लोके ज्येये प्रतितिष्ठति प्रतितिष्ठति ॥ ९॥
॥ इति केनोपनिषदि चतुर्थः खण्डः ॥
loke jyeye pratitiṣṭhati pratitiṣṭhati .. 9..
.. iti kenopaniṣadi caturthaḥ khaṇḍaḥ ..
Kenopanishad Introduction
Kenopanishad Invocation
Chapter 1 – Verse 1
Chapter 1 – Verse 2
Chapter 1 – Verse 3
Chapter 1 – Verse 4
Chapter 1 – Verse 5
Chapter 1 – Verse 6
Chapter 1 – Verse 7
Chapter 1 – Verse 8
Chapter 1 – Verse 9
Chapter 2 – Verse 1
Chapter 2 – Verse 2
Chapter 2 – Verse 3
Chapter 2 – Verse 4
Chapter 2 – Verse 5
Chapter 3 – Verse 1
Chapter 3 – Verse 2
Chapter 3 – Verse 3
Chapter 3 – Verse 4
Chapter 3 – Verse 5
Chapter 3 – Verse 6
Chapter 3 – Verse 7
Chapter 3 – Verse 8
Chapter 3 – Verse 9
Chapter 3 – Verse 10
Chapter 3 – Verse 11
Chapter 3 – Verse 12
Chapter 4 – Verse 1
Chapter 4 – Verse 2
Chapter 4 – Verse 3
Chapter 4 – Verse 4
Chapter 4 – Verse 5
Chapter 4 – Verse 6
Chapter 4 – Verse 7
Chapter 4 – Verse 8
Chapter 4 – Verse 9
Kenopanishad Closing Prayer

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya’s Sanskrit Commentary By S. Sitarama Sastry
‘This’ means ‘the knowledge of Brahman as explained in ‘keneshitam’, etc., and highly eulogised in the text ‘Brahmaha Devebhyo,’ etc., and the source of all knowledge. Although it has been already said that by such knowledge one attains immortality, the fruit of the knowledge of Brahman is again stated at the end. ‘Sin’ means ‘the seed of Samsara whose nature is ignorance, desire and karma’ ‘Anante’ means ‘boundless.’ ‘Svarye loke’ means ‘in the Brahman who is all bliss’ and not ‘in heaven because of the adjunct ‘boundless.’ It may be said that the word ‘boundless’ is used in its secondary sense. Therefore the Sruti adds: ‘Jyeye,’ ‘highest of all.’ The purport is that he is firmly seated in the unconditioned Brahman, i.e., does not again revert to Samsara [worldly existence].
English Commentary By Swami Sivananda
।।4.1.9।। Etam-this, the knowledge of Brahman as explained in Keneshitam etc. Although it has already been said in the verse 5, Section II, that one attains immortality by knowledge of Brahman, the fruit of Knowledge of Brahman is again started at the end.
Papmanam-sins, evil, the seed of Samsara whose nature is ignorance, desire and Karma; Anante-endless, boundless, that which is never destroyed at the end of Kalpas, even above time, space, causaatio; Svarga loke-in Brahman who is all bliss, and not heaven, because of the adjunct ‘boundless.’
It may be stated that the word ‘Boundless’ is used in its secondary sense. Therefore, the Sruti adds Jyeye-the greatest or the highest of all. The meaning is that he is firmly established in lthe unconditioned Brahman and he does not again revert to Samsara (worldly existence).
Pratitishthati-stays for good, does not return to their world of death.
Here ends the fourth section.
Kena Upanishad – Verse 9 – Kena-4-9-yo vā etāmevaṃ – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) and Swami Sivananda – Kena-4-9