सर्वं यन्मूर्तं चामूर्तं च तस्मान्मूर्तिरेव रयिः ॥ १.५॥
sarvaṃ yanmūrtaṃ cāmūrtaṃ ca tasmānmūrtireva rayiḥ .. 1.5..
5 The sun is, indeed, prana, life; the moon is rayi, food. Food is, indeed, all this what has form and what is formless. Therefore everything having form is, indeed, food.
Translation by Max Mueller
5. The sun is spirit, matter is the moon. All this, what has body and what has no body, is matter, and therefore body indeed is matter.
Prashnopanishad Invocation
Prashna I – Spiritual paths of the Moon and Sun
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Prashna II – Discussion of Devas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Prashna III – Origin and Nature of Prana
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Prashna IV – Mental States and Bliss
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Prashna V – Meditation on OM
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Prashna VI – The Purusha of 16 Kalas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Closing Prayer – Closing

Sri Shankara’s Commentary (Bhashya) translated by S. Sitarama Sastri
Com.—Here the sun is prâna, the eater, the fire the moon is the food, the moon is, indeed, food. This pair, the eater and the food really one, different aspects of the lord of creatures. The distinction is really one of secondary and primary. How? all this gross and subtle, is, indeed, in one aspect food, both having form and formless, the eater and the food. Therefore, when a dinner is made, i.e., what has form and what has not; (the former) is food being eaten by what is formless.
Prashna Upanishad – 5 – Prashna-1-5-ādityo ha – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) – Prashna-1-5