मृदो यद्वद्धटादीनि स्वात्मानं सर्वमीक्षते।।48।।
Mṛdo yadvaddhaṭādīni svātmānaṃ sarvamīkṣate..48..
Atmabodha – Introduction
Qualified Student – Verse 1
Self-Knowledge – Verse 2
Self-Knowledge – Verse 3
Self-Knowledge – Verse 4
Self-Knowledge – Verse 5
The World – Verse 6
The World – Verse 7
The World – Verse 8
The World – Verse 9
The Upadhis – Verse 10
The Upadhis – Verse 11
The Upadhis – Verse 12
The Upadhis – Verse 13
The Upadhis – Verse 14
Error of misapprehension – Verse 15
Error of misapprehension – Verse 16
Error of misapprehension – Verse 17
Error of misapprehension – Verse 18
Error of misapprehension – Verse 19
Error of misapprehension – Verse 20
Error of misapprehension – Verse 21
Error of misapprehension – Verse 22
Error of misapprehension – Verse 23
Error of misapprehension – Verse 24
The birth of the Ego – Verse 25
The birth of the Ego – Verse 26
The birth of the Ego – Verse 27
The birth of the Ego – Verse 28
The birth of the Ego – Verse 29
The birth of the Ego – Verse 30
The birth of the Ego – Verse 31
The birth of the Ego – Verse 32
The birth of the Ego – Verse 33
The birth of the Ego – Verse 34
The birth of the Ego – Verse 35
The birth of the Ego – Verse 36
The birth of the Ego – Verse 37
Towards Realization – Verse 38
Towards Realization – Verse 39
Towards Realization – Verse 40
Towards Realization – Verse 41
Towards Realization – Verse 42
Towards Realization – Verse 43
Towards Realization – Verse 44
Towards Realization – Verse 45
Towards Realization – Verse 46
Towards Realization – Verse 47
Towards Realization – Verse 48
Towards Realization – Verse 49
Towards Realization – Verse 50
Towards Realization – Verse 51
Towards Realization – Verse 52
Towards Realization – Verse 53
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 54
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 55
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 56
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 57
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 58
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 59
Revelling in Freedom – Verse 60
Realization – Verse 61
Realization – Verse 62
Realization – Verse 63
Realization – Verse 64
Realization – Verse 65
Realization – Verse 66
Realization – Verse 67
The Promise of Fulfillment – Verse 68
Closing – Verse 69

Ātmabodha – Verse 48 – Atma – 48-Ātmaivedaṃ jagatsarvam – By Adi Sankaracharya – In Sanskrit with English Transliteration, Translation and Meaning – Translated by Swami Chinmayananda – Atmabodha-48