PERMEATING THE EARTH I SUPPORT ALL BEINGS WITH MY ENERGY — Long before artificial manure was discovered, the earth had, no doubt, a long history; and some of those eras in the bygone days were, perhaps, more over-populated than the present. And yet, the earth continued to sustain life. The capacity of the earth to sustain life and nourish it, the warmth and the mineral contents, are all, says the Lord, “MY OWN VITALITY,” meaning, the same Consciousness which, through the Sun became the necessary warmth of the atmosphere, while expressing through the earth, became the ‘potential fertility’ of the soil and the ‘life-giving secret capacity’ of the earth.
HAVING BECOME THE MOONLIGHT I NOURISH ALL THE PLANTS — The same Eternal Consciousness, while functioning through the moon expresses Itself as moon-light and fills each plant with its “essence” content. If this passage was rejected by members of a previous generation, children of the modern scientific knowledge will not dare to question it. Modern agricultural science proves that the planetary organisation, especially the moon, has got some strange connection with the expected productivity in agriculture! Recent experiments have been reported where tomato seedlings sown on the full-moon day and plucked again on a full-moon day were found to yield a better crop.
Indeed it is accepted everywhere that the paddy preserved for seeds is not only to be dried in the Sun, but is must also lie exposed to the moon. The naturopaths keep some of their preparations — as also the Ayurvedic physicians — exposed to the moon for a certain number of days, and they claim that the medicines gain certain curative powers thereby.
All these above facts, touched upon lightly here, should prove that the declaration in the stanza is not totally unscientific.
The Sun, the moon and the fire are the Cosmic sources of all energy in the world, and the very Source-of-the-energy, from where it flows through these phenomenal expressions, is the Infinite Consciousness. The Consciousness functions through the earth and gives the fields their special capacity to sustain and nourish the vegetable world, and when the flora grows up, it is again the same Consciousness, functioning through the moon and manifesting as moonlight that fills each plant and fruit with its essential food-value (Vitamins).