भजति स किं न शचीकुचकुम्भ तटीपरिरम्भसुखानुभवम् ।
तव चरणं शरणं करवाणि नतामरवाणि निवासि शिवम्
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १९ ॥
Bhajati sa kiṃ na śacīkucakumbha taṭīparirambh asukhānubhavam .
Tava caraṇaṃ śaraṇaṃ karavāṇi natāmaravāṇi nivāsi śivam
Jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ॥ 19 ॥
Kanakala Sathkala – Hands adorned with jewels studded with stones she bestows all the skills and art forms (Kala & Vidya) Sindhu Jalairanu Sinjjinuthe Guna – Here she is praised as Saraswathi, all you need to do is to dip flowers in water and offer Abhishekam to her in your prayers, Ranga Bhuwam – Her form is pure and shimmering, Bhajathi – One who sings Bhajans, Sakimna Sachee Kucha Kumbha – In search of everlasting peace and happiness, Thatipari Rambha – Beautiful form, Sukha Anu bhavam – permanenent bliss, Thava Charanam – We surrender at your lotus feet, Sharanam – A place to surrender, Karavaani – Devi Saraswathi, Nataamara Vaani – One who is all Knowledge The Vedas and the source of all music, Nivasi Shivam – One who is merged with Shiva
If someone bathes you, the playground of virtues, with shining golden waters of the ocean. will he not experience in heaven the happiness (equal to that of Indra) embracing the full bosom of Sachi?. O Goddess worshipped by the speech of Gods, I take refuge in your feet, which are also the abode of Shiva. Victory to you, the destroyer of the demon Mahishasura, who has beautiful locks of hair and who is the daughter of the mountain.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Introduction
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
Mahishasura -1-Ayi girinandini
Mahishasura -2-Suravaravarṣiṇi
Mahishasura -3-Ayi jagadaṃba
Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa
Mahishasura -5-Ayi raṇadurmada
Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata
Mahishasura -7-Ayi nijahum̐kṛti
Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga
Mahishasura -9-Suralalanā
Mahishasura -10-Jaya jaya
Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ
Mahishasura -12-Sahitamahāhava
Mahishasura -13-Aviralagaṇḍa
Mahishasura -14-Kamaladalāmala
Mahishasura -15-Karamuralīrava
Mahishasura -16-Kaṭitaṭapīta
Mahishasura -17-Vijitasahasrakaraika
Mahishasura -18-Padakamalaṃ
Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala
Mahishasura -20-Tava vimalendukulaṃ
Mahishasura -21-Ayi mayi

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Verse 19 – Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala – Mahishasura Mardini Storam (Aigiri Nandini) In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Word Meaning and Translation – Mahishasura-19