Nandakumar Ashtakam
वृन्दावनचन्द्रमानन्दकन्दं परमानन्दं धरणिधरम् ॥
वल्लभघनश्यामं पूर्णकामम् अत्यभिरामं प्रीतिकरम् ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥१॥
vṛndāvanacandramānandakandaṃ paramānandaṃ dharaṇidharam ..
vallabhaghanaśyāmaṃ pūrṇakāmam atyabhirāmaṃ prītikaram .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..1..
who is the bright moon of Vrindavana, and a source of immense joy; who is the embodiment of supreme bliss himself and bears the earth within him,
who is the most beloved ghanashyama (literally dark-coloured), who is self-satisfied by being absorbed within his own divine nature, and extremely pleasing, inspiring love and affection from all,
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
गुञ्जाकृतिहारं विपिनविहारं परमोदारं चीरहरम् ॥
वल्लभपटपीतं कृतउपवीतं करनवनीतं विबुधवरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥२॥
guñjākṛtihāraṃ vipinavihāraṃ paramodāraṃ cīraharam ..
vallabhapaṭapītaṃ kṛtaüpavītaṃ karanavanītaṃ vibudhavaraṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..2..
who wears a garland made of gunja berries and wanders in the groves with the gopis; who is extremely generous and also extremely playful, stealing the clothes of the gopis,
who is beloved of all and loves to wear yellow garments; who wears the sacred thread; who stole butter during childhood and held it in his hand and who is the supreme god,
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
मुखमण्डितरेणुं चारितधेनुं वादितवेणुं मधुरसुरम् ॥
वल्लभमतिविमलं शुभपदकमलं नखरुचिअमलं तिमिरहरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥३॥
mukhamaṇḍitareṇuṃ cāritadhenuṃ vāditaveṇuṃ madhurasuram ..
vallabhamativimalaṃ śubhapadakamalaṃ nakharuciamalaṃ timiraharaṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..3..
who, with the adornment of dust on his face, wanders about with the cows in Vrindavana playing melodious tunes in his flute,
who is the beloved of the devotees and stainless pure divinity, whose lotus feet is a source of auspicious blessings, and the splendour of whose pure toe-nails remove the darkness within (the heart of devotees).
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
मायाकृतमनुजं हलधर_अनुजं प्रतिहतदनुजं भारहरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजपालं सुभगसुचालं हितमनुकालं भाववरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥४॥
māyākṛtamanujaṃ haladhara_anujaṃ pratihatadanujaṃ bhāraharam ..
vallabhavrajapālaṃ subhagasucālaṃ hitamanukālaṃ bhāvavaraṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..4..
who has assumed a human form through his power of maya, and became the younger brother of Haladhara (Balaram); who checked the demons and removed the weight of sins from the earth,
who is the beloved protector of vraja, bringing good fortune to the people and guiding them well; who is always a benefactor of everyone and feels deeply for his devotees.
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
हृतमन्मथमानं रूपनिधानं कृतकलगानं चित्तहरम् ॥
वल्लभमृदुहासं कुञ्जनिवासं विविधविलासं केलिकरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥५॥
hṛtamanmathamānaṃ rūpanidhānaṃ kṛtakalagānaṃ cittaharam ..
vallabhamṛduhāsaṃ kuñjanivāsaṃ vividhavilāsaṃ kelikaraṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..5..
who takes away the pride of manmatha through his repository of beauty, and playing melodious music with his flute, steals the heart of all,
who is extremely dear to all and has a gentle smile; who dwells in the grooves of Vrindavana and plays various divine plays with the gopis.
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
मोहनमतिधीरं फणिबलवीरं हतपरवीरं तरलतरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजरमणं वारिजवदनं हलधरशमनं शैलधरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥६॥
mohanamatidhīraṃ phaṇibalavīraṃ hataparavīraṃ taralataram ..
vallabhavrajaramaṇaṃ vārijavadanaṃ haladharaśamanaṃ śailadharaṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..6..
who is very captivating as well as composed, and who with his elder brother Balavira (i.e. Balarama), the incarnation of serpent Shesha, killed mighty enemies; who is also extremely playful,
who is very dear to the gopis of vraja and delights them with his lotus-like face; who pacifies the anger of Haladhara (i.e. Balarama) and lifted the Govardhana mountain.
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
गोकुलपरिवारं मदनाकारं कुञ्जविहारं गूढतरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजचन्द्रं सुभगसुछन्दं कृतआनन्दं भ्रान्तिहरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥७॥
gokulaparivāraṃ madanākāraṃ kuñjavihāraṃ gūḍhataram ..
vallabhavrajacandraṃ subhagasuchandaṃ kṛtaānandaṃ bhrāntiharaṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..7..
who treats the entire gokula as a great family, and with his beautiful form which is like Madana (god of love), moves about in the grooves of vraja performing his divine plays; who is also very mysterious,
who is the beloved moon of vraja, bringing good fortune to all, and with his alluring form he gives great joy to all, taking away the delusion and monotony from life,
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.
कालियशिरगमनं कृतफणिनमनं घातितयमनं मृदुलतरम् ॥
वल्लभदुःखहरणं निर्मलचरणम् अशरणशरणं मुक्तिकरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥८॥
kāliyaśiragamanaṃ kṛtaphaṇinamanaṃ ghātitayamanaṃ mṛdulataram ..
vallabhaduḥkhaharaṇaṃ nirmalacaraṇam aśaraṇaśaraṇaṃ muktikaraṃ .
bhaja nandakumāraṃ sarvasukhasāraṃ tattvavicāraṃ brahmaparam ..8..
who moving about over the head of serpent Kaliya, bent its hood and danced over them, after destroying its deadly bind with his soft and tender body,
who is the beloved of the devotees and takes away their sorrows, and his pure holy feet gives refuge to those who are without refuge, and finally grants them liberation,
worship that Nandakumara, the essence of all joy, by reflecting on his divine essence (which is) of the nature of supreme brahman.

Composed by Sri Vallabhacharya. Yet another beautiful octet about the thief of hearts (of both men and women), the dream lover of all women, the tall, dark, handsome flute player Shree Krishna. This octet by Shree Vallabhacharya describes the activities of Nanda’s beloved son and hence Shree Krishna is described as Nanda Kumara (Son of Nanda). Shree Krishna had hardly entered his teens when he was taken to Mathura to kill the evil Kamsa and be re-united with his biological parents.
Other Krishna Shlokams
Achyutashtakam, composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, is in praise of Lord Krishna. It is a simple yet wonderful hymn of eight stanzas comprising the names of lord Vishnu with main emphasis on his incar
Adau Devaki Devi
Commencing with birth from Devaki, growing in the house of gopis, taking away the life of Poothana, lifting the Govardhana, killing Kamsa, annihilating the Kauravas, protecting the sons of Kunti, this
Bala Mukundashtakam
The poem is inspired by the episode of Sage Mārkaṇḍeya's vision of the lord as an infant lying in the fold of a banyan-leaf, in the midst of the primordial ocean. The venerable sage gets sucked into t
Bhaja Govindam
Shlokams,Vishnu,Sankara,Govinda,Krishna,Prakarana Grantha
Bhaja Govindam is one of the most popular hymns penned by Adi Shankaracharya. He has packed into the Bhaja Govindam song the substance of all Vedanta, and set the oneness of Jnana and Bhakti to melodious music.
Hare Murare Madhu Kaita
Murari, the enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha, Gopala, Govinda, Mukunda, the crowning lord, the lord of sacrifices, Narayana, Krishna, Vishnu, O lord of the universe, protect me, who has no other resort.
Jagannath Ashtakam
Shri Jagannath Ashtakam was composed by Adi Sankracharya in praise of Lord Jagannath on his visit to Puri. The merit of reciting the sacred Jagannath ashtakam carefully is such that, one becomes sinle
Kararavindena Padaravindam
With the lotus-like hand, placing the lotus-like toes, in the lotus-like mouth, reclining on the banyan leaf - that young Mukunda, I meditate upon
Kasturi Tilakam Lalaata
With the fragrant kasturi-mark on the forehead, the precious Kaustubha gem on the chest, the lovely pearl-jewel at the nose tip, the flute in the palm and the kankan (bangle) encircling the hand, the
This is an octet (ashtakam = 8 verses) of prayer to Lord Krishna, as the Guru of the entire universe. Shri Krishna Ashtakam is a worshiping prayer devoted to Lord Krishna, prai
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Devaki
Salutation again and again to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Devaki's darling too, Nandagopa's son and Govinda.
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye
Salutation to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Hari the Paramatman, Govinda, we bow our heads to you for the destruction of grief.
Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam (श्री कृष्णमधुराष्टकम), composed by Sri Vallabhacharya (1478 A.D), is a unique stotra, describing the Sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna.
Mukam Karoti Vachalam
I salute that supreme bliss, Madhava, by whose mercy the dumb become most eloquent and the lame are able to jump over the mountains.
Namo Brahmanya Devaya
Salutation to the brahma-swarupa for the welfare of the devas, cows and brahmins. Salutation again and again to the benefactor of the universe, Krishna and Govinda.
Narayana Kavacham
The Narayana Kavacham occurs in chapter eight of the sixth skanda of Bhagavada Purana. It is an Armour (Kavach) to protect ourselves from all our enemies (including negativitie
Pandurang Ashtakam
Shri Pandurang ashtakam (Pandurangashtakam) Stotra is a very beautiful creation of Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Lord Vithal, or Panduranga Vittala, is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is worshipped in t
Tvameva Mata
You are the mother, you are the father, you are the relative, you are the friend, you are education, you are wealth, you are everything for me, O Lord, O Lord.
Vasudevasutam Devam
Son of Vasudeva, divine lord, the killer of Kamsa and Chaanura, the supreme happiness of Devaki, we bow to Krishna, the preceptor (teacher) of the universe.
Nandakumar Ashtakam – Krishna – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning. Commentary for selected Shlokams.