श्रितरजनी रजनीरजनी रजनीरजनी करवक्त्रवृते ।
सुनयनविभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमराधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ११ ॥
Śritarajanī rajanīrajanī rajanīrajanī karavaktravṛte .
Sunayanavibhramara bhramarabhramara bhramarabhramarādhipate
Jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ॥ 11 ॥
Here Devi is described as one with beautiful round eyes constantly scanning the universe day and night protecting her devotees from evil forces. She is compared to a full moon. Ayi – Godess , Sumanah – Good Hearted, Sumanohara – Lovely physical form, Kaanthiyuthe – So beautiful that everyone is attracted to Her like a magnet, Shritha Rajanee – Shining like a full Moon on a dark night, Rajanee Rajanee Rajanee Rajanee Kara – She is the queen of the night, creates the energy and joy and peace of the night, Vakra Vrithe – Her face is perfect and beautiful like a full moon, Sunayana Vibhrama – Her beautiful eyes are always on the lookout protecting her devotees from evil, Rabhrama Rabhrama Rabhrama Rabhrama Radhipathe – She dazzles people with her illusionary power. She is the mistress of illusion.
O Divine Mother, I invoke You and take refuge in Your Auspicious Feet) Salutations to You O Divine Mother; I Invoke You; Whose Beautiful Mind is United with a Charming Appearance, (I Invoke You) Whose Beautiful Face makes Subserviant the Beauty of the Moon Light of Night by Hiding them with Its Own Beauty, Whose Beautiful Eyes Conquer the Beauty of the Bees by Its Own Beauty, Victory to You, Victory to You, (I take Refuge in Your Auspicious Feet) O the Destroyer of Demon Mahishasura; (Victory to You) Who Shine with Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Introduction
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
Mahishasura -1-Ayi girinandini
Mahishasura -2-Suravaravarṣiṇi
Mahishasura -3-Ayi jagadaṃba
Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa
Mahishasura -5-Ayi raṇadurmada
Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata
Mahishasura -7-Ayi nijahum̐kṛti
Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga
Mahishasura -9-Suralalanā
Mahishasura -10-Jaya jaya
Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ
Mahishasura -12-Sahitamahāhava
Mahishasura -13-Aviralagaṇḍa
Mahishasura -14-Kamaladalāmala
Mahishasura -15-Karamuralīrava
Mahishasura -16-Kaṭitaṭapīta
Mahishasura -17-Vijitasahasrakaraika
Mahishasura -18-Padakamalaṃ
Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala
Mahishasura -20-Tava vimalendukulaṃ
Mahishasura -21-Ayi mayi

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Verse 11 – Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ – Mahishasura Mardini Storam (Aigiri Nandini) In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Word Meaning and Translation – Mahishasura-11