रिपुगजगण्ड विदारणचण्ड पराक्रमशुण्ड मृगाधिपते ।
निजभुजदण्ड निपातितखण्ड विपातितमुण्ड भटाधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ४ ॥
Ripugajagaṇḍa vidāraṇacaṇḍa parākramaśuṇḍa mṛgādhipate .
Nijabhujadaṇḍa nipātitakhaṇḍa vipātitamuṇḍa bhaṭādhipate
Jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ॥ 4 ॥
Ayi – Divine Mother, Shatha Khanda – One who cuts enemy into over a 100 pieces, Vikhandita Runda – Into tiny atoms, Vithunditha – Demolishes the enemy to the depth of doom, Shunda Gajaadipathe – Brutally destroys Shunda and his army of elephants, Ripugaja Ganda – Punishes all the elephants in the enemies camp, Vidharuna Chanda – Army of Demon Chanda scatters hither and thither, Parakrama Shunda – Devis might & valour against Asura Sunda, Mrigaadhi Pathe – Vechile of Godess the Lion strikes Munda’s forehead and despatches all his elephant army to death, Nija Bhuja – With her own hands, Dhanda – delivers punishment, Nipathitha Khanda – Endless flow of Divine weapons, Vipathitha Munda Bhataadipathe– Wields a brilliant divine sword like lightning and destroys Chanda & Munda and their entire army singlehandedly.
O One who split the heads (of demons) into hundreds of pieces and One who cut the trunks of great battle elephants. Whose great lion is skilled in terrifying valor in tearing apart the temples of enemy elephants. One who has cut down into pieces the heads of enemy chieftains with the strength of her own arms. Victory to you, the destroyer of the demon Mahishasura, who has beautiful locks of hair and who is the daughter of the mountain.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Introduction
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
Mahishasura -1-Ayi girinandini
Mahishasura -2-Suravaravarṣiṇi
Mahishasura -3-Ayi jagadaṃba
Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa
Mahishasura -5-Ayi raṇadurmada
Mahishasura -6-Ayi śaraṇāgata
Mahishasura -7-Ayi nijahum̐kṛti
Mahishasura -8-Dhanuranuṣaṅga
Mahishasura -9-Suralalanā
Mahishasura -10-Jaya jaya
Mahishasura -11-Ayi sumanaḥ
Mahishasura -12-Sahitamahāhava
Mahishasura -13-Aviralagaṇḍa
Mahishasura -14-Kamaladalāmala
Mahishasura -15-Karamuralīrava
Mahishasura -16-Kaṭitaṭapīta
Mahishasura -17-Vijitasahasrakaraika
Mahishasura -18-Padakamalaṃ
Mahishasura -19-Kanaka lasatkala
Mahishasura -20-Tava vimalendukulaṃ
Mahishasura -21-Ayi mayi

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram – Verse 4 – Mahishasura -4-Ayi śatakhaṇḍa – Mahishasura Mardini Storam (Aigiri Nandini) In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Word Meaning and Translation – Mahishasura-4