Iti, thus; uktam, has been spoken-commencing from ‘I shall speak of that which is to be known’ (12) and ending with ‘It is spoken of as beyond darkness’ (17); samasatah, in brief; the ksetram, field -beginning with the ‘great elements’ and ending with ‘for titude’ (5,6); tatha, as also; jnanam, Knowledge-beginning from ‘humility’ (7) and ending with ‘contemplation on the Goal of the knowledge of Reality’ (11); and the jneyam, Knowable. All this has been stated by way of summarizing the purport of the Vedas and the Gita. Who is fit for this true knowledge? The answer is: madbhaktah, My devotee, who attributes the fact of being the Self of all to Me who am God, Vasudeva, the Omniscient, the supreme Teacher, (and) whose conviction has been saturated with the idea that whatever he sees, hears or touches, all that verily is Lord Vasudeva. Vijnaya, by understanding; etat, this, the aforesaid true knowledge; he upa-padyate, becomes qualified; mad-bhavaya, for My State (bhava) -the State of being the supreme Self; for that State of Mine. He attains Liberation. There in the Seventh Chapter have been presented the two aspects [Cf. 15.16-18.] of God, viz the higher and the lower, characterized as the field and the Knower of the field. And it has also been said, ‘(Understand thus) that all things have these as their source’ (7.6). The explanation as to how creatures have the two aspects, the field and the Knower of the field, as their source is now being stated: