चैतदुपस्मरत्यभीक्ष्णँ सङ्कल्पः ॥ ५॥
caitadupasmaratyabhīkṣṇam̐ saṅkalpaḥ .. 5..
Kenopanishad Introduction
Kenopanishad Invocation
Chapter 1 – Verse 1
Chapter 1 – Verse 2
Chapter 1 – Verse 3
Chapter 1 – Verse 4
Chapter 1 – Verse 5
Chapter 1 – Verse 6
Chapter 1 – Verse 7
Chapter 1 – Verse 8
Chapter 1 – Verse 9
Chapter 2 – Verse 1
Chapter 2 – Verse 2
Chapter 2 – Verse 3
Chapter 2 – Verse 4
Chapter 2 – Verse 5
Chapter 3 – Verse 1
Chapter 3 – Verse 2
Chapter 3 – Verse 3
Chapter 3 – Verse 4
Chapter 3 – Verse 5
Chapter 3 – Verse 6
Chapter 3 – Verse 7
Chapter 3 – Verse 8
Chapter 3 – Verse 9
Chapter 3 – Verse 10
Chapter 3 – Verse 11
Chapter 3 – Verse 12
Chapter 4 – Verse 1
Chapter 4 – Verse 2
Chapter 4 – Verse 3
Chapter 4 – Verse 4
Chapter 4 – Verse 5
Chapter 4 – Verse 6
Chapter 4 – Verse 7
Chapter 4 – Verse 8
Chapter 4 – Verse 9
Kenopanishad Closing Prayer

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya’s Sanskrit Commentary By S. Sitarama Sastry
Atha means‘next’. We offer illustrations from the Atman within the body. ‘Goes to’ means ‘perceives as an object’. As speedily as one (worshipper) thinks of the Brahman as near. ‘Abhikshnam’ means ‘very much’. ‘Wills’, i. e., about the Brahman. By the volition, recollection of the mind, the Brahman as hounded by the mind is perceived as an object. Therefore this is an illustration of the Brahman taken from within the body, as lightning and winking from the activity of the powers. And as those illustrations show that Brahman flashes instantaneously, so these illustrations show that Brahman’s appearance and disappearance are as quick as the perceptions of the mind. These illustrations of the Brahman are given because it can be understood by dull persons only if so illustrated. It is well-known that the unconditioned Brahman can be known by persons of inferior intellect.
English Commentary By Swami Sivananda
।।4.1.5।। Next there is the illustration of Brahman from the Self within the body.
Atha-next, after describing the Adhidaivic aspect; Adhyatmam-psychological, the teaching through illustration of Brahman from within the Self; Gacchati-goes to, perceives in an object; Abhikshnam-very much, constantly, again and again.
Brahman as bounded by the mind is perceived as an object by the volition and recollection of the mind. Therefore, this is an illustration of Brahman taken from within the body, as lighting and winking are taken from the activity of the external powers. In the illustration in the previous verse, it was shown that Brahman flashes instantaneously and disappears suddenly like the lightning and winking. In this verse, the illustrations show that Brahman’s appearance and disappearance are as ick as the perceptions of the mind. Brahman cannot be comprehended by dull persons of inferior intellect. So, these illustrations are given in order to help them to comprehend Brahman.
When these enigmatic sayings were first delivered by the seers, they were accompained by oral explanations. It is very difficult to explain these sayings with certainly.
Kena Upanishad – Verse 5 – Kena-4-5-athādhyātmaṃ – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) and Swami Sivananda – Kena-4-5