Gita Chapter 3 – Verse 10  «   »

सहयज्ञाः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः ।
अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वमेष वोऽस्त्विष्टकामधुक् ॥ ३-१०॥

sahayajñāḥ prajāḥ sṛṣṭvā purovāca prajāpatiḥ
anena prasaviṣyadhvameṣa vo’stviṣṭakāmadhuk 3-10

The PRAJAPATI (the Creator) , having in the beginning (of creation) created mankind, together with sacrifices, said, by this shall you prosper; let this be the milch-cow of your desire — KAMADHUK (the mythological cow which yields all desired objects) .

saha = along with; yajñāḥ = sacrifices; prajāḥ = generations; sṛṣṭvā = creating; purā = anciently; uvāca = said; prajāpatiḥ = the Lord of creatures; anena = by this; prasaviṣyadhvaṃ = be more and more prosperous; eṣaḥ = this; vaḥ = your; astu = let it be; iṣṭa = of all desirable things; kāmadhuk = bestower.;
