एवोत्क्रामन्ते तस्मिंश्च प्रतिष्ठमाने सर्व एव प्रतिष्ठन्ते । तद्यथा
मक्षिका मधुकरराजानमुत्क्रामन्तं सर्व एवोत्क्रमन्ते तस्मिंष्च
प्रतिष्ठमाने सर्व एव प्रातिष्टन्त एवं वाङ्मनष्चक्षुः श्रोत्रं
च ते प्रीताः प्राणं स्तुन्वन्ति ॥ २.४॥
evotkrāmante tasmiṃśca pratiṣṭhamāne sarva eva pratiṣṭhante . tadyathā
makṣikā madhukararājānamutkrāmantaṃ sarva evotkramante tasmiṃṣca
pratiṣṭhamāne sarva eva prātiṣṭanta evaṃ vāṅmanaṣcakṣuḥ śrotraṃ
ca te prītāḥ prāṇaṃ stunvanti .. 2.4..
4 Prana, out of pride, rose upward, as it were, from the body. Now, when it rose upward all the others rose upward also and when it settled down they all settled down with it. As bees go out when their queen goes out and return when she returns, even so did speech, mind, eye and ear. They, being satisfied, praised prana.
Translation by Max Mueller
4. They were incredulous; so he, from pride, did as if he were going out from above. Thereupon, as he went out, all the others went out, and as he returned, all the others returned. As bees go out when their queen goes out, and return when she returns, thus (did) speech, mind, eye, and ear; and, being satisfied, they praise Prâna, saying:
Prashnopanishad Invocation
Prashna I – Spiritual paths of the Moon and Sun
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Prashna II – Discussion of Devas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Prashna III – Origin and Nature of Prana
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Prashna IV – Mental States and Bliss
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Prashna V – Meditation on OM
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Prashna VI – The Purusha of 16 Kalas
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Closing Prayer – Closing

Sri Shankara’s Commentary (Bhashya) translated by S. Sitarama Sastri
And he, Prâna, observing their want of faith, seemed to ascend from the body of himself from indignation. What followed when he seemed to ascend is made apparent by an illustration. Immediately after he ascended, all the other prânas, i.e., the eye and the rest began ascending and when he, Prâna, became inactive, i.e., did not ascend, all became quiet, i.e., settled down; just as in the world, the bees ascend after their king ascends and settle down when he settles down. As in the illustration, so here. Speech, mind, the eye, ear, etc., leaving their disbelief and knowing the glory or greatness of Prâna, grow delighted and praise Prâna.
Prashna Upanishad – 4 – Prashna-2-4-so’bhimānādūrdhva – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Meaning and Commentary by Adi Shankaracharya (Sankara Bhashya) – Prashna-2-4