कनकपिशङ्ग पृषत्कनिषङ्ग रसद्भटशृङ्ग हताबटुके ।
कृतचतुरङ्ग बलक्षितिरङ्ग घटद्बहुरङ्ग रटद्बटुके
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ८ ॥
Kanakapiśaṅga pṛṣatkaniṣaṅga rasadbhaṭaśṛṅga hatābaṭuke .
Kṛtacaturaṅga balakṣitiraṅga ghaṭadbahuraṅga raṭadbaṭuke
Jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ॥ 8 ॥
Dhanu Ranu Sanga – Devi looks beautiful holding the Bow, Ranakshana Sanga – One who uses her weapons as per the rules of the war, Parishpura Dhanga – Creates a divine aura as she holds with balance and poise her bow and arrows, Natak Katake – The sound from her bow and the entire atmosphere makes it feel more like a dance performance than a war, Kanaka Pishanga – The enemy showers on her red and golden arrows, Prishatka Nishanga – She responds to some and ignores the rest with Sringara rasa, Rasadh Bhata Shringa – Devi’s use of arrows and her response makes the whole performance look like a divine dance, Hathaa Vatuke – She is an expert in finishing off her enemies even with this grace, Kritha Chaturanga – Single handedly addresses 4 armies of the enemy, Balakshiti Ranga – One who weakens the enemy, Ghatad Bahuranga – Demolishes the wicked Asuras in different hues , Ratad Batuke – Her supremacy is complete, She is in total command, She is almighty.
One who decks herself with dancing ornaments on throbbing limbs at the moment of the battle, making her bow ready. who killed the huge enemy soldiers with a shining sword and with (arrows from) a quiver which has golden brown spots. who made the battleground with fourfold army into a stage with a colorful drama with screaming little soldiers. Victory to you, the destroyer of the demon Mahishasura, who has beautiful locks of hair and who is the daughter of the mountain.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Introduction
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
Mahishasura -1-Ayi girinandini
Mahishasura -2-Suravaravarṣiṇi
Mahishasura -3-Ayi jagadaṃba
Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa
Mahishasura -5-Ayi raṇadurmada
Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata
Mahishasura -7-Ayi nijahum̐kṛti
Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga
Mahishasura -9-Suralalanā
Mahishasura -10-Jaya jaya
Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ
Mahishasura -12-Sahitamahāhava
Mahishasura -13-Aviralagaṇḍa
Mahishasura -14-Kamaladalāmala
Mahishasura -15-Karamuralīrava
Mahishasura -16-Kaṭitaṭapīta
Mahishasura -17-Vijitasahasrakaraika
Mahishasura -18-Padakamalaṃ
Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala
Mahishasura -20-Tava vimalendukulaṃ
Mahishasura -21-Ayi mayi

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Verse 8 – Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga – Mahishasura Mardini Storam (Aigiri Nandini) In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Word Meaning and Translation – Mahishasura-8