpaṇasya karāvalambam ..12..
O Vaikuntha, O Krishna, O Madhusudana, O Pushkaraksha (lotus-eyed), …
O Brahmanya, O Keshava, O Janardhana, O Vasudeva, …
O Devesha (lord of devas); please give refuge to this pitiable one by holding with your divine hands.
मग्नार्थमत्र निवहोरुकरावलम्बम् ।
स्तोत्रं कृतं सुखकरं भुवि शङ्करेण ॥१३॥
magnārthamatra nivahorukarāvalambam .
stotraṃ kṛtaṃ sukhakaraṃ bhuvi śaṅkareṇa ..13..
(from the same divine source) for the sake of rescuing the ones immersed in delusion has been extended the all-encompassing hand of refuge (of Lakshmi Narasimha),
by being engrossed in the nectar of the lotus-feet of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha, …
This stotra has been composed by Shankara (i.e. Sri Adi Shankaracharya), which gives great joy in this world (upon deeply meditating on it).

Narasimha is a fierce avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil and end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma. This stotra is composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
Other Vishnu Shlokams
Acyutam Kesavam
Everybody should meditate regularly upon Achyuta, Kesava, Vishnu, Hari, Satya, Janardhana and Narayana, the swan, which signifies the quintessence of things.
Akasat Patitam Toyam
As all rains falling from the sky reach the ocean; so also the prayers to all gods ultimately get to the Lord Keshava.
Apavitra Pavitro
Om, if one is Apavitra (Impure) or Pavitra (Pure), or even in all other conditions, he who remembers Pundarikaksha (another name of Sri Vishnu, literally meaning with lotus-like eyes), he becomes pure
Bhaja Govindam
Shlokams,Vishnu,Sankara,Govinda,Krishna,Prakarana Grantha
Bhaja Govindam is one of the most popular hymns penned by Adi Shankaracharya. He has packed into the Bhaja Govindam song the substance of all Vedanta, and set the oneness of Jnana and Bhakti to melodious music.
Dhanvantari Mantra
The Dhanvantari Mantra calls upon the divine healer, Lord Dhanvantari, the god of Ayurveda, for health and protection from ailments.
Kayena Vaca
Whatever I do either by body, speech, mind or sensory organs, either with my personal knowledge or natural trait, I surrender and submit all to that to supreme divine Narayana.
Mantra Pushpam
The Mantra Pushpam (literally translating to "Flower of Mantras") is a collection of sacred verses from the 10th chapter of Taittiriya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda. Each verse begins with an exploration of the relationship between the flower of…
Megha Syamam
Salutations to Sri Vishnu who is beautiful like the dark clouds, and who is wearing yellow garments of silk; Who has the mark of Srivatsa on his chest; and whose body is shining with the radiance of t
Namami Narayana Pada
I salute the lotus-feet of Narayana, always, propitiate Narayana, speak of the pure name of Narayana and bear in mind the immutable factuality of Narayana.
Narayana Kavacham
The Narayana Kavacham occurs in chapter eight of the sixth skanda of Bhagavada Purana. It is an Armour (Kavach) to protect ourselves from all our enemies (including negativitie
Narayanam Hrishikesam
I salute Narayana, Hrishikesa, Govinda, Garudadhwaja, Vaasudeva, Hari, Krishna and Kesava.
Narayaneti Vagvalvi
The four letters 'Na', 'Ra,'Ya', 'Na' are the four shoots on the creeper of speech and are undoubtedly indicative of the four Purusharthas- Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha.
Ranganatha Ashtakam
Ranganatha Ashtakam was written by Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada when he stood before Sri Ranganatha swamy in Srirangam, during his travels. This Ashtakam reveals that Adi Sankara was overwhelmed by Lord R
Sashanka Chakram Sakirita
I salute, prostrate with my head, to that four-armed Lord Vishnu, who is ornamented with the shankh (conch) and chakra (the divine wheel), the crown and ear-drops, yellow silk robes, lotus-eyes, decor
We bow to the only lord of all worlds, Vishnu who is of peaceful appearance, reclining on the serpent, with a lotus from the navel, lord of gods, the basis of the universe, vast like the sky, coloured
Somanatha Vaidyanatha
One who remembers Somanātha (Lord Śiva), Vaidyanātha (the healer Śiva), Dhanvantari (the divine physician), and the twin Ashvinis (divine doctors of the gods) every morning will not be touched by dise
Swayam Vyakta Sthalam
First, called "Ranga", the great temple (of Srirangam), made known by the (great lord) Ranga, (Then) Srimushanam and Venkatadri, Salagrama and Naimisha, Toyadri (Thiruneermalai), Pushkara and indeed N
Venkatesa Suprabhatam
This shlokam is taken from Sri Valmiki's Srimadh Ramayanam. During the journey with Sage Viswamitra, both Rama and Lakshmana had rested for the night on the banks of the Ganga river. As the dawn was
Vishnu Sahasranamam
The Vishnu Sahasranam is found in the Mahabharatha. Literally translated this means thousand names of Vishnu. This is found in the Anushasanika Parvam (chapter relating to orders or rules to the kings) of Mahabharatha. Though it describes one…
Vishnu Shatanama Stotram
The Vishnu Shatanama Stotram is a revered hymn that encapsulates the divine attributes and various forms of Lord Vishnu, serving as a powerful invocation for devotees seeking spiritual elevation and liberation. The stotra, composed by Sri Veda…
Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram
The Sri Vishnu Shatpadi is a revered Sanskrit stotra (hymn) dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hinduism. Composed by the illustrious philosopher and saint, Sri Shankaracharya, this hymn comprises six verses (ṣaṭpadī) that…
Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam – Vishnu – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.