त्रिभुवनमस्तक शुलविरोधि शिरोऽधिकृतामल शुलकरे ।
दुमिदुमितामर धुन्दुभिनादमहोमुखरीकृत दिङ्मकरे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ६ ॥
Tribhuvanamastaka śulavirodhi śiro’dhikṛtāmala śulakare .
Dumidumitāmara dhundubhinādamahomukharīkṛta diṅmakare
Jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ॥ 6 ॥
Ayi – Divine Mother, Sharanagatha – Accepting those who surrender at her feet, Vairi Vadhuvara – Compassionate to the wives of her enemies who surrender to her, Veera Varabhaya – Wages war as per the rules of engagement, Dhayakare – Compassionate / Giver of boons and gifts, Tribhuvana – The Lord of the 3 worlds, Masthaka Shoola Virodhi – Impales the enemy warriors on the forehead, Shirodhi Krithamala Shoolakare – Makes a garland of the heads of the defeated and vanquished asuras on her spear, Dhumi Dhumi Thamaara – Booming sound of the lotus feet of Devi as she dances the thandava dance with her anklets in the battlefield, Dhundhubi Nada – Sound from her trumpet as she announces war, Maho Mukhari Kritha – Her face resplendent and shining beautifully, Thigmakare – The sharp shining red hot Trishul blazing in the Sun.
O One who gives protection to the great heroic husbands of the enemy wives who have come seeking refuge. One who holds in her hands a spotless spear pointed towards the head of the opponent who is causing a great pain for all the three worlds. One who is like the blazing hot sun, aroused by the power of resounding noise of the drums of Gods. Victory to you, the destroyer of the demon Mahishasura, who has beautiful locks of hair and who is the daughter of the mountain.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Introduction
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
Mahishasura -1-Ayi girinandini
Mahishasura -2-Suravaravarṣiṇi
Mahishasura -3-Ayi jagadaṃba
Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa
Mahishasura -5-Ayi raṇadurmada
Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata
Mahishasura -7-Ayi nijahum̐kṛti
Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga
Mahishasura -9-Suralalanā
Mahishasura -10-Jaya jaya
Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ
Mahishasura -12-Sahitamahāhava
Mahishasura -13-Aviralagaṇḍa
Mahishasura -14-Kamaladalāmala
Mahishasura -15-Karamuralīrava
Mahishasura -16-Kaṭitaṭapīta
Mahishasura -17-Vijitasahasrakaraika
Mahishasura -18-Padakamalaṃ
Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala
Mahishasura -20-Tava vimalendukulaṃ
Mahishasura -21-Ayi mayi

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Verse 6 – Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata – Mahishasura Mardini Storam (Aigiri Nandini) In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Word Meaning and Translation – Mahishasura-6