इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ॥ १० ॥
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire || 10 ||
Isha Upanishad Home
Isha – Sri Shankara’s Introduction
Isha – Invocation
Isha – 1-īśāvāsyamidaṃ sarvaṃ
Isha – 2-kurvanneveha karmāṇi
Isha – 3-asuryā nāma te lokā
Isha – 4-anejadekaṃ manaso
Isha – 5-tadejati tannaijati
Isha – 6-yastu sarvāṇi
Isha – 7-yasminsarvāṇi bhūtāny
Isha – 8-sa paryagāc chukram
Isha – 9-andhantamaḥ praviśanti
Isha – 10-anyad evāhur vidyayā
Isha – 11-vidyāṁ cāvidyāṁ ca
Isha – 12-andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti
Isha – 13-anyad evahūḥ
Isha – 14-sambhūtiṁ ca vināśaṁ
Isha – 15-hiraṇmayena pātreṇa
Isha – 16-pūṣann ekarṣe yama
Isha – 17-vāyur anilam amṛtam
Isha – 18-agne naya supathā

Commentary by Sri Adi Sankaracharya – Translated in English
‘Anyat’ means ‘something distinct.’ They say that by Vidya, some distinct result is produced according to the Srutis, “by knowledge is Devaloka attained” and “by knowledge they climb up to it.” They say that other results are produced by Avidya (Karma) according to the text “by Karma is the abode of the manes attained.” We have heard this stated to us by wise men, i.e., those preceptors who taught us both Knowledge and Karma. The purport is that this is their view as handed down from preceptor to disciple.
Commentary by Swami Sivananda
Anyat means something distinct. By worship of Vidya, Devaloka or the world of gods is attained. By Avidya or Karmas, the abode of the means, or the world of Pitris or forefathers is attained. This the view or opinion of the spiritual teachers, who taught us both knowledge and Karma. Thus it is handed down from Guru to Chela (disciple).
Ishavasya Upanishad – Verse 10 – Isha – 10-anyad evāhur vidyayā – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) and Swami Sivananda – Ishavasya-10