This stanza constitutes the SECOND SECTION in which again Lord Krishna enumerates three more characteristic features of a real devotee.”HE BY WHOM THE WORLD IS NOT AGITATED” — A Man-of-Perfection is one who will not create any agitations in the world around him. Where the Sun is, there cannot be any darkness, where the peaceful Master of Equanimity and Perfection dwells, he, by the intrinsic divinity in him, creates, as it were, an atmosphere of serene joy and endless peace around him; and even those, who are agitated in the world, will suffer no more from such agitations when they approach such a master-mind, and enjoy a peace in themselves. In fact, the world irresistibly rushes to such a saint to bask in his brilliance and comes to experience the joy which he wafts all around him!
“WHO CANNOT BE AGITATED BY THE WORLD” — Not only does a Man-of-Perfection quieten the very world around him, into a dynamic peace, but also the world, however chaotic, revolting, boisterous, and vengeful it may be, cannot create any agitations in him. The world-of-objects will almost always be in a state of flux, and its maddening death-dance cannot bring even a whiff of its storms to disturb the calm serenity of the saint. He is made of stronger mettle and his life is built upon surer foundations.
The floating reeds dance on the surface of the sea but the light-house that is built on the rocks beneath stands erect and motionless, watching the smooth sea turning rough with the rise of the tidal waves. The personality of a perfect-man is rooted in his realisation of the deeper substratum of life; and, since he is not attached to the superficial conditions of matter and its playful magic, any amount of wild agitations outside cannot bring any disturbance to his inner equipoise. In and through the battling circumstances, he perceives the changeless ground — he hears the harmony that runs through the various discordant notes in life around.”HE IS COMPLETELY FREED FROM” all the usual causes for inward agitations such as “JOY, ENVY, FEAR AND ANXIETY.” A devotee of this type, ever peaceful with himself and the world, who rules over the circumstances and never yields to be victimised by them, who has crossed over the usual weaknesses of the mortal heart — such a devotee “IS DEAR TO ME.”CONTINUING THE SAME TOPIC THE LORD DECLARES: