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Salutation to Rama and Lakshmana, salutation to the goddess Sita, salutation to Rudra, Indra, Yama and Vaayu, salutation to the moon, sun and the hordes of maruths.
Achyutashtakam, composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, is in praise of Lord Krishna. It is a simple yet wonderful hymn of eight stanzas comprising the names of lord Vishnu with main…
Acyutam Kesavam
Everybody should meditate regularly upon Achyuta, Kesava, Vishnu, Hari, Satya, Janardhana and Narayana, the swan, which signifies the quintessence of things.
Adau Devaki Devi
Commencing with birth from Devaki, growing in the house of gopis, taking away the life of Poothana, lifting the Govardhana, killing Kamsa, annihilating the Kauravas, protecting…
Adau Rama Tapovanadi
Commencing with Rama's going to the sacrificial spot, killing the golden deer, the abduction of Vaidehi, death of Jatayu, conversation with Sugriva, burning of Lanka, then the…
Aditya Hrudayam
This hymn is dedicated to Āditya or Sūrya (the Sun God) found in the Yuddha Kānda of Vālmīki's Rāmāyana. It was recited by the sage Agastya to Rāma in the battlefield before…
Agajanana Padmakam
We meditate day and night on the one-tusked one who is the sun for the lotus in the form of the face of Pārvatī, the one with the elephant face and the one who is the giver of all…
Agni Suktam
Agni Suktam is the first hymn in the oldest of the vedas, the Rig Veda and is addressed to Agni, the fire-god, who is considered a cosmic power, who protects and guides human…
Ahalya Draupadi Sita Tara
Meditate upon the five virtuous devis eternally - Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara and Mandodari - and all atrocities and sins will be destroyed
Aham Vaishvanaro Bhutva
Becoming the fire of life, I enter into the bodies of all creatures and mingling with the upward and downward breath I digest the four kinds of food (masticated, drunk, licked,…
Akasat Patitam Toyam
As all rains falling from the sky reach the ocean; so also the prayers to all gods ultimately get to the Lord Keshava.
Aksharamalika Shiva Stotram
Also called the Shiva Akshara Mala Stotram, this is a very popular prayer addressed to Lord Shiva. Each verse starts in the order of alphabets in Sanskrit.
Akshara mana malai means the Scented garland arranged alphabetically in praise of Arunachala. Composed by Bhagavan Ramana, Arunachala” literally means “Mountain of the colour of…
Anantam Vasukim Sesham
Anantha, Vasuki, Sesha, Padmanabha and Kambala, Shankapala, Dhritharashtra, Thakshaka and Kaliya are the names of nine great serpents
Anayasena Maranam
O Lord Shiva, please grant me a peaceful death without pain (Anasayena Maranam), a life without any trouble or dependence on others for my basic needs (Vina Dhainyena Jeevanam)…
Anjana Nandanam Viram
The charmer of Anjana, the brave hero, the destroyer of the grief ofJanaki, the chief of monkeys, the controller of sensory organs, I salute that terror of Lanka.
Anjaneya Dvadasha Nama Stotram
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser…
Anjaneya Mati Patalananam
Anjaneya, with his deep reddish face, with graceful posture like a golden mountain, resident at the base of the Parijata tree, I pray with respect to that pleasing son of Vayu.
Anjani Garbha Sambhuta
I take refuge in Hanuman who was born from the womb of mother Anjani, and who was the most excellent minister of the king of monkeys (i.e. Sugriva), who is extremely dear to Sri…
Anma Viddai
Anma-Viddai (Atma Viddai), the ‘Science of Self’, also known as Atma-Vidya Kirtanam, the ‘Song on the Science of Self’, is a Tamil song that Sri Ramana Maharshi composed on 24th…
Annabrahma Rasovishnu
Deem food as Brahma, drinks as Vishnu and the consumer as Lord Maheswara, with this attitude there will be, no evil-intentioned looks.
Annapurna Stotram
Annapurna is the goddess of food and nourishment. She is a form of Parvati, the inseparable shakti of Lord Shiva. Anna is translated as "food" and "grains" and purna means "full"…
Annapurne Sadapurne
Salutations to Mother Annapoorna: O Mother Annapoorna, You who are always full (with the gift of Food and Blessings), You who are the beloved of Shankara (Shiva), O Mother…
Apadamapa Hataram
The remover of distresses, the grantor of all prosperity, that pleasing personality of the worlds - Sri.Rama, I salute again and again.
Apah Suktam
Ap is the Vedic Sanskrit word for "water". Apah mantra is read to invoke the blessings of water deity. This Apah Suktam Mantra lays the foundations for rejuvenation of the mind,…
Aparokshanubhuti, or Direct Experience of the Absolute is an introductory work by Adi Shankaracharya that expounds Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The word means Self-Realization
Apavitra Pavitro
Om, if one is Apavitra (Impure) or Pavitra (Pure), or even in all other conditions, he who remembers Pundarikaksha (another name of Sri Vishnu, literally meaning with lotus-like…
Appala Pattu
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi composed the Appala Pattu or The Appalam Song when his mother Azhagammal came to live with him. Lyrics In Tamil, English, Telugu with Translation,…
Apyayantu Mamangani
May my limbs, speech, vital air, eyes, ears, strength, and all the senses be fully developed, all that is revealed by the Upanishads is Brahman. May I never deny Brahman, May…
Ardha Narishvara Stotram
Shri Ardhanareeshwara Stotram was composed by Sri Adi Shankara bhagavatpada. Creator and Creation are One ~ Ardhanarishwara, composite of Shiva and Shakti together in one body.
Argala Stotram
The Argala Stotram is a powerful hymn dedicated to Goddess Durga, often recited during the Chandi Path or Durga Saptashati.
Arunachala Ashtakam
Sri Arunachala Ashtakam means the ‘Eight Verses to Sri Arunachala’. It was composed by Sri Ramana Maharshi as a continuation of Sri Arunachala Patikam.
Arunachala Mahatmiyam
Arunachala Mahatmiyam Arunachala Mahatmiyam means the Glory of Arunachala - By Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi The following notes describe the greatness of Arunachala as gi
Arunachala Navamani Malai
Arunachala Navamani Malai means The Garland or Necklace of Nine Gems in praise of Sri Arunachala. This poem of nine verses was composed by Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi himself, in…
Arunachala Padigam
Sri Arunachala Padigam (Padhikam) means the ‘Eleven Verses to Sri Arunachala’. It was composed by Sri Ramana Maharshi after the opening words of the first verse, 'Karunaiyal ennai…
Arunachala Pancharatnam
Arunachala Pancharatnam Introduction by Sri Michael James Sri Arunachala Pancharatnam, the ‘Five Gems to Sri Arunachala’, is the only song in Sri Arunachala Stuti
Asatoma Sadgamaya
Lead me from the unreal to the real, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality.
Ashtavakra Gita
Ashtavakra Gita - Full text and lyrics, audio with translation, meaning, word-by-word meaning, Sanskrit, English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and more
Ashtavakra Gita Home
The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Sanskrit scripture that presents a powerful conversation between the sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka on the nature of the Self, liberation, and…
Asvatthama Balirvyaso Hanuman
This is a prayer to the Immortals. The seven eternal beings (immortal beings according to the Vedas) are Ashwatthama, Bali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripa and Parasurama.
Atmabodha, meaning Self-knowledge or Self-awareness, is an exceptionally lucid and readable work of Shankaracharya. Consisting of sixty-eight verses or shlokas, it is in a sense a…
Atmabodha All Verses
Atmabodha - Full text with meaning, audio and translation from Sanskrit to English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and more
Atulita Bala Dhamam
Salutations to Sri Hanuman, who is an abode of unparallel power, and whose huge body is like a golden mountain, who is like a raging fire over the forest of demons, and the…
Ayigiri Nandini
The Mahishasura Mardini Stotram also known popularly as Aigiri Nandini, holds immense significance during Navratri. The word Mahisha means buffalo and Asura means Rakshasa or…
Ayyappa Pancharatnam
Lord Ayyappa or Sastha is the son of Lord Shiva and Mohini - Lord Vishnu in the form of his only female avatar. Whereas, in Skanda Purana, it is written that goddess Durga herself…
Bala Mukundashtakam
The poem is inspired by the episode of Sage Mārkaṇḍeya's vision of the lord as an infant lying in the fold of a banyan-leaf, in the midst of the primordial ocean. The venerable…
Bali Vibhishano Bhishma
Bali, Vibhisana, Bhishma, Prahlada, Narada, Dhruva - these are the six famous Vishnu-bhaktas - meditating upon all of these, will destroy sins.
Bhadram Karne
This peace invocation is from the Atharva Veda. This is a shanti mantra from the Mandukya Upanishad. It is also found in other Upanishads, like, Prashna and Mundaka Upanishad. It…
Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita, or the Song of the Lord, is a dialogue between Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, and his friend and disciple, Arjuna. Composed of 701 Shlokas arranged in 18…
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 01 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 02 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 03 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 04 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 05 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 06 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 07 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 08 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 09 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 10 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 11 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 12 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 13 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 14 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 15 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 16 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 17 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 18 All Verses with Meaning and Audio
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 All Verses for easy chanting along with Audio and Meaning. Lyrics In English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali and many more languages.
Bhaja Govindam
Bhaja Govindam is one of the most popular hymns penned by Adi Shankaracharya. He has packed into the Bhaja Govindam song the substance of all Vedanta, and set the oneness of Jnana…
Bhaja Govindam All Verses
Bhaja Govindam (Praise Govinda/Repeat the name of Govinda), is one of the most popular hymns penned by Shankara, that is still sung and recited by millions of Hindus every day.
Bhaja Govindam Popular
Note: This is the popular version sung by Smt. M.S. Subbalakshmi. It does not include all the 31 verses. Bhaja Govindam MS Subbalakshmi version with meaning, lyrics, audio,…
Bhavani Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Bhavani Ashtakam is a popular hymn on Goddess Bhavani, who is known for her protection and merciful nature. The Lyrics of this hymn have an…
Bhavani Bhujangam
Bhavani Bhujanga Stotra is composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya. He praises the glorious beauty of Bhavani (Goddess Parvati) from head to toe. Bhavānī means the deity who always
Bhoomi Suktam
Bhoomi Suktam or Hymn to Mother Earth is one of the most beautiful hymns that describes the beauty of Mother Earth and imparts lessons regarding the attitude a person must…
Bhoothanath Ashtakam
The Bhoothanatha Ashtakam composed by Shri Krishnadasa is a devotional hymn that glorifies Lord Shiva in his form as Bhoothanatha, the Lord of all beings, spirits, and the cosmos.
Bhugurvashista Kraturam
Bhrighu, Vashishta, Kratu, Angira, Manu, Pulasthya, Pulaha, Gautama, Raibhya, Marichi, Chyavana and Daksha - may all of them make mine a good morning.
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the famous Bilvashtakam extols the virtues of the Bilva leaf (also spelt Vilva, Bilwa) and Lord Shiva’s love for it. The following com
Bilvashtakam 14 Verses
Note: For the original version of Bilvashtakam please click here. Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya,
Brahma Murari Tripuranatakari
Brahma, Murari, Shiva, Sun, Moon, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Sani, Rahu and Ketu - may all of them make mine a good morning.
Brahma Sutras
Brahma Sutras, also called Vedanta Sutras are composed by Sage Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa, also known as Badarayana, believed to be the very incarnation of the Supreme Being.…
Brahma Svarupamudaye
In the dawn, the Brahma-swarupa is taken; at noon, Maheswara's role is donned and in the evening twilight, he is the veritable self of Vishnu himself, thus the sun has tri-divine…
Brahmajnānavali Māla
In this Prakarana Grantha (topical text or treatise) attributed to Sri Sankara the characteristics of the person who has realized that he is Brahman are described. The aspirant…
Brahmarpanam Brahma Havih
Any means of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the fire in which the offering is made is Brahman, and the one who offers is Brahman. Such a person who abides in…
Buddirbalam Yasodhairya
Intelligence, strength, fame, valour, fearlessness, freedom from ill-health, sharpness of wit, oratorial and conversational skills - all these will be begotten by meditation on…
Chandrashekhara Ashtakam
Chandrashekhara Ashtakam is a divine hymn to praise God Shiva as Chandrasekhara, the lord who is adorned with moon on his head (Chandra – moon, Sekhar – crown) and to seek refuge…
Daily Shlokams
Shlokas are short hymns in Sanskrit which convey a prayer to the almighty. A prayer is in reality, a sincere wish for good things to happen in life. Here is a collection of…
Dakshinamurthy Stotram
The Dakshinamurti Stotra is a Sanskrit religious hymn to Shiva by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. It explains the metaphysics of the universe in the frame of the tradition of Advaita V
Dasa Shloki
This composition in ten verses - dasha shloka - is similar to the Nirvana Shatakam, and like it, a summation, in typically Shankara's way, of the unyielding non-dual vision of…
Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Aparadha Kshamapana stotram is usually recited after a recital or after the completion of Puja. Its like asking for forgiveness from Goddess…
Devi Suktam
Devi Suktam or the Vaak Sutam (Vak suktam) occurs in the 10th mandala of Rig Veda Samhita as suktam number 125. The seer of the mantra is vak, the daughter of rishi ambharnaa,
Dhanvantari Mantra
The Dhanvantari Mantra calls upon the divine healer, Lord Dhanvantari, the god of Ayurveda, for health and protection from ailments.
Dharmo Vivardhati Yudhishtira
Dharma grows with the praise of Yudhistira, sins die with the praise of Bhima, enemies are extinguished with the praise of Arjuna, there will be no ill-health with the praise of…
Dipa Jyoti Mantra
Prayer to the lamp. Shloka can be recited while lighting the lamp. The light emanating from the lamp removes darkness, ignorance and evil. The light of a lamp is believed to bring…
Durga Suktam
This is a prayer to the fire god Agni occurring in the Maha Narayana Upanishad. Section two. Agni, the Lord of Fire, symbolises the power of action.Goddess Durga symbolizes…
Dyauh Shaantir Antarikssam
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere. May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. May…
Ekanma Panchakam
Ekanma Panchakam or Ekatma Panchakam means the ‘Five Verses on the Oneness of Self’, is a poem that Sri Ramana composed in February 1947, first in Telugu, then in Tamil, and…
Guru: How do you see (What is that light/power which helps you see?) Sishya: I see with the help of sunlight Guru: How do you see in the night? Sishya: I see with the help of a…
Ellam Ondre
Ellam Ondre - All Is One - Is a masterpiece by a Brahma Jnani Sri Vaiyai R Subramaniam about Advaita and path to attain the Unity. This book was highly recommended by Bhagavan…
Gajananam Bhuta
I bow to you, the Lord with the face of an elephant (Gajanana), one who is served by the celestial attendants (Bhoota ganas) and other beings. The one who consumes the extract of…
Gananamtva Ganapatim
Among the celestial attendants (Ganas), you are the Lord (Ganapathi), We offer sacrificial oblations to you You are the wisest among the scholars. Your wisdom is known to be…
Ganapathi Atharvashirsha
The Ganapati Atharvasirsha Upanishad is a Sanskrit text and a minor Upanishad of Hinduism. It is a late Upanishadic text dedicated to Ganesha, the deity representing intellect.
Ganapati Stotram
As the rays from the lotus-face of Gauri (Devi Parvati) is always on her beloved son Gajanana (Who has the face of an Elephant), Similarly, the grace of Sri Ganesha is always on…
Ganesh Chathurthi
Significance of Ganesh Puja, Vinayaka Chavithi or Chathurthi. See how to prepare for Ganesha Pooja, How to perform the Puja with Video instructions and enjoy Audio devotional…
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra
We pray to the one-tusked; we meditate on the one having a twisted trunk. May that Ganapati (one-tusked) inspire us (to meditate).
Ganesha Pancharathnam
The composer, Guru Sri Adi Shankaracharya had praised the God Ganesha by presenting these five stanzas as five jewels, hence the name Maha Ganesha Pancharatnam.
Ganesha Stavah
Ganesha Stavah or Ganapati Stavah is a set of 13 verses that describe the glory of Lord Ganesha. Gaṇapati stavaḥ is said to be from Ganesh Purana - upāsanā khaṇḍa adhyāya……
Ganga Sindu Saraswati
Ganga, Sindhu, Saraswathi and Yamuna, Godavari, Narmada; Krishna, Bhimarathi and Phalgu; Sarayu, Shree, Gantaki, Gomathi; Kaveri, Kapila, Prayag, Vinata, Netravati and the like,…
Gangā stotram
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has written a song ”Devi Suresvari Bhagavati Gange” and the Official Name for this song is ”Sri Sri Ganga Stotram”. In this song Sree Shankaracharya…
Gange Ca Yamune
Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, May all these have a holy confluence in this water.
Gayatri Mantra
Om, the Lord, is earth, the space in between and the heavens. That Lord is the one who is the most worshipful. We meditate on that effulgent, all-knowledge Lord. May he set our…
Gita Dhyanam
The Gītā Dhyānam, also called the Gītā Dhyāna or the Dhyāna Ślokas associated with the Gītā, is a 9-verse Sanskrit poem that has often been attached to the Bhagavad Gita, one of…
Govindeti Sada Snanam
Forever shall be bathing with Govinda chant, forever shall be praying with Govinda chant, forever shall be meditating with Govinda chant, forever there shall be Govinda chant.
Guru Ashtakam
The Guru Ashtakam is a Sanskrit hymn composed by Adi Shankaracharya, the 8th-century Indian philosopher and saint who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. In the Vedan
Guru Brahma
Guru Brahma - Known as Guru Mantra or Guru Mahamantra. The guru is Brahma (Bramha) the guru is Vishnu, the guru is Maheshwara (Siva), the guru is the Self-revealing limitless…
Guru Paduka Stotram
Guru Paduka Stotram is a very powerful chant that glorifies the "Padukas (Sandals) of the Guru," which are symbolically represented as "the boat to help cross the endless ocean
Guru Sishya Parampara
Guru-Sishya Parampara is the teacher-disciple lineage. Being a civilization that respects experiential knowledge, we hold high respect for the teacher of such knowledge. Below
Guru Stotram
Guru stotram is a selection of 14 verses from the Guru Geeta, found in Skanda Purana. It is a conversation between Lord Shiva & Parvati on the glory of the Guru. Gu – Darkness.…
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is authored by 16th-century poet Tulsidas in the Awadhi language. It has 40 verses and every verse has 4 lines.
Hanuman Mangalashtakam
Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes ausp
Hare Murare Madhu Kaita
Murari, the enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha, Gopala, Govinda, Mukunda, the crowning lord, the lord of sacrifices, Narayana, Krishna, Vishnu, O lord of the universe, protect me, who…
Harim Haram Harishchandram
Hari, Hara, Harischandra, Hanuman, and Halayudha (Balaram), if these five 'Ha's are meditated upon, when getting up from the bed in the morning, there will not be even a touch of…
Composed by Hastāmalaka Ācārya, a direct disciple of Adi Sankaracharya, the Hastāmalaka Stotraṁ or Hastāmalakiyam is a short Vedāntic text about the higher nature of the……
Ishavasya All Verses
Introduction to Isavasya Upanishad The Īśāvāsyopaniṣad—so called from its initial words—forms the concluding chapter of the Saṃhitā of the Suklayajurveda The name……
Ishavasya Upanishad
The Isha Upanishad is embedded as the final chapter of the Shukla Yajurveda and is one of the shortest Upanishads, with 18 verses. It is the very first Upanishad in the Muktika…
Ishvaro Guru Atmeti
Salutations to Lord Dakshinamurti, who is all-pervasive like space but who appears (as though) divided as Lord, Guru, and the Self.
Jagannath Ashtakam
Shri Jagannath Ashtakam was composed by Adi Sankracharya in praise of Lord Jagannath on his visit to Puri. The merit of reciting the sacred Jagannath ashtakam carefully is such…
Janaki Stuti
Shloka in praise of devi Sita. Devi Janaki is the destroyer of all sins, poverty and bestower of the wishes of her devotees. She is the daughter of the Earth and embodiment of…
Kalabhairava Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. The hymn illustrates the personality of Kala Bhairava of Kashi, the God of Death(kala). Those who study these 8 verses on Kala Bhairava, which…
Kale Varshatu Parjanyah
May there be prosperity to the subjects, the rulers protecting the world in a lawful manner; may the cows and brahmanas have auspiciousness eternally, may all the people be…
Kalika Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya on devi Kalika. The Goddess Kali is the guardian, also known as Kalika. The protectors, the Mother, Kali is Dharma and eternal time. Kali shines…
Kalyana Adbhuta Gatraya
O auspicious Lord Srinivasa, the auspiciously-wonderful-bodied god, the bestower of all desired wishes, the consort of Sri (Lakshmi), the depository of the treasure of…
Kamakshi Stotram
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Goddess Kamakshi is a form of Tripura Sundari or Parvati or the universal mother goddess. The word is derived from the heritage “Ka” meaning…
Kanakadhara Stotram
Kanakadhara Stotram is a hymn (Stotra) composed in Sanskrit by Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Kanakadhara means “stream” (dhara) of “gold” (kanaka). The 21 stanzas of kanakadhārā stotram…
Kanda Sashti Kavacham
Kanda (Skanda) Sashti Kavacham is composed by Devaraya Swamigal in Tamil. This is a rare and valuable treasure that helps one to be successful in day-to-day life. In Kanda Sasti…
Kapilam Darpanam
Upon waking one should see the Sun, mirror, cow, prosperous people, kings, teachers and donors of food.
Kapilam Kamadhenum Ca
May we meditate on Kapila, Kamadhenu, Kalpavriksha, Kaustubha(gem), Lakshmi, the daughter of the ocean, Kubera and Moon.
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi
At the fore of the hands resides Lakshmi, and at the middle, Saraswathi; at the root is seated Gauri, (so) see the palm of the hand at dawn (first). - In Sanskrit with English…
Karacharana Kritam
O Lord, kindly forgive all the wrong acts and omissions I have committed, whether I committed them knowingly or unknowingly, with my hands, feet, words, ears, eyes, or mind. Glory…
Kararavindena Padaravindam
With the lotus-like hand, placing the lotus-like toes, in the lotus-like mouth, reclining on the banyan leaf - that young Mukunda, I meditate upon
Karkotakasya Nagasya
Singing in praise of the Karkotaka serpent by Damayanthi for Nala, and in praise of Raja-rishi Rutuparna - led to the destruction of Kali.
Karpura Gauram
Pure white like camphor, an incarnation of compassion, the essence of worldly existence, whose garland is the king of serpents, always dwelling inside the lotus of the heart. I…
Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotram
These are 28 names of Kartikeya and the one who recites with devotion will become the master of speech, gains oratory skills and sharpness, intelligence and knowledge with the…
Kashyapa Atri Bharadwaja
The saint Kashyapa, Athri, Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Vashishta - these are the seven rishis to be remembered.
Kasi Viswanathashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya in praise of Lord Shiva. That man who reads this octet with its meaning, which sings the praise of Shiva who is the lord of Varanasi, would get…
Kasturi Tilakam Lalaata
With the fragrant kasturi-mark on the forehead, the precious Kaustubha gem on the chest, the lovely pearl-jewel at the nose tip, the flute in the palm and the kankan (bangle)…
Katha Upanishad
The Katha Upanishad is embedded in the last 8 sections of the Krishna Yajurveda. It has two chapters divided into three Vallis each. It is a Mukhya upanishad and listed as #3 in…
Kathopanishad All Verses
The Katha Upanishad is a collection of philosophical poems representing a conversation between the sage Naciketas and Yama (god of death). They discuss the nature of Atman,…
Kaupina Panchakam
Kaupina Panchakam - This is a very short poem composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya, with five stanzas that glorify the life of a Sannyasi. The Kaupina is made up of a rectangular…
Kausalya Supraja
O good offspring of Kausalya, Rama, the yester-evening (and night) is creeping away (into dawn), awake, the greatest of beings, may you perform the daily duties of your godly…
Kayena Vaca
Whatever I do either by body, speech, mind or sensory organs, either with my personal knowledge or natural trait, I surrender and submit all to that to supreme divine Narayana.
Keelaka Stotram
Rishi Markandeya tells his disciples in sixteen shlokas the ways and means of removing obstacles faced by devotees while reading Devi Mahatmya. Reading of Keelakam brings…
Kena Upanishad
The Kena Upanishad is embedded inside the last section of the Talavakara Brahmanam of the Samaveda. It is a Mukhya upanishad and listed as #2 in the Muktika canon of 108…
The Kena Upanishad or Kenopanishad (Kenopaniṣat) (also known as the Talavakara Upanishad) elucidates the concept of nirguna (qualityless) Brah
Konastha Pingalo Bhabru
Konastha, Pingala (red), Babru (fire), Krishna (dark coloured), Raudra(angry), Anthaka(Yama), Sauri(sun’ son), Sanaischara (slow-moving), Manda (sluggish), worshipped by Vippalada…
This is an octet (ashtakam = 8 verses) of prayer to Lord Krishna, as the Guru of the entire universe. Shri Krishna Ashtakam is a worshiping prayer devoted to Lord Krishna, prai
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Devaki
Salutation again and again to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Devaki's darling too, Nandagopa's son and Govinda.
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye
Salutation to Krishna, Vaasudeva, Hari the Paramatman, Govinda, we bow our heads to you for the destruction of grief.
Kshetrapati Suktam
A farmer's prayer to god of fields (क्षेत्रपति), from Rigveda (ऋग्वेद) 4.57. The devotee prays for abundant harvest, increase in cattle and horses, good rains. He prays for…
Lakshmi Devi Kanakaruchiram
Goddess Lakshmi, beautiful-as-gold, Vishnu's consort, pleasant smiling, goddess Gouri, the joy of the half-lady-featured Lord Pasupathi, goddess Vaani, worshipped by good musical…
Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam
Narasimha is a fierce avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil and end religious persecution and calamity on Earth,…
Lalitha Panchakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of mother Lalitha. The phalastuti of the stotram says the divine mother will give good knowledge, wealth, fame, happiness, fortune,…
Lalitha Sahasranamam
Lalitha Sahasranamam is a sacred Hindu text from the Brahmanda Purana which lists the thousand names of the Hindu mother goddess Lalita Devi, a manifestation of the Divine Mother…
The Lingashtakam is one of the most popular Ashtakams(a Stotram with 8 verses) dedicated to Lord Shiva which praises Him in the abstract "Lingam" form.
Lokabhi Ramam
(i take refuge in Sri Rama) who is pleasing to the people, who is calm and composed in the battle field, whose eyes are like blue lotuses, and who is the lord of the raghu…
Shree Krishna Madhurashtakam (श्री कृष्णमधुराष्टकम), composed by Sri Vallabhacharya (1478 A.D), is a unique stotra, describing the Sweetness of Lord Sri……
Maha Shivaratri
Significance of Ganesh Puja, Vinayaka Chavithi or Chathurthi. See how to prepare for Ganesha Pooja, How to perform the Puja with Video instructions and enjoy Audio devotional…
Mahālakṣmi aṣṭakam
This Shloka is in praise of Mahalakshmi, the goddess of beauty, prosperity, and good fortune. This is chanted by Indra. Chanting it once daily, destros all sins. Chanting twice…
Mahishasura Mardini Storam
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram - This is a prayer to the Goddess who killed Mahishasura. “The place where Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram is sung every day, I will always be present…
Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnu
Salutations to you O auspicious ones - Lord Vishnu, Lord Madhusudana, Lord Pundarikaksha, Lord Garudadhwaja.
Mangalam Kosalendraya
O auspicious ruler of Kosala, repository of the magnificent qualities, the off-spring of the emperor (Dasaratha), the universally & dominant Lord, the erudite expert of the Vedas…
Manishā Panchakam
Adi Sankara’s ‘Manisha Panchakam’ refers to the conclusive wisdom or determinate knowledge asserted in five verses. Manisha means conclusive wisdom or determinate knowledge and…
The one whose mind travels with speed comparable to the wind, and who has controlled his sense organs, the supreme among scholars, son of Vayu, chief of the monkey brigade, I bow…
Mantra Pushpam
The Mantra Pushpam (literally translating to "Flower of Mantras") is a collection of sacred verses from the 10th chapter of Taittiriya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda. Each verse…
Margabandhu Stotram
This great Stotra Rathna was written by Appayya Deekshitha(1520-1593). He was one of the great interpreter of Advaitha Sidhantha after Adi Sankara. This stotra is written in…
Mata Ramo
Rama is my mother and Rama (Ramachandra) is my father, Rama is my lord and Rama (Ramachandra) is my friend, Rama is my all in all, O the compassionate Rama (Ramachandra) is my all…
Mauna Vyakhya
I salute Sri Dakshinamurti, who is not subject to time, who makes known the truth of Brahman through the implied meaning of words, who is surrounded by disciples who are…
Medha Suktam
Medha suktam is from Yajur Veda. It is also there in Rig and Atharvana veda.The mantra starts with verses from Taittiriya Upanishad. This is a prayer for one who wants…
Meenakshi Pancharatnam
Meenakshi Pancharatnam (The five jewels of Meenakshi) is a popular stotram composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya as a ritual incantation on goddess Meenakshi. This stotram explains…
Megha Syamam
Salutations to Sri Vishnu who is beautiful like the dark clouds, and who is wearing yellow garments of silk; Who has the mark of Srivatsa on his chest; and whose body is shining…
Mooshika Vahana
Salutations to Sri Vighna Vinayaka, whose vehicle is the mouse and who has the modaka in his hand, whose large ears are like fans and who wears a long sacred thread, who is short…
Mruthyunjayaya Rudraya
Salutation to you Mrithyunjaya, Rudra, Nilakanta, Shambhu & the lord of immortals and this great lord of all beings.
Mukam Karoti Vachalam
I salute that supreme bliss, Madhava, by whose mercy the dumb become most eloquent and the lame are able to jump over the mountains.
Mulato Brahmarupaya
To you, O Vriksharaja (King of trees) who takes on the form of Brahma at the roots, Vishnu in the middle and Shiva at the extremes, our salutations
Mule Brahma Tvaci Vishnu
Brahma is at the root, Vishnu is in the bark and Sankara is in the branches, all devas are in each and every leaf. Salutation to you O Vaasudeva.
Mundaka Upanishad
The Mundaka Upanishad is embedded is embedded in the Atharva Veda. It is a Mukhya upanishad and listed as #5 in the Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads.
Na Karmana Na Prajaya
Not by work, nor by progeny or by wealth, but by renunciation alone have some attained immortality. That (immortality) which is even beyond the heaven, is attained by the…
Na Tatra Suryo Bhati
Neither does the sun shine there, nor the moon with all the stars, nor does this lightning shine. What to say of this fire? Everything shines after him who alone shines. By His…
Nama Ramayanam
Nama Ramayanam is the condensed version of epic Ramayana written by sage Valmiki in Sanskrit. Nama Ramayanam consists of 108 Shlokas and similar to complete Ramayana, Nama…
Namah Kamala Netraya
Salute to you lotus-eyed Lord, the lotus-garlanded Lord, the lotus-navelled Lord, the consort the goddess Lakshmi. (Kamala).
Namah Savitre Jagadeka
Salutation Surya, the only eye of the world, the cause of the birth, sustenance and destruction of the world; The repository of the three forms, the protector of the three gunas…
Namami Narayana Pada
I salute the lotus-feet of Narayana, always, propitiate Narayana, speak of the pure name of Narayana and bear in mind the immutable factuality of Narayana.
Namaste astu bhagavan
Morning prayer. From Devi Mahatmyam. The Devi Mahatmyam is a Hindu religious text describing the Goddess as the supreme power and creator of the universe. It is part of the…
Namaste Sharada Devi
O Sharada devi, resident of Kashmir, I pray to you everyday, may you bless me with education.
Namo Brahmanya Devaya
Salutation to the brahma-swarupa for the welfare of the devas, cows and brahmins. Salutation again and again to the benefactor of the universe, Krishna and Govinda.
Namostu Ramaya Sa
Salutation to Rama and Lakshmana, salutation to the goddess Sita, salutation to Rudra, Indra, Yama and Vaayu, salutation to the moon, sun and the hordes of maruths.
Nan Yar
Nan Yar or Who Am I is the first teaching of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. In 1901, when Bhagavan Ramana was just twenty-one years old, living in a cave on Arunachala, a devotee named…
Nandakumar Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Vallabhacharya. Yet another beautiful octet about the thief of hearts (of both men and women), the dream lover of all women, the tall, dark, handsome flute player…
Narayana Kavacham
The Narayana Kavacham occurs in chapter eight of the sixth skanda of Bhagavada Purana. It is an Armour (Kavach) to protect ourselves from all our enemies (including negativitie
Narayanam Hrishikesam
I salute Narayana, Hrishikesa, Govinda, Garudadhwaja, Vaasudeva, Hari, Krishna and Kesava.
Narayaneti Vagvalvi
The four letters 'Na', 'Ra,'Ya', 'Na' are the four shoots on the creeper of speech and are undoubtedly indicative of the four Purusharthas- Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha.
Nidhaye Sarvavidyanam
Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurti, the reservoir of knowledge (the abode of all learning), the healer of all those who suffer from the disease of samsāra, and the teacher of the…
Nirvana Shatakam
Nirvana Shatkam (Atma Shatakam) of Adi Sankara Commentary and Notes Translated by S. N. Sastri Introduction: Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada has blessed poster
Of all the mantras the most powerful and the significant one is the single syllabled incantation called the pranava. This is the Om. The available literature upon the significance…
Om Namah Pranavarthaya
Om. Salutation to the one who is the meaning of praņava, who is in the form of pure knowledge, who is taintless and who is free from any change. To that Sri Dakshinamurti, (my)…
Om Namo Bhagavate Dakshinamurthaye
Om. Salutations to Bhagavan Dakshinamurti. (Oh Lord) Bless me with memory, the capacity to think properly, and clarity, wisdom.
Omkaram Bindu Samyuktham
Yogis meditate forever on Aumkara associated with the Bindhu, salutation to the Aumkara, the grantor of wishes and salvation. We call on Thee, Lord of the hosts, the poet of…
Padmapatra Visalakshi
Wide-eyed as the lotus leaf, with the light saffron colour of lotus as companion, the goddess eternally resident on the lotus - may that Saraswathi protect me.
Pandurang Ashtakam
Shri Pandurang ashtakam (Pandurangashtakam) Stotra is a very beautiful creation of Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Lord Vithal, or Panduranga Vittala, is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu…
Prahlada Narada
I remember and meditate upon the Bhagavathas (god's ardent devotees) Prahlada, Narada, Parasara, Pundarika, Vyasa, Ambarisha, Shuka, Shaunakha, Bhishma, Rukma, Angadha, Arjuna,…
Prashna Upanishad
The Prashna Upanishad is embedded is embedded in the Atharva Veda. It is a Mukhya upanishad and listed as #5 in the Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads.
The Prashnopanishad (Prashna Upanishad) is a key philosophical text within the Indian spiritual tradition, part of the larger body of literature known as the Upanishads.
Prātah Smaranam
This is a prayer composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya consisting of three stanzas in which the mind (manas) speech (vak), and body (kaya) of the individual are sought to be…
Prithvi Sagandha Sarasa
The fragrant earth, the waters of reservoirs, the touch of the wind, the brilliance of the fire and the great voice of the akasa - may all of them make mine a good morning.
Prthvi Tvaya Dhrita Loka
Om, O Prithivi devi, by you are borne the entire loka (world); and devi, you in turn are borne by Sri Vishnu, please hold me (on your lap), and make this asana (seat of the…
Purna Kumbha Mantra
Pūrna-kumbha mantra The four verses of the purna-kumbha-mantra, from na karmanā na prajayā to yah parah sah maheśvarah,are typically chanted when
Purnamadha Purnamidam
That is Whole and this is Whole, the perfect has come out of the perfect; having taken the perfect from the perfect, only the perfect remains. Let there be Peace, Peace, Peace.
Purusha Suktam
The Purusha Suktam gives a description of the spiritual unity of the universe. It presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the manifested world and…
Rajadhi Rajaya Prasahya
Om. We offer our salutations unto the Lord, the king of kings, the satisfier of desires. May the Lord of desires give me, the seeker of desires, what I desire. Salutations unto…
Ramachandra Shrita Parijatha
O auspicious ruler of Kosala, repository of the magnificent qualities, the off-spring of the emperor (Dasaratha), the universally & dominant Lord, the erudite expert of the Vedas…
Ramadevam Raghukulapatim
I sing in praise of Lord Rama, the Lord of Raghu dynasty, Ramachandra, I salute Lord Krishna, the precious gem of the Yadu dynasty, Vaasudeva.
Ramam Skandham
Praying to Lords Rama, Skanda (Subrahmanya), Hanumantha, Vainateya (Garuda), and Bhima before going to bed daily, ensures a peaceful sleep without disturbing dreams.
Ramaya Ramabhadraya
To Rama, Ramabhadra, Ramachandra, Brahma-swarupa, Raghunatha, the Lord, the consort of Sita to him, we offer salutations.
Ramo Rajamani
I contemplate on Sri Rama, who is the jewel among the kings, who always emerges victorious, and who is the lord of Sita devi. I salute Sri Rama who destroyed the mighty armies of…
Ranganatha Ashtakam
Ranganatha Ashtakam was written by Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada when he stood before Sri Ranganatha swamy in Srirangam, during his travels. This Ashtakam reveals that Adi Sankara was…
Rudra Ashtakam
The famous Rudrashtakam extols the many qualities of Shiva. This is composed by Sri Goswami Tulsidas. Rudra is considered as the fearsome manifestation of Shiva. Rudrashtakam has…
Rudram Chamakam
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and…
Rudram Chamakam Meaning
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and…
Rudram Laghunyasam
Laghunyasam is a preliminary Vedic chant traditionally recited before performing the Sri Rudram to purify and align the body, mind, and spirit with divine energy. The term…
Rudram Laghunyasam Meaning
Laghunyasam is a preliminary Vedic chant traditionally recited before performing the Sri Rudram to purify and align the body, mind, and spirit with divine energy. The term…
Rudram Namakam
The Namakam portion of the Sri Rudram, also known as the Rudra Prashna, is a profound and intricate Vedic hymn found in the Krishna Yajurveda, specifically within the Taittiriya…
Rudram Namakam Meaning
The Chamakam portion of the Sri Rudram is a profound and structured Vedic prayer that follows the Namakam, extending the worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by asking for blessings and…
Sada Shiva Samarambam
Salutation to the lineage starting with lord Sadasiva, with Adi Sankara in the middle and continuing up to my immediate teacher.
Saddarshanam is the Sanskrit Translation of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's Ulladu Narpadu, the Forty verses on Reality. The Tamil verses were translated into Sanskrit by Kavyakantha…
Saddarshanam Telugu
This is the Telugu Transliteration of Saddarshanam from Sanskrit, which in turn is a translation of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's Ulladu Narpadu, The Forty on What Is.
Sādhana Panchakam
Sadhana Panchakam - Adi Sankara in these five simple looking verses lovingly lists the ways and means which can readily be followed by all students of Vedanta, seeking direct…
Sadhunam Darsanam
It is virtuous to see sadhus. Sadhus are none but incarnations of the sacred waters. Holy waters grant fruits at the appropriate time, while fruits materialise immediately by the…
Sahana Vavatu
May he (the Lord) protect both of us. May he nourish both of us (with knowledge). May both of us make effort for the capacity (for knowledge to take place). May what is studied by…
Samasta Jana Kalyane
I salute, Shri Chinmaya, the noble teacher, the best of the knowers of Brahman (the highest Reality), and who full of compassion, is ever engaged in the welfare of all people.
Samudravasane Devi
O! Mother Earth, who has the ocean as her clothes, mountains and forests as her body, who is the wife of Lord Krishna (Vishnu) I bow to you. Please, forgive me as my feet are…
Sanata Kumara Sanaka
Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Aasuri, and the Pingala twins, the seven musical notes, the seven great Lokas - may all of them make mine a good morning.
Sankaram Sankaracharyam
Salutations again and again to Lord Shiva in the form of Sri Sankaracharya and Lord Vishnu in the form of Veda Vyasa, who were the authors of sutra and bhasya.
Sankata Nashana Ganesha Stotram
This stotram is from Narada Purana. Sankata means problems, difficulties and Nashanam means to destroy. So, by chanting this stotram one is praying to Lord Ganesha to remove his…
Sanyasa Suktam
Excerpt from the book 'Prayer Guide' by Swami Dayananda Saraswati NA KARMANA Amrtatvam anasuh, amrtatvam anasire praptavantah, these people have gained immortality or freedom
Saptarnava Sapta Kulachalasca
The seven seas, seven dynasties, seven rishis, seven isles and forests, the seven worlds like the earth - may all of them make mine a good morning.
Saranagata Dinarta
My salutations to you O Narayani Devi, you are immersed in the protection of the feeble and the distressed who have taken refuge in you; you are the remover of the distress of…
Sarasvati Stotram
Composed by sage Agastya. Chanting Saraswati stotram regularly improves memory, speech, and concentration in studies.
Saraswati Mahabhage
O Devi Saraswati, the most auspicious goddess of knowledge with lotus-like eyes, an embodiment of knowledge with large eyes, kindly bless me with knowledge. I salute you.
Saraswati Namasthubyam
Salutation to you, O Saraswathi, grantor of blessings and embodimentof all wishes, I am getting inducted to studies, may there be fulfilment for me forever.
Saraswati Thriyam Drusthya
O Saraswathi, the seer of all three kaalas, holder of veena and pustaka, seated on the swan as a vehicle, bless me with all education.
Sarva Kaama-dudhe Devi
O giver of the milk of all wishes, giver of the effects of bathing in all holy waters; O the supreme holy Kamadhenu, O goddess, my salutation to you.
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Sarva Mangala Mangalye - Salutations to you O Narayani, who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious, the consort of Lord Shiva, who is the means of accomplishing all…
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Let all be happy, let all be free from debilitation, let all see goodness, let there be no victims of sorrow.
Sarve Veda Yatpadam
All the Vedas talk about which goal, to know which, people take to a life of study and spiritual discipline, I tell you in brief - that is om.
Sarveshaam Svastirbhavatu
Aum, let there be well-being for all, let there be peace for all, let there be completeness for all, let there be auspiciousness for all.
Sashanka Chakram Sakirita
I salute, prostrate with my head, to that four-armed Lord Vishnu, who is ornamented with the shankh (conch) and chakra (the divine wheel), the crown and ear-drops, yellow silk…
Saundarya Lahari
The Saundarya Lahari, a devotional poem of one hundred hymns, is ascribed to the great teacher Shankaracharya. The poem is divided into two parts; the first part, comprised of…
Shakradaya Stuti
This famous stuti is sung by Shakra (Indra) and the other devas in praise of Durga. This is part of Chandi path which is a text about Goddess Chandi. It is also called Durga…
Sham No Mitrah Sham
May Mitra be blissful to us. May Varuna be blissful to us. May Aryaman be blissful to us. May Indra and Brihaspati be blissful to us. May Vishnu, with long strides, be blissful to…
Shambu Devam Sakalajagatam
I sing in praise of God Shambhu, the Lord of all worlds, and the three-eyed one; the consort of Gauri, the grantor of happiness, blessings and gifts, the one with the moon as his…
Shambu Stuti
A stuti on lord Shiva composed by lord Rama himself. Lord Rama recites this at Rameshwaram when faced with the near impossibility of crossing the vast ocean to reach Lanka, he…
We bow to the only lord of all worlds, Vishnu who is of peaceful appearance, reclining on the serpent, with a lotus from the navel, lord of gods, the basis of the universe, vast…
Sharada Bhujangam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya on devi Sharada. Sringeri is the first math (monastery) built by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. It has the famous temple of Devi Sharada inside it. The…
Sharada Sharadam Bhoja
Sharada, with a face like the lotus of the sharad season (winter), with two eyes, like the lotuses, on the face, forever O bestower of all things bless us with prosperity and your…
Sharada Stotram
Sharada is another name of Saraswathi Devi. In Sringeri Temple in Karnataka, the goddess is worshiped as Sharada Devi. Composed by Sri Sridhara Swami of Chincholi, Karnataka.
Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
The Śiva Aparādha Kṣamāpaṇa Stotram, or "Hymn of Forgiveness for Offenses to Lord Śiva," is a heartfelt composition by the revered philosopher and saint Śrī Ādi Śaṅkarācārya.……
Shiva Ashtakam
Composed by Adi Shankaracharya. This ashtakam is a descriptive salutation of the different attributes of Shiva. The great yogi who is referred to as Ardhanarishwara (the one who…
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The Shiva Mahimna Stotra is very popular among the devotees of Lord Shiva and is considered one of the best among all Stotras (or Stutis) offered to Lord Shiva. The legend abou
Shiva Manasa Puja
Sri Adi Shankaracharya composed this mantra for lord Shiva. Using this stotra, we can perform mental worship of Lord Shiva.
Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
The famous Shiva Panchakshara Stotram praises Shiva and the power of the five sacred syllables, na-ma-shi-va-ya.
Shiva Pratah Smaranam
This is a short and beautiful 'Three Shloka Prayer' that makes the start of the day full of energy and happiness. Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
Shiva Sahasranama Stotram
Also called the Shiva Akshara Mala Stotram, this is a very popular prayer addressed to Lord Shiva. Each verse starts in the order of alphabets in Sanskrit.
Shiva Shadakshara Stotram
In this Hexa-Syllabic Hymn, there is a single stanza mantra for each letter of Aum-Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya. This mantra is found in Rudrayamala Tantra text.
Shiva Tandava Stotram
Shiva Tandava Stotram The Shiva Tandava Stotram is a deeply powerful and rhythmic hymn that glorifies Lord Shiva's cosmic dance, known as the Tāṇḍava. It is traditiona
Shuklam Brahma Vicara Sara
(I meditate on devi Sharada) who is pure white in colour, and whose deepest essence can only be fathomed by enquiring into the nature of brahman (absolute consciousness); who is…
I meditate upon (Lord Ganesa), the one who wears a white garment, who is all-pervasive, who has a (bright) complexion like the moon, who has four hands, who has a cheerful face,…
Somanatha Vaidyanatha
One who remembers Somanātha (Lord Śiva), Vaidyanātha (the healer Śiva), Dhanvantari (the divine physician), and the twin Ashvinis (divine doctors of the gods) every morning will…
Soundarya Lahari All Verses
Soundarya Lahari, meaning "Waves of Beauty," is a revered Sanskrit literary work attributed to Adi Shankaracharya, the great philosopher and theologian who consolidated the…
Sri Rama Apaduddharaka Stotram
Prayer to Lord Rama. Lord Shree Rama, the avatar of Lord Vishnu is born in treta yuga, re-established dharma in his lifetime by being an example for all. An accomplished warrior…
Sri Rama Raksha Stotram
Ram Raksha' literally means 'Lord Sri Rama's protection'. Sri Ram Raksha Stotra is also called Rama-Kavacham, a shield of Protection by Lord Sri Ram. It is Sri Ram's armour cal
Sri Rama Rama Rameti
In chanting his name again and again, ‘śrīrāma rāma rāma,' I discover joy in Lord Rāma who pleases my heart and whose face is a blessing. His name is equal to the one thousand…
Sri Suktam
This hymn is found in the Rig Vedic khilanis, which are appendices to the Rigveda that date to pre-Buddhist times. The Śrī Sūkta is one of the Pañca-Sūktam (5 Suktams) recited…
Sriyah Kanthaya Kalyana Nidhaye
O auspicious Lord Srinivasa, the auspiciously-wonderful-bodied god, the bestower of all desired wishes, the consort of Sri (Lakshmi), the depository of the treasure of…
Sruti Smrti
I bow at the feet of the Lord in the form Sri Sankaracharya, who is the blessing for the humanity, who is the shrine for the sruti, the smrti and the purana, and, who is the abode…
Subramanya Bhujangam
Sri Subramanya bhujangam is a stotra sung under inspiration by Sri Adi Shankaracharya at Thiruchendur ( presently located in Tamil Nadu, India). When he meditated upon SrI…
Surya Ashtakam
The Suryashtakam is a hymn dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun. It is from Samba Puranam, an ancient text of India, and it is recited to invoke blessings of good health, abundance,…
Svasti Prajabhyah Paripala
May there be prosperity to the subjects, the rulers protecting the world in a lawful manner; may the cows and brahmanas have auspiciousness eternally, may all the people be…
Swayam Vyakta Sthalam
First, called "Ranga", the great temple (of Srirangam), made known by the (great lord) Ranga, (Then) Srimushanam and Venkatadri, Salagrama and Naimisha, Toyadri (Thiruneermalai),…
Taittiriya Upanishad
The Taittiriya Upanishad is one of the primary Upanishads, as part of the Yajur Veda. It says that the highest goal is to know the Brahman, for that is Truth. It is divided into…
Tantrokta Ratri Suktam
Ratri Sukta is one of the famous hymn to Goddess Durga. This in true essence praises the latent energy in Narayana and in every sadhak. Ratri Suktam is used to invoke that energy…
Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Rudra Gayatri Mantra
Om. May we know that Lord Isvara, for which may we meditate upon Mahadeva. May that Rudra impel us (towards him).
For anyone wishing to understand the essential tenets of Shankaracharya's philosophy and the Advaita vision, the Tattvabodha, which broadly translates to the 'knowledge of truth',…
The Path of Sri Ramana
The Path of Ramana, by Sri Sadhu Om, is a profound, lucid and masterly exposition of the spiritual teachings which Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi graciously bestowed upon the world.…
The Toṭakāṣṭakam was composed by Giri (an enlightened disciple) in praise of his Guru Adi Sankara. Literally, it means a rhyme of eight (Sanskrit: aṣṭa) verses (ślokas) in the…
Tryambakam Yajamahe
We worship Lord Shiva the three-eyed one, the one who is the master of all senses and qualities and the one who is the sustainer of all growth. May he release us from the bondage…
Tulasi Srisakhi
Tulasi, Sree, friend, auspicious one, abstracter of sins, giver of virtues, salutation to You, (who is) worshipped by Narada, salutation, O beloved of Narayana.
Tulasi Stotram
Prayer to Tulasi. Tulsi is also known as Vrinda (ocimum sanctum in Latin, and Sacred Basil in English). This plant is considered to be an incarnation of the consort of Lord…
Tvameva Mata
You are the mother, you are the father, you are the relative, you are the friend, you are education, you are wealth, you are everything for me, O Lord, O Lord.
Udadhih Kramanahscaiva
Hanuman, son of Anjana, offspring of Vayu, very strong, ever immersed in Rama, friend of Arjuna, reddish-eyed like a lion, a personality of unlimited valorous deeds, the crosser…
Ulladu Narpadu
Ulladu Narpadu, the Forty Verses on That Which Is, is a Tamil poem that Sri Ramana composed in July and August 1928 when Sri Muruganar asked him to teach us the nature of the…
Ulladu Narpadu – Explained
Ulladu Narpadu Introduction by Sri Michael James Ulladu Narpadu, the ‘Forty [Verses] on That Which Is’, is a Tamil poem that Sri Ramana composed in July and Au
Ulladu Narpadu Anubandham
Ulladu Nāṟpadu Anubandham, the ‘Supplement to Forty [Verses] on That Which Is’, is a collection of forty-one Tamil verses that Sri Ramana composed at various times during the…
Ulladu Narpadu Anubandham Explained
Ulladu Nāṟpadu Anubandham along with Explanation by Sadhu Om: The ‘Supplement to Forty [Verses] on That Which Is’, is a collection of forty-one Tamil verses that Sri Ramana…
Ulladu Narpadu Kalivenba
Ulladu Narpadu Kalivenba - Also known as Upadēśa Kaliveṇbā is the extended (kalivenba) version of Ulladu Narpadu. Lyrics In Tamil, English, Telugu with Translation, Meaning,…
Uma Usha Ca Vaidehi
Meditate upon the five devis- Uma, Usha, Vaidehi, Ramaa, Ganga at dawn and prosperity will grow for ever.
Upadesa Saram
Upadesa Saram is the Sanskrit version of Upadesa Undiyar by Bhagavan Ramana Manarshi. First written in Tamil, this is a thirty-verse philosophical poem composed by Bhagavan Ramana…
Upadesa Saram Telugu Transliteration
This is the Telugu transcription of Upadesa undiyar a Tamil poem of thirty verses that Sri Ramana composed in 1927 in answer to the request of Sri Muruganar, and that he later…
Upadesa Undiyar
Upadesa undiyar is a Tamil poem of thirty verses that Sri Ramana composed in 1927 in answer to the request of Sri Muruganar, and that he later composed in Sanskrit, Telugu and…
Uttishto Uttishta Govinda
Awake, O Govinda, awake, the one with the Garuda ensign on his flag. Awake, the beloved of Lakshmi, Bless for the welfare of the three worlds.
Vagarthaviva Sampruktau
Kalidasa prays to the divine parents Paarvathi & Parameshwara who are inseparable like the word and its meaning, in order to guide him in acquiring the power of words and their…
Vaidehisahitam Sudumatale
I sing in praise of that dark - grey - complexioned Rama who accompanied by Vaidehi under the divine Kalpaka tree in the golden auditorium is gracefully seated on the centrally…
Vakratunda Mahakaya
O god with the twisted trunk, broad-bodied, brilliant as thousand suns, bless me with freedom from obstructions and hindrances in all my works and for all times.
Vākya Vritti
Of the four Mahāvākyas, the statement containing the entire instruction of the teacher is 'Tat Tvam Asi' or 'That Thou Art'. Exposition of this pithy but pregnant sentence…
Vande Shambu Umapatim
I salute Shambu, Umapati, the preceptor (teacher) of devas, I salute the cause of the earth, I salute the one ornamented with the serpent, the wearer of the moon, I respect that…
Vang Me Manasi Pratisthita
Let my speech be established in my mind, Let my mind be established in my speech, Let the knowledge of the self-manifest atman grow in me, Let my mind and speech be the support to…
Vasudevasutam Devam
Son of Vasudeva, divine lord, the killer of Kamsa and Chaanura, the supreme happiness of Devaki, we bow to Krishna, the preceptor (teacher) of the universe.
Veda Vedam Ta Vedyaya
O auspicious ruler of Kosala, repository of the magnificent qualities, the off-spring of the emperor (Dasaratha), the universally & dominant Lord, the erudite expert of the Vedas…
Vedasara Shiva Stava
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in praise of Lord Shiva - the essence of vedas.
Venkatesa Suprabhatam
This shlokam is taken from Sri Valmiki's Srimadh Ramayanam. During the journey with Sage Viswamitra, both Rama and Lakshmana had rested for the night on the banks of the Ganga…
Vishnu Sahasranamam
The Vishnu Sahasranam is found in the Mahabharatha. Literally translated this means thousand names of Vishnu. This is found in the Anushasanika Parvam (chapter relating to orders…
Vishnu Shatanama Stotram
The Vishnu Shatanama Stotram is a revered hymn that encapsulates the divine attributes and various forms of Lord Vishnu, serving as a powerful invocation for devotees seeking…
Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram
The Sri Vishnu Shatpadi is a revered Sanskrit stotra (hymn) dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hinduism. Composed by the illustrious philosopher and saint,…
The Vivekachudamani is the crown jewel of the Prarkarana texts (philosophical treatises) authored by Sri Adi Sankaracharya. The title translates to ‘Crest Jewel of…
Works of Bhagavan Ramana
Compositions of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. In Tamil, English, Telugu, with Transliteration, Meaning, Explanatory Notes plus Audio. Includes Nan Yar, Ulladu Narpadu, Upadesa…
Yaakundendu Tushara Hara
Sarasvatī, Bhagavatī, is of fair complexion like the necklace which is as white as the jasmine, moon and snow, who is dressed in white clothes, whose hands adorn the divine vīņā,…
Yamuna Ashtakam
Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. In Yamunastakam’s first eight shlokas, Sri Adi Shankaracharya describes Shri Yamunaji’s eight fold powers, its divine & wonderful idol and her…
Yani Kani Ca Papani
Yani Kani Ca Papani - Oh god! Whatever sins I have committed all my lives (including previous lives), please destroy them with every step I take around you. - In Sanskrit with…
Yatra Yatra Raghunatha
Wherever there is the song in praise of Rama, there always is, with head bowed in respect and eyes brimming with tears of joy, Hanuman, the terminator of rakshasas, to him are our…
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali are a collection of 196 Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga. The Yoga Sutras were compiled sometime between 500 BCE and 400…
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