तस्मात्तेऽहं ब्रवीमि ॥ ३.२॥
tasmātte’haṃ bravīmi .. 3.2..
2 To him the teacher replied: You are asking difficult questions; you must be exceedingly devoted to Brahman. Therefore I will answer you.
Translation by Max Mueller
2. He replied: You ask questions more difficult, but you are very fond of Brahman, therefore I shall tell it you.
Prashnopanishad Invocation
Prashna I – Spiritual paths of the Moon and Sun
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Prashna II – Discussion of Devas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Prashna III – Origin and Nature of Prana
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Prashna IV – Mental States and Bliss
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Prashna V – Meditation on OM
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Prashna VI – The Purusha of 16 Kalas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Closing Prayer – Closing

Sri Shankara’s Commentary (Bhashya) translated by S. Sitarama Sastri
Thus questioned, the preceptor, said to him, Prâna himself, being difficult to know, is fit for intricate questioning. You question about the origin, etc., even of him. Therefore, you ask questions about transcending things. As you are eminently, a knower of Brahman, I am delighted and shall tell you what you ask about. Listen.
Prashna Upanishad – 2 – Prashna-3-2-tasmai sa – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) – Prashna-3-2